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It's early in the morning, the birthday girl is still in blanket waiting for her mother to yank the blanket off her, like she always does. To her surprise, it is 8 o'clock, yet no sign of her. Finally she was out of bed and stretch out the arms. the strange silence in her room with no single noise coming from neither the outside nor other parts of the house, got her suspension of what was going on.

Dragging her feets towards the window, Grace reached out to the loop that she always pull in opening the window, a sudden bunch of flowers, gritters, all fell down and covered her, followed by a cover that rolled down the window on it written: HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY.

Red and white roses filled her room. Gritters all over her body. In excitement she spread her arms free, rolling round with her face up, jumping up and down in joy, like a little girl playing in the rains. That kind of excitement a child gets when the rains are falling on her.

Without noticing, her mum and dad who are peeping by the door, she runs on bed, jumping up excitedly and childishly. The two looked at each other and smiled, then closed the door behind them, holding hands, they ran down the stairs to finish the decorations.

Eddie is excitingly ironing his suit to wear. being a formal young man, always engrossed in office work, he forgot how to be casual. Theresa knew for sure that he will mess up in his dressing, she came in with casual, informal clothes ironed. Without a word, she pulled the trouser he was ironing out from his iron table, " where you are going is not a business meeting with your business clients, rather to your love interest birthday party."

He sighed

" Here, put on these." passed over to him, a Chino trouser, army green colour, a Navy blue sweater with a low profile white sneakers.

She turned to leave, when he called her back. " hold on I try them out, before I look like a zoombie and a laughing stock at the party," he hurried to his changing room. In a short while, he was out. She couldn't believe how attractive her brother was. The full musical arms, chest and the hubs are revealing in the sweater. Legs like that of a sports man shaped so well in the Chino.

"How do I look, you better be honest with me, at least for today."

Instead of saying something, she fell on him with a hug. " You are the best brother," still hanging on.

He embrace her back as when they were young, " and you are the best sister ever."

still hanging on to each other, the mother came in quietly, smiled in pleasant, " somebody is getting late."

"Mum," hurried over and perked on her cheek. " How do I look?" Turned round for a check.

Mrs Imakando moved close, caressing his cheeks, she kissed him on the forehead . " Go now, you are late."

Eddie looked at his mother and felt emotional that all he wanted was to fell in her arms and never separate, but time couldn't allow him. " Bye. See you later in the evening," closed the door behind him. Theresa and her mother clang to each other as they watched him walk away.

Reuben is already dressed in his old and out of fashion attire which does not suit the status of the people present at the party. He stared himself in the mirror of his bedroom and felt discouraged. He looked at once again looked at his simple present, a bracelet he made by himself, called a shambala, it's a traditional bangle made from a plastic and cotton. in it, her name is written. Thoughts didn't give him a chance to make a proper decision, sadly, he conclude not to go.

The door to his bedroom opened, it is his mother, coming to check on him. " Son, you still sitted, what's going on?" made her self comfortable by sitting beside him.

He sadly sighed, " I'm not going to the party, " his face turned down gloomy.

Mrs Kumwenda moved closer and round her arm over his shoulders, " why won't you go to your friends party?"

Reuben stood up frustrated, " Take a look at me, mother! do I look like someone qualified for that event, huh? My presence there will only be a mock!" Turned his face away from the view of his mother, hiding his tears.

Mrs Kumwenda is grieved upon hearing this, a tear rolled down her cheek and wipe it off quickly. She stood, took a step close, stretched the hand to his shoulder and turned him to face her. "My dear son, you are not that bad to be mocked. Allow yourself to experience activities that everyone enjoys when an opportunity comes. "

Abilities are within you to enjoy like everyone else. It doesn't matter the social class you Belo to, but the only person who prevents you from doing so, is you, darling.

Despite of a strong man that he is, Reuben is an emotional man too. After these words from his mum, he fell in her arms and cry on her shoulder, for 5 minutes.

" That's enough, go now. Grace is waiting for you.l, hurry." she wiped his tears and opened the door for him.

Reuben hurried away upon waving at his mum.

