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Chapter 9: Chapter - 09


After finishing dinner with Karen. Yato returned to his room and sat back on the bed. Then, Yato took the smartphone and opened the group chat again. When he opened it, Yato realized that everyone was online.

So, Yato ignored all the old chats that he hadn't read and immediately read the latest chats from Touya.


[God of Laziness (Admin) is online]

Demi-God Apprentice: Ah, Yato-niisan. You finally appeared.

HikiNeet: Hey admin, where have you been? We waited for you from yesterday, you know. Quickly give me permission to change my name!

Good slime: Hello, Yato-san ...

Maou Actor: Yes, Admin. This Maou ordered you to allow me to change my name.


Yato, who was just online, was immediately confronted by two people who greeted him and two people who complained to him.

'Name? Ah right, I haven't changed my name. Where to change it? Settings, ah there, change the name. Yosh. 'Yato thought.

However, not answering greetings and complaints of group members. Yato, instead, decided to change his name first.


[God of Laziness (Admin) has changed name to Yato (Admin)]

Yato: So ... I guess I'm the only one who hasn't introduced myself, right? Although, you might have heard from Touya-kun here.

Hiki-Neet: Hey! Don't ignore me!

Maou Actor: Hey!

Good slime: yes ...

Yato: Kamiya Yato, nice to meet you.


Maou Actor:…

Good slime:… that's all?

Demi-God Apprentice: It's been a long time Yato-Niisan. I only heard from Kami-sama.

Yato: I see

[Admin has changed (Demi-God Apprentice) name to (Touya)]

Yato: So how are you there Touya-kun? 1 year has passed, have you become king?

Hiki-Neet: Hey! What's with this difference in treatment! I demand equality!

Touya: huh, what do you mean to be king and it's only been 6 months, Nii-san.

Yato: huh? 6 months? What do you mean Touya-kun?

Hiki-Neet: Hey! Don't ignore me!

Touya: Wasn't it just the last 6 months that we met Nii-san? I'm currently an adventurer.

Hiki-Neet: hey, I'm going to cry, I'm really going to cry!

Yato: hmm, is there a time difference between worlds? And Mr. HikiNeet will you please be quiet for a moment? Or do you want me to block you?

Hiki-Neet: yes, I'm sorry.

Yato: well, let's just ignore it. Let's talk about this [Chat Group].

[Admin has changed (Good Slime) name to (Rimuru)]

[Admin has changed (Maou Actor) name to (Diablo)]

Rimuru: ah, thanks Yato-san

Diablo: Thank you Yato-san.

HikiNeet: hey, Yato-san, what about me? Why don't you change my name? Yato-san?

Yato: ah, I forgot about you. I'll change it later, I'm too lazy right now.

Hiki-Neet: Hey! What's with this difference in treatment! I'm really going to cry!


While holding the smartphone, Yato thought about Satou Kazuma who brought Goddess Aqua to another world. 'This person is making my life even more difficult.' With that thought, Yato made up his mind to-

"I will make this Satou Kazuma suffer."

'Satou Kazuma.'

Yato ignored the complaints from Hiki-Neet and started exploring the [Chat Group] functions. "Is there no user manual or something?" Yato tried to find the main important functions of the [Group Chat].

'Hmm, let's see. The main functions of this [Chat Group] are points, shops, missions, inventory, and meeting room? "Yato, who had found the main function of [Group chat], started looking for a description of each of the main functions he found.

'Where is the description ... ah, here it is'

'Short description'


[Isekai Points (IP)]: Special currency that is used in [Chat Group] to buy everything that is sold in the [Shop]. [IP] can be obtained from daily log-in, gifts [missions], or from selling items in the [Shop]. Daily [IP] can be found in the upper right corner of the screen.


[Shop]: A place for buying and selling transactions. This is where everything can be found in the Member's world (currently there are 5 Worlds). Members can buy using Currency [IP] or sell goods at [Shop] to get [IP].


[Mission]: Missions will be given to [Chat Group] members by the system and are located in a random world. Members who complete the mission will be rewarded according to the Member's contribution in completing the [mission]. The time the world of members carrying out missions will be stopped and frozen.


[Inventory]: storage of smartphone items. Only accessible to the user. All items purchased from the [Shop] will be stored here automatically.


[Meeting Room]: A special room located in the pocket dimension. Chat members cannot bring other people into the [Meeting Room] without permission from the Admin. The world time of the members entering the [Meeting Room] will slow down by 1: 2.


