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Chapter 8: 8-The Cafeteria Clearing Plan

The Two of them were currently walking through the Hallway on the Third Floor of the School. The Third Floor was devoid of Undead as most Undead were on the Ground Floor or First Floor while some were on the Second Floor. As they walked through the Hallway, Arthur stopped walking as it was time to discuss the Cafeteria Clearing Plan. Lilith needed to hear what his plan was all about and how it works against the Undead. Lilith also stopped walking and waited for Arthur to talk.

"Anyway, Let us talk about the Cafeteria Clearing Plan," Arthur said as he placed his Backpack on the Floor. He then took out something he found in the Faculty. "This is the Ground Floor Map of the School." He then spreads the Map on the floor as they wanted to brief themselves right in the spot rather than finding a Table. Lilith crouched with Arthur as they looked at the Map of the School. "I found this Map in the Faculty," Arthur explained where he got the Map.

"The Cafeteria Clearing Plan has Three Stages. The First Stage is leading the Undead within the Cafeteria Out. The Second Stage is closing the Pathways leading to the Main Hall of the School. The Third Stage is wiping out all Undead that we got out from the Cafeteria." Arthur explained the three stages of the Plan. Lilith nodded in understanding and wanted to hear more details about the plan. Arthur then continued talking.

"The Cafeteria has Three Pathways. One Leads to the Main Hall. One that leads to the Back of the School Building will be our Entrance. And the Last One that leads to the School Ground. From my Observations, The School grounds lack Undead which means that we will lead the Undead to that place." Arthur and Lilith stared at the Map in front of them. They began thinking about the possibilities and the things they needed to do. After a while, Arthur was finally finished thinking about what the two of them should do.

"Lilith, I should be the one that leads the Undead out of the Cafeteria. They are slow, weak, and dumb, but they are still dangerous. The moment they get out of the Cafeteria. You should quickly close or block the door leading to the Main Hall." Lilit thought about Arthur's plan and nodded in understanding. "I am good at stealth... So you can put your trust in me," Lilith said while Arthur smiled.

"Well, I wouldn't tell you any of this If I didn't trust you." Arthur stood up while stretching his body. Arthur wanted to leave the school on this day. His Sister was quite far away from him, so he needed to be fast. Lilith also stood up, and Arthur places the Map back in his Backpack. He carries the Backpack, and the two of them continued walking through the Hallway. The Whole School was in silence, and the Sun was still rising from the Horizon.

As they calmly walked through the Peaceful Hallway, Arthur got an interesting Question within his mind. "Lilith, How did you learn how to fight?" He was interested in her Fighting Skills and how she got them. Judging from his Observations, The Sword Club within School wouldn't have any Techniques that focus on Insta Kill or Death with Suffering. It was something obvious that he quickly got interested in.

Hearing Arthur's question, Lilith looked at him blankly. She sighed as there was no use in lying to Arthur. He already understood what kind of techniques she used. It wasn't something that would be free for civilians to have. Her Killing Method involves cutting Limbs, Body, or Beheading. Such actions were obvious that it wouldn't matter if it was Arthur or not. Lilith then answered Arthur's question with her Soft Voice.

"I learned it. My Family is Rich, and my Grandfather was a Former General." Lilith said with an honest tone. Arthur hearing her answer nodded, and had a sly smile plastered on his face. "You didn't lie, but you took out a lot of things from that answer. I won't try to dig for more information as there is no reason for me to do so." Lilith looked at Arthur as he continued to walked through the Hallway.

"If I try to speak about my Family. I won't be able to stop for hours." Lilith said with a smile as the both of them continued on their Journey to the Cafeteria. After a while of walking in the Calm Hallway, The Two of them finally arrived at the Staircase. Arthur signaled Lilith to be stealthy, and she nodded after seeing the signal. The Two of them quietly climbed downstairs and noticed there were a few Undead on the Second Floor.

Arthur then continued on the Staircase as they didn't plan on handling the Undead on the Second Floor. Passing through the Second Floor, The two of them arrived at the First Floor. Arthur sighed in relief after seeing there were no Zombies on the First Floor. It was strange, but it would be better for their Plan. The Undead may be in the Cafeteria or the Main Hall.

Arthur and Lilith plastered themselves upon the Wall and Stealthily walked towards the door leading to the Cafeteria. The Growling of the Undead echoed, and the silence got broken. Arthur helps his Baseball Bat tightly while Lilith held her Sword with a calm expression plastered upon her face. It was time for the Operation to start. It was the First Operation for the two of them. They needed to complete it, and they also needed to improve their teamwork.

"I'll go first, Be careful," Arthur whispered onto Lilith's ears. Hearing his words, Lilith nodded and whispered back. "Take care," Arthur nodded with a smile as he closed his Eyelids for one moment. He opened his eyes with a Cold and Serious Expression plastered on his face. He held the Baseball Bat tightly and walked into the Cafeteria. Lilith was a bit worried, so she took a small peek at Arthur.

