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Chapter 3: Moving

He woke up the next day, utterly dismayed. Some say three's the charm. Will understood, and came terms to his reincarnation.

"Yeah, I shouldn't have jay walked at all. It was all my fault. I should have just stayed at home.", he thought to himself, as he tried to think about the past.

"Well, at least God gave me a second chance in this new world. Now that I have the knowledge of my old life behind me, nothing can stop me now. I will be considered a genius, for all intents and purposes.", he thought to himself, giggling just thinking about how the future could pan out.

At this time, his mother of this life, Daphne Monroe, shook awake. She looked at Will and smiled.

"You are already awake and you didn't cry at all? You are a really good boy, aren't you?"

Will scoffed, but his expressions couldn't be understood by Daphne. She got up slowly, and went to the crib. No one else was in the room, and she held Will up.

"Well then, I am sure you are hungry. I guess it is time to feed you."

Now Will felt the horror of being a baby for the first time. His stomach grumbled at the mere instance of the word, food. He salivated, but he was dreading this moment inside. To witness breast feeding, and even remember it was a horror no baby actually faced, yet he was to go through this.

After an hour,

Daphne wiped Will's mouth of the milk that was still there, and she placed him back in the crib. Will was truly dying inside, and he was feeling extremely nauseated. All the disadvantages of being a baby were coming right now.

Plop! An extremely pungent smell started coming from Will.

"It looks like you couldn't control yourself", Daphne smiled. Daphne took Will to the bath room and replaced his diaper. She put him back in the crib, and lay on the bed. Now, Will's father for this life, Raphael Monroe, came into the room. He looked at Will once, and then at Daphne.

"I hope you have enough energy for a trip now. It is time to go. I have received an owl from my Father. He has ordered me to come back, and to make haste."

"How did he even come to know of our boy's birth?"

"He is the head of the Monroe family. It is a noble family, Daphne. Especially with you-know-who's death, the family has increased its presence and power in the world heavily, and has invested quite a lot into the muggle world.", Raphael said.

"Muggle? I heard that word before. I am sure I read it somewhere.", Will thought to himself, as he continued to listen to the conversation.

"Well then, we can't possibly go against the devil himself. I will get Will ready for travel. How will we get to London? By flight or by train?"

"He said to make haste. We can't possibly come by train, he will personally give me a beating. I am afraid that we must go there by flight."

"But it is just a day difference. Our boy might not be able to take it. He is a newborn, Raphael. He is so young, he does not even have a name!"

"Well, there is nothing I can do about it. I will arrange for a private chartered flight, so that we can cast a protection spell on him."

"Are you sure? If the ministry hears of this, they will-", Daphne protested.

"Don't worry. As I said, the Monroe family has a lot of weight in the world these days."

Daphne got up and picked up Will. She dressed him up, and left the room. She walked down the family, closely trailing Raphael, and they left the building. A huge limousine was waiting right in front of the entrance. Will's jaw dropped.

"It looks like I was born with a silver spoon, hehe.", he thought to himself.

They entered the limo, and they left. After a while, they reached a huge, empty strip of land, along with a single airplane on it. His parents boarded the plane. Once inside, Will felt sleepy, so he snuggled towards his mother, and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Then, all of a sudden, he felt that the cold air around him became warmer, and everything felt more comfortable, like sleeping in a cloud.

"There, now he will be fine for the trip. Then, shall we go to London? My father is waiting, and he is not a patient man.", Raphael said.

"Fine, let's go. All I care about is him, not some stupid Monroe family that calls people like me mud-bloods."

Raphael sighed. "Let's just go. We can talk later."

The plane's engine started, and Will could feel the altitude rising as the plane took off. He disregarded all that, and continued to sleep.

jdbeue jdbeue

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