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Chapter 66: Between Episodes

Onyx slowly looked over his technically old plan and realized that it was really full of holes in the scheme, but he did not know how to fix it. The project was written before the wedding during the period of time where he was attempting to fight his Magic. As he looked it over, he also realized that he could see the holes in the scheme, but he could not fill them because even though he knows there are holes, he can't magic up an answer. He sighed when he looked over the various books that had been returned to him in thought. 'How on earth am I supposed to expand my knowledge even though I have those books seared into my brain.'

He slowly hummed before he heard the door slam downstairs. He sighed in exasperation and slowly stood up and looked at the doorway, wondering if whoever it was going to come to him. When nothing happened besides someone coming upstairs, he decided that he would have to go investigate whoever it was. As he slowly moved to the bedroom, he nodded his head because It was likely primarily Pinkie doing something. He slowly knocked as he entered and was surprised to see her currently packing a bag again and realized that they might be heading to the Wonder bolt camp. Pinkie looked up and squeezed him in a hug. She spoke up, sounding super excited. "We are going to go visit Rainbow at the camp, so we should be back in a couple of days, alright."

Onyx nodded and smiled at her while squeezing her into a hug. Pinkie looked at him in worry because Onyx was being super quiet compared to how he usually is. She slowly narrowed her eyes at him in question. Onyx sighed because maybe she would be able to help him. He spoke slowly, trying to articulate his problems. "I know all that I need to about my runes, in fact, I can see every problem that I am having, but instead of being able to instantly know what I should put in the place of the hole, it is just letting me know it is there."

Pinkie hummed because she could not help but snicker at Onyx's problems and smiled up at him. "All you need to do is an experiment. How long has it been since you did some real experiments?"

Onyx slowly hummed and hawed over her word before nodding his head because that was honestly probably his entire problem. He had not experimented with his new abilities and just jumped right back into working, and he has no idea how his Magic has changed and what he has gained, and what he has lost. He slowly looked up at the ceiling in thought because this was something that was probably going to take him weeks, maybe even months, before he can really get back to work. When he looked back down, he saw that Pinkie had finished her packing for the trip to the Wonder Bolt Academy. He held out his hand and took Pinkie's bag, and led her outside so he could take her till she was leaving.

As they walked down the street, Onyx could not help but be excited because finally, he was running out of things he knew automatically, and he would be on even ground with every single one of the group. Pinkie smiled as she watched as Onyx was extremely happy about something, which was great to hear. When they arrived into the group where they would be boarding the balloon to the Academy. Onyx slowly looked over the girls and could not help the smile that spread on his lips before pulling the herd into a kiss and smiling at them. "Be careful, alright, I am probably going to be super busy before you girls get back."

They nodded before boarding the balloon and looked down at him while waving goodbye to him, and he could not help the smile that was spreading over his lips. When he saw they were out of sight, he slowly started walking back to the mansion and realized that he would not be there for them if they needed help. He slowly sighed and realized that this is what Comet probably felt when Rainbow left and headed into an adventure.

He slowly looked at his house and nodded his head before moving off to the other direction. He was going to go talk to his brother and his friends. When he looked at the sky, he felt lighter for some reason that he could not honestly describe, which was highly confusing. Onyx slowly shook his head before heading off towards his brother's place first because this was probably going to be the most challenging conversation that he was going to have today.

---Time Skip---

Onyx slowly hummed as he looked over the readings that Emerald had taken of his Magic and Body and could not help but admit that Pinkie was even wiser than most gave her credit for. The readings that Emerald had given him told Onyx that he would have to enter an extreme level of experimentation about the way his Magic would react to certain things. As Onyx slowly read over the various bits and bobs of information that he was given. He noticed that he was pretty much not going to ever be able to cast Wild Magic again. Wild Magic is Magic that makes plants grow faster or that affect storms and other things like that.

Before he could continue, he was surprised that he was receiving a letter from someone magically. When he let it loose, he was surprised that it was from the herd and that they were telling Onyx that they were going to be delayed and realized that this was the sidekick episode. As he slowly thought it over, he realized that he again really had no reason to interfere. No one got hurt in this episode. Nothing was really damaged, and Spike learns a lesson about growing up.

Onyx slowly nodded his head and started getting back to work before hearing Gummy scratch the door. He sighed and opened the door so the creature could get outside and do whatever it wanted to do. As he watched the toothless alligator, he realized that he did not have a pet of his own and hummed and hawed before deciding that, in all honesty, he kind of did not want one. Gummy made a noise while looking up at Onyx, looking down at the strange alligator that did not eat meat. Gummy slowly walked into the backyard and started walking around, working off some energy.

Onyx was about to walk off before he heard a knock at the door. He sighed because that was most likely Spike coming to pick up Gummy. When he opened the front door, he looked down at the baby dragon who was looking up at Onyx. Spike spoke up, happy that Onyx was still here and not with the girls. "Hello Onyx, I am here to pick up Gummy."

Onyx nodded and slowly led Spike through the house to the backyard, where Gummy was slowly playing with a squeaky toy. Spike looked at Onyx and was surprised that he was deep in thought. He spoke up with worry in his tone of voice. "Do you think if I get into trouble that I could come to ask you questions, Onyx?"

"Of Course, Spike." Onyx spoke slowly and with a slightly distracted tone of voice. Onyx's mind was deeply into the various experiments he would be running on himself to help his understanding of the current changes to his Magic. Spike quickly picked up Gummy, who was letting out noises about being picked up. Onyx slowly led Spike back out of the house, looked at the baby dragon running off with the alligator, and slowly nodded his head. 'Let's get back to work.'

---Time skip---

Onyx slowly stretched out his body and realized that the girls were most likely back already. When he heard a door open and heard Gummy, the alligator and Pinkie made noises back and forth at each other. He hummed in thought. 'Spike never came to me for help, surprising enough.'

As he slowly walked downstairs, he looked at Pinkie and smiled at her and Gummy. He spoke slowly at them because he had gotten a lot of work down. "Welcome home, Gummy and Pinkie."

"I am glad to be home." Pinkie spoke happily while she led Gummy back inside and looked at Onyx in thought before she stole a kiss and rushed into the house with Gummy hot on her tail. Onyx could only sigh in happiness and looked at the bags that Pinkie had left behind. He slowly picked them up and carried them inside while he just hummed in delight that Pinkie was finally home from whatever she was doing with her friends.

ironpriest ironpriest

So if no one can tell Season 3 does not like me and I do not like it but I am trying.

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