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Chapter 3: Chapter 03: Changes

Fog filled the streets for the morning but a faint gasp could be heard in the distance -ha.. ha.. ha.. ha- Alan's sturdy figure was approaching slowly but steadily, it had been a night since that strange screen appeared in front of his eyes with the ray of hope he needed to move forward in his life.

The previous day's dinner actually passed in a strangely calm way, Alan had managed with great effort not to raise suspicions about his great happiness and excitement, but the truth is that even if he had had a radiant smile no one would have noticed.

During the night before going to sleep in front of Alan's eyes appeared another message in the form of a pop-up window indicating a new mission.

[Class D mission: Training plan]

[Due to the player's precarious physical condition, GOFS went to the trouble of designing an exercise routine in order to bring the player's stats to a new goal]

[-Run 1 Kilometer]


[Conditions to complete the mission: Complete the routine]

[Reward: +1 Vitality]

[Penalty: -50% Vitality]

[Time to complete the mission: 24 hours].

When the window with the mission appeared, Alan was excited, but at the same time he felt a little scared, completing the mission would mean that his vitality statistic would increase by one point, but in case of failure he would lose half of what he currently had, meaning he would only have 0.25, a quarter of the normal vitality.

With his current body it would be impossible to go 1 kilometer considering that he had to go to school and endure a bitter day once again, therefore, he decided to make use of the two points he had in the lower part of his stats. According to his train of thought they would serve to increase his stats and he was right.

[+1 point Stamina]

[Stamina: 0.5 -> 1.5]

[Cushing's Syndrome penalty, Stamina only increases 0.5 points]

[-0.5 point Stamina]

[Stamina: 1.5 -> 1.0]

[+1 point Agility]

[Agility: 0.5 -> 1.5]

[Cushing's Syndrome penalty, agility only increases 0.5 points]

[-0.5 point Agility]

[Agility: 1.5 -> 1.0]

"Alan stared at his statistics as he began to feel the change.

He only had to add the points to the stats that were important in his criteria and his body seemed different. The fat on his body was still in place, he didn't get taller or even thinner, but he could feel the energy to do anything.

"Well, with this it must be possible, it has to be possible to make progress after all before I also had a similar routine" Alan settled his sneakers, filled a bottle of water and finally left the house with the goal in his head,

Alan started his morning workout to complete his mission and get a boost in his vitality.

"I can't, no... I'll make it in time" even though Alan woke up two hours earlier than normal it was still not enough time to complete the goal before going to school.

"even when I added a point to endurance and agility.... am I the problem?" Alan clenched his hands tightly and closed his eyes, it was obvious that his person was the problem, for all his short life he had always been like that.


The sound of the growl reached Alan's ears forcing his mind to focus on something else, he looked ahead and what he saw in front of his eyes simply surprised him. In front of him were two dogs growling as they bared their sharp fangs.

"Are you kidding me?" asked Alan as he tried to take a step back "am I really your best warrior?"

The dogs noticed as Alan took a step back and both ran towards the poor young man who could only run away with what little energy he had left until he reached his home to be safe.


[Class D mission: Training plan, complete!]

[Vitality: 0.5 -> 1.5]

[Cushing's syndrome penalty, vitality only increases 0.5 points]

[-0.5 point Vitality]

[Vitality: 1.5 -> 1.0] [Vitality: 1.5 -> 1.0]

Immediately after receiving the message, the energy in Alan's body increased and he now seemed to be able to accomplish the mission again but he had no intention of doing that again, not to mention the penalty for his particular condition. At home there was only one breakfast before leaving again for school now with a new mentality, he was sure that nothing would make him fall again.

He was one of the last to arrive in the classroom, his internal clock had adapted to arrive just at the last moment to avoid being harassed before class, usually when the teacher was in the classroom he was not disturbed. But recesses were a different story.

"Look, look Akira, lord pig is clean again" one of the students who usually bothered Alan was sitting on a table just behind Alan's station "do you think it's a good idea to hand him his royal mud to make him look like a worthy lord pig?"

"what's the good of doing the same thing twice in the same week?" asked the lanky, thick-lipped young man towards his companion "hey fatso I'm thirsty, buy a strawberry soda before the break is over."

"A strawberry soda?" asked Alan in surprise, the vending machine was in the second floor courtyard on the other side of the school, meaning he had to go down two floors and there was little time left before recess was over.

"Do you have any complaints fatso?" Akira's expression was really intimidating and Alan who had lived quite a long time under the harassments couldn't help but squirm from a slightly out of fear, now he had the system on his side but he was still a coward, he still didn't have what it took to stand up to them, he just had to keep enduring at least until he has the strength to face them "before you get up I have to warn you that I don't have any money with me and since we are friends I guess it won't be a problem for you to buy the soda for me right A-lan?~"

Alan's fists clenched tightly and even his teeth gnashed, but he had to endure it, he had to remain patient.

[Class D Mission: Strawberry soda for the fake friend]

[Akira demands the player a strawberry soda from the vending machine on the other side of the school as a way to satisfy his own desires and intimidate the weak Alan]

[Conditions for completing the mission: Buy the strawberry soda and return to the classroom before the end of recess]

[Reward: +1 Stamina]

[Penalty: -50% Charisma]

[Time to complete the mission: 300 seconds].

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