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Chapter 3: 3. Hazug's Sect and the Knaast Priest

Time was of no matter to the eternal angels. Generation after generation, the plan to destroy humankind moved on at a steady pace.

The day he found blood-thirsty Ella Knaast, an empire started. General Hazug's efforts built an immense structure of demon worship and business. The Knaasts became a force to be reckoned with, and their dominant power came out of Hazug's gift from the Father; his control over precious gems and metal.

Forakta suggested weaponry, acknowledging humans' love for destruction, and it joined the family portfolios.

After some discussion, Hazug chose an ice cave near that first volcano as his large place of worship. The demonic cathedral never suffered a single drop of lava, neither got warm. It was a special courtesy of General Orn.

Natural ice cones of assorted sizes hung from the ceiling to create a natural chandelier. A frozen, crenelated waterfall flickered violet on the back wall.

Eternal, cold, red, and orange flames swirled in the cold air, bringing out flares from the smooth, reflective walls.

Mythical shadows merged into gleaming splendor, as the everlasting fire illuminated the frosted aquamarine beauty. The technicolor glitter caressed crystal ice drops that chimed like small bells.

The place was beautiful, enchanting, and so deceitful.

Ella set the sect out of her passion from her angelic lover. Hazug kept her alive for three hundred years because he did not want to let her go. But she died in his arms, hovering over his lands.

How well he understood the Watchers. If possible, his hate for the Father grew even bigger. Why couldn't the angels share the eternity with their lovers? Why were the human women so enticing, their hair so soft, shiny and beautiful if they had to die?"

Hazug vowed he would never allow the Knaasts to disappear. Ella's blood would survive the destruction he worked to achieve.

Ella would never accept weakness in her line or in her lover's followers. So as for her decree, the Knaast birth should be the bloodiest of the sect's rites.

It was also the most outstanding event to Hazug's worshippers, although they feared it with good reason. The general was always hungry, and it meant death.

Bjorg Knaast was a ravishing Knaast specimen. He was also the warlock priest of that generation and the father-to-be.

He arrived at the cavern in a tornado of fire. When the blaze diminished, he stood tall and athletic with his arms open wide. In front of the altar, supernatural winds whispered over his tunic, making the gold fabric cling to his muscular frame.

Bjorg's eight-pack abs, defined pecs, and sinewy limbs were on display and he knew the followers desired him.

So he lowered long lashes, curtaining clear blue eyes set under high arched eyebrows. They gleamed with malice and his plump lips stretched in a deceitful, warm smile.

General Hazug's worshipers carried gold torches. The moving yellow light made the white frosty sculptures on the ceiling burst with a rainbow of hues.

The Knaast priest checked the details for the ceremony, as Ella had done for three hundred years.

His critical gaze scrutinized the sect's followers with freezing precision.

They wore see-through gold tunics that left nothing to the imagination. The naked bodies below and their bare feet got blueish on the frozen ground. Their lips were purple and chapped from the cold air.

White mist puffed out through the followers' chattering teeth, but nobody dared move.

The magnificent man before them personified beauty, but he could also mean a painful end. Bjorg Knaast did not accept failure. So those people knew death sneaked over their shoulders. His slight nod approved of what he saw, and the crowd sighed in relief.

They watched as Bjorg's silvery blond hair produced a sparkling halo. Then his melodic voice dominated the place. "Glorify and worship our General."

The crowd chorused, "We do," as they flung themselves to the frosty soil around the altar.

Invisible to the humans, angels witnessed Hazug's followers adore the evil general's name.

All over that millennium, angels faithful to the Father fought the Renegades because of the Knassts and their activities.

That night, both sides were present; the Renegades, and the Allegiant.

The Father of All Lights always sent General Sterlig's battalion to the profane ceremonies to enforce Free will law.

Sterlig had been Hazug's best friend. At the time of the dissension, they parted ways after a battle that took centuries. They destroyed stars while exchanging blows. Sterlig's superior skills won in the end.

As expected, Hazug hated Sterlig. In his opinion, the Renegades would have won the war if the Allegiant general had committed to their ideas.

Although Hazug's assumption could never be proved, Ular himself thought the same.

Looking at Sterlig and his inner circle, Forakta bared his horrendous teeth.

"You waste your time here. Those bags of dirt crave General Hazug's gifts. They never say no to money, fame, or power."

Sterlig smiled. "Your memory fails you, Forakta. Let me remind you of Karin."

The colonel laughed.

"Karin was one. She means nothing in the last count. If numbers mattered, we would be the winners already."

The Allegiant general waved away the insult. "Karin called for divine help during her initiation and we won her freedom. You lost, Forakta."

The Renegade colonel bristled at the memory of his defeat.

