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Chapter 9: Reality

[A/N: This chapter is a bit darker than usual. This chapter was pretty weird to write. Hopefully you guys don't mind it too much. The dots in between paragraphs are there for either a PAUSE or a first/third person change. Keep that in mind so the text flows better]

{11:45 P.M, Gwen's House}

Gwen had just finished showering. She was in a very happy mood after having a successful dinner with Peter. Although it wasn't alone, it was a step forward.

She doesn't have any experience when dating but she had seen multiple of those Cringey Youtube videos talking about tips on romance, making her pretty much an expert.

Walking through the hallway, she heard her father's voice coming from the living room. Curiously, she went to hear what he was talking about. Walking up, right before the turning point of the hallway, she stood still and placed her ear out to listen.

Instead of her father's voice, however, she heard a muffled voice.

"Reporting, an abnormally large figure has been spotted running around New York's rooftops. There have been multiple sightings in the past 15 minutes. Requesting for immediate backup and inspection."

Letting go a long sigh, Captain Stacy replied with a tired voice.

"Copy that. I'll be there as fast as possible."

Placing down the communications device, he hastily speed walked into his room in order to change and wear his equipment.



Gwen, at first, had thought of it as another random scheme or prank from the public, but she subsequently remembered about the green-clothed person flying on a glider, attacking people, and thought about how it wouldn't be that weird if someone really that big would be jumping around at night.

Deciding not to worry about it too much, she went back to her room. Once entering, everything seemed normal but Gwen was for some reason shivering, feeling scared of something that isn't even there.

'Is this what they call instinct...'

Beginning to step back from the eerie feeling she was getting, her body was starting to get stiff until the feeling started growing more and more apparent.

Hastening her steps, she braced herself to start running until she felt something grab her waist.

Without uttering a single word, she turned her head only to see a gigantic reptilian staring right at her. This was when she completely lost her cool.


Screaming at the top of her lungs, she started wiggling out but to no avail. She was not even that strong in the first place and adding to the pure strength the monster must have to be able to lift her like air, it wasn't going to work as long as you were a normal human.

"Shhhhhh~ You're Gwen Stacy right~ My beloved told me you know how to work a 'Galani' Device on Oscorp~"


Not knowing what to say at the fact this monster was talking proper english, casing her to continuously stuttered.

"Speak now before I rip you apart~"

"I- I do! But Oscorp is completely off-limits and kind of unstable so you should really, you know, stop trying..."

Hoping the creature's intelligence wasn't much, Gwen tried fooling her into leaving, only to be met with disappointment.

"Your tricks won't work on me, human~ We're going to Stark Tower, he has a similar device that will work just fine.~"



Gwen's brain began to rapidly process and think about how to get out of the situation, that was until the behemoth jumped out the window.

It was followed by loud cracks and creaks on the railings and fire escapes of the building. It began climbing the floors at a fast pace, once reaching the top, it began jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

She was traveling at such a high speed that Gwen was contemplating whether she'd even be alive when reaching Stark Towers. After a few minutes of the disasterous travelling, they had arrived in front of Stark Industries.

The large monster then went into a crouching postion, before jumping with all its strenght, reaching all the way to the top floors. Crashing through the glass, and rolling around the ground while having Gwen protected by her arms, that was of course so she doesn't die before fulfilling her purpose.

This caught the attention of almost everybody in the top floors as hearing such a loud noise would shock anybody. The surprised workers all looked in their direction in complete shock for a brief second before they all started to scream and run out of the exit.

Some of the security present on the floor had been couragous enough to distract the monster just so the others could run and escape... holding up their firearms, they shot multiple rounds of bullets, and as expected, nothing had happened. It had only annoyed and angered it even more.

"Annoying Humans!~"



This led to a large massacre occurring throughout the night. Screams coming from men and women clogged the entire building only to be stopped and permanently put out by the large monster.

Seeing all of this Gwen had internally threw up about 10 times and externally 3 times. Even if she gets out of this situation somehow, she is going to be traumatized after seeing all of this blood and guts were thrown all around the place.

She tried keeping quiet for the sake of survival but she couldn't hold it in anymore. Tears were flowing down her face, no 14 years old should ever be seeing this. These people had nothing to do with the situation just like her yet they were being farmed like pigs...



