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Chapter 2: Chapter Two Change

After I tucked Adel in and said goodnight I made my exit out her window. I slowly headed back to the graveyard. The night air was calm. All activities of those of darkness we're drawing to a close with the approach of dawn. Adel scent hung about me like a distant echo of the past. I had to do something to get her smell off me.

As I drew closer to the cemetery I snatched up a rabbit and drank its blood and purposely spilt some on me in the hopes of masking her smell. It worked well enough. "I hope the others don't notice it". I said to myself as I jumped over the stone wall. The sky was starting to turn blue as the sun began to chase away the night. I opened the door to the crypt, and shut it tight behind me. As I descended into the darkness I could hear the voices of my companions. 

"Lessers home!" Lazzaris said as he jumped up from my chair. He then proceeded to dust it off and gestured for me to sit. I nodded at him and sat. "How was hunting? Did you find any good prey ?" 

His red eyes glowing evilly as he flapped his wings. His spiky  black hair shaking slightly. 

"Yes all that and more." I replied with a smile. 

"Did you feed from any humans?" Asked Leijone. He ran a hand through my hair and whispered in my ear. "I brought you a present." He said with a seductive smile and kissed me on the neck. His white eyes gleaming with the maniacal smile that was on his pale face.

He took my hand and pulled me from my set and guided me to our bed chamber. 

"Damned queers." I heard the hybrid Lousipher say with disgust.

In the room that Leijone and I shared was a single bed and my many many books and scrolls stacked on my side and on the other was Leijone's ideas of "toys". He had dolls, stuffed animals not the kind you buy at a store unless it was a taxidermist that you purchased them from. There were other assortments of oddities, but the oddest thing in the room tonight was a naked boy lying unconscious on our bed.  

His blond hair was ascue and on his skin were several  red claw and bite marks.

"Isn't he darling?!" Leijone asked as he crawled onto the bed and woke him. 

My heart stopped, the boy turned and looked at me. He couldn't be much older than twelve. In his eyes I could see the same fear that was in Adel's when we were running from the wolves. 

"Louey, he's a virgin too. If you'd like you can have him first." Leijone said as he made the boy get on his knees and show me his backside. I looked away as Leijone began to probe at the boy's anus with his fingers and tongue. The poor boy began to whimper and groan.

"Enough!" I shouted , causing him to halt. I grabbed the boy and made him face me. I changed my eye color from yellow to black. "You will get dressed and run straight home." I said in a low voice. I then bit my wrist and offered him my blood. "Drink and be healed." The boy obliged. As he drank I could see the light return to his eyes. The various cuts and bite marks began to heal. I then pulled my wrist away and handed the boy his clothes.

He dressed quickly and ran out of the room.

"Why did you do that!" Leijone shouted at me in frustration. 

"HE IS JUST A BOY! Not even old enough to become a vampire!" I exclaimed. 

"You're no fun anymore Lesser. I remember we use to rape and kill together at least three times a month. " Leijone said with a scowl.

"That was centuries ago." I said, taking my jacket off and tossed it in Leijone's face. I sat on the bed. "Killing... has lost its luster for me. I want something else in this unlife. Something i've never had." I said with a deep sigh. Leijone jumped up and laid his head on my shoulder. "We vampires rule the night. What more could you want?˝ He asked as he wrapped his arms around me. 

"I don't know. I just feel like something is missing." I replied. Leijone then pulled me down on the bed and began to kiss me. I closed my eyes and allowed his lips to cover mine. He then startled me as he continued kissing me. He then broke our kiss and threw his head back. His eyes blazing with lust.

"Fuck me Lesser." He said in a husky voice. I tossed him off me onto the bed as he tore my shirt off. 

"You're in trouble now." I said as I snatched his pants off. 

He let out a chuckle as he flung his underwear at me. I dodged them and lunged at him.As I sat on top of him he grinned. 

"That's the beast I longed to see." 