Arthur entered through the Cafeteria with silence behind his back. He calmly walked through the Undead Horde as he began making noise with his Baseball Bath. The Undeads turned their heads towards him and noticed that it was a human walking through their Horde. They got aggressive and began chasing after Arthur. Some Undead were in front of Arthur. He didn't kill them but calmly dodges their attacks instead.

He then arrives at the door leading to the School grounds. It was an Unlocked Door as the Apocalypse began at Noon yesterday. The only time for doors to be locked would be after School Hours, which means After Nightfall. Arthur walked through the Door as the Sunlight pierces through the clouds for him. He got showered in Light as he looked back at the Undead Horde chasing behind him. "Your Show has started, Lilith."

Lilith, on the other hand, couldn't help but feel surprised at seeing Arthur's show. His Movement was calm as he passed through the Undead Horde without any Problem. It took a while for the Undeads to noticed Arthur as he was completely silent until he made his Baseball Bat make a sound. "As expected of my Partner..."

Lilith then exited her hiding spot and walked towards the door leading to the Main Hall. She stealthily moved through the Cafeteria to not alarm the Undead within the Hallway. Arriving at the Door, Lilith managed to take a glimpse on the Main Undead Horde. She was in shock at what she saw, but she just carefully closes the Door. She then began blocking the Door using the Chairs and Tables. She needed to do it carefully as one wrong move would bring the Undead from the Main Hall into the Cafeteria.

After covering the whole door with chairs and tables, Lilith sighed as it was quite nerve-racking to do such a thing. She looked at the School ground and found Arthur having fun with the Undead Horde. She wanted to assist Arthur in his job, so she decided to head towards the School ground.

Arthur was in the School ground with many Undeads chasing him. He was quite lucky that there weren't any Stage-1 Undead as he might have died. The Growls of the Undead echoed behind him. The School ground was quite big that the Undead in the Cafeteria looked Small compared to it. While walking around the School ground, Arthur noticed Lilith heading towards him.

The Stage 1 and Stage 2 Operation was a success. It was time for Stage 3 to start.

While Clearing Operation was in process, The Other Group within the Faculty recently woke up. They were curious on why they couldn't find the Two Strange Students. "Teacher, where are they?" "Did they leave?" The Students had many questions. Stella sighed and answered their questions. "They are trying to clear the Undead in the Cafeteria."

"Isn't that dangerous?" "Why didn't you stopped them?" Stella's job was to stop the Students from harming themselves, but Arthur and Lilith were beyond her. They could easily handle the Undead, and they were Strong. In this kind of world, Her Authority was next to nothing. "I cannot stop them as they wanted to execute their plan, and I'm not strong enough to stop them," Stella answered as she shook her head. It was time for her to adapt to this World. She needed to learn how to survive, or she might not last long.

"Look!!!" One of the Female Students pointed their Fingers towards the School ground. Her voice gains the attention of the other students. They walked to her and looked through the window. They could see Hundreds of Undead walking through the School ground. There was a Young Man in front of the Undead, and he was carrying a Baseball Bat. A Young Woman walked right at the Young Man. They were Arthur and Lilith.

"Lilith, Have you closed and locked the door?" Arthur asked with a calm tone. He held his Baseball Bat tightly while waiting for Lilith to answer. "Yeah, It took a while, but the Door is secure," Lilith answered with a calm tone. She looked at the Undead Horde behind Arthur and pointed her sword towards the Undead. "Should we kill them?" She asked with a cold tone. The Undead were quite ugly, and all of them were former students of the School.

"Well, It won't be called a Clearing Operation if we don't clear the Main Problem," Arthur said with a sly smile plastered on his face. The Undead in front of him was a good source of Crystalize Cores. "Also, the Undeads should be a Good Lesson." Arthur continued his words. "What lesson?" Lilith asked as she was curious what kind of Lesson Arthur would teach her.

"The Lesson is simple... How to handle an Undead Horde, How to fight an Undead, How to Efficiently Kill the Undead, And How to protect yourself from the Undead." Arthur said the lessons that he could teach Lilith about. Lilith nodded as she was quite excited about the Lesson she could learn from Arthur.

Meanwhile, in the Fences of the School, A Sound of Metal Cutting echoed. It seemed that outsiders were trying to enter the School. The Fences was pierced through, and the Invaders finally entered the Schoo. They were Thugs with all kinds of weapons. They didn't have any firearms, but the firearms probably got hidden within their clothes. They looked around the school after entering through the Fence and began talking.

"We have two jobs in this School. Get Supplies for our Gang and Capture other people for our Gang." The Leader said while smiling creepily. The Other Members of the Thug Group were also strange, but there was one clear thing. They didn't intend to enter the School to save anyone. They intended to Capture or Kill other Survivors and Get all of the supplies within School.

With such Goals that confront Arthur and Lilith's First Goal, It seemed that a War was about to start.

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