Only to be responded with a playful shush. Making Gwen even angrier and disgusted at how nonchalantly she can murder all these people.


"SILENCE HUMAN! I can kill you right now if I wanted to! Don't test my patience!~ I can find other replacements~ you weren't the only one my beloved told me about. Peter Parker was another option~"

The monster spoke about the random people her husband had told her about with little to no concern about letting this information out there, but little did she know that this was one of the good decisions she made.

"Hu- HUH? PET-?!"

Before she could finish speaking, she forcefully covered her mouth. Although she didn't know what the consequences would be, she did NOT want to put Peter in any danger.

"Oh~ So you know that human?~ Hehehe well yes if I do end up killing you then he is next in line.~"

Her usual frown became a wicked smile.

"N-NO! I'll... do it, leave him out of this..."

Knowing there was no other option than following with whatever plan the monster had, Gwen closed her eyes before taking a deep breath... her tears were still falling down her face as she didn't know what to do.

What other choice does she have?

Should she kill herself to prevent their plan from working? NO! if she even had the courage to kill hersel, it'll still only lead to more and more deaths and leading to Peter going through the same thing she is right now...

Should she try running away and hope for an escape? NO! The monster ran 5 miles in a matter of minutes, she has zero chance of escaping on pure speed and she doesn't have anything to distract it either.

'Is there seriously no other way...'


After thinking about it so much, time flew by and they had finally reached the rooftop, the monster had started to get excited knowing their plan will soon be true while Gwen... was still processing everything.

Walking up to the control panel of the device, Gwen began inputting the necessary information. Her eyes looked close to death as she had been crying ever since entering this building. She had seen so much death that its smell, sight, and sounds had been ingrained in her head.

She was still hesitating quite a lot. This plan might really change the entire world and decide how 'humans' will live and evolve in the millennials to come. She has no right to mutate the entirety of New York and change everybody's future but what choice does she have, even if she destroyed the sample she had on her hand, the monster had about 15 more in the dufflebag. She can't win in a fight, nobody can, right?

Still hesitating on doing anything, the monster had grown very tired of Gwen's indecisiveness and decided to threaten her. Leading to Gwen's eyes regaining some of their emotion.

"Hurry up Human!~ My love is currently suffering, quickly before I go kill you and then find that Peter Parker of yours!~"



The events followed as such and in the end, led to her being picked up to the monster's eye level, by her messy and bloody hair.

The weird light had turned into an explosion, which sounded throughout the entire rooftop.

Appearing from the explosion was the same White figure that Gwen had heard so manypeople talk so much about. She had only heard descriptions of his costume but seeing the real thing was different.

It was weird though, although he was supposed to be a complete stranger and maybe not even an ally, she felt oddly comforted by his appearance. On the other hand, the monster was flinching and slightly shivering.

'Is this the enemy my beloved talked about?~ He doesn't seem much but... why am I shivering?~'

The figure looked at the injured and dirty Gwen before looking back at the monster with animosity. The pressure that the monster felt was beyond comprehension, it grew more and more as time went by.



{1st Person POV}

I was at first irritated that Gwen got involved in this conflict of mine, but seeing her dirtied and injured, with the scent of blood all over her body I was beyond angry.

'June detect for any life signs in this building.'

|No life signs detected.|

'Sorry, Tony... about the building that is.'

"Die for me, please."

Uttering such ominous words, I flickered and appeared in front of the female Lizard. Not waiting for a response to my words, much less my actions. I smashed my fist onto her chest, pushing her downwards.


That hit has been the strongest I ever hit a living being. It wasn't my full power but it was more than enough to decimate through concrete reinforced floors since I went past them like nothing.



After knocking the now, Female Lizard, through 9 floors of the building. Peter forcefully stopped and landed since any more would kill the female Lizard.


The Female Lizards injuries were beyond just regenerating, her entire torso was broken and she was puking out blood like crazy. Her body has gone through a tremendous amount of pain, it was unimaginable someone could cause this much damage to her even with the insane regeneration and durability.

However, he didn't stop there. He started breaking every single bone in her body. Cracking them before moving on to the next one.

