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Chapter 2: Chapter One - Black Magic


Minecraft started off to me as just a fun hobby that I continued to test myself with. I played as a kid when I went over to a friend's house. But as I went through high school I lost touch with the blocky game.

It wasn't until a friend of mine invited me over to his house and we played. He was amazing compared to me, but -obviously- I had the best sense of style even though I am the one that is colorblind.

Soon after that time I got back into playing Minecraft.

I admit I think I missed it throughout my high-school career but when you say you like anything that a child can play you... Get picked on for it. 4 years of hell is what I went through. I barely managed to escape with my life -if I do say so myself.- I just wish that those years were better for me, I regretted ever coming out to a friend of mine... It's not something I want to talk about...

My phone pinged.

I rolled over on my grey bedsheets with a soft groan of annoyance. 'Sapnap, it is 9 in the morning.' I thought, not knowing who it was nor what the time actually was. All I know it not that long ago I heard my alarm go off and that meant it was nine.

I grabbed the rose gold colored phone and tapped on the screen.

My eyes about popped out of my head when I saw it was almost 12 o'clock in the afternoon. 'I knew I shouldn't have stayed up last night...' I practically flung myself out of my bed and over to my monitors.

I was right about the message being from Sap though.

Bandana Boy:

George where are you?!


I was sleeping...

I didn't realize I had slept in that late.

Bandana Boy:

Well, you better hurry up.

Wilbur is ticked off for some reason and Dream is...

How should I say this nicely..?



Bandana Boy:

...Not in a very good mood either. Just join in on the discord server and you'll be able to hear him and Wilbur.

At this rate, they are going to get into a bigger fight than they did with L'Manburg!

I was concerned at this point. My hands worked their magic as I quickly signed into my computer. I got Minecraft pulled up along with discord, but for the purposes of things, I used the discord on my phone since it was quicker.

Logging onto Minecraft I joined the discord voice chat. I put on my headphone and oh how I regretted not to look at how high the volume was up on my phone. "You were simping over him!" I could hear the voice of an angry Dream loudly yell. I winced softly and turned down the volume. "Yeah, and? That shouldn't be a big deal now, should it? You simp over him all the time." Wilbur retorted sounding just as angry, but he wasn't yelling like Dream was.

I take it they didn't know I was in the voice chat with them.

Clicking on the Dream SMP server I joined on. "It's meant in a playfully friendly way, Wilbur. Not as a couple as a pair of friends. Who knows what intent could gave been behind-" I heard a pause as my screen loaded in fully and made it present that I was on the world. I looked in the roster for the world and was not surprised when there were not many people on. It was a Tuesday afternoon and some people had to go to school like Tommy and Tubbo. So that left Dream, Wilbur, Sap, Callahan (my actual last name btw.), and me.

"What were you going to say Dream?" I could hear Wilbur taunt the green man. But, Dream stayed silent. "Dream, come on speak up. Or are you too scared to say what you were going to say knowing that Georgie is on?" His soft laugh rung through my ears. I frowned regretting my decision to join onto the server.


"Just shut up Wilbur." Dream spoke up finally in his normal talking voice, you could tell that he was angry by the undertone of his normally energetic tone. Must be nice being 21...

The discord went silent for a few minutes as I just kinda casually played Minecraft. I heard a ping on my phone and the screen flashed on: "Dream is going live on Twitch!!" That mostly explained why he was silent, but why didn't he just leave? I continued to stare at my phone screen not moving my character Minecraft.


Come to Tommy's now dirt house.

Also, call me on discord.

I pulled open the tab for Discord that I already had ready on my computer. Tapping on Dreams profile I was brought to messages. I joined in on the private voice call seeing Dream was already on it.

"Hey." A soft voice was brought present in my ears.

I smiled softly, "Hello Dream. So... What's with all the drama on the server today?" I asked cautiously just in case he decided to explode on me. I began to make my way over to Tommy's dirt house. "Nothing. why do you ask?" I held down a laugh and looked down at the floor for a brief moment. 'Did he not know I was on?' Not that being smart was something I wasn't good at, I was just too curious to lie about why I asked knowing what I heard. "You were yelling at Wilbur for... Simping over me if I heard right? Is your little mood over now?" I chuckled softly and Dream just stayed quiet as I did so.

