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Dreams of Content

Author: Wondering_Reader

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The Mysterious Space??

"Alright brother from another mother, I'll see you later! Haha"

The person spoken to raises an eyebrow and sighs, walking away.

A kid energetically walks through a hallway at school, hopping with each step. People who sense his presence completely avoid him as if he carries a plague. Unfortunately, the distance is still too low and each and every person receives an equally awkward and terrible greeting.

"Carrot, banana kakaka hiiii!" and similar greetings ring out through the hallway before class starts.

As the class gathers around to sit in their respective seats in the classroom, the energetic kid walks in and sits in his seat that's at least two seats away from everyone else. The teacher has long noticed this and lets it be and ignores the kid as well, hoping she wouldn't cause any misunderstandings to arise.

"Sasko is as weird as always, gosh! He called me beautiful! Oh god ewww" A girl gossips at the back of the classroom. The classroom, upon hearing that, becomes filled with light giggles.

The kid, Sasko, is unbothered, though, and glances once towards the girl. He purposely speaks slightly loudly than a normal mutter as he strokes his hair. "If I'm weird, then Jessica is even more weird! Ha!" He chuckles in pride at his own "joke".

The classroom only becomes silent with cringe and the teacher later continues the lesson.

As the final bell tolls, Sasko walks an unnatural path towards the exit instead. He decides to just take a slightly longer walk to sort his thoughts.

'I think I'm more popular today. Everyone keeps looking at me. Ah well, whatever. It's natural for a protagonist to garner attention. I'm even slowly get my own harem! Let's see…. We have Elizabeth, who runs away in embarrassment every time I speak her name. She's really in love with me! Then now we have Jessica, who is super tsundere and calls me weird and an idiot all of the time! Man life is good.'

He opens a door that leads to a hallway that then leads to the exit. Instead, he walks into a pitch black room. At least he thought it was a room. It was pitch black and distance wasn't a visible factor in the description. Even the light behind him was sucked into the darkness.

'Hmmm. This doesn't look safe and I'm likely in danger if I were to enter. Well, I have plot armor, so I should be fine! This should be my fortuitous encounter.' He walks in and shuts the door behind him on his own.

Sasko clears his throat and speaks in a deep voice. "Do not fear, for I am here. I, Sasko, will liberate you!"

Instead Sasko notices his voice doesn't reach anything and he doesn't even hear his own voice. Fear stricken, Sasko holds his breath and reaches for a door behind him. To his dismay, no door exists there.

'Door? Door? I need a door!'

A door appears. He opens it and exits the room of nothingness.

"That was um.. easy?"

Sasko shrugs and considers it as one of the powers of a normal protagonist and heads on home, not forgetting to say goodbye to all of his friends.

Eating, doing homework, playing with his dog, and sleeping becomes the subsequent actions to his arrival home.

The next day, Sasko wakes up to his dog panting next to him, so he enthusiastically pets her and she barks. "Atta girl."

'That's my sidekick right there!'

Going back to school, he gets on a school bus. The driver stiffens, expecting a greeting and sadly receives so. Sasko spends his time interacting with each student on the bus, while keeping an eye out for a specific one. He doesn't find the specific student he was looking for and sighs. "Geez, where's the bully? Isn't this how it's supposed to work out? A timid kid gets bullied and I save the day?"

The timid kid Sasko refers to silently retorts, 'You're the bully here!'

Sasko, suprisingly, only sits back in an isolated seat and thinks to himself.

'Wasn't that supposed to be a fortuitous encounter? What happened to that black room? Hey! Black Room, come here!'

Sasko appears in a room of nothingness and he nods to himself.

'There you go! Ok… Let's loosen up a little this morning. Black Room! Bring everyone in the bus here.'

And so everyone in the bus appears in the room individually and at first they become terrified at suddenly appearing in a dark place like this, but after they notice Sasko smiling at them, they just pass out instead.

Sasko furrows his brows at the several bodies in front of him. "Wake up everyone, we're having a party!"

Everyone instantly wakes up, alarmed, with their eyes on Sasko and the complete darkness they're in.

Sasko's eyes lighten up as he claps, shakes his shoulders and body, and says, "Alright everybody follow after me. Let's do a little" he claps and does a small dance move. "A little ooh a little ah"

Nobody follows along and Sasko frowns. "C'mon everybody!... oh! I know what the problem is! Let's get this place popalockin'!"

As the other kids on the school bus wondered what popalockin' was supposed to mean, different colors started to fill the darkness in their peripheral vision.

A fridge of drinks, a ceiling light with a disco ball hanging on it, a pool table, a stereo, etc. fills the previous empty area as if matter being created; in short, miraculous.

Slowly more things come to be like a new tv, console, and a couch.

Some kids' eyes light up at the sight of it and they immediately head over to start playing, but Sasko furrows his brows and they end up hitting an invisible wall.

"Everyone, it's party dance time now.." Sasko speaks in a passive aggressive tone.

And so, the kids don't mind dancing a little to later start playing. Unfortunately, they stop in the middle of their dance and return back to the real world. The kids start booing at Sasko, calling him a party pooper and similar highly toxic nicknames that truly hurt him deeply.

'Hmm. The protagonist has to get stronger, huh? Let's do it!'

The driver reaches the class wiping a cold sweat off his forehead seeing the kids teleport away and back into the bus. If the kids suddenly disappeared, the blame would be put on him! Even if he were to be treated as a madman, now that the children were back, he would instantly tell everyone he knew about it.

At the same time in the school, rumors spread instantly about the party pooper, Sasko. Some would envy or fear the supernatural ability and report it to their parents or anyone else they'd feel safe to do so to and some would do nothing of the like. Instead, they would personally ask Sasko about the supernatural rumor.

"Yeah it's true, why? You want to join the party party fun time, too!?" Sasko's mood brightens unnaturally as he hears a question from someone he greets.

The girl that "has a crush on him", Elizabeth, hesitated before nodding. "Y-yeah I guess."

'Wow, what a brave girl.' Sasko earnestly praises her silently.

"Of course you can, Elizabeth the Great."

Elizabeth quickly backs away from Sasko without daring to ask any further questions.

'As a well respected teacher with a range of knowledge far surpassing my colleagues, I've gained a reputation for myself. It wouldn't be too far fetched to even call myself a genius!' A teacher patrols the hallways with her chin up high and eyes watching below her nose. Walking along the surprisingly empty hallway, she comes to a stop before meeting the gaze of a short kid, Sasko. 'Yet this kid right here... I have no idea what his intentions are. Be it for his greetings, eccentric activities, or now, presently, the 'Black Room' rumor, I have no idea what he intends to achieve. Impress a girl? Mental issue? Kids nowadays are just..'

"Oh, happy Taco Tuesday, Ms. Qilongas. Want to join the party we're having later today? The entire school is coming!" Sasko watches as Qilongas's green boots make loud *clomps* on the floor before looking up at her.

Ms. Qilongas snorts. "A party? How bold Sasko, I couldn't possibly-"

Sasko interrupts by suddenly announcing, "Let's have it now, then!" Amidst her confusion, Sasko makes a double clap and the surroundings turn abnormally loud.

Music plays, a far expanse of darkness lays above an almost infinite amount of entertainment lying above a shining black marble floor.

Numerous kids explore, play, and wander while Qilongas turns to Sasko in anger and confusion. "Why did you make a dark marble floor? Wouldn't the darkness below be cooler!?"

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