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Chapter 11: The truth.

"Rgggrrr!" The guy scream in rage, coming at the superhero duo.

"You zig."

"And you zag." Insight nods at Soul Searcher.

The duo run in a criss cross motion, confusion the criminal a bit. Then Soul Searcher run to the right in a zig motion and Insight to the left zagging, the guy tries to keep up with their tactics but his eyes became unfocused giving Soul Searcher time to use his telekinesis to flip him in the air and bring him down mid air just in time for Insight to do a spin kick, landing him on his back on the cold rain soaked cobble ground.

"Yay, teamwork!" Soul Searcher cheered, holding up his hand to give Insight a high five. But she shake her head with an are you kidding me look.

"Soul Searcher, heroes doesn't do that. Well we do, but not like are some cheerleaders at a pep rally or a football game."

"Well, more high five for me then." He shrug high fiving himself.

Insight chuckles at his antics, then her eyes widen in horror as the guy got up and run off.

"Onna, you are up." Insight said tapping her communicator in her ears.

"Copy that, I see him. And he is right where I want him, let's lock and load." Onna said back through her own communicator. She closely watch her target from the building she is perch on. "Slowly.." She mumble, getting her bow ready with a tranquilizer arrow in it. "And bullseye." She release the arrow, and it the guy straight in the his upper right leg.

"Did you get him?" Insight voice came over the communicator.

"Yep, he is chillin like the Villian he is. He is out cold." She laugh at her snarky expression. "How was that?" She ask her two other partners.

"You lost me after you said chillin like the Villian he is." Soul Searcher mused.

"What ever Soul nerd, your opinion doesn't matter. The law is here, so that is our cue to leave and let them take th-"

"No, I want to see if Nathan is here." Insight interrupt her, already walking over the squad car.

"Why don't you go ask him out in person already, you can tell him who you are. So might have just go down to the station as your civilian self and ask him out." Onna snicker, and Soul Searcher chuckle.

Insight roll her eyes inwardly at them as she smiles politely at the officers coming out of the squad cars.

"Insight." One of the officers greeted her cheerfully. His blond hair sticking out of his dark blue cop cap. "How are you guys doing tonight? Did you guys have fun tonight, where is our guy?"

"We are doing good, and yes we had fun. And he is right there, just a few feet up ahead. Onna knocked him out with some knock out tranquilizer."

"Can I please get my arrow back, please and thank you." Onna yell from on top of the building. The police officer look up and wave up to her, she wave down back at him.

"Um...sure You can, and nice shot." He complimented her. Insight sees a blush creep up on his cheeks.

The officer walks up to the unconscious guy, he pulls the arrow that is lodge in his leg out and handed it to Insight. "Well Julius Martins will have a uncomfortable awakening in a cold jail cell." The officer laugh down at the guy unconscious form.

Insight chuckled softly as the officer cuff Julius and pull him up in a standing position.

"Well it is time for me and the team to head out, see you around officer." Insight salute the officer. Her holds a bit of disappointed on it.

Onna notice and a bright smile made it's way onto her lips.

"Hey officer, what is your name?" She ask.

"It's Canon, officer Morris Canon." He replied looking up at her.

"Oh, nice to meet you officer Canon. Is your chief at work tonight?" She ask startling everyone.

Insight rolled her eyes. 'On no Rob, don't do this.' Insight thought to herself, knowing her best friend quite well.

"Ah, yes he is. Why?" Officer Canon brows knit in confusion.

"Tell him that the team said to tell him hey, especially Insight." She smirk over at her best friend.

"Will do."

Onna smile down at him one last time before running out of view.

"Well good night officers, I should be on my way." Insight walked backwards then hop onto her bike and ride away.

"Really Rob?" Miayana said, throwing her bestie a playful glare as she pull her boots off.

"I saw the disappointed look on your face when you didn't see Nathan, and I just wanted to help."

Miayana screw up her mouth, scaring Robyn a bit. Then her mouth breaks out in a grin then laughing can be heard. "Aww, come her you. I love that you want to keep me happy all the time."

