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Chapter 9: Vol 1 - Chapter 9

Issei sighed as he sat by himself in the local park. This morning, Suzuki informed them that she had to go speak with

a lawyer. Understandably, no one was in the mood to go to school at this point. Only Ashiya had gone, seeing as he

still had work. Morgiana had likewise gone to work at another construction site. They had a debt to pay off, after all.

He sighed again.

Tamamo was still at home sulking and Mordred was off wreaking havoc with her gang, leaving Issei alone in his


"Debt," he cried miserably, his face in his hands as he sobbed, drawing strange stares from several people passing



"Don't look, sweetie," the mother hushed as Issei howled once more.

The brown-haired boy sniffed as he heard someone squeak followed by a loud thud. What he saw immediately

snapped him out of his funk.

It was a blonde girl, with bright green eyes. A suitcase filled with her belongings lay at her side, its contents spilling

out all over the sidewalk. Apparently she had tripped over herself, giving him a generous view of her white panties.

But that's not what caught his attention.

She was a nun.

'So this is the nun from Europe?' Issei thought, watching the girl as she slowly sat up. With a small sigh he walked


"Owowow," the girl croaked. "How did I manage to trip over my own two feet?"

"Are you okay, Sister?" he asked, offering his hand. The blonde nun took it gratefully and he lifted her up.

"Oh, you speak Italian?" she asked in surprise. Issei nodded.

"I assumed you knew at least a bit of Italian," he replied easily. "Being a part of the clergy and all."

She looked relieved. "Oh, thank the Lord," she said with a smile. Her eyes were filled with an almost child-like

innocence. "I've been so lost ever since I arrived in this country. I'm afraid I can't speak Japanese very well. It must

have been His will that we met today!"

"Perhaps," he said neutrally. "Are you on your way to the church?"

The blonde girl nodded. "Yes, but as you can see, I haven't had much luck," she smiled at him sheepishly.

"I could take you, if you want," Issei offered. The girl beamed at him.

"Could you really?" she asked eagerly. "That would wonderful!"

Issei nodded. "Alright," he paused. "By the way, I never got your name. I'm Hyoudou Issei."

The blonde girl blushed. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed. "I'm Asia Argento."

The brown-haired boy smiled. "Nice to meet you, Asia."

"Please take care of me, Issei-san!" Asia bowed as he picked up her suitcase and slung it over his shoulder.

"Well, let's go,"

Yuuma slowly entered the church. It had been several days since Dohnaseek killed the Sacred Gear girl and

suddenly disappeared. They'd been suspicious until Azazel-sama sent a message that he'd assigned the man to a

different area.

But still, now they were one person down. And in an area infested by devils, having Dohnaseek gone put them at a

disadvantage. Hopefully that excommunicated nun would arrive here soon. They needed her power more than ever.

She remembered the day they'd been informed of their mission. They'd been told that they would be testing a new

ritual that would allow them to transfer a Sacred Gear from a human to one of their own. While, it was unfortunate that

they had to sacrifice the human, they'd been told it would be for the greater good of their faction and that the one to

successfully perform the ritual would be lauded as a hero by Azazel-sama.

She'd immediately volunteered to be the one to administer the ritual. She'd been infatuated by their leader since the

day she fell. Her comrades teased her about it endlessly, but she didn't care. This was finally her chance to prove

herself to Azazel-sama…

But as she sat at one of the pews, she felt her drive… muted. Sure, she would still be lauded as a hero of her faction,

but… she found herself caring less about the attention she would receive.

"It's because of him," she muttered to herself. It was because of Hyoudou Issei. That charming, albiet somewhat

dorky, boy who had inexplicably wormed his way into her heart. Of course Calawarner and Mittelt had shown no

mercy in teasing her about him.

She hadn't had a chance to see him since their last date, which she was both relieved and disappointed about. She'd

used the past few days to sort out her feelings. Yuuma accepted that yes, she did indeed care for him. She didn't

quite love him yet, but it was getting there; quickly.

Thinking about his dorky grin made her face flush and her thoughts began to drift. The way his eyes lit up whenever

he was amused. The way his hair flowed in the wind… the way his muscles rippled as he maneuvered his bike… Her

hands trailing up his perfectly toned chest… She unconciously licked her lips.

"Hey, look who just came," a voice remarked.

"I swear I didn't!" the black-haired angel squeaked, her thoughts running wild.

Calawarner raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Oh, thinking of your new beau?"

"Stuff it!" Yuuma snapped as she tried to compose herself. "As if I would be thinking of someone like him!"