Leijone then pulled me closer to him by my hair. He then kissed me again . I broke the kiss and wretched his head to one side and bit him. He let out a deep grone. Even while his blood ran down my throat I could still only think of the girl. "How could she bewitch me so"? I remember. I drank her blood. The sweetest i've ever tasted. 

The sex wasn't even interesting to me as I was lost in thought the whole time. All I could think about was how Adel resembled Annett, and how I missed her. Never had I longed for a woman's touch. I could feel my climax drawing near as my memories of Annett played in my mind. How sweet her smile was, her touch... her lips. It was all I could take. 

The memory of Annett  underneath me screaming my name sent me over the edge. My seed filled Leijone to nearly bursting. It had been a long time since I had any pleasure. So all that was within me came forth with force. I lay in the sheets enjoying the aftermath. Leijone was now silently sleeping. His crazed hair sprawled about him yet a smile of contentment on his face. I had been withdrawn from him for a long time. Avoiding,and ignoring his plea for affection. 

"That should keep him quiet for a bit." I said to myself allowed. 

Leijone didn't stir nor move. The vampiric sleep had claimed him. I closed my eyes and awaited the same fate. 

It was dusk when I awoke. Leijone still dead to the world, the others too no doubt are the same. I got up and stretched still quite tired from the night before, but I couldn't contain the excitement inside. I smiled as I dressed. I envisioned Adel sitting at her bedroom window awaiting my arrival. Her innocent eyes full of light and happiness as I knock on the glass gently.  I was just over the threshold of my room when Leijone sat up.

"Where are you going Lesser." He asked with not a hint of sleep in his voice nor eyes. He looked at me piercingly.

" You haven't stopped smiling since you got out of bed." He said getting up. He grabbed a nearby towel to clean himself with. 

"Going to see a new play thing? Is that why you we're so good last night?" Leijone questioned. 

My shoulders slumped as I turned back towards the door.

"When will I meet him?" He asked with a smile. 

"Sorry this one is mine and mine alone." I replied then walked out the door. 

"Louey you can be so cruel! " he whined.

I laughed and left the crypt making my way to Adel with haste.

I returned to their house. When I arrived there was a black impala. I opened the gate to the yard and walked up to the porch. The door was ajar. As I began my ascent up to the door it opened. 

"Ah Louey glad to see you made it." Ben said as he gestured for me to enter. As I came into the house Adel ran up to me and took my hand. She guided me to the couch where a man in a black suit was sitting. His hair was platinum blond and his eyes were sky blue, which stood out on his moon white skin.

On the bridge of his long slender nose set a pair of thin wired glasses.


He stood up. 

"Hello Mr Bonavaige. My name is. Talon Moon. I'm The family lawyer and accountant. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. He said with a toothy grin.

 "You're a vampire too I see." 

I said as I took his hand and shook it.

"When you're dealing with ancient money only a vampire can handle such affairs." 

He replied as he sat down.

"So first thing hears your license, passport, birth certificate, and social security card." 

Talon said, passing me a bundle of documents.

"How on earth did you get this?."I shouted. 

"All vampires are documented By order of His Darkness. Up until now there was no reason for you to have these documents, but now that you have become the Godfather of Miss Black you need these to access yours and her accounts."

He said looking up at me from his briefcase. 

Now you also need to sign these documents stating if anything were to happen to Miss Black's parents you will be her acting guardian."

Talon said, taking a very formal document from his case.

As I lifted my hand to pick up a pen that was sitting on the table he pricked my index finger. I watched as my crimson blood dripped onto the paper. The parchment completely absorbed it. Then slowly my name began to appear on the dotted line.

"Good now we are good to go. Here are your credit cards."

Talon said pushing an American express card and a plum mastercard towards me.

"How much am I working with?" I questioned him.

He looked at me over the brim of his glasses as they slid down his nose.

"You will never have to worry about a thing Mr Bonavaige". He said with a smile.

"Oh and as Mr Black has informed me you don't have a car. I have taken the liberty of purchasing one for you." 