"Only the best for my bestie." Robyn return the hug. "So are we sleeping her tonight?"

They have been going out on missions for about two and a half months now, all three of them working togather and going out on patrol togather. Dai had suggested that they can take turns patrolling the city, but the older girls shot him down. Saying that it's safer in numbers. After what happened to Insight the night of the criminal riot, they tried to track down the guy that attacked Insight but the found nothing. But Dai hasn't given up, he told the others that he believe that the riot was only a sham to lure out Insight so they could attack her. The girls told him that he might have been right, and they spent weeks training togather and watching each other's back. They have bought the penthouse above the apartment with money Dai ask his mother for. The girls had ask him how he had convinced his mom to give him seven thousand dollars, and he simple told them that his mother would give him the world if he ask for it. But he said he actually told her that the money is for a good cause. So they bought the penthouse and set it up with the necessities they need, building a hyperlift from the penthouse to the apartment that they decided to use as the base only.

So right now they are in the penthouse, and Robyn waiting for Miayana to answer her question.

"Um sure-where is Dai?" She look around the brightly lit luxury living room.

"I don't know, I haven't seen him after the cops showed up." Robyn pull out her phone to call him.

They hear the star wars theme music playing in the kitchen, and they make their way over to the adjoining kitchen.

"Dude, why are you calling me when I am literally right in your line of view?" Dai ask, looking down at his phone as he ate some barbeque chips.

"Ah, we were worried." Robyn said in a duh tone. "We haven't seen you since the police arrived."

"I got bored watching you guys talking about guys with officer 'I so have a massive crush on Onna,' so I came back here and spend some time down in the headquarters." He pop another chip in his mouth, and crunching sounded all around the kitchen.

"Dai, you know that we should stick togather at all time when we are suited up. What if that same guy that was going to attack me came after you?" Miayana worriedly said pulling her brother into a hug.

Dai wrap his chips sauce covered hands around Miayana's waist. "Am sorry for leaving you guys, but I made sure to check my soroundings before I left from where we were. And before I enter the passage way to the apartment complex. So don't worry." He pull away from his sister with a smile, and Robyn cooed at them.

"You guys are the best brother and sister duo ever, I feel so left out." She wipe fake tears away.

"Come on, get in here." Miayana call her over. She happily skip over to them.

"Group hug." She squeal as they hug one another at the same time.

Meanwhile at the Hesketh residence, Daison sat in his study with a terrified look on his face and a sheet of white paper in his shakey hands. He reads the words that are written on the paper in dark ink over and over again.

The gig is out Daison, we know who your children are. And what they can do, you better come to us. Or next time we go after them again, they won't be so lucky.

Dread surge through him as the message sink in, those people are the worse people to get involve with. He can't believe after so many years they are still after him, he can't believe that his curse has passed down to his children. He had already known that Dai had abilities after that morning when he warned his mother, and again when he met Miayana after so many year, he instantly knew that she was Insight. It had hurt him so much to lie to her that day, but he only did-he thought that by not tell her he would be protecting both of his children. He guess that he was wrong, and now they had went after one of them and threatening that they would go after them both next time around. He can let that happen, and he can't let this awful psychopaths get their hands on the only key to create the perfect super humans. He can't let them get their hands on his blood, or his children's blood. He has warn then, he has to tell them the truth.

A knock on his office door startled him, making him jump and a fireball form in his palms under his oak desk.

"Daison honey, arent you coming to bed?" Apinya ask, her hair loose falling down her light pink silky nightgown.

"Yes in a minute." He extinguished the fireballs in his hands, and tried to smile at his wife. What if they try to hurt her, his heart filled with dread and sadness. And he can feel a lump for in his throat. "Where is Dai?"

"He called me a couple hours ago, telling me that he is going to sleep over at Miayana tonight." Apinya reply to her husband, she frown worriedly as she saw the look on her husband's face. "My dear, are you alright?"

