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Dual Class Magic Swordsman Dual Class Magic Swordsman original

Dual Class Magic Swordsman

Author: DreadfulKarma

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Newfound Hope

As the clock ticked away, seconds go by as a boy with white hair and alluring purple eyes tiredly waits for his work shift to end. As he was distracted a man in his fifties walks in, the man stared at the boy with melancholy in his eyes. "Malakai... don't you have school in the morning? Why do you insist working here this late?" His voice spoke out riddled with worry. Malakai jumps a bit from the unexpected appearance of the man.

"Oh... hey Alfred, you know why. I have to Save up enough money to buy my sisters treatment." Malakai replied bluntly, his sister was in a vegetative state. She had an unknown disease that suddenly brought her life to a halt. Alfred sighs as he knew why he works all the time when he is free, but know a kid Malakai's age shouldn't work. Alfred was the owner of a small cafe called 'Greasy Spoon', it was very popular among the teens that went to school, even elders who wanted a nice meal out.

During his years working he had never seen a fifteen year old kid in such a predicament. Not only did his parents die for an unknown reason, but his only other family member was in a coma. Not only does he have to work just to keep his sister in the hospital, but he has no one to support and care for him. He was truly alone in the world. This made Alfred have a bad taste in Bahia mouth, he couldn't let a child struggle so much like Malakai.

He was thinking for a couple of days wondering what to do, he couldn't adopt him since he couldn't bring up children. But this didn't stop him from thinking ways to help. Alfred searched the internet for things that could help, until he came upon the news which was talking about a new VRMMORPG. It was a fantasy game that let the player do whatever he likes, the game was 100% immersive so it would practically be a second world. All the rich and wealthy families are going to play because of the astronomical potential it has.

This meant that they would be willing to buy equipment in game just to get ahead of the other families and players. This to Alfred was the perfect opportunity to help Malakai. He decided that he would buy Malakai the immersion pod so he could play. It was perfect since he could have fun in his childhood while being able to make money for his sisters bills.

Alfred walked in front of Malakai and declared "from this day forth you are fired!" This Startled Malakai since he did his job well and never got a complaint. He stammered "W-what?! Why? I need this job otherwise I won't be able to pay my sisters medical bills!" Thinking for what he did wrong he couldn't come up with an idea, his got ripped from his thoughts when Alfred reassured "Don't worry kid, I have gotten something for you."

Tilting his head Malakai got dragged up the stairs on top of the cafe. This was the personal home of Alfred, since he had to look after the cafe he decided to by the rooms a above for easy access. Alfred had dragged Malakai to a room that was isolated from the rest and opened the door, Malakai watched as he saw a Immersion Pod sitting in the middle of the room. Confused Malakai wondered why Alfred got a pod and was showing him. Was it to show off?

Alfred noticed the confusion and explained "ok... this is yours now" them few words made Malakai even more confused. Alfred begun to explain why he bought it so Malakai could have a fun childhood while making money. All of this made Malakai cry from happiness, he has never really felt genuine care from another person since his parents died and his sister went into a coma. Hugging Alfred, Malakai thanked him over and over again.

One thought crept into Malakai's mind as he asked "how can I repay you?.." this question surprised Alfred since he didn't really think of being repaid. He genuinely wanted to make a kids life better. Alfred waved his hand and placated "If you want to repay me then have fun... don't think about doing anything for me, I just wanted to make your life better." Malakai's eyes widened from shock, he was speechless on how caring this man was. He bought something expensive like the Immersion Pod for him, not wanting to repaid!

Malakai subconsciously pinched himself to see if he was dreaming, but Nope. Pain spread throughout the area he pinched, reassuring it was reality. Alfred turned around and chuckled "The pod was released yesterday... I think you know what that means!" He left closing the door behind him. Malakai thought for a moment and shouted "OH YEAH! IT'S FRIDAY! THE DAY OF THE GAME RELEASING!" opening the pod, Malakai hopped in, the pod closed with a 'VSHHHP' sound.

In the Immersion Pod a woman's voice rang out, it was somewhat robotic and monotone. It asked plainly "Do you wish to enter 'Overworld Online'?" Without hesitation Malakai nodded while insisting "Yes!" As he spoke everything started to go dark as his eyelids became heavier and heavier. After a while his eyes shot open revealing a white abyss, and a purple screen appeared out of thin air.


What do you want your name to be?

Game launches in: 12 minutes 34 seconds...

Malakai was suprised how everything looked so real, it was actually mind blowing. But he didn't ponder for too long till he calmly declares "Thanatos". This was the name of the Greek God of Death. His reasoning was that Thanatos must of been lonely as he represented death, which he somewhat related too. Ever since childhood his been alone so it kinda fitted. Before he could do anything else another screen popped up.


Congratulations your name is now 'Thanatos'!

Open the status window by thinking the word 'Status', check skills by thinking the word 'Skills'.

Game launches in: 12 minutes 34 seconds...

He instantly thought of the word 'Status' so he could see his stats.


Name: Thanatos

Title(s): None

Class: Unidentified

Level: 0

HP: 100

MP: 100

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 10

Perception: 10

Luck: 10

Charm: 10

(Available Stat Points: 15)

Malakai thought for a moment in what he wants to put his stat points into. He finally decided to put; Strength: +3, Agility: +2, Intelligence: +3, Perception: +2, Luck: +4, Charm: + 1. This was his decision because he wanted to be a warrior, and he put an extra point into intelligence incase he needed more MP. He put 4 points into Luck because he thought that luck was an underrated stat. His thought process was; if you were lucky, life would be way easier.

This was because he and his sister was extremely unlucky in the world. If they had a bit of luck their lives would go more smoothly.

After allocating his stats there was another Notice.


Game starting in: 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Enjoy your new life, go out in your new adventure!

DreadfulKarma DreadfulKarma

Hello, this is my first webnovel. So if it has problems please point them out so I can fix them. Im not that good at writing yet as im still new. But I hope you can be paitent till I finally get better!

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