Ignoring her screams, Peter was about to continue his sort of sadistic torture until he finally looked around the room and got a glance of what had happened here.



Bodies upon Bodies upon Bodies were scattered all around the place.

Peter eyes widing immensly and although you couldn't hear it from the outside, his breathing became slightly unstable. Looking closely and scrutinize the bodies, he had seen all the claw marks, the ripped limbs, and the unrecognizable lumps of corpses.

"No... No..."

Peter's eyes had gone from anger to pure hatred.


His body had subconsciously hit the female Lizard once again in fury, this time with incomprehensible amount of strenght. Crashing through the floors of the building.


After the second punch, Peter had finally gathered his thoughts...

Looking at what's left of the female Lizard. He did not know what to say. Should he really be blaming somebody that was forced into this by her crazy husband. Isn't it his fault for not making it in time because he was too busy kicking someone else's ass and not taking this into accountability?

He's not perfect but he's a genius right.. shoudln't he have been able to do something about this before it even happened?????

If he had just killed them from the beginning and not held back. He could've finished the fight in seconds could he not? Then why didn't he.

Was it because he wanted to show off? Maybe? Was it because he was trying to be a nice guy? Sort of... Was it because he was being carefree... Yes. Therefore this was his fault.

Had he just taken this entire thing seriously, no one would have to atone for his foolishness...



I have taken this entire universe for granted. This world isn't fiction anymore, that is what I've failed to realize after all this time...

I've said before that I truly believed in this world's existence and accepted its realism but some part of my heart had.... still yet to accept it.

That is because I had not seen the dark side of this universe. The cons to the pros and the bad to the good.



I wouldn't call myself naive for thinking death wasn't a thing. I did know and consciously thought about ways to prevent as much death as possible as it would only burden me... but Is this not my fault for this happening????

I hold so much knowledge and power, yet I still cannot prevent such a measly threat.

And I have the nerve to be thinking about how to stop Thanos a decade from now?? Is this some sort of joke Peter?



Peter had now finally realized the large mistake he has been making for the past 11 years within this world. His stupidity in questioning the consequences of his actions.

After doing all this acceptance and understanding, he had finally grown not physically but emotionally.

Peter then went out of his intense trance, he looked down at the female Lizard, who had already stopped breathing moments ago.

'One more death on my hands...'



Looking around once more, I had once again been reminded of how many lives have been lost today. Thinking this was enough, I create many microscopic robot within my palms before dropping it inside the remains of the female Lizard.

It was a device created to completely consume anything from the inside out. Although I say that, it won't go through anything half as durable as vibranium or even adamantium but more than enough to go through bones or metal.

Once putting the robots inside her. I flew through the holes I blew through the building, right until I reached the rooftop where Gwen was still standing, as scared as anybody would be. I looked at her for a few moments, seeing how frightened she was, I sent a thought to June.

'June, activate Protocol 54'

|At your command, Sir|



The female Lizard's corpse had begun getting torn apart from the inside out at a rapid pace. To normal human vision, it looked like the body was rotting and decomposing at ridiculous timing. Until inevitably turning into nothing.



{Warehouse, Lizard, and Otto}

Otto had just woken up from being knocked out. His neck felt very sore and his mind was all over the place. He had remembered everything he thought about and how much hatred he felt towards pretty much everything?

He looked around, noticing his 'partner' and him both webbed up with something very strong. He tried struggling out but nothing worked, suddenly, he felt his pain coming from his stomach.

That pain grew more and more to the point where he started screaming for help.



The Lizard however had a different reaction, he was being oddly quiet even though he felt the same pain otto felt. His thoughts have been fumbled ever since turning into this monstrosity, but in death his thoughts had become as clear as day.

'My wife, my son. What have I done...'

With those being his final thoughts, both the Lizard and Otto disappeared from the earth's surface.



{In Jail, Norman Osborn}

He had been trapped and engaged here for over a week with the worst food and treatment possible, he didn't think he would be able to get out but he had still tried finding any methods.

While still laying down on his 'bed' he was cursing at the white figure that captured him and threw him in here. Worst of all, he was disabled thanks to the shots fired from him.