My phone buzzed.

Bandana Boy:

You just called Dream out for calling Wilbur out for simping on you.

You know he is streaming?

My eyes widened slightly, "Wait what?! You- Dream! You're not keeping our conversation to your ears only?" I could hear him start laughing in my headphones. I was lowkey embarrassed at the fact that I had called him out and stuff like that. Which I knew he was probably going to try to get me back for but it wasn't my fault. "Yeah, what did you think I was going to do? I did tell you I was going to be streaming." He responded.

Tommy's house was right in front of me but there was no sign of Dream at all. "You could have specified." The dirt house was empty for all I could see and the place around it was barren. "I mean I could have, but then you wouldn't have been able to embarrass yourself." That response made my eyes roll.

"Where the heck are you, Dream?" I ignored the topic and decided to move on. It was to the point where I could not find him so I just gave up. "In Tommy's house." I moved my character back inside of the small house and looked around. "Where? I am in his house."

"I know I can see you." Now that was annoying.

I pulled up twitch on my phone, joining in onto his stream. 'You have to be kidding me.' I turned around and looked at the chests that were on the wall. I took out my shovel and quickly dug the dirt was next to it. His character was in a gap behind the chests, "Found you~" I cooed softly, sifting through my inventory to get out a sword.

Once I got my sword out I hit him with it.

"Hey! That's not nice George!" Dream pulled out his sword. I turned around and began to run out of Tommy's house. "WhY aRe yOU RuNnINg?" Dream asked with an amused voice. I glanced behind me to see that he wasn't that far behind me.

Less than 10 blocks if I might add.

"For exercise, I need to say fit." I yelped softly, trying to make my character run faster but, it didn't work because it was not possible. Looking in front of me there was a tree so I took a swift right turn and began running to who knows where. He was still chasing me I could see as the stream was still open on my phone. In my headphones, you could hear him laugh psychotically, muttering; "Georgie I'm gonna get you~ I'm gonna get you, George. You can't outrun me!" He yelled into the microphone. I started to laugh nervously, I knew he was going to catch me at some point or another but I never thought I was going to accidentally just into a ravine before that. "George!!" Dream yelled in a panic as I screamed in sheer surprise of just falling.

"Are you-".

The fact is that I died.


Dream burst out laughing, you could hear his hand slap onto his desk a few times. I stayed silent for a good few minutes contemplating my life decisions and how they led up to that point. "You have to be kidding me." I deadpanned not happy about what happened, "I had diamonds Dream!"

He was still laughing, I looked down at the phone and watched him walk around the crevasse collecting the things that I had dropped. I was slowly making my way back to Tommy's house getting ready to take some of his stuff. "I grabbed some of your stuff don't worry." I gave a small smiled to myself as a quiet response. As I was going to Tommy's house I noticed that someone was following behind me. Well, I could briefly see them, that doesn't mean that I really noticed them or it was just my mind. I turned around and nobody was there.

"Dream, I think Sap is trying to troll me. Or someone is trying to kill me and I don't wanna die again. Please hurry up and get my things back to Tommy's." I turned back around and continued to run back to Tommy's house. I get less than 5 more blocks to the door, in the corner of the screen reads; GeorgeNotFound was shot with a bow and arrow by Dream. "No, no you did not. No, no, no, no! Dream how dare you do this to me! I am going to leave the call."

I ended the call on my phone and leaned back in my chair with a soft sigh. "I guess, I should join the main call and start a stream of my own."


George... I'm sorry! Please come back?

I looked down at my phone, after it buzzed to see that message. I looked at my computer screen, respawning into the blocky world.


I will.

Only, if you don't kill me and I get my things back.

I thought that-that was a good exchange for a voice call with me. Especially if you murder me and make me low-key angry. Not that I was angry at the moment but I was mad at myself for jumping off that edge.


