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88% Insight

Chapter 22: We are stronger in numbers.

Dai get into a defensive stance, and lock eyes with his older sister. Her cold eyes bore murderusly into his.

"Snap out of it Insight, don't want to fight you. I don't want to hurt you." Soul Searcher said to her.

"Well that is too bad, because I really want to hurt you!" Rage fill her voice as she charge at full force, blasting her brother across the room with a burst of magnetic energy.

"Soul Searcher!" Onna scream. When she hear him groan, signalling that he is ok. She furiously turn to Insight and swinging her katana in the air getting ready to strike.

Insight chuckle menacingly, while she and Onna walk around in circles facing each other waiting for one another to make the first move. "You think you can take me down with that thing." She nods at the katana in Onna's hand.

"If you were in your right mind right now, you wouldn't have said that. But if that is what you think, I will use it to put you down just like how I had used it to put down criminals." Onna made a run towards Insight, her katana tip forward to get a jab in Insight's waist. But Insight easily dodge it, kicking her feet from under her and she fell face first.

Insight smile at her triumph, before stepping down on Onna's hand. An audible crunch could be heard, followed by a painful scream. Insight shuffle her foot from side to side, crushing Onna's finger.

"Get away from her!" Dai yell, as he use his telekinesis to fling Insight to the side.

They had thought that their powers didn't work on one another, but find out from their training that only certain of their abilities they are immune to. "Onna, are you ok?" He bend down to inspect Onna's hand.

"My arm hurts, but apart from that. I am good." Soul Searcher help her up on her feet, but just in time too. Because Insight came barreling towards at full speed. She put a jet engine to shame, to how fast she is run.

She slam into Soul Searcher, pushing him backwards into a big metal sewage pipe. The do a spin kick, knocking Onna to the side, a sickening crack echoes throughout the room as Onna falls to the ground.

Soul Searcher got back up and throw a fireball at Insight, she catch it and channel some of her with her own power source. Making it bigger turning the flames purple and throw it back at Soul Searcher, who barely dive out of the way. The fireball hit the wall, burning a hole in it.

Soul Searcher jump back a few feet from the wall, shockingly look at the scorch hole in the wall then back at Insight who is standing over him with lightening bolts in her fists.

Soul Searcher quickly got up on his feet, doing a side flip spin to avoid from getting hit from of the bolts.

"Insight, you have got to snap out of it. They are controlling your mind. It is me, your brother." Soul Searcher said after safe landing on his feet.

'I just need to get a jab in her side to knock her down a peg.' Insight smile, and down a spin kick backwards, knocking Onna's katana to the ground with a clank.

"Bet you didn't see that coming, but I did." She head butted Onna, blurry her vision.

Onna tried to throw a punch but her blurry vision made it impossible, and the only thing she felt is air.

"Pathetic girl." Insight tsk before grabbing Onna's uninjured arm and twist it, using it to flip her over dropping her onto her back.

"You are the one who is pathetic, being mind controlled by a bunch of sociopaths. I was holding back just because I didn't want to hurt you, but I can't just let you hurt Onna anymore." Soul Searcher quickly look over to his side, and Insight follows. Giving him an open opportunity to punch her in the face, her head snap back and a crack can be heard. When her face came back into view, blood is running out of her nose.

She charge at him and did a front kick, but Soul Searcher catch her foot and spin her over. She fell hard on the ground, leaving a crack in the concrete.

"That's it, keep her distracted so I can see if I can knock her out or even get her back to her normal self and get her back to the base." Onna said, as she weakly getting up off the ground. She carefully use her injured hand to hold her left side and took up her katana with the next hand.

When Insight started to get back up again, Soul Searcher swiftly slam down his foot in her stomach, keeping her down on the ground.

Onna wince as she tries to walk, looking down she saw that her suit oh her right knee is toren and there is a medium size split in her knee.

