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Chapter 11: Chapter 9: The beginning

[flash back - 1200 BC]

"Lord, me and sev have done as you asked" lela says, bowing infront of lothric.

"Good, they have stories of you to, the moon twins" lothric says, watching as a temple burned.

"Lord, it would not be so if you had not saved us" lela and sev said.

"That was a long time ago, many times I have told you to explore, yet you stay with me" lothric says, turning his head too the two.

"Our place is beside you lord" Lela says.

"Lela is right lord, our place is here, we live for your sake alone" sev says, her eyes changing.

"Very well, if there is ever a time you wish too explore this vast world, speak and it will be so. Where is Christina?" Lothric says, leaning down and touching lela cheek.

"Lord she is in a village south of here" lela says.

"Let's go, anything that still breathes here let it live" lothric says, going towards the horses heading south as the two follow.

[North Caucasus -Dagestan]

"Lord, those who have done this were killed we moved the others. Most of them fear us but do not disobey" Christian says looking at the dead bodies that littered the ground. There bodies cut or smashed in, looking at the children that were not spared.

"Humans will always be humans no matter what age I fight myself in. Creating more weapons too take more of there own kinds life" I say looking at the swords.

"It is as you say lord, I have been with you for vast amount human life times more then I can count but they still do not change" lela says, walking to a person that had done this, he still had breathe.

"They do not change, yet every place you had guided flourished and yet some still seek others ends". Christina says, wiping the blood from her sword.

"It is ok, I don't not care what they do as long as what is mine is not hurt, let them drive themselves too ruin. I help those who wish too move forward. Lela stop" I say to lela who was about to end another man life after killing the first. The women look at me with love, knowing I would go through anything too see them safe.

"Yes lord" Lela says pulling her hand away.

"This one still has fight" I say looking down at the man with dark blonde hair.

"Wh..wha..what ar..are ..y..ou" the man try's to say as blood comes from a sword on his chest.

I look at the sword and armor seeing it was not the same as the ones Christina killed.

"You wanted to protect this place even at the cost for you life boy?" I say pulling the sword from his chest.

The man nods his head in pain, holding the hole that was in his chest.

"Do you want to live again or fall here as a hero" I say, throwing the sword aside.

The man falls over as his heart beat slowly.

"Very well, you may rest now I will see your people safe" I say turning my back.

"Pl..ease," the man says, struggle to push air into his lungs.

"You can save yourself, you rushed in to battle knowing you could be killed. Show me that and you will never feel this pain again" I say turning my head back.

"You must reach out like we all did, too that you wish to obtain, take it with your own hands or fall here" sev says on horse back, the rain fell as the man sat for a while.

Hearing his heart slow I turned my head, until I heard it beat with the will too live. The man threw his body in to the mud, raised up with his knees the mud and blood on his face, hair and clothes but his green eyes showed it. With everything he had left he screams out.

"I want to live!, I will not fall here!" The man says, using what he had left as he fell forward i caught him.

"Good, you will be one of my Generals, now drink" I say, biting my hand and squeezing it over his mouth.

Soon I let the man go, mounting my horse with the others, looking down at the man in the mud. He stopped then cried out as the warm and pain mixed. Soon the mans hair turned white as the looked up. His green eyes had blue at the edges. His fangs grew as he breathed his last, soon Christina rode next to him dropping a large blackish fur on his body.

The man covered himself looking up as the day turned too night, the fire had been snuffed out. Looking at me on the horse as well as the women.

"Come and Lela, sev if these men still live him live teach him to feed, Christina come help the people in this city who you can before we leave" I say turning my horse. The rain falling on my hair as I look up into the sky.

"It will be done lord, come new born" lela and sev say riding next too him.

The man said nothing looking at the back of me and Christina.

"Uhhh, what is happening, what is.." the man tried too say, getting kicked in to mud by sev.

"You have much too learn new born" sev says, moving her horse forward.

"Come you must feed" Lela says.

The man looks at the black armored women, they take off there helms, he then gets up and smiled at there beautiful faces.

"Do you want to die so soon" sev says, her eyes shinning.

"Forgive me, he is lothric right?" The man says, walking forward with them.

"Yes, that one there he still breathes now feed" lela says pointing at a young man.

"Very well, but who is he" the man gets on his knees picking the boy up, with out fear his fangs grow and bite as dark blood came out. Moving his head back as his eyes turned pale blue in the center and Emerald green at the edge, the blood coming from his mouth.

"You will learn in time, now continue" sev says, looking at my back from far away.

"You only need too know this new born, he is the beginning in time you too will understand this" lela says turning her horse as she stabbed a man breathing in his chest.

"It is borko, I understand my ladies. If it is his will I will do whatever" borko says, feeling his strength.

"Good, now let us move our lord has spoken" sev says as they ride into this place more, the rain fell as borko looked up too the moon thinking.

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