You got yourself a deal!

I went onto twitch on my computer as I rejoined in a call with the smiley green male. "We meet again." I joked, laughing softly at myself. "We do." He replied. I got up and adjusted my camera to be looking at me. I grabbed my microphone and pulled it down to the side of my face. "I think I am going to start up a stream. I wanna build a house or something, just wanna do something fun." I spoke softly.

"Want me to help?" He asked. I hummed softly then looked down at my phone, shutting it off. "Sure, but why don't we join the other call and see if Sap, Wilbur, or Callahan wanna help out." I could hear the scoff in Dreams voice when I said that. "I-"

"Please Dream.... You don't have to talk to anyone you don't wanna. If you wanna you can talk to just me." I pouted softly, then began my own stream. "I'll do something for you, but it just has to be in an appropriate range." I begged him. "Darn, I wish I could ask for inappropriate things..." Biting my lip I fought back a smile as I watched as people joined into the stream.

"Dream, that's not funny." I shook my head, "I hope you were joking about that."

Littlelady2.0 donated $3 dollar.

What is going on?

Is that Dream harassing you?

I gave the camera a smile, "Thanks for the dono. Dream and I are trying to come to an agreement on something and he is being a pain." I let a soft giggle slip past my lips at the second part of the comment. "Yep, its him. He is harassing me." There was that moment of pure joy. I loved fans.

"I am not harassing you!"

"You should join the other call with me. Please??" I looked at the screen and pouted again. Not like he was going to see it but, who said I wasn't doing it for the fans too? "George...-"

"Clay." I retorted, cutting him off from what he was about to say. "Where are you? I am going to kill you and burn all of your stuff." I stopped, completely freezing up for a good 23 seconds just looking at the computer screen. "You wouldn't dare do that."

I heard the sound of a deep laugh peal through the silence that consumed the headphone. "Mm, you don't wanna test me. You do remember what happened to Tommy's disks right?" I sighed softly. I knew what happened to them, but I had to watch videos to find about what had happened. I practically slept through the whole smp as it was. Things just kinda happened and now the smp is used more as a fighting area and meetings. Nothing to dramatic or scary.

I looked down considering what I could do that would really get him to change his mind. Something that would bend him around my little finger and make him do what I want him too. I glanced at the camera, then turned my head away trying to think of something.

"I...I love you Dream."

I made eye contact with the camera as I said that. I could hear a small gasp on the other side of the line. "You really mean that?" He asked me with an evident smile in his voice.

PiggypeppergogyPeckerocko donated 20 dollars.

He said it without being asked to say it. Maybe we are rubbing off on him or something. That is such a big surprise. #DNF

"Of course I do." I sung with a voice as sweet as candy and a smooth as milk. I heard the sound a headphones ruffles and then a loud scream, "YES!! FINALLY!!" As confused as I was I gave the camera no look of it. I laughed at Dreams sudden outburst of screaming. After a bit he died down with his laughter, there was a muffled sound in the headphones and then his voice. "Finally." He coughed, "What was that about?" I asked him, my stream was pretty much me getting distracted by the green male. Not that I minded or anything, but that also ment that I didn't pay attention to my screen. "You said I love you too me first, not Wilbur. That's what I was happy about."

Why would he care if I said it to Wilbur?

Wilbur and I barely talk as it is.

If anything Bad or Sap are the two I would say it too. I've never said I love you too Wilbur in my life. "Oh, I said it to him yesterday. When we ended the stream I said it off camera." I winked at the camera making it obvious that I was teasing Dream. "Anyway, I want my stuff back Dream so can you meet me at Tommy's again?" My character began to make its way to Tommy's dirt house.

"Oh, sure." His voice was not as happy it had been before, I am just going to presume that he was jealous over Wilbur again. I felt kinda bad that I had lied directly to his face, "Hey Dream?" I heard a hum in my headphones, "I was joking with you. I never said that to Wilbur."

"I know. I was in the call after the stream ended I just didn't say anything." I held back a laughing face, as I had been caught red handed. "Oh." I could see Tommy's house in my sight by now. "You really like teasing me don't you?"

