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Chapter 3: A Victory

"FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I looked at Wally, the name he wished he'd been given at... birth? How would that work? Another question for the wall biology bingo. "Will you apologise for ignoring me?"


"Will you release me."


"Then do I need to tell you my answer?"



"I hate you." said the wall, glaring at me with a million eyes, all glowing red with hate. I smiled. "That's a victory." The truth is, I don't really care what happens. If I get let out, sure, I'm going on a whoring spree in hell, if I don't, eh. I probably deserve it, did kill over 170 thousand people after all.

Ah, forgive me, I haven't been very clear about my views on the matter. First I plead guilty, and then I tell old Wally here that they deserved it. But I did mean what I told them, both of them. No, deserved is the wrong word. those people did not deserve to die, except perhaps a few, but I was not thinking reasonably, and in my fury I destroyed a vast city and killed a vaster number. However, this is not the most convincing arguement, I don't expect any of you cunts reading this to believe me anyway, and if you do, bless your little gullible soul.

In the silence, (Chatting to a wall gets boring) I thought of my friends above me. We had experienced so many adventures together, over the millenia, so many wonderful things. It seemed that would all be coming to an end, at least for me. We all had roles in our merry band, all had jobs to do. Kasan was our decision maker, the second in command, I would say. Clever, mysterious, and quick, would all be apt description for my ebony eyed comrade. He was a magician, a damn strong one at that, with a peculiar affinity towards burning things. If there was one problem God made in creating that man, it was his hatred for mistakes. Whenever he saw us misbehaving and stealing Rebecca's pistols, which we did often - as you do with gold plated weapons, he would burn stuff down like a motherfucker. He once nearly burned down my house for taking Averick's skull earrings.

Promise. The clumsy swordsman, we called her. Constantly tripping over her feet in practise, enough sore noses and stubbed toes to kill 100 men, but not for her, not our Promise. Her greatest trait was her resilience, and her worst was her madness. During the battlefield you could catch a glimpse, only ever a glimpse, of her gliding through the waves of enemies, doing nothing. It was only after you saw entire legions drop in her wake you would realise she had been killing the entire time, all sense of heavy footedness thoroughly crushed.

And the rest? You may be asking, what of the other Five? Well, my wily comrade. I'll get to that when I fucking get to it, and when I get to it is not today.

But onto me. An actor of great renown and no self respect, according to what my friends said I did when I got drunk. My ability is to shape-shift, a surprisingly useful ability in battle, if you can get used to it. But that wasn't what I used it for mainly. I used it to break into places, get information, and one time, pretend to be a hooker so that I could assassinate a crime boss. I couldn't count how many times Sebastian had recounted that story in front of my subordinates. I do believe that was what made them lose all respect for me.

However, the truth is, there are many abilities that let them shape-shift, and what makes the Giant's ability so unique is that it lets me become the person I turn into. I absorb their personality. The downside of this is that I not only need a clear image of their bodies, but of their personalities too. A pain in the arse, if you need a body quick to hide in. For instance, my body currently is a young man in his mid 20's, brown skin like a man from what you would now call Cavin, long nose, and a farmers haircut. I'm quite chatty and I like bad puns. Oh! The important bit. I change this aspect for every character I "write". My favourite flavour of ice cream. It's Watermelon Sorbet in this body of mine. I've worn it for years now, what I call my 'baseline'. I wear it when I need to be known, or when I talk to my friends. Its comfortable. Its Me.

As for my original body, its not what I'm using right now. And if you want to know what it's like, then... You'll have to wait. Quite a long time, as well. I hate that body. I despise what I carry in it, the guilt, the memories. I haven't worn it since I was 14 years old. If I'm correct, (And my memory never fails me, so I am) there is no-one living except my mother who has seen me in it. And I never intend to see her again, and I know for a fact she has no-one to tell about me. I refuse to wear it, so its very unlikely you'll see my brothers abilities that come with it. But who knows, you might see me and my brothers one day, and who knows, if you actually see it, that day might be your last.

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