"She lied to enter the sect because she wanted what all of them want. Yet when the time to fulfill her part in the bargain came, she ran to you. You supported a cheat."

"That's a convenient way to put things. She saw through your lies and how deceitful your promise of everlasting life is. It's not life but Hazug's bait to make them accept death."

Getting irritated, the colonel growled, "the rite gives them what they want. My general is much more generous than they deserve. It is his flames he uses to make their new bodies."

"No, it is their souls he shackles for eternity after he kills them. Your general uses his fire to burn them to ashes."

"It's a minor detail. They get a new body, made of angelic flames! It is much better than the pitiful bag of dirt their souls have to endure. Their personality, feelings, and memories stay with them after the ritual. They turn from animals to angels. It's much better."

"Aren't you forgetting it lasts only until your leader takes back his flames? Or that when it happens, their mock body disappears and they lose everything?"

"Nobody keeps everything in a bargain. We became gods. Humans worship us, but the price we paid for that was high. We lost our place in the first heaven. These humans want fame, fortune, and beauty. The price must be high too."

"Now, now. No pity party, Forakta. You knew what you were doing from the first moment. You had all the details because we angels lived with the Father. We know His power. But you thought He would forgive you if you failed to dethrone Him because he loves His creation. You gambled at high risk and lost. You can't claim ignorance. It is different for the humans you entangle in your net of lies. They understand the implications only after the rituals finish and the deed is done."

Forakta pointed at the people. "Some of them would have done it even if they knew in advance."

"Maybe. Yet it is not important because they are all dead now. When we fought for Karin, she was alive, and her soul reached out to the Father. Were she dead, we would not have interfered. You kill them as soon as you can because you know it."

Forakta bared his teeth and snapped. "Karin was one fool."

"Oh, no. She was smart. But takes one to know one," Sterlig added.

The Renegade colonel growled in anger. "I am not stupid!" He lunged forward with his sword held high and swept through the chilly air in a long, broad arc. He meant to cut through his foe, but the Allegiant warrior was no neophyte and blocked the powerful stroke with his sword. The Allegiant general drew his dagger as fast as a lightning and smacked the top of Forakta's curved horns with a hard slap. The blow robbed the Renegade's balance. With no alternative, he counterattacked with his wings open wide. The two swords clashed amid a shower of supernatural embers, blow after blow. The two angels fought with swords and daggers.

Each weapon could steal flames, weakening the warriors. Forakta lashed out, targeting Sterling's head. The Allegiant General parried the swings. Then he countered with a slash of his dagger to Forakta's leathery wing. The appendage flashed and vanished, destitute of flames. The evil creature screeched in pain.

Grabbing his short blade, he breached the fire around Sterlig's arm. That move won him some of the Allegiant blue flames.

The faithful general's white and blue fire dimmed and changed to orange as they streamed into the Renegade. Forakts sighed with pleasure.

Ignoring the minimal loss of his essence, Sterlig ducked to seize the Renegade colonel by the chest, grabbing his armor. It was the ending move to the ferocious battle. Sterlig rested his dagger's tip to Forakta's throat.

The Allegiant general's gigantic cocoon of white and blue flames surrounded the Renegade. They restrained the colonel in a tight lock.

Forakta struggled to set himself free, but the Allegiant warrior only groaned. "Concede. My flames are strong."

"The Father is strong. Do not think so much of yourself. Now, do what you must, General Sterlig," the Renegade rumbled. "I am a Colonel. My rank does not concede in battle."

Sterlig heard the truth in the other angel's determination. So he sliced the Renegade from the neck to the stomach. Forakta vanished screeching. The Allegiant general had sent the renegade to the first heaven. It was the lowest of the celestial spheres, the closest to Earth skies and a place of pain and punishment.

The victorious fighter put away his blades as Captain Pacij grunted. "He attacked you for mere words, General."

"They need to fight with us, Pacij. You know that after they lost the connection to the Father, the renegades have no other way. Stealing flames from us using their weapons is the only way to replenish their fire. It gets too saturated with evil and they lose strength."

"I am sure their irritability comes from missing our friendship," Colonel Bolnick said.

"Don't fool yourself, Bolnick," Sterlig advised. "There is no love lost between their troops and ours. Our fire comes from the Father and it has healing properties. This is the major reason they fight us."

Captain Pacij growled. "They hate us, Colonel Bolnick. And Forakta will be back soon, General Sterlig."

"Didn't I chop him well enough?"

"No. You need to cut deeper. Our daggers must absorb much more of their essence to keep them away longer."

Sterlig chuckled as the others laughed.

Captain Pacij frowned. "But you know it. You are kidding around, General."

"Pacij. Forgive me, my friend. This place upsets me." Sterlig pointed at the Knaast Priest. "It's time."

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