Daison nodded at her, and got up from around the table and walk over to the door where she is standing. "I want you with security at all times, never go anywhere without them." He grip his wife's two arms, and she try to break free. "Listen to me Apinya, never leave their sights, ok?"

"Not until you tell me what is going on." She press.

"Just promise!" He raise his voice at her, startling her.

She nodded, and he let her arms go and pull her into a tight loving hug. Silence tears running down his cheeks.


Miayana's alarm clock blare it's annoying beeping sound, waking her up from a well needed sleep. She sat up with a groan, and pull the blanket from off of her. She look at the alarm clock and it read 7:30am, she lazily got up out of bed and force her way into her bathroom. She look at her reflection in the mirror and cringe. She has really messy bed hair, bed hair is suppose to be messy but her's is much worse. Her long Strands are tangled in all ends and it looks like a bird was making a nest in her hair. She has dark bags under her eyes, and her mouth corner has drool stains around it.

"Eww, I look horrible." She mutter to herself.

She quickly remove her clothes and hop into the shower and turn to water to luke warm. She enjoy her shower then put some clothes on and venture out to wake the others.

She walk down the hall and stop at a door covered with pink and purple stars, the colours making the creme door more brighter. She roll her eyes at Robyn's childish antics and knock on the door.

"Robyn, are you awake yet? Robyn?" When she receive no answer, she open the door and see Robyn on her bed sleeping peacefully with her purple blanket on the hard wood floor. Such a prissy princess when she is awake and a tornado when she is a sleep. Mia laugh to herself, walking over to her best friend's bed. An idea suddenly popped into her mind and she move away from the bed and went to the floor to ceiling window, and pull away the bid drapes on both sides. Sunlight flooded the room as she screams out Robyn's name.

Gahhh!" Robyn jump up, sunlight blinded her eyes.

"Mia no, please close back the drapes. Oh my God my eyes." She use her eyes to shield her face.

"Nope, you need to get out of bed."

"No, you know that I don't like the sunlight because I am a vampire." Robyn childishly whined.

Miayana laugh at her friend's childish antics. "No you are not, I have seen you in daylight."

"I am a daylighter."

"What ever you say, but you have to get up or you are going to be late for your clothes and textile lecture." By the sound of those words, Robyn leap from the bed so fast that the only thing Miayana hear is the slamming of the bathroom door.

Mia just chuckled and left the room to the one across from it.

"Dai, it's time to get up for school." She rap on the door.

"Go away!" Dai muffled voice can be heard coming from his room.

"Come on Dai." He didn't reply afterwards.

Miayana smile evily to herself and went inside the single bathroom two feet down from Dai's bedroom. She take up the small red bucket that was under the storage cupboard and fill it with cold water. She chuckles darkly as she walk back to Dai's room.

"Dai, I am going to count to three, and if you don't open this door I will come in."

"1.... She start to count. "2..... She didn't hear any movement. "3....alright Dai, I am coming in.

She open the door and see covered from head to toe, she tip to over to his bed and the the bucket in her hands. Before the water could pour all over Dai, it flew out of her hands and drench her instead.

"Oh my gosh!" She scream. "I never knew that it was so cold." She shivered.

Dai pull the blanket from over his body and laugh at her. "You think that you could have drenched me, I have been up for two hours now. I even made breakfast." He jump out of bed, and began to spread it up.

Miayana take Dai's appearance in, and he was right. He is dress in his grey school uniform pants, with his white long sleeve school shirt neatly tuck into it and his dark blue school blazer over it. His black dress shoes is so shine Miayana could see her reflection on them, only thing missing is his school tie and the mountain of honor badges he has.

"Where is your tie and badges?" She ask. Dai look down and use his pointer and middle fingers to move his tie out of his overnight bag and into his hand.

"Now I am ready." He finish tying the tie around his neck and straighten back out his shirt collar. "For the badges now, I only have this one, I left the rest at home." He pin the yellow badge that said prefect in dark blue on his blazer over the school's crest.

