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Chapter 69: #69 Naruto FF/ The Turn of a Hero by The Dark Hood

~ Mixed feelings for this one. Stupid maybe, but enjoyable ~

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Plot : We all know how Naruto returned from his training trip. Weak. But what if he was offered something he couldn't resist by the last being he thought he could trust? Dark Naruto.


1 month

That's how long since Naruto had left on his training trip with the 'famous' Jiraiya the Sannin. So far he hadn't learn anything useful from Jiraiya. Naruto had been expecting to learn a lot from him, but so far he had been disappointed. Though, it did give him a lot to think about his current self. Was he strong enough? Was he on his way to become the best ninja that he could be? Or was he just simply wasting his time?

These were the thoughts that were crossing Naruto's mind as he and Jiraiya entered another village. "Alright brat, work on your chakra control tonight while I check this city out," said Jiraiya while thinking, 'Time to get more material for my next novel!'

"But that's all I've been doing this entire month!" protested Naruto. "Isn't there anything else we can do?" he asked. "I'm your master and your my student. Students are suppose to listen to their masters," countered Jiraiya. 'They're also suppose to teach stuff,' thought Naruto. "Bu-," "No Buts! Now go find a training place until I return." With that, Jiraiya walked away, leaving Naruto all by himself.

'Stupid pervert! How did he even become so strong?' thought Naruto as he walked on. 'At this rate, I'll never improve!'

Finally, he found a place in the forest to be appropriate. So he started to meditate, something he learned to do while having nothing to do.

Soon he found himself in a familiar sewer with a familiar cage.

"So, what is it that you want this time whelp?" asked the Kyuubi.

"Nothing, I just started to meditate and I came here. Why?" asked Naruto.

"It's simple. Right now your feeling negative emotions, and I'm made up of negative emotions, so your subconscious brought you here," answered the Kyuubi. Then Naruto remembered his problem and started to get angry again. When the kyuubi saw this, he laughed.

"What's the matter whelp? I've never seen you this angry before," said the kyuubi. "It's that pervert thats suppose to be teaching me," began Naruto,"but all he does is peep on women for that stupid book of his."

"I see..."

"At this rate I'll never become Hokage!"

With that statement, Kyuubi began to roar with laughter. After a while, Naruto started to get angry. "What the hell are you laughing at, you stupid fox?"

"I find it amusing how you want to protect those little insignificant humans who caused you nothing but suffering," answered Kyuubi. Now Naruto was confused. "What do you mean?"

"Don't tell you have already forgotten your childhood."

NOW Naruto understood. "Who cares about that? Eventually they'll acknowledge me and accept me."

"HAHAHAHA! You truly are stupid! Humans will never accept something they can't comprehend or control. It's in your nature." "Bu-" "Just accept it already and stop wasting your time! Because that's exactly what you're doing right now. You could be using this time to make yourself stronger, but instead you're just simply playing ninja with that 'pervert' as you called him."

Naruto knew he was right. As much as he hated to admit, he knew that Kyuubi was right.

"Then what am I going to do? I have no one else to teach me nor do I have anywhere else to go."

"You really are stupid. Are you forgetting that you have me. As much as I don't like you and would rather tear you apart, I'm stuck inside of you which means that because of your stupidity you might die, which in turn I die as well." But Kyuubi paused to think about that. He wouldn't die of course. His chakra would simply just split itself into parts and then come back together at a different location. But that was just simply annoying for the great bijuu. He would be weak, something that he detested. It wouldn't be for some time that he would regain his full strength, and that would leave him vulnerable. But the brat didn't need to know all of that. Coming out of his thoughts, the bijuu continued.

"I also have a great wealth of information that will benefit you as well techniques. And as for living, we'll live off the land. Life is simply much less complicated that way."

To Naruto, all of this sounded to good to be true. "How can I trust you?" he asked.

"Finally, you're using your brain, huh? You don't know if you can trust me or not, but as I said earlier, you die, I die. Besides, would you rather waste 3 years of your life simply doing nothing, or would you rather have a chance to become as strong as you can be and show those idiotic fools what they lost because of their feeble minds?" retorted Kyuubi with a dark sinister grin on his face.

Naruto thought it over. What did he have to lose? He was simply wasting his time like Kyuubi said. Jiraiya had no interest in teaching him. All the pervert cared about was that novels of his, while leaving Naruto with nothing. And that was not what he had agreed to when he came on this training trip. As for Kyuubi, the seal held him back, Naruto realized that. So as long as he didn't do something as stupid as to brake the seal, he would be fine. So in the end, it was a good deal to the young blond knucklehead ninja.

"Fine. I'm in," answered Naruto after awhile.

Kyuubi merely nodded, before giving him instructions as to how to ditch Jiraiya undetected.

But Naruto was thinking of the good things that would come with this. Finally he would have a real teacher. A chance to become strong. If only he knew what would happen as a result of his decision.

Chapter 1

5 months.