When he said that my mind went instantly dirty. I felt heat rise to my face like a ray of warm sun shining on my body. Not that it was anything dirty about him it was just a dirty thought. What I'm trying to say is that, those words can have a double innuendo. "I mean who wouldn't? Your so gullible sometimes and your reactions are the best." A smile was carried through my words.


"Language." Bad said to Dream as he had just said the F word about 3 times in a row. I let out a laugh along with Sap, Tommy, Tubbo, and Karl. Callahan and Wilbur left the discord chat to do whatever about... 4 hours ago. I didn't know if Dream was still streaming or not but I stopped awhile ago. "What else am I supposed to say when I die?" Dream spat back at Bad with a voice dripping with attitude.

"You could say; Oh no, oh no, oh no no no no no." I interjected, but sadly nobody laughed except for Sap only to laugh at the fact nobody laughed at my joke. "Do what he said, Dream." Bad hit me in character to point out he was talking to me.

I hit him back.

"It's just George, why would I say what he says? If you act like another person then who is going to be you? I am being me." He did make a good point when he shot that remark back at Bad. But, I was playfully offended by the fact that he would say the It's just 'me.' I wasn't offended as it was..."After everything we have gone through together. After all the late-" -nonexsistant- "nights I spent helping you out with all sorts of problems and such, you just say: 'It's just George' like I'm not your bestfriend or anything. I'll spill all the things you've said to me in a hushed tone over Discord." I started in a mildly hurt and offended voice and ended with one of threatening tone. "If anyone's streaming you better mute or stop streaming because if he does not apologize in 10 seconds I am going to spill like tea."

"Is George going to tell us about his onlyfans?" Sapnap questioned, but that went unnoticed by the green male. "No, I think he's going to tell us about them sexting." Karl said in the most innocent sounding voices you could have ever heard.

"George, you andrstayed up late together in a Discord chat. I have no idea what you are talking about. Unless, your talking about the times we stayed up late with EVERYONE ELSE and played Minecraft." I pursed my lips slightly. 'Fuck, he caught me.' I thought quickly to myself, actually thinking about what I was going to say back to him.

"You know what I am talking about Dreamie, don't try to tell them this is all a joke now." I leaned forward and whispered into the microphone like some type of soft ASMR. "Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad!! End your stream! End your stream!" Tubbo cut into the chat yelling in a panicked voice. "Tommy is going to read us How to Sex 4! Abort missions and plug your ears!"

"You can't get out of this one now Tubbo, I know where you live!" Tommy said in a slyly evil voice.

I let out a small laugh and pulled off my headphones, then I disconnected from the Discord call. Softly sighing I leaned back in my chair, tilting my head back and released all the unessasary thoughts that were in my head. If anything, not all of them were -not not- nessasary. Like for example; 'How big is Dream?' I would need that inch if I were to 'disclose' all of that 'definitely real' information about Dream. I logged off of server after typing in quick, 'goodbye!' into the chat. They wished me a goodbye~. I turned off my computer, making sure my area was clean again for a next time I used it. Then walked out of my room, into the kitchen to see what I had to eat in my fridge.

There was nothing in the fridge I felt like eating but, there was a frozen pizza I could go for in the freezer.

"Pizza, pizza, pizza, delish- nommy nommy nommy... What is going on?" I heard echoed footsteps outside of my door and a loud siren coming from on the road. Pulling open my door I peaked outside to see EMT's running down the hallway, they had a gurney held between them.

'Did someone die?' I thought to myself trying to be as cautious as I could to not get in the way of the ambulance crew. 'Wait? What am I saying? I never even left my apartment to begin with so how should I be worried about getting in the way?' I closed the door and leaned back against it with a soft sigh.

"If anything, I hope whoever is hurt will be okay. I just hope they are not dead." I whispered to myself as I clutched onto my chest. As I sucked in there was this smokey smell that enveloped my nose and made me cough.

My eyes widened.

"My pizza!"

I rushed into the kitchen.