"Onna, I know that you are hurt and all. But could you please hurry what ever you are going to do along, fast." Soul Searcher said, struggling to keep Insight down.

"I am sorry Mia, but this is for your own good." Onna raise her katana, and bring it down, stabbing Insight in the shoulder.

Insight scream in pain, as the stinging sensation rock through her body. Blood oozing from the wound. She look down and saw the red metallic liquid on the ground and soaking in her suiting, and that is when she saw red. She let out a high pitch roar and grab Soul Searcher's ankle and yank him down on her, before pulling up her feet and putting the onto his stomach kicking him in the ceiling. Rolling out of the way just as he falls face fast to the ground with a loud bang.

Insight did a low front flip back onto her feet and turn to face Onna, menace in her dark blue orbs. Onna haven't been more afraid of her best friend as how she is afraid of her now. She gulp as Insight walk closer to her, clutching her injured shoulder as she do so.

"You dare stab me with that thing, I will make sure that you pay." She said the last part lowly, making Onna shudder in fear.

Insight tried slapping the katana from Onna's hand but she held on tight to it, swinging it at Insight. But she duck, avoiding every swing. Insight kick Onna's hand and the katana fell from it, Onna hurriedly bend down to take it back up, but suddenly finding it deficult to move her katana. She look down and see Insight's black boot standing on the tip of the katana.

She gulp quietly, not wanting her former teammate to sense her fears.

"You should really listen to Soul Searcher over there and not think." Insight swipe away the katana with her foot and knee Onna under her chin, her teeth clung togather as her head snap back violently.

Meanwhile, inside the lab. Dr Palmer and his assistant is watching the whole ordeal between Insight and her....former teammates? After a while, a couple more of the members of the League has joined them, enjoying the feeling of success as Insight pummeled Soul Searcher and Onna.

"Yes, yes. You thought that you could win Daison, you thought that you could hide your perfect little family. But I wonder how you are feeling now, that one of your own child is going to make the League most powerful and richest organisation in the world. How are you going to feel when your own children will bring you to me." Palmer laugh evilly, as he watch Insight smash Soul Searcher's face in the ground multiple times. "Creepy crawlys, she is powerful."

Soul Searcher cough up blood as his sister press down hard on his chest with her boot. He grab a hold of her ankle and struggle to get her foot off, but he was too weak and somehow Insight is way stronger than she was.

"Look at you, so pathetic and helpless. Thinking that you could be a hero, but look at you now. Under my boot as i crush you like a bug." Insight said through grit teeth. She wants to see Soul Searcher and Onna hurt so bad, it is like a sickening need that just urge her on to fulfil Palmer's demand. That all her pent up anger from her past and present just combine as one and just started overflowing, bursting out like a volcano eruption. The power just starts to sore throughout her body and she just let loose.

She wail out a ear shattering battle cry, and grab Soul Searcher by the throat. Lifting him high in the air, before throwing him in a storage contain. Soul Searcher's back hit it hard, and he fell to the floor in an awkward position.

Onna run up behind her to attack her with a tranquilizer gun, but she heard her thoughts and did a spin kick and kick the tranquilizer gun from out of her hand and swiftly use her two hands to trap her around the neck and head butted her. Onna held her head in her hands, shaking away the dizziness, but even though her head started to ache that didn't stop her from trying to get in one more hit.

"Ha, silly girl. I thought you would have learn by now." Insight twist her arm, the cracking of her bones can be heard throughout the quiet room. "Do. Not. Think. Or do you want to die, better yet, it is better that you do. Because you are of no importance to the League." Insight twist Onna around, her back facing Insight. Then she did a turbo kick, sending her flying in a nearby wall.

Onna felt the air knock out if her as she collide with the hard concrete, the stinging of the pain numb her body and she felt nauseous as the blood pour from her nose, mouth and forehead. She slide front down on the floor, she will her body to get up. But it is paralyzed by the pain.

She hear the echoing of the heels of Insight boots walking up to her, once again she tried to scramble away but her body failed her. Her breathing became laboured, and she started to panic.

