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Chapter 27: An Enthusiastic walk

Hey guys really bad news, I got the Covid an honestly speaking I feel like shit right now even while vaccinated, so this won't be a long chapter as I feel like hell, so sorry for the inconvenience I will make it up by posting more often after I get better at least till I find a job.

Inside the deepest part of the central source inside the master bedroom, three figures were wrap in sheets, both of them had tired face and was unconscious due to exhaustion.

Of course, these three was Aarick, Typhon, and Yang, they all were partaking in subjugating Typhon sexual frustration caused by her species mating season.

Which literally last for three months straight, but after Aarick acquired his new powers that makes him ignore logic and surpass reality, Typhon was defeated with ease.

So, he got up butt naked from his bed as many shadows wrap around him forming clothes around his naked body.

"Sigh... without Pandora around I feel really boring and lonely, is this what they called withdrawal."

[Again, it's just your horniness speaking]

"Sigh maybe, so but whatever I shall wait, honestly I never felt so incomplete, I know she is fine but I can't think straight without her, sigh please hurry come back Pandora."

[Well, Aarick you still haven't test out how overpowered you are, after all, you went straight to love making]

"Well, I found them their when I went back to my room, and come on Atlas they both have rocking bodies, and what made it even worse is the fact I'm suffering from the Majin phycology after absorbing Typhon so yeah."

[You know you can just will the effect away]

"Yeah, but what would be the fun in that."

[Fair point]

[So, what are you going to do now, you been fucking for 36 hours straight, are you going to create some more skills, or maybe create a 2B waifu]

"Not a bad idea, Atlas put that that on my thing I have to do before the year is finish."

[Noted, anything else]

"Yeah, also remind me to upgrade Ra and Nyx as well, I want a weapon that can transform into something more menacing at least a destructive third form


"Thank you."

[So, what are you going to do now, it's kind of late in the night]

"Well, I'm still been watch, but with this new level of power it doesn't even matter to be honest, so let's go for a walk."

[Sure, would you like me to warp you]

"Yeah, sure."

[So were too]

"Click random it doesn't matter where I end up."

[Well random it is then, but please remembered thought, that I don't know where you're going to end up, for all you know you can end up in a deserted island filled with nothing but man-eating Mystic]


[Well on your word]

"Yea hold up lets me gear up."


Upon a single snap, Aarick face was covered with his mask, while both Nyx and Ra were equipped to his side, including Noir and Blanche.

"Ok Atlas, I'm ready."

[Prepare for warp]

"Yes, yes."

From there a giant red circle came shining under Aarick feet as it engulfs him, and what came after was him suddenly vanishing from where he was.


Somewhere on a random mountain side, a beam of light was shooting down from the clouds as a something landed on the rocky ground.

And from it came a mysterious figure clad in black, with a weird mask on their face.

Of course, this person was Aarick, as he was transported at a random mountain side.

"Hey where the hell are we, I hope it somewhere fun."

[Well, you see Aarick I have some good news and Bad news, which one do you want to hear first, because honestly where we warp at is kind of troublesome, I swear manifestation skill is too op it basically causes scenario to fit your favor]

"Well since the manifestation skill brought me here then something interesting has to be here."

(A/N): Manifestation one of the abilities of Sloth.

"So, where the hell are we Atlas."

[The edge of the world]

"The what now!"

[The edge of the world Aarick]

"Haha... the world is round Atlas... there is no edge."

[Ok then Aarick let me rephrased what I said earlier then, you're in the deepest and most dangerous territory of the old world, this place is filled with demi-god Monters, such as the Chimera transcended, Elipisos, Wyner king, Shadow walkers, Mountain turtle, Lamia queen, and way more]

Those words hit me a lot, reason be I have never heard of those mystics before, and judging by their name they sound extremely strong, if that the case doesn't that mean manifestation brought me here to devour and create an army of demi-god level mystics.

But my greatest concerns were the fact, if they are really that strong to the point Atlas considered them to be at the demi-God level doesn't that mean I should have known of their existence.

[Aarick, this place is surrounded by a thick and dark cloud that cover a portion of the world approximately 15,000 km across, it because of that very reason human eyes cannot reach here not even with their Satellite that has the capability to look at you as if you were face to face]

"I see, that makes a lot of sense I'm guessing, this is the place that the human called the veiled lands, honestly what interesting place to take a walk."

[Yes, but what's very coincidental was the fact that this place use to be the domain of the previous emperor of Sorrow, for the very reason he hated being observed, it's the very reason he chooses this place; so, he can hide from the view of the outside world, after all, that giant cloud is remnants of the first Sorrow Miasma, that why the second Sorrow took this place as his domain]

"I see, the veil land was a place that no one can enter, even when they send Reinhard and the entirety of the Hestia, Freya even the Loki Famila to get inside, but in the end they couldn't no matter how hard they try, if memory serves me right, it was because it was protected by a strange invisible wall, they couldn't pass no matter how hard they try."