The party is in full swing and the house is full of people. Visitors are still coming. the birthday girl is busy is going round welcome everyone, making them feel comfortable. The helpers are going round with trays of wine some offering juice glasses to those who doesn't take alcohol. Mrs Sosala ushering those that are coming in.

A black Jeep is parked by the parking lot, Eddie Came out of it. seeing him, Mrs Sosala hurried to receive him. "Welcome, welcome." she smiled to the fullest. embracement.

The two walked in excited.

Mr Sosala spotted him first, " ah look who is here." rushed to welcome him.

everyone turned their attention to him. The ladies in the house fixed their eyes on his muscular chest that made him feel uneasy.

Grace hurried over and hugged him, " welcome." Blashing right in his arms. " I thought you won't make it." still in his arms she spoke.

With a smile he said, " even in my dying bed, I will still make it to your special day like this one." Whisper in her ear.

In a little while, Reuben walked in looking lost. Their eyes met, Grace pulled out of the hug and walked over to him. " What took you so long to be here," stare on him questionably.

" Sorry I was doing something. Happy birthday." He reached into his pocket and produce a bracelet then press it on her wrist nervously.

Overwhelmed by joy, she embrace him with a thank you. Holding him by hand, she drag him to Eddie and introduced them to each other. Hand shakes is exchanged with suspicious stare at each other.

"I hope I'm here on time. "

This voice draw the attention of everyone present. It is the process in her majesty. Beside her, are the two maidens and two body guards dressed in black suits.

She stood in her pride with a chewing gum in her mouth, chewing like a prostitute. Her eyes fixed on Eddie. Everyone give way as she majestically walk towards the birthday girl standing next to Eddie, to his right, is Reuben.

Every eye is on her from head to the shoes.

Standing before Grace, she pull her into a hug, " Happy birthday besty." she pulled out Immediately, wink an eye to one of the maidens to bring fourth a present who shortly pass it over.

" Happy birthday, once again." Handed over a big square box, wrapped with an expensive wrapper. no one knows what's inside.

" Thank you you, princess. You are my hero." Embrace her once more.

In a little while, she turns her concentration towards Eddie and extend an evil stare over to Reuben who stare back at her with the same eye who then move away.

" I thought we won't meet again, handsome. Fegiting around him with interest, staring at his muscled body.

Her stare made him even more uncomfortable, such that he is wishing for a savior to come to his rescue

Grace where she is standing she could see everything going on. " Who is this stranger on my party? this isn't my friend, the princess I know." She thought.

Reuben who has been standing behind her for 30 minutes, moved close and whisper in her ear, " are you ok?

The voice spoke in her ears pulled her out of the thoughts. "Hey Reuben, How did you find me?"

" Here, have this." Hand over a glass of wine to help her calm, for he knew she was sad. She took it from his hand and give out a fake smile. She took a sip and remained silent with eyes fixed ahead, Reuben followed suit.

"Attention Everyone!" A female voices called for everyone's attention. Everyone turned towards the voice.

It's Grace's mother, standing beside the table of a big cake, coloured pink with a photo of Grace on it. "I would request everyone to move closer, as the awaiting moment of which a birthday girl will blow the candles off and cut the cake to share is now. I therefore request of her present, a round of applause for Miss Grace Sosala!

Everyone in applause, with an 'happy birthday song ' being sang.

At a count of three, she blow the candles all at once, with Eddie holding her hand, she cut the cake, then he put a piece in her mouth, while staring in each other's eyes affectionately. He took the cream out from the remaining one in his hand and smear it on her nose, forehead and cheeks. Everyone clapping and cheering

This action angered the princess, without anyone noticing, except for Reuben who was standing outside on the corridor, like a lost sheep saw her leaving in framing anger with her guards and maidens following behind, they jump into the car and drove away.

How she reacted left him in suspense of what was going on with her.

As everyone is celebrating, Grace noticed that Reuben and Lukundo is not in there middist, she excused her self quietly in search of them, but had no access to either one of them.

Eddie cought her by surprise and persuade her for a dance. She got carried away in his arms and forgot about everything.

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