She may have accepted her feelings in her heart, but she was still vehemently denying it to anyone who asked.

Mittelt let out a giggle. "Oh? That's too bad." She turned towards the entryway. "You hear that, Hyoudou-san? Looks

like Yuuma-chan here doesn't like you anymore! Maybe you should ask me out instead~"

The black-haired angel's eyes widened as she spun around. He was indeed standing there, smirking slightly as he

stood next to a blonde-haired girl.

"I-Ise-kun!" she exclaimed, her face going red. "What are you doing here?!"

"I was just escorting Asia-san here," the brown-haired boy said, putting on a hurt expression while ignoring the

uncomfortable sensation the church gave off. "I'm hurt Yuuma-chan. I really thought we had something together." He

heaved a sigh and turned to walk away. "But… if you really feel that way…"

"No, wait!" Yuuma squeaked, rushing towards him. She ignored Calawarner and Mittelt, who both guffawed at her

reaction. "I didn't mean that, I-"

Issei chuckled, patting her on the head. "I was kidding, Yuuma," he said with a grin. "Lighten up."

The girl scowled at him. "You shouldn't toy with a girl's feelings, Ise-kun,"

Meanwhile, Mittelt was finally regaining her breath. "O-Oh, wow!" she giggled. "I can't believe you actually fell for that!

You were blustering about like a school-girl!"

Issei raised an eyebrow. "Oh, but isn't she a school-girl?"

The blonde paled as Yuuma sent her a venomous glare for her slip up. "O-Of course," she squeaked. "It was just an

expression. A-Anyway, I'm Mittelt. Yuuma-chan has told us a lot about you. This is Calawarner. We're from abroad."

The older woman merely nodded at him in acknowledgement.

"I'm Hyoudou Issei," the boy nodded. "But I'm afraid I know nothing of you two."

"Aw, but I thought we were friends, Yuuma-chan," Calawarner smirked. The glare the black-haired girl sent her clearly

said 'shut up'.

"Anyway, Ise-kun," Yuuma said, drawing his attention away from the others. "Thank you for bringing Asia here."

"So, you work here, Yuuma?" he asked casually. The girl hesitated before nodding.

"Yes, I live here, actually," she explained. She paused. "Ne, Ise-kun. Are you free today?"

The brown-haired boy froze. "Er," he muttered. He really hoped she didn't want to go on another date. "I actually

agreed to show Asia-san around town today."

The black-haired girl paused. "I see…" she said, glancing at the shy blonde at his side. "Would you mind if I went with


"N-Not at all!" the nun squeaked. She bowed to her. "Just let me set my things down and we can go!"

Issei nodded as the blonde girl quickly followed after Calawarner, who volunteered to show her to her room.

'I should have known something like this would happen,' he silently cried to himself, knowing that his wallet would be

significantly lighter after today.

"Ne, Ise-kun," Yuuma began as the group of three sat in a booth at WcDonalds. Asia had stated that she'd never had

a hamburger before and Issei had offered to take them there. The manager didn't question his sudden appearance;

merely eyeing the two girls and grinning at him, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Yes, Yuuma?" he asked with a smile. 'Thank goodness I get free food here. I'm such a genius!'

He mentally gave himself a pat on the back, along with blow-horns and streamers. So caught up in his internal

celebration, he nearly missed the girl's question. "Shouldn't you be in school right now?"

Asia gasped. "Issei-san, are you ditching?" she asked in horror. The brown-haired boy started slightly before

composing himself.

"Shouldn't you be as well, Yuuma?" he asked, smirking as the fallen angel flinched.

"Uh," she uttered, fidgeting awkwardly. "I won't tell if you won't…?"

"That's no good!" Asia cried out, startling both of them. "You should attend school!" she suddenly had a sad gleam in

her eye. "I grew up in the church and was kept isolated from kids my age since I was young." The blonde girl looked

up at them with her wide, innocent eyes. "You should enjoy yourself at school. Promise me you will?"

Issei looked at her in surprise and even Yuuma looked shocked at her sudden intensity. "You've never really known

anything outside the church, have you?" he asked sympathetically. The black-haired girl beside him remained silent.

The blonde nun shook her head. "No, I haven't," she admitted. She smiled at him. "I've never had friends my own

age. That's why I was so happy when you offered to show me around, Issei-san. All the things I've seen since coming

here have been so amazing. Thank you, Issei-san. I can only wonder if this is what it would have been like to have


"What do you mean 'wonder'?" Issei smiled at her. "We are friends." He nudged Yuuma. "Right, Yuuma-chan?"