Insight yank her head up by her hair and look down at her, her eyes emotionless and cold. "Fragile as ever, want to fight in the big league but is no match for the undertaker." She slam Onna's head but down in the floor before yanking it back up again, she look at the red covering her once pale face competitor....her one time best friend. But she didn't care, the only thing matter to her is how powerful she is feeling and to also carry out the League's command. "I was always standing in your shadows but who has the upper hand now, who is the most powerful." She slam back down Onna's head on the ground, her body trembling.

"Powerful, you call yourself powerful. The old Miayana was powerful, she was smart, had a kind heart and wouldn't let some power craze maniac control her mind. She would fight just to save the people she loves, she wouldn't stop fighting until she has accomplish her mission. So you are talking about you being po-" Insight grab her by her two ankles and started to pull her before easing her a bit of the ground and did a turbo round house, sending Onna flying in the air. She slow down time a bit before jumping up and did a perfect side kick into Onna's stomach, and she pummel backwards in slow motion into three different wall before Insight started to make time move normal again and she land gracefully on her feet and Onna underneath a pile of rubble.

She walk forward to where Onna is covered, but as she walk her feet kept moving of the ground and into the air. She turn around and see that Soul Searcher is using his telekanisis to levitate her, him in the air as well.

"Put me down." She scowl at him.

"No, I won't let you hurt me or Onna again." Soul Searcher flung her into the ceiling, then drag her roughly across it. "It is time for you to get some hit of your own!" Soul Searcher angrily pull her off the wall and harshly slam her into the ground, he uses his mind and search for the biggest waste barrel in the room and pounded Insight with it.

Every hit, making Insight angrier and angrier. But Soul Searcher didn't care, all he wanted was his sister back and wouldn't stop at nothing to get her back. He create the biggest fireball he has ever made, and throw it down on his sister's feet. She scream out in agony as the fire burn through her suit and scorch her skin. Soul Searcher could smell the scent of burning flesh, and a pang of regret fill his heart. Her screaming quiet down, and he thought that it was over. But when he look down, he float back in the air in shock. She had inherited one the greatest abilities from their father. Her skin started to mend back into place, and she slowly raise up. Her eyes never breaking eye contact with his.

'It is all over.' Dai thought to himself, but shake the thought from his head. Determination filling him, he came her to rescue his sister and that is what he is going to do. No matter how many injuries he get, Miayana is coming back home with him and Onna.

His palms forms into fist at his side as he makes two more fireballs, but to his surprise they transforms into fire grenades. A smile forms onto his busted lips.

"What are you waiting for, come get me!" He yelled, looking down at his sister.

'He is right, what are you waiting for? You heard the boy, destroy him!' Palmer voice yell into her head. She grip her head in her hands, then stepping a few feet back and turbo leap into the air jumping on Soul Searcher, bring him down to the floor. Soul Searcher fell onto his back, as his chest broke Insight's fall. She started punching his face continuously, as Palmer's voice urge her on. Dai just lie there taking all the hits, didn't even try fighting back when his right eye started to shut down when Insight punch him in it. He just lay there, his palms still on fists with the grenades waiting for the perfect moment to use them.

"What are you doing just laying there, fight back!" Insight roar in anger, she started to use her to fist to punch his face at the same time. But even as she yell and the Soul Searcher can feel the wetness running down his face and the metallic taste and snell fill his mouth and nose, he didn't do anything to stop her.

She got up off him, and drag him up into a sitting position by the front of his suit. She punch him one more time making his head snap to the left side, blood filling from his mouth onto the ground.

"Fight back you nuisance, why won't you. You annoying litt-"

'Little what?'

"Who is there?" Insight ask the voice she suddenly hears in her head.

'Close your eyes and see.' The voice said again.

"No, I won't." Insight grip the front of Dai's suit tightly.