They are now in the kitchen sitting around the island as Dai place bowls of hot ramen in Front of the two girls.

"Dai, I thought you said that you made breakfast." Mia said, looking from the bowl to her brother who just sat down beside her with a bowl of his own.

"I did." He use some chopsticks to eat his noodles instead of a fork.

"Then we're is it? Cause you know, I am starving." Robyn stirr the content in the bowl.

"It's right in front of you." He slurp some noodles in his mouth.

"Honestly Dai, we are grateful for the ramen-aren't we Robyn?"

'Do I have to lie?' Miayana reads Robyn thoughts and nodded to her. "Yes, we are grateful, but that's all you eat. Ramen and noodles, or noodles and ramen. I get that you are half Asian, but come on man." Robyn look at him with a pointed look.

Miayana kick her under the little foot space under the island and she yelp in surprise and from the pain.

"If you don't want it, you don't have to eat it." He got up from around the island.

"Dai, we didn't mea-" Miayana tried to explain.

"No need for an explanation Mia, it's ok." He put his bowl into the dishwasher then walk away.

Miayana look after him sadly before she turn to Robyn with a glare. "This is all your fault, now he is hurt." She whisper yell.

"How is this my fault?" 'When you told me to lie.' Robyn finish with a thought.

Miayana roll her eyes at her in annoyance. "So what if he likes noodles, you love pasta and no one is complaining."

Robyn open her mouth to say something but close it and got up.

"Dai, look I am sorry if I hurt your feelings."She went in the living room and apologise to him.

Dai is sitting on a armchair texting on his phone. He look up at her, and a grin grace his lips. "Haha, hurt my feelings. What you said didn't affect me, I told Mia to not worry about it. And being half Thai is the best, the Thai has delicious recipes and not to mention the good looks." He wink at Robyn. In return she rolled her eyes at him. "Think what you must, but I am more of a Chinese girl myself. I love Chinese food and I wouldn't mind marrying a Chinese guy in the future." She said dreamliy sitting on the arm of the armchair that Dai is sitting in.

"Aren't you dating Josh, he's Chinese." Miayana walk in, taking up her satchel and placing it over her shoulder.

"Yes he is, I am going to be the best girlfriend ever."

"Miayana, let's go save the poor guy before he makes the worse mistake and marry this one." Dai laugh pointing up at a pouting Robyn.

"At least I have a boyfriend, what do you have?" Robyn push him as he got up out of the armchair.

"Two awesome abilities, best a girl friend any day." Dai put his bagpack over his shoulders.

"Come on you two, or else we are going to be late." Miayana being the mother hen, said to them.

They gather their stuff and Miayana open the door just as her dad is about to knock.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" Dai ask.

"More importantly, how did you find us?" Miayana utter next.

"Just let me in and I will explain." Daison said, urgency lace his voice.

"I am sorry but can it wait until later, we are going to be late for school." Mia ask, but Daison shakes his head.

"No it can't, inside now." He ordered.

Robyn look from Daison to his children and shuffle uncomfortably. "Um...i guess I will go so that you guys can have some privacy, see you later." She said, but Daison stopped her.

"No you stay too, you are most likely in danger too."

"Danger?" Mia ask in alert.

"I will tell you everything, just get inside."

When seated around the table in the living room, Daison started talking. "First of all, I want to apologise to you Miayana. You were totally right when you called me a lier."

Miayana open her mouth to say something but Daison put up his pointer finger and place it on his lips. She got the memo. "I just thought that not talking about it, I was protecting you."

"Protecting her from what?" Dai ask, confusion on his face.

"Not only Miayana, but you too Dai and now your friend. "When I was a teen, the summer before senior year. My friends and I sneaked out and went to an underground rave, the rave was under the old steel pipe factory. Next to that lab that burnt down in the 1650s. It was midnight when the rave ending, and my stupid friend by the name of Silas Stone-"

"You mean Silas Stone, the CEO of Stone Inc?" Robyn interrupted Daison. He nodded at her, and then return back to his story.