[The wall of Melancholy, it was one of the many things he was capable of creating with his supreme skill, as it will not let anyone pass, even the Gods are not allowed to trespass inside his domain without his permission, the first Sorrow was someone like you Aarick he hated people, if anything he rather be with monsters than his own kind, it was the very reason he created the veil lands so he doesn't have to bothered by the outside world, in short, he was a loner]

"The wall of Melancholy haaa... is there a weakness to bypass the wall authority?"

[Yes, you either have to be suicidal to enter as the wall will freely allowed you entrance to end your own life by the many mystics that are inside, or the emperor had to give you permission to enter]

"It basically a flex."

[Pretty much]

"Well thanks for the information, Atlas, but before we continue our conversation let me take care of this giant nest of flying bugs that are coming our way in approximately 3 sequences."

When Atlas heard this, he was slightly piss as he said to himself.

[What the purpose of my existence if you keep reading the sequence of upcoming future as if it was some entertaining plot, sigh Paradox Manipulation is just too op, what next are you going to do; keep some overpowered Loli dragon as a coinvent favorite pet]

Aarick turn around as he heard the flapping sound of many flapping entities coming toward him at great speed and when he looks toward the west, he saw an army of giant forty meter three headed dragons heading his direction.

Which was followed by Atlas voice as he said.

[A total of 382 lesser Hydra-Wyners coming your way, all demi God level]

"What a fun day!"


[Aarick once again, their all demi God level, each can destroy a continent with relative ease]

"Hey Atlas I'm feeling for some BBQ Hydra, done to perfection with a side of ginger peppermint tea, hmmm maybe I should have asked Yang to make some for me before I left; sigh well water it is then."


"Well then let's go Hydra hunting."

[Well, whatever I guess]

The Army of lesser Hydra all landed on the mount side surrounding Aarick in every direction some of them still flying in the air, preparing to eat Aarick who was their prey and also a trespasser.

Aarick saw a Giant forty-meter Wyner like dragon, with three heads each on every one of them, they were all blue in appearance; some of them having huge pointy horns similar to that of a Unicorn while other have ram like horns.

Two of them came before Aarick, their bloodlust was evident, yet Aarick looked bored, so much so, he was on the verge of sleeping, if anything he just felt like indulging in his sloth.

So, he went up to them like a boss, and look up while saying with the most care freest pose, he could do with both hands in his pockets enjoying the situation secretly as he spoke.


The Hydra gave Aarick a predatory look as it screeches a menacing howl towards him.


"Yea I feel yah, this mountain isn't big for the two of us."


"I see so you're going to take my life because I step on your mountain how laughable the last time, I check this was a free world, so if anything, it you all, who is bother me, so tell me BBQ or Roast, or maybe both."

[Now he can understand them I swear this guy power is becoming more enthusiastic by the day]





"Sigh well then les get this over with."

[Aarick are you really going to fight them all at once, what are you even going to do, let me guess reality warping bullshit that surpasses common sense]

"Why not it's my power after all, might as well set my dominance and make an example of these fuckers, after all, there are technically living on my property without paying rent, the cost of living isn't free you know."


"Well, any way Atlas I have a question."

[Which is]

"Out of all the stars in the sky which is your favorite."


"Come on answer the question."

[Is there a reason you're asking this random question Aarick?]

"Of course, there is; why would I even ask it in the first place."

[Sigh... I feel like you're going to do something equally stupid, dangerous, and outrageous]

"Just answer the question."


"Agh... what an excellent choice."

[What do you even mean by that?]

"You'll see in just a few, let me look for Sirius first, that will be perfect thing for a situation like this."

Aarick then look up into the sky, looking at the many uncountable stars, he then looks towards the Southeast as he follows Orion belt.

And that when he saw it, the brightest star in the sky Sirius, he then smiled sadistically as he let out a tremendous blood lust that brought all the demi-god level lesser Hydra-Wyners to their knees, the pressure was so immense and intense none of them could breathe due to the sudden fear that strike them with a vengeance.

It was at that moment that they all knew that they all fucked up.

As Aarick lift his left hand towards Sirus; putting his hand in a pinching position that made it look like he was holding Sirus like a speck of dust.

From there he began to spoke his finale words to the Wyners that had the audacity to annoy him, when he was enjoying his walk.

