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Chapter 2: The Couple!

Everybody in the kingdom is always jealous whenever Titi and her husband, Adeola, are outside their house or going to the market. They all envied them because this two young couples love themselves to the extent that one cannot do without the other. They fetch water together, bathe together, and walk each other to the market and many more. Even when Titi was pregnant, Adeola takes care of her like an egg. He is always the one that do the house chores and go to the market. With all these, some other couples in the kingdom too tried to imitate this behaviour of theirs but an adage says "hands are not equal". Adeola's father is a cocoa farmer as well as Titi's father is and this made it easy for the two of them to get married without any issues. Titi is a beautifl damsel with dazzling set of white teeth which brings are natural beauty. She's is beautiful in the real sense even though she had dropped an album(a baby). On the other hand Adeola is a tall, handsome young man in his late twenties. He is dark and handsome. Seriously, this two duo really made the best of couples!

On this unfortunate day, the couples were on their way back from the market, they encountered the gtreat Bashorun Adewale on the way together with his courier. They greeted him in order to avoid trouble, as they were about going, the Bashorun ordered one of his guads to call them back. When they retraced their step back to the spot, the bashorunn cleared his throat and speaks " my daughter I will like you to be my new wife and I will be your new husband!" "it can never be, sir, with due respect, are you joking? Are you dreaming? Don't you see my husband beside me." Titi retorted back without taking it easy with The Bashorun . The Bashorun laughed uncontrollable for like a minutes before he speaks "I know you are already married, are you not Ajani's daughter? The well known cocoa farmer? I watch you grow!". "if you watch me grow, then you shouldn't try this with me!" Titi shouted back. The guards were surprised to see a woman talking to their god like this without any fear. Bashorun barked at her "will you keep your dirty mouth shut, you this little uncultured brat, you dare talk to me in this manner, I swear you are going to pay for it dearly and you will suffer a lot." Adeola who has been watching the two speaks for the first time "you cannot do anything, you are just boasting and bragging. She's mine and no one else". "guards!, bundle him up and throw him to the dogs or better still take him to the sacred and behead him, his head is enough to meet the requisite of this month's sacrifice!". The guards, in a twinkling of an eye, bundled Adeola up and took him to the bashorun's house. Titi on the other hand was touched with a charm and she lost consciousness. She was carried on the horse and she rides home with the Bashorun. On their way home, the Bashorun was just exclaiming " you're too beautiful for me to overlook" . What a world!

As they got home, the Bashorun went to his sacred room and place a charm on his tongue. He left the room for his inner chamber where Titi was, he talked with her "Titi, will you be my wife?" without hesitating, she replied "yes" who could have believed that the thirty minutes ago Titi can say "YES" to the Bashorun's request? The charm worked, it's called "Afoshe". Later that night, the guards were all outside waiting for the Bashorun to pronounce death sentence on Titi's husband, Adeola. As Adeola was been flogged by the guards, Titi heared his voice and she asked the Bashorun who that was? She doesn't recognize her husband anymore!. She called the Bashorun and begged him to release the man that he shouldn't kill him since he didn't commit any crime. After much thoughts, the Bashorun ordered his guards to release Adeola. Adeola ran as fast as his long legs can take him, as he got home he found his two years old boy sleeping on the bed. He wake him up and he packed all his belongings, he first of all called at his father's house and explained everything that happened to him before he went over to where he's going to get a ship going to the farthest kingdom on earth. Luckily for him he was able to get a ship that was going to another kingdom that is very far to their own kingdom. He and his boy spent over a month on the ship before they got to their destination. He was able to meet a woman on the way who was a Yoruba woman, the woman ushered him to her house and settled him down there. The woman also explained how she left her own community with her one year old boy who is now two years old this year. Adeola also explained his own story and the woman fell in love with him. They started living couple's life. EVERY DISAPPOINTMENT IS A BLESSING IN DISGUISE!

Bashorun Adewale continues his bad behaviour which keeps his people wondering whether he will ever change. It was really a sad moment when Bashorun Adewale came to the market square and gave a shocking statement that pour cold water into the heart of the masses, "As from today henceforth, you all will have to pay tribute to me and all of you must come to my house every month to bow down in front of my house. That one is not the issue at hand, now, the issue at hand is that you all will now be bringing tribute to my house.". " yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" there was uproar among the people in the market. There were murmuring and shouting as everyone seems angry. "silent!" the guard ordered them. The Bashorun continued with his words "for the rich ones among you, five thousand tubers of yam every year: ten pack of fish: ten live goats: ten life hen" "yeeeeeeeeeeee" " for the poor ones among you; five live goats, two live hen, two hundred tubers of yam" "yeeeeeeeeee" "anyone of you who did not bring all these tribute to my doorstep, shall be put to death!". Fiamm, the Bashorun jumped on his horse and get set for his home, he left the people in a state of confusion and agony.

It remains three days to the D-day, the day when Bashorun Adewale's tribute shall be paid by everyone and everybody. The whole kingdom is thrown upside down as everybody seems to be in a hurry to pay his/her tribute so as not to be tortured by the Bashorun. The matter had been reported to the king but the king couldn't find solution to it. He summoned the Bashorun and the Bashorun came to the palace. After a long reasoning with the king, he finally concluded with the king that he's going to be sending him his own part of the tribute. The king, being a wise man, thought about it and accepted on one condition. What condition? That the Bashorun is to do this for just a year. The Bashorun accepted! The king then concluded with the other chiefs after the bahorun had left the palace that whenever his own part of the tribute his sent to him, he's going to send it back to the people. The chiefs were happy with the wise thought of the king.

Bashorun Adewale was inside his chamber playing with one of his son, Tejuaje, when an old woman came into his inner chamber. He sends his son away and ushered the woman in. he ordered her to have her sit and asked what her business is at his house. The woman cleared her throat " oh my husband, please, it's three days to the D-day and I don't have money, I'm a poor wretched woman. My children have all deserted me, I'm a widow. Please, have thy mercy on me, be like your father, Adeoti was a good man and he's a man of honour. Don't tarnish the image of your great family. I beg you in the name of your forefathers, please spare me off this tribute of yours. ". " Will you keep shut, you this dirty stinky dirty old woman. You're wretched, poor and old woman whose generation are bastard. If you're not careful, I will make you loose your life, this moment, I said!" the Bashorun jumped from the chair he was seating as he look terrifying to the old woman who knelt down all the way talking. The old woman was very angry with the way she was been insulted which never came upon her in her lifetime, this made her to voice out, " Adewale, you insulted me, ah, life has turn you like this, things have really changed and your father was never like this for once in his lifetime, he's not as evil as this. He was a kind hearted man but let me tell you this, you will reap whatever you have sowed by our gods grace". "you still have the courage to to say all these bull shit to me? Today, I'm going to show you that I'm the devil himself! You will rot in my cell! Sapengo, you and the other guards, come and take this old hag away from my sught" the Bashorun said and left for his bedroom to rest his head. The old woman was taken out and she was been flogged mercilessly by the guards and she was then taken to the cell. It was really another trending issues in the whole kingdom.

The next day, the woman was released after much pressure from the chiefs. The day after was the D-day and people trooped into the Bashorun's house to pay their tributes. They all lined up according to their classess; the rich on one side and the poor on the other side. Everyone seems tired due to the up and downs for the tribute payment. The Bashorun came outside seated on his throne, waving at the people. After the collection of the tribute, they were all ordered to bow before the Bashorun, which they all did. The king's share was sent to him in which he did distribute among the masses. They were all happy for the kind gesture shown to them by the king. What a world!

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