The black-haired girl looked at him, startled. "R-Right…" she muttered quietly, not looking at them.

Asia looked stunned. "Y-You mean it…?" she asked, tears welling in her eyes. Yuuma noticeably flinched as she

spotted the tears.

Issei nodded; a new determination in his eyes. "Yeah," he smiled. "Come on. We'll show you how normal people have

fun with friends."

The blonde nun wiped her eyes and smiled at them brilliantly. Issei couldn't help but smile back. And unknown to him,

a small smile had found its way on Yuuma's face as well.

"Thank you so much for today, Issei-san!" Asia bowed to him as they stood outside the church. He and Yuuma had

taken her all over town. She really was incredibly innocent; 'oohing' and 'ahing' at the most mundane of things. Issei

had to admit he'd grown fond of her in the short time since they'd met.

Though she was reluctant to spend time with the blonde at first, he could tell Yuuma had taken a shine to her as well.

By the end of the day the black-haired girl had taken to dragging the blonde girl by the hand and calling her 'Asiachan'.

Now that they were back at the church, however, Yuuma seemed hesitant once again. "It was no problem, Asia," he

smiled at her. "We'll hang out again soon, I promise."

The blonde girl smiled her radiant smile and ducked inside the church. "Hey, Yuuma," he began, snapping the blackhaired girl out of her thoughts. "She's really sweet, don't you think?"

"Y-Yeah, I guess," she muttered.

"Take care of her," Issei requested. Yuuma looked at him in alarm.


"She needs a friend," he explained. Issei glanced back at Asia, who was eagerly telling a surprised Mittelt about her

day. "Did you see how happy she was today? All from doing things that other people take for granted every day."


He looked at her seriously. "She must have lived an incredibility isolated life," he said. "I want to preserve that smile.

You understand, too, don't you? I saw the way you looked at her today. I ask that you take care of her and be her


"But…" She trailed off as he took her hand.

"Please," he said, staring into her eyes. "If not for her, then for me?"

'Why does he do this to me?!' the girl mentally cried as her face flushed. "A-Alright," Issei smiled at her.

"Thank you," he smirked and kissed her on the cheek. He pulled away to see her face had gone completely red.

"What do you say? Next time we go out, it'll be just the two of us." He glanced at his watch. "I gotta go. I'll see you


She watched him go until he disappeared over the hill. "You shouldn't make promises you can't keep," Calawarner

said from behind her. Yuuma turned to see the older woman leaning against the door frame.

The black-haired girl glared at her. "Where's Asia?"

"In her room," Yuuma didn't say anything as she brushed passed her. "You're too young, Ray…" she said softly with

a small sigh. "You can't keep getting attached. You'll only end up getting hurt."

The black-haired girl didn't respond and rounded the corner towards the living quarters, Calawarner staring after her.

'I'm worried about you, Ray,'

"I'm home," Issei called out as he took off his shoes. He heard the sounds of an argument and debated leaving for a

moment before finally stepping inside. His servants were all gathered around the kotatsu with a smartly dressed man

with black hair. Wait a moment… that wasn't the kotatsu!

"What's going on here?" he asked, causing the room to go silent. "And who is this?"

The man stood and bowed to him. "Hello, you must be Hyoudou Issei-san," he began. "I am Uchiha-san's attorney.

My name is Wright, Phoenix Wright."

"Nice to meet you, Wright-san,"

"Just call me Phoenix," the man offered. Issei nodded.

"Very well, Phoenix," he said, still staring at the not-kotatsu. "And what happened to our table?"

The lawyer flinched. "Er, actually, a repo-man came by and repossessed it,"

"O-Our table has been repossessed?" Issei sputtered. "And just what the hell is that?"

"I had a feeling something like this would happen, Issei-sama," Ashiya nodded sagely. "So I managed to secure us a

cardboard box as a replacement."

"…A… cardboard box…?" Issei repeated, still trying to get over the fact that their table had been repossessed and

they were currently sitting around a cardboard box.

"Indeed," Ashiya said. "High quality, too." He even patted it for emphasis.

It collapsed.

Issei slowly sank to the floor. They watched as he curled up in a fetal position, muttering incoherently. Though they

managed to pick out words like 'organs' and 'homicide'.

Chachazero might have commented. If she wasn't still stuck in the cupboard, bound and gagged.

Zero_Hand Zero_Hand

This chapter was surprisingly easy to write, even if it's shorter than the last two.

Fun Facts: Order from Oldest to Youngest

1. Issei

2. Ashiya

3. Tamamo

4. Morgiana

5. Mordred

6. Suzuki

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