'Fine, I will do it for you.' A striking pain shock Insight's temples and she grit her teeth in pain. It is like a hundred needles and pin is jamming into her skull, her eyes lull back and when she finally open them. She is completely surrounded by darkness.

"Who are you, and what kind of trickery is this?" She yell out angrily on the empty dark space.

'You call him a nuisance, but that is what we were called-you were called. How could you let this happen.' Insight look in front of her and saw herself standing before her, but she wasn't in her super suit. She was just standing there as plain old Miayana. "You let them stray you away from everything that you believe in.'

"No they didn't not, they made me powerful. I am powerful, for once in our pathetic life. We are the top dogs while they are the nuisance."

'Keep telling yourself that.'

"So you prefer to go back to the way things were, when we used to get the wrong end of the stick. When we were blame for stuff that we didn't do, when we only tried to help. You want to go back to be the loser they all cast you to be, to be the unloved child. The loner girl without any real friends, the antisocial nerd that can't even get a boy to like her. Well that is you and not me!" Rage pouring from Insight. "All that is in the past, this is the present. I am superior to all humans in this world, I am unstoppable. I am a-"

'Villian.' Miayana quiet voice breaks through Insight's rage. "I guess they were all right when they make you out as the Villian, because look at you right now. You are a Villian.

"No," Insight take a step back. "I am a hero, I am Insight."

'No, look at yourself. You are no hero.' A mirror floats up in front of Insight and she saw her reflection in it, she jump back from the image that she sees. You wasn't in her super suit anymore, but in an all black leather spandex. Her hair flying everywhere making her look like Madusa from ancient Grease, her blue eyes are cold as ever and there is a sinister smirk permanently glue to her lips. She look down at her hands, and her heart leap a mile. Blood stained her hands and drip of her fingers into the darkness below.

"No." She whimper. She hear footsteps and she look away from the mirror and look up at herself in front of her. Instead of her civilian look, she is now dressed as Insight.

'Yes, that is what you have become. That is what you will be come if you continue to let the League control your mind, you need to snap out of it. You need to fight.'

"I-i don't know how to." Insight whispers.

'Yes you do. You once said that I am a loser, but look. You were wrong, I am the hero. I will raise up against any obstacle that get in my way, I am the really Miayana Hesketh. I am the true Insight, and I will be damn if I let you hurt my team.' With each word said, Insight sank deeper in the darkness while her unconsciousness rise higher, unlimited power radiating off of her.

"Hurt? I am not hurting anyone."

'Yes you are, you have got to remember. Remember the future that you saw, remember your best friend that you flung through those walls. Remember your brother that you are beating to death. Their blood washes your hands, and if you hurt them beyond repair. We will never forget what happened, and it will always tear us apart.'

"No, this can't be true. I would never hurt Dai or Robyn, I would never work for the League." Insight shake her head in denial.

'Remember Mia.' Her unconsciousness place her pointer and index fingers on her forehead and everything she has done flashes through her mind.

"No!" She jerk back from the effect of the strong power, she look down and see Soul Searcher in her hand all beaten and bloody. She quickly drop him but he disappear into the darkness. "It can't be, I won't....i won't hurt them anymore."

'You have got to fight the mind control, fate if the city and the world is depending on you. You have got to stop the League, we are Insight. We are Miayana Hesketh, and we don't let people walk all over us.'

"Not anymore." Insight growls, with determination in her eyes. She run through the darkness and break through a barrier that was put up around her mind. It shattered into pieces and he is brought back to reality.

A pain fill groan catches her attention, and she look down and saw Dai. Her hand still gripping the front of his suit and her hand raise into a fist ready to strike.

"Oh Dai, I am so sorry." She let go of him and back away, hugging her knees and rocking back and fourth slowly. As tears run down her cheeks.

How could she be so stupid, how could she have been so weak to let the League do that to her mind.

