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Chapter 3: Ice cream phase or so I am told

Chicago was not to my taste so I moved to New Orleans. It was a city of the weird and I love it. I was able to embrace the crazy in me. I was just cut too deep in the relationship department when I met an old friend of mine, Daniel Dalton. When I first met him I was in high school and he was in college. We met at a college party my friend Gillian insisted I go because she felt I had no life. We met, we talked, we played games, we exchanged numbers. He helps me get a scholarship in arts, he is the reason I kill the guilty instead of the innocent. The monster and I were able to make peace and co-exist in peace. I owe him so much. I explained to him my predicament and he explained his. We started to talk like we did in the old days and the next I knew we were in city hall getting married and moving back to New York. It made page six news. The richest man in New York City has married a mystery woman. The places I freelanced wanted us to pose but I made it clear it was none of their business. I went from behind the lens to the front of the lens. This made being me a little difficult. But the monster loved the challenge. Daniel was so awesome and he was loyal to a fault. The monster liked him enough to spare him and everyone that lived with us.

I was at a party with DD when someone was murdered and the police arrived to interrogate us. My ex-husband was the first to arrive with that good for nothing blonde trailing after him like a lovesick puppy. Dimitri's entire unit was there trying to figure out who was responsible. When they saw me they were surprised to see me alive, I had changed only my name and DD helped me do it. They even approached me to talk but I pretended I was someone else, Charlie discovered an assassin who tried to shoot me but I survived but the grace of God. Naturally they felt that I was the target and declared I should be police protection and discover who I was at the same time. DD tried to agree but I reminded him that his security is Ex-Navy Seal, Delta Force Tier One. I have more faith in them to protect me. He called his head of security Henry and asked him to arrange my private security till this is over. He promised a small army. I smiled "See Double D, I told you, I am in safe hands." His eyes light up "I think we should go home. This party is getting boring by the minute." I agreed that would be a great idea. Henry drove us home. We slept the night and the next morning when I came out for breakfast my husband and ex-husband were talking, I walked past Dimitri paying him no attention. Dimitri excused himself out of the apartment and I told DD in private about my past with Dimitri. I also made it clear I am loyal to the man I am married to. So DD should have no fear of me cheating on him. Because I can tell DD is a man in a billion from experience. This seems to cheer everyone including the security and staff. I told DD that I am going to the store to buy some paint and some brushes and start painting. I will rent a space to start painting but he dismissed the whole thing. He told me that his apartment had an empty room I can use. The security can go and buy the canvases, brushes, and whatever else I needed. I just had to give them the list.

The room was set in record time. I was left to paint whatever came to mind. So I did a hang in there baby poster to help me cope with the monster. When the housekeeper arrived to tell me she was leaving for the night she mentioned DD was upset about something. I saw him watching old movies, I asked him what happened and he said he had a bad day at work. I made him a bowl of my favorite comfort food. It was white bread torn to pieces sprinkled with vanilla sugar and boiling milk poured on top. I told him if he was going to be depressed he better do it the proper way. I made him unbutton his shirt, laid a few extra pillows, and got him a blanket. I told him he better finish the bowl by the time I get the ice cream and he did. He liked it, I winked and asked him to lay down on the couch. When he complied I laid on top of him and covered us both with a blanket. I fell asleep in his arms while he watched the boring musical.

The next morning the staff were extra nice to me so I asked what happened. They explained that DD had married twice before me but none of his wives cared that he was depressed about his work. They only complained that he didn't buy them bling or refused to go to those stupid parties with them. I was not someone who is too impressed with jewelry so I wouldn't ask for them in a million years. I preferred books and DD was well aware of my addiction to reading romance and mystery novels.