"Silas always love to make dares and bets, on that night he dared us to go into the abondan lab and see who could go down to the basement where rumors said that it's suppose to be haunted by the scientists that burnt down there. Nobody wanted to be called a chicken or a whimp so we all went down, half way to the basement strange sounds could be heard coming the basement. All of my friends ran away but my curiosity is always getting the best of me and I continued down to the basement. When I got there I heard talking and I saw about ten men in white lab coats around a table where a man lay unconscious, and tied up. They where experimenting on him, a huge rat ran on my foot and it's cold feet startled me causing me to yelp and the men heard me. Three of them came after me, but I out run them. A couple of days later, i was coming from a friend house when two guys jump me and throw me into a van. I tried to fight but that inject something into my neck and I became unconscious. When I regain consciousness, my eyes were blinded by a bright light hanging from over me and voices could be heard. They were saying that subject one had failed and subject two wasn't compatable, tears ran down my face and I sob gaining their attention. A man in his late fifties came and smile down at me, he didn't say a word as he inject some yellow liquid into my arm. My head felt heavy and I feel back into darkness, I awoke in my room confused out of my mind. But I know something was right, my sense were heighten and I moved faster than usual. It was like that for the rest of the summer, but when school started it went away. Two years later in collage, they found me again and I went missing for about four and a half days. They experiment on me and this time the trails were a success. I had powers and i used them to escape. I relit that whole lavatory with just a flick of my finger. I went on to continued living my life, thinking that the threat was off my back. I reunited with your mother Miayana and then we had you, I was so happy with our little family. Your mom, me, your sister and you, and my perfect job. But it all turned to dread when they found me again. But this time i wasn't afraid of them, I stood up to them and told them no when they said they just wanted some of my blood to carry out another experiment. The followed me for days and night, until they started to threaten my family. I didn't want them to hurt you, your mom and your sister, so I went with them willingly. The experimented on me the whole time there, taking samples of my blood and making syrums with it. But all my time there, during the pain and hurt. What kept me through was coming back home to my family. They had finally crack a way to use my blood to make more people just like me, but I suddenly develop super strength and break free. I distroyed everything they had in that lab-again making sure I left no trace of anything. I went back home and Miayana and tried to explained everything to your mother but she refused to listen, then she told me that you died. I was so heartbroken I thought that I might die. A year after my career took off and then I met Apinya, we got married and then Dai was added to the picture. Everything was normal until that morning Dai powers manifested and he got his first premonition, and my heart sank. He then told me that he found his sister and when you walked in my house that day I could feel the power coming off you Mia." He stop and look at the three people in front of him, they sat in silence looking at him like they are frozen.

"So you knew that I was Insight the whole time." Miayana is the first to break the silence.

"Yes I did, and I also knew that you can read minds and now you can stop time. That was quite a stunt you pulled when you discovered that one." He laugh and Miayana chuckled.

"How did you know that it was me and not Dai?"

"You are my children and being experimented on so many times, I have develop quite some amazing abilities. And don'tworry, you will unlock some new abilities as time progresses."

"So our powers are like a video game, we develop more powers like how a game advance with new levels?" Dai ask and his dad nodded.

"So anyways I got a letter last night, and it looks like they are back at there mad scheme again. They sent me this letter." He handed the letter to Mia, and she reads it. "They know about you and Dai, and they know about your little team have going on. They said that they came after one of you, my guess it is Miayana."

"I bet that guy that I threw across the street was one of them Dai said snapping his fingers.

"Yes, they sent him. And they threaten to come after you if I don't come to them. I can't let them win, so I am here to warn you guys to always alert, be very careful who you trust and encounter with. And protect those closest to you. That goes for you to Robyn." Robyn nodded at him. "I am counting on you guys, Insight, Soul Searcher and Onna. Your real threat is right around the corner, and they are more ruthless than any Villian you have ever faced. So be ready." Daison got up and pace the room.