"It's amazing isn't it, from here this beauty looks like nothing but a speck of dust splattered beautifully on a portrayed night sky, but in reality, this thing is celestial monstrosity capable of burning this planet into ashes in an instant, and you know what little lizard just as I see this star as a speck of dust, I also see each and every one of you as a speck of dust as well."

[Aarick you're not going to do what I think you're going to do are you]

"Well Atlas I'm simply taking out the trash."

Aarick then look at the trembling Wyners as he said while grabbing the star firmly from so far away as he said.

"Well then Sirius I'm going to borrow your immense flame for a little."

Aarick then pull Sirus from the night sky as he slams it into the ground, as if it was nothing but a convenient object he can use at his disposal.

A bright blue light came forth surrounding the entire area, drowning the entire surrounding area with an immense and intense blue flame that burn everything in its path into nothing but cinders, the Wyner were completely disintegrated, the ground began to melt creating a giant molten hole that almost reach the Core of Terra.

If it wasn't for the immense mana protecting it from all forms of harm and danger this attack would have affected it.

The mountain melted to nothing; the tree turns to ashes as many poisonous toxins enter the atmosphere, many mystics in the surrounding area die on the spot.

The very fabric of the miraculous attack that Aarick pulls off lights up the entire world, making it look like a devastating and scorching day.

But even after Aarick brought Sirius flames down to Terra, the giant sea of lava scorching the land still remain, scaring it for many eons to come.

And standing at the middle of that sea, was a lone figure clad in black, on his face was a rather unique white mask.

on his side was two of the most powerful Nichirin swords to ever exist, the sword of purgatory Ra and sword of darkness Nyx.

His beautiful blue and whitish hair flow elegantly in the night air, the man had a menacing and powerful aura coming off him.

But after he released such a devastating attack on the environment, he alone remained unscathed for some reason.

Of course, this monstrosity of man was no other than Aarick as he looks down to the mayhem, he caused with an uninterest face behind his mask.

Although not physically seen he was clearly disappointed in the result of the attack, well the army of annoying lizards he killed with it, as he spoke and said.

"Tsk... what a disappointment, they didn't even last a fraction of a second, Atlas I want to make a complain, how can you call this disgrace of a proper dragon demigod level, not a speck of them was left after that attack."

[Was bringing down a portion of Sirus flame to Terra really necessary Aarick]

"Sigh they were too weak to even be called as such, I want a proper fight, I honestly thought they could withstand it for the sole reason of been demi-god level mystics."

[I would advise you to stop morphing reality as you please, that way you can actually enjoy your fights with ease, like I said before, you are now a stray God with logic defying powers]

"I guess you are right, well then I will just have to return to the basic and fight old school with both my fist and my weapons."

After Aarick said that he then unsheathes both Ra and Nyx from it scabbard and spoke.

"I haven't tried out the awaken form of both Ra and Nyx yet, I guess now would be a good time to see how deadly I can be with Adamas, I also want to test out the full power of my physical strength without the aid of my wings and other overpowered skill I plunder from my enemies."

Aarick then took both Ra and Nyx and stab them straight through his chest which made blood start dripping down to the ground, and when he pulled them out of his chest the wound instantly healed up, but each sword was now coated in his black universal like blood.

Aarick the said in a soft tone.

"Awaked your true form... Adamas!"

Aarick black blood began to be absorb by both Ra and Nyx, till both blades eventually turn into a dark but bright and menacing purple color.

And then both weapons transform into a rather angelic and demonic scythe, Ra was a full white and gold scythe with a red giant scythe blade with blue edges so sharp just looking at it might cut you, but the same could said for Nyx as she was also a full black giant scythe that also had a giant blade that was full blue with red edges.

But the weapon wasn't completed yet as Aarick threw the white scythe high in the air, as it was spinning at an immense speed and when it came down Aarick catch it with the black one, as both rods of the scythe fuses with each other creating a menacing dual scythe.

Aarick then began to do a flashy ass dance with the dual scythe to get a good feel for it, and when he was done, he turns it horizontal as he presses a button at the center of the rods.

And when he did that, the dual scythe split in three, as two chains were connected to it from the center, each was 2 feet's long.

Aarick the commence to use them like nunchucks, he then began to spin them on one hand, the on both, eventually all over the places as many devastating wind blades started to fly all over the place, and when he was done, he transforms the deadly chain weapon back into a dual scythe as spoke.

"Yea still got it, I honestly thought I was going to forget that warm up dance Pandora thought me before she left."

[So, what now]

Atlas ask Aarick in an indifferent tone, which Aarick replied in raising his hood over his head while saying.

"Well, it's time to have some fun and increased minions and power even further than it already is."

[I see]

"Yeah, can you track down the nearest nest of Mystics, I want to quench my blood lust and enjoy a beautiful night walk."