That's how long since Naruto had left his 'official' training trip with Jiraiya and decided to do what Kyuubi had told him to do. Under Kyuubi's guidance, he covered his tracks well enough that not even Jiraiya would be able to find him. He'd also cut any connections with the toads in case Jiraiya tried to use them. How? He simply destroyed the contract that he had with the toads. Naruto was no longer able to summon them, but he didn't mind or cared.

Naruto was also becoming stronger and felt himself getting stronger everyday. He'd learned that he remembers everything that his shadow clones do when they dispel. Thanks to this, his chakra control has improved drastically. He's also improved his taijutsu, while not as great as Guy or Lee, it improved to a decent level at the moment. He's also started to become interested in kenjutsu, but he's still has a long way in that area. Where he has excelled the most out of all the ninja areas is at elemental training. He'd learned that his primary affinity is wind with water being his second.

Kyuubi was not surprised by this. The Uzumaki clan were all composed of all strong wind and water users, with a few lighting users, and even rare fire and earth users.

Thanks to shadow clones, he'd manage to control he's affinities at a high level, but was complete at the moment. He was getting there, but more worked needed to be done. He'd also learned jutsus for both of his affinities. He'd also managed to do the rasengan with one hand once his chakra control improved. He has been trying to add his affinity to the rasengan, but for the moment, he still hasn't gotten it down yet.

In all, he was at a high chunnin to low jounin level right now. He also learned something crucial in the past 5 months.

His old teachers sucked! That was it, plain and simple.

Kakashi most of all. At least Jiraiya had taught him the rasengan and how to summon, but all Kakashi taught him was the tree climbing exercise. But all that was over with now. All Naruto cared about right now was to get stronger, and he was getting there, Naruto realized. Little by little and with hard work, but he was getting there.

Kyuubi was pleased at the moment. His container has improved faster than he had anticipated. He figured that it had something to do with his heritage to the Uzumaki clan. But most of all his connection to that damn Yondaime Hokage who had sealed him yet again.

'Better not think about it right now,' thought Kyuubi, shaking his head to clear away those thoughts.

Soon another being joined him, and he didn't look to happy at the moment.


"Something the matter?"

"You're helping him."


"Never thought you would do it. Especially since he's the son of the…second man you hate the most in this world."

"Hehehehe. It's better this way. Soon that 'Madara' will come back and try to capture me again. I preferred to be…controlled by the brat rather than 'Madara.'"

"We both know that he's not strong enough to defeat you."

"YET. Soon he will be. In time and with proper teaching, he can become strong enough to rival even Madara himself. He's also going to find out about you soon, you know."

"And? He can't get rid of me, no matter what he tries to do. Even if he defeats me, which is highly unlikely, his darkness within his heart will always remain which means that I will always exist as a result."

"You have Konoha to thank for that."

"They're fools. Though I guess I should be grateful to them because, if they hadn't been the idiots that they are, I would never have been born in the first place."


"For now, I'll just simply keep watching my other self's progress. Then, when the time is right, I'll reveal myself to him."

"As you wish." With that Dark Naruto receded back deeper into Naruto's mind until he would meet his other self. And Dark Naruto couldn't wait for that to happen.

'I'm so dead!' thought Jiraiya. 'Where did that brat go?'

Indeed. It has been 5 months since Jiraiya lost Naruto. At first, he simply thought that the hyperactive blond was just simply training, but after the fourth day of him not returning to the hotel where they had supposed to have had stayed in or just simply not returning to the town itself, he went to look for him. But he found no trace of him. Who knew that the brat was so good at stealth?

If only he knew that Naruto had outrun the Anbu and had managed to hide from them after pulling his famous pranks. If only...

Back to his current problem. He had tried to look through using the toad contract as well, but that didn't work either. Why? Somehow the brat had been able to release himself from the contract with the toads. And that saddened Jiraiya a lot more than anyone could have thought. And now, he had no way of knowing where Naruto was. Jiraiya was simply using the old method of searching people, seeing no other alternatives. And that was to ask random people if they had seen Naruto. Oh, use his spy network as well. But so far, even that had been useless!

'If I don't find him soon, Tsunade's gonna kill me!'

Oh yes, Jiraiya could only imagine what Tsunade would do to him if she found out that he lost the person who she thought of as a son.




Finally he'd manage to add his wind affinity to the rasengan. It wasn't complete yet, obviously, seeing as it drained him from more of his chakra then it should, but he was definitely improving at least. Naruto grinned to himself. He never thought he'd be able to be this strong all by himself. He thought he was a failure, but it just proved that Konoha was not good to him at all.

'Enough about that place. Back to training,' he thought to himself.

With that, he went back to perfecting the new jutsu that he had just learned. If only he knew that this was only the beginning of the many changes that would take place in his life. But for now, Naruto knew that he'd made the right choice of following Kyuubi's idea.

While all of this was happening, Kyuubi just grinned and thought to himself: 'This is the greatest revenge I could possibly think of for you Yondaime. You're son hating the village that you oh so honorably protected. He might not hate the village right now, but soon he will, especially when he learns of all the things that were kept from him and merge with his other self.'