"So who are these guys anyways?" Miayana ask, getting to stop her father from pacing. "It's distracting." She said to him.

"Sorry." He sat back down. "They goes by the name The League."

"Like the League of Assassins?" Dai chime in, a grin on his face.

"No Dai, not like the League of Assassin." Daison said to his son with a serious look on his face. "This guys would put Rah al Ghul to shame."

"Ooo, daddy dearest knows his comic books." Miayana grins.

"I do, but on to serious matters. You all need to up your security and always be on alert. I will assign some guards to this place, I won't tell them what you guys are doing up here. But please be on high alert." He warn again.

Dai scoff at his father. "You already told us that, like a millionth time."

"And I will tell you again." He flick Dai in the forehead. "I will also send some guards to watch your family Miayana and Robyn, you know if it is ok with you guys?" He look at the girls. They nodded their heads. "And you Dai, never leave your bodyguard unless your have saving to do." Dai nodded, and Daison smiled. "Now, let me get you all to school.

Three days passed and crime has been on a stand still, so Miayana decided that the team should use up this opportunity to train hard in case they have to go after the League. The situation has had Miayana worried and on edge, she is worried about her safety, her team's safety and also her family's safety. What if they go after her mother, brother sister or grandmother. Her sister's children and the others, she had an inner turmoil. Wondering if she should tell her mother, but she decided not to. Her mother would be much safer if she doesn't know, and her father had order security guards watch her family every minute of the day. Robyn has place a bug in every corner of her parents house and her own condo, she wanted to pick up on anything weird that may occur around her family. Miayana blame herself from she heard her dad's story, saying that she was the one that dragged Robyn into this mess. Robyn who knows her best friend pretty well, comforted her and told her that she would have got involve any way. But that still didn't ease the guilt Miayana feels in her chest.

"Ok guys, you should always be on high alert. And Miayana you have a greater advantage, while Dai can only read them and get premonition when he touch them or look into their eyes. You can hear their thoughts from miles away. So keep your ears and you mind open." Mia nodded. "Onna, I have seen you train and I must say that you are a great warrior. But you are holding back too much, I get that you don't want to hurt anyone seriously. But you got to know when to take it too far and how to stop when you think that you are losing control."

Robyn smile and nodded. 'Advice from your dad, and if I must say. He looks hot as hell in that white tank top with all those muscles.' She thought, and Miayana made a grossed out face.

"I heard that Robyn, you need to focus." He said sternly and Robyn cheeks turn red from embarrassment. "But thank you for the compliment, I do look rather smashing for a man my age." Daison flex his and the children laugh. "It's nice to have a little fun, but it is time for work. I want you all to come at me with all you have got."

"Dad please we don't want to hurt you." Dai smirk.

"Huh, put your money where your mouth is." Daison challenge back.

"Is that a challenge old man?"

"Bring it hot shots." He smirk at the young ones.

Dai is the first one to attack his dad by using his telekinesis, but his dad turn back his own power at him making Dai tumble backwards. Miayana run at him, trying to freeze time totally forgetten that her powers doesn't work on her dad. She tried to do a spin kick, but Daison is faster. Catching her foot and flip her over and she fell onto her back.

"Ahh!" Robyn came at him with a battle cry, her katana in her hand. Swinging it, but holding back a bit. Daison sees this as her weakness and a opportunity to strike, he use his own telekinesis power and through her in the direction of Dai. She landed on Dai with a hard thud.

"Still think that I am old and useless Dai." Daison laugh, helping them up of off the floor.

"I never said that you are old and useless." Dai mutter unhappily.

"And dad, that is unfair. Our powers doesn't affect you just like it doesn't affect Dai and I." Miayana grumbled.

"That is the point, you shouldn't rely on your abilities. Miayana I have heard that you are a wonderful fighter and I have trained Dai all his life. Robyn?"

"I have just started to learn a little bit before I became a hero." Robyn relpy.