A ruffling behind her caught her attention and a thought of attack register in her head, so without looking. She charge up a lightening bolt and throw it, hitting her intruder. A painful moan follows after, and she spin around on her butt quickly when she finally realise the voice belong to Robyn.

"Rob." She sob, and hurrily got to her feet to go and see if she is alright.

"Get away from her!" Soul Searcher said, but his voice sound so weak. Her throw one of the grenades at her, setting it a flame before he carried out the action.

Insight hump out of the way, the grenade just missing her face by an inch. It landed inside the room where they were fighting the android guards.

His breath hitch into his throat when he remember that some of the guards were regular humans.

"I-its ok Searcher, I got them out before you did that power serge thing." Onna weakly mouth to him.

Insight continue to walk up to Onna, and Soul Searcher throw the next grenade at her. This time it hit her in the back and she falls to the ground. Soul Searcher crawled up to her and raise his hand as high as the amount of energy he has in him would let him, and use his telekanisis to lift her of the ground. It is a bit deficult to keep her up there because of how weak he is, but he will his body to not fail him.

"Dai, it's me. I am sorry." Insight cry. "I am so sorry, I am suppose to protect you. But instead i hurt you, I am the worse big sister, best friend and teammate ever." Soul Searcher eyes went wide as he look up at her. Is this just a trick or is the real Insight back.

"I won't fall for your mind games." He spin her upside down, her head facing the ground instead of her feet.

"I am not lying, check my aura. A person's aura never lies. Your name is Soul Searcher, so search my soul Dai. I know you can do It, you did it to find me. So I know that you can do it again." Each of her tears falling to the ground with a splash.

Soul Searcher master up all the energy he has in him, he close his eyes and then reopen them. There is a purple aura around Insight, the same one he saw when he first got a glimpse at her. She is telling the truth, his sister is back.

Soul Searcher hand became weak and he accidentally drop Insight on her head.

"Ouch " She sat up and rub her head, after a second the pain is gone. She sat there confuse as to why that is, but remember the situation she is in. She turn to look at her brother.

"Its Mia...." He come in and out of consciousness.

"Mia." Robyn hop over to her best friend and give her a hug.

"We need to get out of he-"

"What is happening our there? Destroy them." Palmer's angry voice echo throughout Insight's head.

"No!" She yelled holding her head.

"Insight, are you ok?" Onna ask, concern in her voice.

"Yes you will, I order you to!"

"No, I won't!" Insight pull down her suit away from the side if her of her neck and take up a piece of concrete. And cut open the area, and use her finger to pull out the micro chip. "Get out of my head." She got up and angrily stamp on the chip, breaking it in two.

In a minute after she did that, androids flooded the room, surrounding them.

"Onna, find a way ou. Soul Searcher, do you have enough energy in you for one last power serge?"

Soul Searcher weakly scramble to his feet and smile at her.

"Good, cause we are going to shut these androids down." They waited for Onna to cut her way through about two of the androids with her katana. The androids got back up, but they didn't even bat an eye at her. Their main focus was on Soul Searcher and Insight, the two of the three superhumans The League wants to use to do their dirty work.

"On my mark, we strike." Insight instructed and Soul Searcher nodded.

As the androids close in on them, they started to charge up their power source. "Ok, mark." Insight grab a hold on to the hand that Soul Searcher is using to make his power source. The two engeries connect to gather and when Insight yelled go, they both let go and a magnetic turbo energy blast wave rock the room. Disabling all the androids. "Come on let's go!" She shouted, and Soul Searcher did his best to follow her. They would Onna waiting for them at the elevator and they all hop in, quickly pressing the button for the top floor. "We can escape on the roof."

"They are getting away!" Marco Octavius, one of the head of the League shouted to Palmer as he saw the three heroes jump of the roof of the medical building using a grafflung hock the pull out of their utilities belts. "Send some more androids after them!"

"No no no, let them go. We will get them back. In the meantime, we have something that will finally help us create an army of superhumans." He hold up a vial of Insight's blood.

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