Talon reached into the pocket of his suite and tossed me a set of keys.

"The Impala is yours." He said as he packed up his papers.

Adel's parents then sat down on either side of me.

"We just want to make sure you have everything you may need to care for our daughter." Ben said as he clapped me on the back.

"Thanks I'll do everything in my power to make sure she is safe." I replied. Never had I felt so much pressure on me in my life.

Adel smiled at me from behind Talon. "We will be fine if anything happens." Adel said as she walked over and sat in her mother's lap.

"Oh if I may take a picture of you all just in case any questions of your relationship with her family arises." Talon then took out his phone and took a quick snapshot.

"There we should be good to go Ben." Talon put his phone in his pocket and picked up his briefcase.

"Yes, that should do it." Ben agreed.

"Thanks old friend I appreciate all you have done for my family". Ben said, giving Talon a hug.

"I wish I could make more old friends." Talon said remorsefully.

 "Louey may I have a word?" Talon motioned for me to follow him outside.

Once we were on the front porch of the house with the door shut tight behind us his cold, calculating eyes became demonic.

"If you find that you cannot care for my Delleya, in the event of her parents death you are to contact me!" He snarled 

"She is very dear to me. Do not fail her Louey. " He said, handing me a cellphone.

"I promise I will protect her." I reassured him. 

"Good." Talon replied then he stepped off the porch and reviled his wings. Black feathers slowly sailed to the ground as he flapped them. He then kicked off the ground and was gone.

"He's a hybrid " 

I looked to my left and saw that Adel had come outside and was now standing beside me.

"He told me his mother was an Angel and his father a werewolf vampire hybrid." Adel said with a smile. 

"Why didn't your parents ask him to be your guardian?" I asked her as I stepped off the porch towards the car. 

"He has a very busy schedule and wouldn't have time for me." Adel replied as she followed me to the car. "But something tells me it is much deeper than that." Adel said opening the passenger side door and climbing in.

At first I was going to tell her to get out but curiosity had snared me

"Why do you think that?" I asked as I got into the driver's side of the car and shut the door. 

"Talon once used to come and see me everyday.  He used to always bring me a gift. I think at one point I was to be his wife." Adel said, almost saddened by the thought.

"What?!" I shouted as I looked at her.

"But something changed, and he lost interest in me." Adel said as she folded her legs up to her chest and put her chin on her knee.

"There has to be a good reason for it, but you're too young to be thinking about marriage. " I told her as I put the key in the ignition. 

"Do you like humans Louey? " Adel asked, looking me in the eyes. 

"Only you dear." I said with a toothy grin. I cranked up the car and put it in drive. "Hold on tight and put on your seatbelt suga! 

The tires squealed as I cut out of the driveway and turned down the dark road that led into town. Adel laughed as I turned sharp corners causing her to be pressed against the door.

I too began to laugh as I sped through a red light, then drifted into a vacant parking lot where I stopped. 

We sat laughing for a few minutes. 

"That was fun!" Adel said, taking off her seatbelt. I turned off the car. "Did you ask your parents if you could come with me?" I asked as I put the seat back and put my feet up on the dash.

"They don't care where I go as long as I'm with my guardian. " 

She said, turning to face me.

"Where do you live Louey?" She questioned me.

"With dead people." I replied quickly. 

"So a cemetery. That's cool. Do you have any friends ?"

She asked sweetly.

"More like companion's of convenience. "

"Do you get along with them?"

"Yes and no."

"Can I meet them"? Adel finally asked.

I put my feet down and sat up. 

"Not all vampires are friendly my dear so if you ever come across one of them please come find me. They are not the sort you want to get mixed up with." I said as I fixed my seat and started the car. "Adel put her seat belt back on." 

After we returned to her house we sat in the car and continued to talk. 

"Did you like Talon? " I asked putting my arm around her.

"I don't know, but I do miss him." She said as she leaned into me.

"You don't have to worry about me going anywhere." I said rubbing her back.

