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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Birthday

"OPEN THE DOOR, WE ARE FROM THE CROSS, OPEN THE DOOR!" A loud and menacing voice echoed through the apartment.

This was was enough to make Alex, who was already on the verge of tears cry. Ava had no idea about what was going on, but she knew that the CROSS wouldn't normally do this.

Max on the other hand rushed to call his dad because his dad had told him that anything were to happen to HAD to inform him.


"OKAY OKAY IM OPENING IT *SOB* *SOB* please for the love of g-God j-just s-top" Ava couldn't take it anymore and she reached for the door handle with shaky hands and opened the door

Max, on the other hand, couldn't reach his dad, the signals had been blocked.

As the door finally opened 6 Men dressed in black tuxedos and armed to the teeth greeted Ava.

"Good afternoon ma'am, my name is commander Davis" a tall, white, caucasian man greeted Ava with a gentle smile, the smile although looked gentle was fake, it was as if he had practised it a hundred times.

"WAAH MOMMY W-WHATS G G GOING ON?" Alex cried and ran towards his mother

"Ugh!" the man groaned with rubbing his temples and forced a fake smile once again and reached down to Alex's level

"Hello there, Alex, how are you? listen, we aren't here to hurt you, but we do need to borrow your brother for a while"

He said while smiling and looking Alex dead in the eyes, you could tell by looking into his eyes that he wanted to shut Alex up but something was stopping him.

"Wh-why do you want Max?" Ava mustered up the courage to ask

"Finally, down to business. Now as you may know we are currently preparing for a war against PRIMA to reclaim Earth. for that we need you sons help, you see, your son has a special blood type, RH-NULL-"

Before he could finish Ava slapped him as she could no longer hold herself back the emotions of losing a child were too much for her to bear, she didn't want to lose her child.

While this was going on Max's heart was pounding, he was frozen in fear he didn't know what to do.

"Did you just slap me?" the man calmly asked

Ava was beyond confused by his question she was sure that he was going to slap her back and she was even bracing herself for it

Davis turned around to stare at the 5 people behind him and said "Are you happy now?" his fake smile was no longer there instead he was now angry

"you got that all on tape, right?" he asked with looking at one of the men

"Y-yes sir" the man replied, he stuttered, maybe because of the look Davis was going him

"Right, I did it your way now let's do it my way," Davis said


When the new government was established on Kepler they promised that everyone would be treated kindly and that they would all live in peace, and that there would be special protocols for all government personal to follow. Those who did not follow them would be punished.

What Davis was doing was "following the protocols" it was obvious that he didn't want to. So he practised his "Fake" friendliness to keep his job.


Davis pointed a high energy laser gun straight at Ava, this was no normal gun, normal police officers wouldn't have this sort of gun, they instead would carry old guns, like AK-47s or GLOCKS.

"Now, I'm gonna be kind for THE LAST TIME, hand over the kid"

Ava at this point was ready to keep her family safe, she had already lost her parents back on earth and she wasn't going to let someone steal her kids.

She grabbed a crying Alex and stood in front of Max

"O-over my dead body. I WON'T LET YOU TAKE MY FAMILY!" she wanted to run into Davis and maybe disarm him but she knew she would be shot almost instantly

"Okay, sure" Davis replied as calm as ever

"WAIT WAIT WAIT!" Yelled Max "You- You want me r-right?" Max's legs were trembling sweat was pouring out of him but he still managed to muster the courage to ask Davis

"Yeah, now get over here before I get trigger happy"

Max slowly started to walk towards Davis, he was crying and hoping that Davis would let him go. All of a sudden Ava grabbed Max "NO NO DON'T PL-PLEASE" she cried.

She grabbed Max so hard that her nails were tearing into max's skin and a loud cry heard

"OUCH! MOM MY ARM!" Max cried, his cry was enough to startle Ava and she let go.

Max immediately ran away from her and towards Davis, while he ran he couldn't stop crying.

"Great, finally," Davis said as he grabbed Max and proceeded to leave without saying another word.

As max was leaving he could hear the cries and yells of his mother, but sadly he couldn't do anything himself either. Max looked around himself, the building that seemed so lively was now silent, it was almost as if it was abandoned.

Davis let out a *Sigh* "they don't pay me enough for this y'know" he said while looking at Max.

"W-what are you gonna do to me now?" Max asked

"Me? nothing, but the cross, the cross is gonna do A LOT with ya kid" he replied in a nonchalant manner

Max gulped as his tears had now dried up, the hunger that he had felt had gone away as well. He was now scared more than anything.

"Hey kid, wanna grab a bite to eat?" Davis asked as he looked at Max "I mean today is your big day after all"

Davis chuckled as he looked at max's dumbfounded face

'God please save me from this demon' Max thought


Authors Note: Second chapter is done, i really hope people like this lmao its hard to write, well harder than i thought atleast.

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