Yato, who had found an explanation regarding each of the main functions of [Group Chat], began to read and understand the explanation. He continued reading it slowly until the end.

The explanation of the [Group Chat] function is quite easy to understand. Yato who has finished reading it. Return to the chat menu to explain to other members.


HikiNeet: hey, Yato-san, can you change my name? Please?

Yato: Alright, everyone, I will share an explanation regarding the main function of this [Group chat].

HikiNeet: Yato-sama! Please change my name ...

Yato: here it is ... -


Yato shared a brief explanation regarding the main function of [Group Chat] that he found and waited for the other members to read the short explanation.

* knock knock

At the time Yato was waiting for the other members to read the explanation regarding [Group Chat]. Yato's door was knocked and the only person besides Yato at home at this time was his younger sister, Karen.

In fact, Yato had realized that Karen was at the door of his room from the start. Because Yato felt that Karen hesitated to knock on the door of his room. He was just waiting for Karen to make up her mind.

When Karen knocked on the door, Yato immediately answered and put down her smartphone.

"The door is not locked."

The door to his room opened slowly after Yato said this. As Yato had noticed from the start, the person at the door was Karen.

"Can I do my homework here?"

Karen who opened the door to Yato's room wanted to do her homework in Yato's room. Yato who saw Karen enter his room immediately realized that something was wrong with Karen.

"Hmm, no problem. Come in. " Yato answered.

After that, there was no conversation between them. Only the sound of pens that write off the paper that sounded in the Yato room. After a few moments of silence, Yato, who was watching Karen, became impatient and immediately asked Karen.

"Karen, did something happen?"

"No, not really."

Karen answered Yato's question as if she didn't want to talk about it. Yato, who heard it, began to believe that something was wrong with Karen. Yato wanted to read her mind, but decided against it.

"Hey, Karen. If something is bothering you, just tell me. After all, I am your older brother. It's only natural that I took care of you. you can count on me, you know. "

Yato started saying things without realizing it. And when he realized that- 'ughh, why would I say such embarrassing things! This is not an anime! No, technically this world is indeed the world of anime, but… "-Yato's mind began to mess because of his own words.

When Yato was confused with his own thoughts, he didn't notice the soft smile on Karen's face and the blush on her cheeks.


After Yato's words, the situation returned to silence. Neither of them spoke. When Yato started to feel awkward with the situation.

Karen started to open her mouth-


"Hm, why?"

Yato, who heard Karen's voice, became calm again.

"I have something to talk to you about."

"What is wrong?"

"... That, you probably won't believe it." Karen said hesitantly.

"What are you saying, how can I not believe you."

Karen, hearing what her brother said, decided to tell Yato about the problem.

"... Lately, a lot of strange things have happened around me."


Yato became confused after what Karen said.

"Yes… a lot of strange things are happening around me. I don't know what happened, but I feel… it's because of me. "

"So, what strange things are happening around you."

"You may not believe it… but lately, many people have had bad things around me. Like, many people suddenly fainted around me."


"In fact, many people have accidents that have to be taken to the hospital."

* cough cough *

"And all of them who had the accident, were around me. It's hard to believe, isn't it. "

"I-I see."

Yato who listened to Karen's story was shocked and became nervous in his heart. It seemed he knew the reason why this strange thing happened to Karen. Karen, who saw Yato's response, became suspicious as time went on.


"W-what's wrong?"

"I'm a little curious. But, do you know anything about this? "

Karen, suspecting Yato's strange response, immediately asked this.

"W-what do you mean?"

Yato, who heard Karen's question, immediately became nervous and turned his eyes.

"As usual, you're bad at lying, you know."

"I don't understand what you mean."

Karen, who saw him, immediately knew that Yato was lying. Yato, who never interacts with other people, does not have the ability to lie. Unless he makes up for it.

* Staaaare *

Karen only glared intently at Yato for his answer. With a gaze that pierced the bones. Yato couldn't take it anymore and sighed.

"Huu, well alright, you know, you don't have to care about that too much. They don't deserve your time. So, don't bother too much."

"So, you do know, right? Mind to explain? "

Initially, Yato was still hesitant to tell Karen anything related to the supernatural. However, when he thought back. Yato decided it wouldn't hurt to tell Karen about it. Although Yato won't tell everything, or at least not yet.

"Actually, all of that happened because of the necklace that I gave to You."

"Necklace? This?" said Karen while showing the necklace she was wearing around her neck.

"Yes, Karen… I will tell you the truth about myself. Actually… I am a Mage. "

"…" Karen who heard it fell silent.