There was already a lot of smoke in the kitchen. Which was surprising seeing as there was only a smell in living room. The kitchen was only steps away from the living room. After turning off the oven I pulled it open. Smoke poured out like water, filling the space on the ceiling. I coughed, flailing a hand infront of my face.

I grabbed a hot pad and pulled the pizza out of the oven setting it on the stove top. Closing the oven door I sighed, my eyes traced over a pizza that was... Uncooked?


How could the pizza be uncooked?

"You humans are slow to notice things." There was a small voice that aspired from behind me. "If I would have known you were going to take so long to open the oven door then I would have used a different approach." I was confused and scared. -More the second than the first- but still.

Slowly, I turned around expecting to come face to face with a human. I screamed as a kitten with small bat wings hovered in the air. The thing didn't even flinch when I screamed.

"W-what are you!?" I backed away from it, moving toward the knife rack. I felt a wash of cold air run over my body and I froze. Not that I was the one that froze, I just couldn't move. "I'm a cat." I watched as the 'cat' landed on the counter next to me without a sound.

"More specifically, a witches cat. Kinda like that talking cat from 'Sabrina The Teenage Witch.' Though... They got that part wrong and that was obviously a puppet." It walked around the counter until coming to a sitting position. I felt the coolness wash off of me like a breeze. "I'm not here to hurt you." Glancing down at the animal, I sighed softly. I knew I was going crazy... I just didn't know I was this crazy. I rubbed my eyes, the thing didn't go away. I turned my body so I could face the small creature. "What are you here to do then?" I asked in a cautious tone, not knowing what this thing could do to me.

"Well, I'm here to give you the ability to make yourself a witch. But, it is way more complicated than that and is a lot for a human mind to comprehend. This was at a dying request of my late master." The creature looked genuinely gloomy about the last part they said.

My phone started to ring in the other room.

Without a thought I put my hand up and ran into the room. I answered the call right away after seeing it was from my mother. "Hey, Mom." I said in a cheery and polite tone.

"Hey, Hon!" She responded in a cheery tone as well. "So, how are you doing? How is living in that new apartment? Do you like it? Is everything what you wanted? I know its not exactly close to home it's further away than you last one. But do you still like it?"

Does she have to ask so many questions all the time?

I let out a soft laugh, I'm not going to tell her about what was going on before she had called.

"Mom, calm down. I am doing great, I really like the new apartment it's more quiet. It's perfect for me, just the right size. I do have to say that it will be more of a hassel to get home but, in the end it will be okay. I love it regardless." I could practically feel her joy from the other side of the phone. "I'm happy! Well, I just called to tell you that your father and I are going to be going on a trip out of the UK. We're not going to be home for about a month... And neither are you."

'And neither are you?'

"What did you say?" I questioned trying to comprehend if I heard that correctly. "I said; Your going to come to the US with your father and I to see your older sister." My eyes almost popped out of my head... I was being dramatic. My lips were pulled into a huge smile. "The trip is already paid for and so are the plane tickets. You don't have to pay for anything." I was so happy that I could honestly cry right now.

"Mom... I- Thank you, honesty... That was pleasantly unexpected of you to call me and tell me about this."

She chuckled, "You are a humble boy and you always did good in school. We never re-payed you for getting good grades. That's what I'm telling your father." There was a short pause before she continued again, "Also, don't think you don't have to not bring your own money. I won't stop you."

The conversion between us went of for a good 20 minuets before we parted. I have a good relationship with my parents, mom and I are especially close to each other. Whenever I feel down I talk to her, and whenever she feels down, and can't talk to my father about it she'll talk to me. Though, there are not many times where that happens.

When we parted ways, I placed my phone down on my desk and walked into the kitchen. There was an evident smile resting upon my lips as I hummed. I didn't notice, but the creature was not in the room when I walked back in.

My body felt hot, like I had just stepped into a and out of a hot summer night.

The last thing I heard before I blacked out was;

"I have to say, humans are very dumb creature to actually believe that I would ever serve vile creatures like witches. Tsk, I don't feel with black magic."


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