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Chapter 83: Meeting Harmony and Hanging out with Discord

Onyx felt his back crack as he was climbing off the train, simply happy that he was home in Ponyville because as much as he like Canterlot, there is just something about the air in Ponyville that makes him happy. Onyx had a slight theory that the Harmonic magic in the air was probably causing him to feel like this, which was interesting. As he was walking down the street, he felt dozens of eyes on him and looked around with interest and realized that he did not know what the girls were doing because apparently, they were heading off to see the author of the daring do books.

Onyx had decided when he got home, he would head over to the hospital to speak with his brother and ask him how he was doing in the courtship with a nice lady named Ruby Heart. She was in line to become the head nurse of her department from what Onyx can tell and what the spies he had assigned in secret. After all, Emerald might look out for Onyx health-wise, but Onyx looks after Emerald just as deeply. Even though he had gotten told off by Celestia for wasting resources, he had still considered a price worth paying. As Ponyville's Hospital came into view, he could not help but bob his head from a song that was playing in his mind.

As Onyx entered the building, he was not surprised when nobody had noticed him enter because he had found a way to hide his magic quite deep. He walks right past a pony without them reacting, which made him smile because this Runic Scheme was a pain in the ass to get right. What most do not know is that all ponies, on some level, use magic. Most of the time, it goes into making it so they could sense other ponies behind them and around them in general. So as long as a pony is not directly looking at Onyx, he could walk right past them with next to no issues.

He hummed a cheery tune and started heading towards the cafeteria where he would be meeting his brother. Onyx was sending his parent's monthly reports on how the courtships are going and progress reports about his brothers. Onyx suspected that Emerald was doing the same thing but probably not as detailed as his was, but then again, Onyx has been infected by his past life, and this current one making him extremely blunt about certain things. Onyx slowly remembered the differences that the two lives had lived along with the moment they clashed.

Asmund was the Onyx of the past with little to none of the past life infecting the personality, but being an Alter has changed the genuine Onyx immensely. Onyx stopped for a second and looked up in thought because technically, he could be considered the Alter than because he took over the body from Asmund. He quickly shook his head while sitting in a chair and disabling his stealth technique because down that path lies madness. Which would lead him to debate which one of them is the Alter and which isn't.

Onyx, for some reason, was remembering music from his previous life, which was why this whole retrospection is going on. Before Emerald arrived, Onyx sensed something strange, a lack of movement, and noticed that everyone and everything in Ponyville was not moving. He roved his eyes with a flinty resolve and looked around for what could be causing this but quickly realized that it was not just ponyville because all noise has stopped. He spoke out loud on purpose to test something. "What on earth could freeze time at such a level and did not freeze me on purpose."

He heard dainty steps behind and grabbed a chair and started turning to smack whatever creature this was before he felt it, this overwhelming pressure that was telling Onyx a straightforward fact, 'KNEEL.' Onyx gritted his teeth and peered at this being and was surprised that it was a different being with every step and was sending out waves of Harmonic Magic. He slammed his hand down on the chair, cracking the bones and holding himself up because, with every step, this being was excluding more and more pressure on his body.

He watched as it sat down in the very seat that his brother was supposed to sit in and peered up at him with flint-like chips in its eyes, but there was a warmness that could not be hidden. Onyx was starting to have a good guess on what this being was because there was no threat but a loving-kindness that was peering at him. Before he could continue figuring this out, he felt his knees give out from under him, forcing him to the ground and kneeling down. He kept his eyes locked with the being and spoke out loud, mostly to confirm it for himself. "Harmony?"

The being's eyes lit up in happiness, and they patted Onyx on the head and smiled at him in joy. Onyx sighed in relief because Master Shine was certain that Harmony was sentient and that as an Alicorn, it would probably never kill him as long as he never threatened Harmony itself or betrayed it. Harmony started speaking TRUTH at Onyx, and it caused him a minor headache as everything Harmony was conveying was hammered into his brain.

Onyx slowly listened while nodding his head, showing he understood everything she was saying, but he could not help but grimace, but at least he knew this event from the wiki walks that Trek is the next major event. Onyx could not help but sigh because at least he knew that Triek, in this portion of reality, is a mutated pony created by the Filth. That is if the Filth allows Triek out and not whoever this Sundance is. As Harmony finished talking, she was peering down at Onyx, waiting for the answer. Onyx spoke with a nervous tone of voice. "I hear and obey, my lady. The elements will be warned, but I will need to find proof along with Celestia… actually, why are you not telling Celestia, my lady?"