"Hey, did you hit your head?" said Karen with a tone of concern. Karen thought her brother was going crazy.

"No, I don't." Yato said, pointing his finger up. "Look at this."

When Yato said that. At the tip of his finger appeared a small magic circle and suddenly a small fire appeared on the tip of his finger.

"Do you remember the incident when I was in the 3rd grade of junior high school? Actually, at that time --- "Yato started explaining the incident of his class summoning to another world when he was in 3rd grade of middle school. The fact that the entire class was summoned to another world except for him. Yato tells Karen about the whole incident back then, but decides to hide her reincarnation.

Yato continued his story while showing some magic from his fingertips and showing Rouga to Karen.

Karen who saw it couldn't help but be surprised. Karen stared at the flames spilling out from Yato's fingers and the little winged wolf that had suddenly appeared from the space with wide eyes and fell silent. But she still listened to Yato's story to the end.

"See, I'm not lying." Yato said after he finished telling the story. Yato waited for a response from Karen, while removing the magic from his fingertips.

"It's not fair…" muttered Karen.


"Teach me."


"That power. I want it too. Can you do it right? "

"Huh, you want powers?"

Yato was surprised by the reaction that didn't match his expectations. Even though Yato can create any ability, it doesn't mean he can master it easily. All of this requires training and experience.

Yato can give abilities to others with the skill [Gift]. However, this skill has a limit. The [Gift] skill cannot give skills to people who do not meet certain conditions.

Yato realized it when he wanted to give the skills [Super Growth] and [Great Magic Power of Sleep] to Rouga. However, because Rouga was a low-level monster and his body did not have high-level potential. Yato cannot give this skill to Rouga.

At that time Yato was quite confused and decided to ask Kami-sama. Kami-sama who heard him began to explain to Yato that everything has limits. Although there are certain people who can break these boundaries. The gods call them [Irregulars].

Even being a god or goddess does not make that person strong or have unlimited potential. Like Aqua (a low-tier goddess), even though she was a goddess, she still had limits and she couldn't even grow because she had reached her limit.

'Everything has a limits.'

After all, Karen is an ordinary human born in a world without magic. With a body devoid of magic talent, Karen's growth would be limited. In fact, it may take a lifetime to master a skill.

Except, Karen's body was rebuilt like Yato. But saying and doing are two different things.

Because to change one's potential, it required the ability to break the "boundaries" which only [Irregulars] could do. Rebuilding the body to increase potency is not just about the physical body. But also dealing with soul and soul is one of the most complicated things.

At that time, Kami-sama said that Yato and Touya would become [Irregular] when they became fully gods. Because their bodies were built in the World of Gods by the World Gods themselves.

They will become Full Gods when they are 17 years old. And it won't be long for Yato to be 17 years old.

Yato decided to create an ability that could change or increase the potency of a person's body when he became a god.

Even so, that doesn't mean there isn't any way to give skills to Karen.

"... I will think of a way later. "

"Thank you."

Heard that Yato did not refuse her request. Karen became happy and smiled at Yato. Yato who saw the smile from his little sister's mouth became speechless and froze on the spot. 'Too Cute!' Thought Yato.

"By the way, what is the ability of this necklace?" after a while, Karen asked Yato back.

"Ahh, that necklace? It's actually just a battery. "

"Battery?" Karen who heard the answer became confused.

"Yes the battery. Actually, I have cast various defensive magic on your body. However, this magic will only activate during an emergency. It is because there is no energy to supply it. So its use is limited. "

Since Karen already knew about her magic, Yato didn't mind explaining it.

"That's why I made the necklace. The necklace can store energy or rather my magic energy. The energy from the necklace can be used as fuel for the magic residing in your body. "

"Oh, I see…"

"... Aren't you angry?" Yato saw Karen who remained calm and asked her.

"Why?" Karen said with a confused face.

"You know, I cast magic on your body without telling you." Yato explained.

"… No, how could I be angry. You did it to protect me, right? " Karen replied.

"Of course."

"… I'm so happy" Karen muttered in a small voice and thought Yato wouldn't hear her.

Unfortunately, even though Karen's voice was very small. Yato could still hear it clearly.

"You don't want to ask about magic that makes the people around you get hurt?" after a moment of silence, Yato asked Karen.

"No need ... I believe in you." Karen said with the latter only a small mutter.

"I see, then continue your homework. If you need help, tell me. "

"Um, yes." Karen replied.


Spandam Spandam

by the way the update will be uncertain. because I'm on the exam until next week. and also, community dedication in the next month. so, that's it.

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