All of a sudden, a painful feeling started coming from his stomach, then from all over his body. He knew that something was desperately wrong so he tried ringing the security but the button was beyond his reach, so he started screaming instead. The screams sounded but nobody appeared, why not? He was doing it at the top of his dissolving lungs yet nobody heard him?

With that, Norman literally rotted in prison.

{1st Person POV}

I at first didn't want to kill them for obvious reasons, but I still left the robots within them as a backup plan just in case something does happen.

That includes every single villain I have encountered who I deemed a threat, I at least made that much precaution. Although what I did was for the greater good, I can't help but have a bitter feeling inside me.

Their lives were still worth saving until it led to this, although it wasn't fully anybody's fault really they still one way or another caused this... Too many lives have been lost and I can no longer let them live just because I 'pity' them. I have to take accountability for it.

Once making sure the entire protocol went as planned, he gave Gwen a glance before walking up to her.

"N-no stay away..."




Not listening to her, I walked in front her, grabbing the dufflebag filled with Lizard serum before picking her up. Holding her closely so she doesn't fall, we flew down to the building where the police and all the other evacuated people were.

When they saw me, they were of course on guard and ready to shoot until a loud voice sounded.


Captain Stacy had seen and noticed that I had been carrying another person, quite small so he assumed to be a teenager at most, although they might not be exactly friendly, he had not seen any weapons on either of them so he found it good enough to let them at least land.


When he got a better look at who it was, he was in complete shock. Without giving any other orders, he started running towards where we were landing. Once our feet touched the ground, Gwen ran out of my hold and went directly towards her father. Looking at this, I couldn't help but feel happy that I at least made it in time to save her..



The helicopter and other surveillance had still not arrived yet as this was an emergency. So, nobody knew what was happening up there and only heard loud noises of smashing while seeing the actual building being destroyed.

"Gw-Gwen! What are you doing up there?!"


Wishing to not even speak another word, she rushed into her father's embrace. She had seen and heard so much that all she wanted was to get home and rest, she is beyond tired.

Captain Stacy on the other hand was still skeptical on what had happened. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he had not realized the white figure had already disappeared and left without a trace of sound nor evidence.

He turned around to see if he had gone anywhere else but was only met with worried and scared people and a certain ginger crying about the building being half destroyed.

Still hugging his daughter, he could only hope that the mysterious figure meant good but all he wants right now is to make sure his daughter and everybody else is safe and sound.




Not including Author's Notes:

3424 Words (Thickest chapter)

I was at my friend's yesterday so sorry about no chapter yesterday. I think I'll keep a schedule of Sunday-Friday as upload days and Saturday as my rest day. If I miss days that's because I just really had no motivation or was too busy to do it.

I didn't really know what to feel about this chapter. I come up with the story as I go and only have a rough draft of what I wish to include. It might end up in a jumbled up mess but hey it is working so far. I try my best to make it as realistic as possible but I see my many flaws and am trying to fix them to the best of my capabilities.

This entire chapter was for giving Peter a drive to actually do the 'hero' work. (He isnt turning into a justice obsessed person) It was also to make sure he has fully accepted this world not as fiction but as reality and just how much shit can be going on.

I am not sure if this is the final draft of this chapter as it felt a bit iffy, when thinking about the impact it will give. So give me your opinion without spouting pure stupidity. I appreciate criticism but some people are literally calling me r*tarded for some of the shit I pull. I deleted them because I don't want that in the comments but the other 'hate' comments are still there for everybody to see.

I might fix this chapter tomorrow or the day afterwards but this is what is happening for now. Tell me how you feel about it and if I did it properly.

Thank you for reading. Drop some comments and reviews, maybe some stones to feed my power lol. <3

KhadaFourJhin KhadaFourJhin

1st Place Felicia Hardy- 85 Votes

2nd Place Natasha Romanoff- 74 Votes

3rd Place Gwen Stacy- 38 Votes

4th Place (Your Choice) Wanda-19 Votes lmao?

5th Place (Your Choice) Susan Storm- 15 Votes


Last Place Mary Jane- 3 and a half votes bruh

Well yeah, there you have it, folks. I might do a relationship with Peter and two girls but idk. No the girls will not be in love with each other also, it just ruins the mood if I were to ever do that.

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