"Did you love her... my ancestor? " Adel asked me as she tucked her head under my chin.

I let out a long sigh. "Yes very much.

"Why didn't you stay with her?"

"Because she left me."

"I'm sorry" Adel said sniffling 

"No need to cry. She was afraid of me." I replied as I wiped her tears away with my thumb.

"I'm not afraid of you." She said looking up at me.

All I could do was smile. Such a sweet girl. So young yet wise beyond her years, and already knowing the sting of rejection.

"If my eyes turn red and my skin looks sullen run from me." I said hugging her.

"For if that happens I'll go into a bloodlust and may harm even you my dear." I said lowly.

Adel pulled away from my embrace and looked into my eyes.

"I trust you Louey. And I know you would never hurt me." Adel said sweetly. 

"You have such faith in me. Thank you." I replied. 

I found myself trapped in her gaze, the moonlight illuminating her brown eyes.

I could feel her warm,moist breath on my lips. My heart caught in my throat,and my mouth went dry.

I wanted to kiss her. I quickly turned away.

Adel sat up and tugged gently on my hair. I turn to her.

"Here I figured you'd be hungry so I grabbed this for you." She said handing me a blood bag.

"Thank you." I said as I took it from her. It must have been in her pocket because it was warm. I put it into the pocket of my jacket.

"Don't drink it too fast, it's special blood." She said with a smile. Adel then got out of the car, and walked over to the driver's side. "It's getting late, I should get to bed." She said. As she turned to leave I reached out the window and grabbed her hand. Surprised, she turned and looked at me. I pulled her back to the window. I got out of the car and knelt down and hugged her. I then gave her a gentle Peck on the cheek.

"Goodnight. " I said then slowly released her. "Goodnight Louey. " she said then skipped up to the gate of the fence, opened it and walked up to the porch. I waited till she went inside. The door closed. 

I got up and got back into the car, started it and took off.

It was two a.m when I returned to the cemetery. I parked behind some thick tall bushes and rested my head on the steering wheel. Adel is all I can think about. I can't get her out of my head.  I find myself worrying about her safety even in my sleep.

I sat back in my seat and looked out into the night sky. My gums began to ache as it dawned on me that I haven't fed. I subconsciously stick my hand into my pocket and pull out the blood bag, still warm.

She told me to savor it. So I tore open a corner of the bag and let a small drop of blood sit on my tongue.

"This is Adel's blood!" I said to myself in shock. I didn't want to drink it but I hadn't gone hunting and the night was almost over. I took a big gulp of the contents of the pouch.

The flavor sent me into euphoria. I never thought I'd taste this again. The blood of a pure hearted virgin. 

I could feel my body grow stronger and my power returning. I hadn't felt this good in centuries. 

I stopped and looked at the pouch. I had nearly drained it completely. I took the pouch and attempted to shut it and put it back in my pocket. The sky was brightening with the approaching dawn. I got out of the car and hurried to the crypt. 

Lousipher and Lazz were already fast asleep hanging from their respective perches. I walked to the room that Leijone and I shared.  There he sat at the foot of the bed as if he was waiting for me. 

"Well well I see you made it back just before dawn again." He said with bright eyes. He got up and took my coat off of me. And held it to his nose. 

"You were with a young….. tasty women.... No, A girl. And her innocence is still intact." He said then processed to turn out my pockets. I went to snatch it back but it was too late.

In his hand was the blood bag leaking into his palm. 

"You're not feeding on humans anymore?" He asked as I grabbed the bag from him. He licked the blood from his hand.

She's delicious. When will I get to meet your donor? He asked, still rifling through my pockets.

"Never!" I snarled.

"Why? it's just a human."

"She is not just a human!" I said but then realized what I just blurted out, I covered my mouth with my free hand.

"Who is this girl?" Leijone asked as he pulled the picture Adel drew for me out of my jacket. 

"She's good. She drew you and herself running away from some wolves isn't that cute." He said with a devilish grin.