[Northwest about 10 miles from here, a total of 123,453 goblins are in a giant nest, all of them are S-ranks while twenty of them are elite goblins, four of them are champion and one queen and king]

Upon hearing that Aarick smile menacingly for two major reasons one being he hated goblin with a raging passion, it was the only mystic he agrees that should be purge from this world, and secondly the goblins in this world are far worser than the ones from the fuck up anime known as goblin slayer, that is base off the real story of an A rank adventure known as Goblin Slayer.

Goblin are creatures that burn down villages, kidnap, rape and eat children, their lust is so disgusting they don't care what their fucking as long as their enjoying it.

And believe it or not, goblins are one of the most intelligent mystics to exist, they rape practically anything, they eat any meat and can digest it with relative ease, in short, they are savages that can eat anything, but human flesh is a delicacy that they enjoy with all their tiny disgusting hearts.

There was once a case where a female priest was found half dead, there were many holes in her body as if someone intentionally created them with a sharp and pointy object, they were all filled with infection, blood and semen.

She was already pregnant when Goblin slayer solo a goblin nest the size of a large city, apparently the poor girl was barley even ten, and was apprentice nun at a local church when she was kidnap.

She been the toy of an entire city of brutal and horny goblins for almost seven years, and since she produces powerful offspring due to her immense talent in magic, the goblins didn't kill her instead they decide to use her till she can't be use anymore.

So, she was raped and torture till she was 16 years old, since she was nearing 17 and it been five years since Aarick heard about that case, up till now, even a cased like that broke him for many reasons.

The biggest reason was the fact that Aarick was major lolicon, so much so, he would sacrifice his life as many times as it would take to bring a smile upon their cute and innocent faces, it was his creed after all, it was the only existence in this known universe that would even get a single shred of mercy from him or ounce of hesitation.

You might even call this one of his weaknesses, as a man of culture, and when he heard what they did this to one of his cute, pure, and innocent loli for six years straight, it invokes a rage in him like no other, especially now since he is married to one, and if by some impossible Miracle a scenario like that was to ever happen to Pandora, well hahah... Pandora might destroy all of existence if he dies, but if anything would have the audacity to ever look, think, or even attempt to rape his wife well, hahaha... he was going to destroy the fourth wall and straight up murder the author in cold blood, then his family, and also his universe and any other universe that exist beyond that as well.

"Hahah... well then, I wonder can goblin feel despair, will they beg for mercy when I kill and devour the children Infront of them, will they cry tear of joy or sadness once I rid them of their pathic life, will they act like loyal dogs if off to spare their life and just kill them right after I fill their heart with hope and joy... hahaha... agh... I how I hunger for some carnage, to think these filthy green piccolo wannabes have the heart to settle down in my domain, hahahhaha ahahaha oh good lord what a fun night this turn out to be."

[Aarick speaking of rape 345 dark elves mystic that are unique only to this area are been rape as we speak, and out of the 345 of them 89 of them are lo.


But before Atlas could even finish speaking and inform Aarick about the serious situation of the goblin infestation that plagues these lands Aarick Suddenly sonic boom across the entire terrain in less than a fraction of seconds his eyes filled with immense blood lust and rage.

[Well, that exoculated quickly, sigh I swear, what would happen if the world or the scp- foundation were to ever found out the strongest emperor in existence is a super lolicon that has a soft heart for lolies, hahaha... the answer would be entertaining and satisfying as fuck to witness]

High in the air Aarick traveled a total of 10 miles in less than a second, it only took him about hundredth of another second to perfectly analyze and count how many goblins where present, and what I counted at this moment was 56,432 of them.

And just like Atlas said, some of his precious loli where been tortured, defile, and played with in the most horrendous way beyond words or description.

Including some other sexy dark elf woman but to take advantage of these poor little girl were enough reason for him to cause a mass extinction event for every goblin waste that exist good or bad, as his killing aura flare up so much it literally fills the entire night sky with a raging purple light.

Time itself began to slow down for Aarick, and his suppression mask turn into its second form, as an extremely loud breathing like sound could be heard echoing throughout the entire domain, it was such an intimidating sound that it instantly sends shivers down everyone spine that was inhabiting the place, it was so ominous it sounds like a dragon god was preparing to breath it raging fire breath upon the land below.

But up above the sky Aarick was standing on the lower side of the cloud, using his loner breathing to prepare for an attack, as a clicking sound could be heard, which release the nunchuck like scythe, the clicking sound was also followed the ominous sound of chains as well.

Aarick then gave the entire nest a cold look as the voice of angry little girl and boy was heard talking at the same could be heard as the voice said.

"Breathe of Loneliness 3rd Isolation: Rogue Blackhole"

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