Harmony smiled down at Onyx, but this one was not as kind as before and spoke more TRUTH, quickly explaining that this was a test of Onyx over anyone else. To see if he could handle any task, she gave him along with the Rune Knights because that was pretty much his central resource. Celestia and Luna have had their own tests and passed them quite handily, while two Alicorns are being tested right now. This confused Onyx and made him wonder who else was getting tested because it could be Candance, but it could also be Twilight.

Harmony stood up and twisted and flashed through Alicorns and stopped on an unknown one that Onyx did not know of from any records, but before he could ask, Harmony took a step and disappeared, and a massive blast of noise started back up. Onyx had been left on his knees on the cafeteria floor in a hospital with a cracked hand. He slowly stood up and sat back in his chair and slowly shook his body, trying to get it back into a standard that made sense to him. As he looked at the waitress that was walking up to him, Onyx ordered a calming tea because tea flavors did not really matter to the hospital. Instead, they classed it by effects on the drinker.

Emerald slowly walked into the cafeteria and looked at his brother sitting waiting for him, sipping a calming draught of tea. He hummed when he noticed Onyx not using one of his hands which made him slightly worried. Emerald sped up his walking pace because Onyx was being ginger with his arm, which most likely meant it was pretty hurt because his brother did not worry about pain as much as others, so this action meant he could be seriously injured or something like that. Onyx scoffed in what looked like exasperated fondness at how Emerald was acting before holding out his arm.

As Onyx was getting healed, he spoke with his brothers about various things and listened to his brother question him about how he got injured.

---Time Skip---

Onyx sat outside the train station because the girls were finally heading home, which was interesting because he had no idea what happened out there. He hummed and watched the train arrive and smiled in happiness that he was finally getting to hang out with the girls even though it has been a couple of weeks since he has gotten to see any of them. The yearly Runic Meet and helping Celestia deal with all the problems that sprang up from her being captured by a plant. Onyx looked around for Comet Chaser and sighed before remembering that someone showed up and wanted a high-class shipment from Ponyville to Cloudsdale, which was an 8-hour flight for Comet.

Onyx's head snapped up when he heard a train whistle and watched as the train pulled into the station. Onyx hummed happily that the girls were home before he noticed Discord sitting next to him. Onyx sighed because Discord had a nasty habit of popping into locations whenever he wanted to. Onyx peered at Discord out of the side of his eyes and looked him up and down because when Discord last left, he said he was going to the other continents. Discord had made it sound like he was going to speak with the Chaos Lords, which from what Onyx inferred they do not get along, but it looked like Discord was in good health compared to how he had left. Onyx spoke slowly while watching the train come to a stop. "Everything Alright Discord?"

Discord nodded his head because he was happy to be home in his favorite stomping grounds and messing with his favorite people. What he did not tell Onyx was that while he was overseas and speaking with the Chaos Lords, he had to get into a massive fight with the two others that were mad that he was back. He also had to kill an upstart Chaos Lordling in Equus that was aiming for his title, but the being was a monster of the highest order. A dark Chaos Lord compared to Discord's fun-loving one Chaos. He looked over Onyx and noticed that he was slightly shaken on a soul level, which only happens in certain things. "Are you alright, Onyx?"

Onyx looked at Discord before sighing and knowing that Discord could probably sense that Harmonic Magic that has been caked on his body when he met Harmony. Onyx cannot help but admit that it was like he was dunked into a vat full of liquid Harmony. It is annoying because all the magic residue is infecting all of his work Runic work, which makes it work better but not threw like proper work but on wish magic. This is annoying because it could stop working at any time or when the residue leaves the work. Onyx spoke with annoyance and grunted at Discord. "Meet the biggest Boss."

Discord snapped his eyes at Onyx because he understood that meant that he met one of the two, and it was most likely Harmony herself. He could not help but shiver when he remembered meeting his bigger self for the first time. The immense Discord quickly explained what he wanted and expected to happen and then make Discord do it with little to no choice. Discord nodded while exclaiming to himself. "They have this overwhelming presence, especially when you meet the opposite. It is hard on our bodies to even speak with them."

Onyx nodded while his body shivered when he felt Harmony of the world pull him into a comforting hug. While the girls disembarked, Discord and Onyx slowly heading towards them to welcome them home from their trip and hopefully to get a story.

ironpriest ironpriest

Been busy with my new job's training so have not had much time to write but now that I am used to it hoping to get back to 2 chapters a week

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