I stood in silence. 

"So what is she going to be our playmate? Or is she going to be our dinner?" Leijone said as he put the picture back.

"She is my charge.... you had better leave her be." I said glaring at him.

"Since when did you start caring about humans? And when did you get guardianship over one?" Leijone asked as he reached for the rest of the blood bag. 

I snatched it back and yelled.

"It's none of your business who she is and why she is under my protection. Know your place boy!" I barked.

Leijone recoiled. "By the taste of her blood she is something, so I understand your hostility....  Do you have feelings for this girl?" Leijone inquired. 

I took my jacket back and turned to leave the room,when Leijone picked up a book and threw it at the door.

"I love you Louey...  I haven't stopped in three hundred years and I won't stop." His eyes filled with sadness.

His eyes then turned dark and his smile maniacal. " I won't let a little bitch take you from me! I'll have to kill her!" 

I had had enough of his babbling, so I grabbed him by the throat with one hand and began to squeeze. His eyes went wide and he began foaming at the mouth.

"I'm leaving you!  I have grown weary of you and this undeath!  That girl... That girl has renewed what humanity I had left and I'm happy again." I said releasing him.

Leijone looked at me as he grasped for air. I can't live like this anymore. The monotony has torn away at my soul so that I was becoming like the rest of you!" I shouted.

"I'm leaving. So please don't follow me. It's time I moved on." I turned and left the crypt and headed for the car. 

The sky was turning blue. I had to hurry and find shelter from the sun's stinging rays.  I got in the car and drove to the only place that I knew I could hide.

The sun was rising as I rushed to the fenced yard. I jumped it and climbed up onto the roof. I knocked on Adels window. I could feel my flesh being too smoldering. 

"Adel please let me in!" I gasped as the sun began to burn my flesh. 

Adel opened the window and pulled me in. Then quickly shut it and pulled the certain tightly closed. The room was dark and cool.


"What on earth were you doing out there?!" She shouted as she looked me over.

 "I left my companions... I said sitting up off the floor. I looked at my hands and the Burns slowly began to heal. 

"Why did you do that?" Adel asked as she sat on the floor in front of me. 

˝it's time they learn to stand alone like true vampires." I replied then stood up. 

"Is there a place I can hide from the sun here?" I asked her.

"Follow me." She said taking my hand and leading me out of her bedroom.

She stopped me and ran ahead. "I'll go make sure the curtains are drawn closed." 

I stayed back listening to the sound of her shutting blinds and curtains, until all was dark. Before I realized it Adel had returned and grabbed my hand and continued to lead me through the house.

"The basement is the only place with no windows." She said as she opened the door.

She led me down the stairs. Along the walls of the basement were boxes with various labels. Halloween, Easter, X'mas.

She then took me to an empty room say for a lone chair that looked as if it had come from a dining room set. Even in the dark I could see that it was made of a dark wood which was carved elegantly. The cushions were built in and made of a red silk. 

Adel dusted the seat off then began to tug at my jacket. I let her pull it off of me and she draped it over the back of the chair.

"Your throne my lord." She said with a  courtesy. I smiled and sat down. The wood was smooth and the cushions soft. 

"Where did you get this chair? It's too nice to have been a meer dining chair." I said crossing my legs.

"My dad told me a count once owned it and gave it to him as a thank you gift." Adel replied as she went out the room. She returned with a small round table and sat it next to me.

"I know it isn't quite comfortable but it will have to do till we get you a bed." Adel said with a smile.

"No it's fine I like it vampires don't need such creature comforts. I said with a warm grin.

"Don't you have school in the morning?" I questioned. 

"No it's the weekend. " she said then sat down on the floor in front of me. 

I looked down at her, she was smiling up at me through the darkness. 

"Thank you for helping me." 

I said as I leaned back in the chair.

"Your welcome Louey." She said getting up. 

She left the room and headed up the stairs. 

I closed my eyes and let the death like sleep take me.

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