"So you have some more work to do. And I see where you held back because you were afraid that you would hurt me, but it's ok if you did. I am training you and in the process we all are going to get hurt. And on the up side, I heal pretty quickly."

"Yea yea, good immune system." Dai roll his eyes and Mia high fives him.

"Oh you young folks, Robyn lend me your katana please." Robyn look at him weirdly but gave it to him anyways. Daison took it from her and slice his palm with it, they gasp in shock that he would do such a thing. But their mouth falls open when the wound suddenly started to heal.

"Wow." All three of the said in unison, they are still in shock.

"Amazing right, my body can regenerate. And I am pretty sure one of you might someday."

"My bet is on Mia." Robyn said and Daison nodded in agreement. Which got Dai in a frenzy.

"Why couldn't it have been me?"

"Because Miayana is the first born, and she is more capable of having this power." Daison said.

"And plus, Mia has never be seriously ill. Maybe a cold here and there, but apart from that. This girl is as healthy as a horse." Robyn hug her bestie.

Dai folded his arms and pouted before adding. "I have never been seriously sick either, and she I get a cut it heals within a week. So maybe I am a candidate for the regenerating power."

"It is not a race Dai, and remember that we are heroes. Our powers is to help people who can't defend themselves." Miayana hugged her brother and kiss him on the forehead. "And remember, I love you no matter what happens." Dai return the hug, and playfully blows his nose in her rose pink hoodie.

"And I love you too, but I am not going to kiss you."

"That fine with me because your breathe smells like garlic." Mia laugh.

Dai put his palm over his mouth and blow into it. His nose scrunch up in disgust and his cheeks and ear burns from embarrassment. "I had garlic bread with Thai noodles today." The two girls laugh at him and pinch his pink cheeks.

"Guys there is a meeting I really need to get to, so I will be leaving now. Please continue to train and watch out for each other." Daison said to them.

"Sir, yes Sir!" They yell in unison and Daison laugh as he left them.

"Guys your dad is pretty cool and hot." Robyn said after Daison left.

"Ew, gross." Dai and Miayana both said.

"So what should be do after training?" Robyn ask.

"We should go patrolling." Mia suggested and the others nodded their heads in agreement. "Ok, it is settled then. First we will patrol at down town Lexenburg street, then we will- hold that thought." She said as her phone rings into her pocket. She pull it out to see her mother's caller ID flash across the screen.

"Hey mom." She answer the phone.

"Hello sweetheart, are you busy tonight?" Her mother ask from the other end of the line.

"I was kinda making plans, why did you ask?"

"Your sister is going out for date night with her husband and she couldn't get a babysitter for the kids."

"So why don't you do it."

"I can't, I have this thing planned with your stepdad. And I promise he that I wouldn't cancel again. so can you do it please." Her mom beg.

Miayana rolled her eyes before finally giving in. "Fine I will do it, and tell Charlette that she has to pay me twenty bucks per hour."

"Deal, oh and your little brother wants to see you."

"Tell him that I will see him around seven." With that said she bid her mother good Bye and hang up her phone.

"Guys I am sorry, I guess we can't go out patrolling tonight." Miayana said, a sad look cross her face.

"Why not?" Ask Robyn.

"I have to babysit my sister's kids."

"Why can't she get a sitter?" Robyn picks her nails.

"It is too late and my mom has plans with her husband as well. On the plus side though, I get to spend the night with my nephew, niece and little brother."

"But what about patrol?" Dai ask.

"I guess that is canceled."

"Why don't Robyn and I go by ourselves."

"Yea, we can still watch each other's back without you being there." Robyn agreed to the idea.

"I don't know guys." Mia said uncertain. "I don't want to disobey dad orders."

"Dad will never know, and when since dad became our boss?" Dai ask.

"There is no boss in this team, but dad knows how dangerous these people are. But there are two of you and I trust you guys."

"Then it settled, you go babysit and Dai and will go patrolling." Miayana nodded, but she just can't shake the uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach.

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