Dimitri came in the evening with his greasy fingered boss to convince DD about police protection. He brushed it off explaining his security is excellent. But if they are concerned they can leave someone outside that building but no one is entering the apartment without the security doing a cavity check. I laughed at the image. DD reached into his drawer and gave me a brown bag and wished me a happy birthday. I complimented him by explaining that men don't normally remember these things. He laughed and apologized on behalf of all men in the universe. I saw the contents and I gave him a kiss and a hug. He smiled with his chest puffed out "I still got it" I smiled brightly "You always know me better than anyone DD" Dan looked at me curiously "Double D? What does that mean?" "Darling Dearest, obviously" Before he could express his feeling his secretary barged in screaming a thousand apologies for her late arrival. I promised DD we will chat later and I sat on the counter to enjoy hot chocolate. He walked to his office with a spring in his step. I turned to see Dimitri looking surprised and hurt at the same time. His boss was more interested to leave. I asked Mrs. Marks to send my tea to the studio I was going to paint. This surprised the ex but before he could say anything he was lead out of the penthouse by security.

DD popped in what felt minutes but apparently, I have been in there for the past five hours and I skipped lunch too. Everyone was curious about my paintings, I explained that was paintings were for an exhibit for war veterans. The proceeds will be for their therapies both physical and mental. There are those who commit suicide because they were denied medical and also there are those who have trouble getting jobs. I am one of ten artists who will be participating in this exhibit. This seems to spark interest in the members of security. I explained that there would be a bidding war for the paintings so I want my paintings to get the highest price. DD seemed amazed by it. I made it clear that I will not receive a single dollar. All of this is for those who gave themselves for the sake of this country. I walked into the kitchen and saw that Japanese food was arranged on the table. I was informed by Henry that we are going to have visitors for dinner. I told Dan I will be ready in ten minutes. I managed to get ready in seven. Dan laughed as I walked out. He explained to the security who are also his confident and friends that I am different from every woman they will ever meet. I hate shopping unless it is for books. If I buy any clothes it will be once a year. I enjoy riding on trains and motorbikes. I love animals and have kept weird pets. I hate gossiping it puts me to sleep. I also detest wasting time doing makeup. This news put a smile on his security's face. I enjoy experimenting with food. He has tried all of my cooking and never got food poisoning. The staff seems eager to please me. I was equally nice to them.

The Japanese clients of my husband arrived. DD was concerned the interpreter was late until I spoke in Japanese. I spoke back and forth for both parties. When our guest left DD expressed his surprise, I explained that I learned few languages as a hobby. Portuguese, Japanese, German, Chinese, Urdu, Farsi, French, Spanish, Italian and Arabic. He smiled, "I married an accomplished woman." His secretary coughed to hide her laugh. Dan turned around and explained that I had been training to be a neurosurgeon but I chose to be painter after I had a case of PTSD myself, it doesn't make me any less than her. Dan requested the secretary to apologize and she did. I told him that I have already forgiven her so don't worry about it. He smiled at me and asked me how the food tasted and I explained that I prefer the Ramen he made over the food he ordered. This made him laugh. The housekeeper sat down to watch him cook Ramen and promised to make it for me when he is away on a business trip. Dan made it clear, if he goes on a trip I will go with him for the sake of his sanity. I promised him that I will try to be his voice of reason. One of his security guards Sam smiled at me whilst his secretary frowned at me. I ignored her, but the monster seems to want to make her suffer so I leaned over and kissed Dan. He asked me what was the occasion, I explained it was my way of saying tomorrow, I will be cooking dinner. He asked me what I will make. I explained it would be reverse-seared steak and pan-fried in butter and butter fried vegetables and a side of spicy potato wedges. This made him very happy. He recalled the first time I made it for him. His girlfriend came out as a lesbian and he needed someone to talk to. I lent him my shoulder and my dinner. I asked the head of security to remind my husband about tomorrow's plan. He smiled politely with a nod. The Secretary was not pleased she declared, "I am the one who reminds Mr. Dalton what he needs to remember, not his security." Dan turned to Henry and asked him not to forget. I went to sleep that night peacefully, but the monster decided to show me something before sleep could overtake me.

I was walking to the washroom when two people were attempting to molest a girl. I threatened to call the police and they let her go. I pretended to walk to the bathroom. I knew they were following me, I was banking on it. I used pepper spray. Also I tased them and watched them writhe on the floor. I took the gun which belonged to one of them and I shot them both, it had a silencer. I turned around to see if no one heard me. I put my clothes back on since I took them off before I shot them. I washed my hands and my jewelry after I got redressed. I managed to slip back in without anyone noticing me and thankfully the cameras were switched off as well.

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