With that, he went back to watching his container train, making himself stronger. He was gonna need it for the things to come.

Chapter 2

"So basically what you're saying is that learning seals can be useful?"



"Look at me. I was defeated because of seals."

"All right. You've proven your point. The only problem is that I don't think I have the patience to do them."

"Well learn how to. You already know how to meditate. Just think of it like that. Besides, it won't be too hard. Seal making is in your blood."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Uhh…nothing! Let's just start already."

Naruto just merely narrowed his eyes at the bijuu that was currently sealed within him. Almost a year had passed already. His chakra control was as best as it could be. He had a bunch of powerful jutsus in his arsenal as well. His most powerful being Futon:Rasenshuriken which he had mastered 3 months earlier. His sword skills were at low kage level, which he was satisfied at the moment with. Genjutsu was his lowest skill. He could dispel them and detect them which Kyuubi said would be enough. But in the past year, not only have his skills grown, but his intelligence as well. He could tell that Kyuubi was hiding something from him, but decided not to comment on it. At least not until he was stronger.

Kyuubi was mentally cursing himself. Now his container would be suspicious of him, making his goal harder. He calmed himself down though. There's plenty of time before he would start his plan. But he realized something: it would be harder now. Naruto had grown smarter and would not listen to him easily.

"Alright. I'll go buy the supplies then." Naruto disappeared from his mind to the real world to get everything ready for his next step of his training. Naruto had gotten to working random jobs that classified as D-rank missions in a shinobi village. Was it a pain in the ass? Definitely, but money was necessary for some things such as clothing, and training supplies, so he survived through them.

Right after he left, another being took his place."You just made your first mistake."

"Shut up! You don't think I don't know that!?"

"Don't take it out on me. Besides, I think you're stupid in trying to deceive him. Just tell him everything. He's not the same idiot as before, something that I'm grateful for. He's not just going to forgive them like before. I'm pretty sure of it. After all, I AM him."

Kyuubi thought about it. It was true. Naruto had definitely changed in the past year. He was no longer the same blond knucklehead that he was when he started training. He had was starting to mature in both mind and body. "You're right. But why are you telling me this?" Kyuubi narrowed his eyes at the dark entity. "You want him to destroy the village, don't you?"

"HAHAHAHA! Don't make me laugh! I don't give a shit about that village! All I want is to be free and cause mayhem!"


"Don't believe me? Well I don't care! Soon, my other half and me will fight and see who has the right to freedom."

"You think you can defeat him?"

"Hmm...I know I can. After all, I AM HIS DARKNESS. And, in the little probability that I do lose, he's turning more and more like me everyday, so it makes no difference at the end."

Kyuub just merely watched as Dark Naruto disappeared. 'Hmm…I wonder how this will turn out…'

"You're saying he just vanished?"

"Yes Pain-sama."

Pain just sighed at that. From what Zetsu was telling him, the Kyuubi jinchuriki just vanished off the face of the earth. This will make their job a lot harder all right. But the Kyuubi wasn't the only bijuu that needed to be captured for their plan to work.

"Alright. Itachi, Kisame, here is your new target until Zetsu is able to find the Kyuubi." The two named criminals just simply payed attention. Well one did, but Itachi was also processing this new information.

'It seems as if Naruto-kun is up to something. But what could that be? I'm sure Danzo will never allow something like the Kyuubi to slip out of his fingers. Unless he doesn't know yet which means Jiraiya hasn't told anyone yet. Did Danzo not send his ROOT to monitor them?' It was a possible theory. After all, having someone like Jiraiya traveling with Naruto, it would be hard to keep tabs on Naruto without Jiraiya himself finding out about it. 'It seems as if this will be interesting,' thought Itachi to himself. Will it be good? Well, it was too early for even Itachi to know the answer to that question.

With that, he payed attention to his next assignment.

Back in Rain after the meeting among the akatsuki members, a beautiful woman with blue hair and amber eyes wearing the standard akatsuki uniform appeared next to the current Path that Pain was using at the moment. And that path was Tendo which was his most commonly used out of all the other Paths.

"Pain…he's here."

Next to her, a man appeared in a vortex. "I hear you're having difficulties," he commented drily.

"It's nothing that I can't handle," answered Pain without turning around to face the man.

"You better make sure it isn't. Even if you have the Rinnegan, you know that I know you're weakness," said the man with a threatening undertone in his voice. Konan narrowed her eyes slightly at that.

"Hai, Madara-sama," simply replied Pain.

"Good. The Kyuubi is an important part to my plan. Find it." With that, the man disappeared the same way he appeared.

Pain merely kept staring at the village below him.

"And you having seen or heard anything about him?"

"Nope. Sorry, Jiraiya." Jiraiya just sighed at that. He's been checking all his contacts throughout the Elemental Nations to see if anybody had seen or heard anything about Naruto, but so far he has not had any luck.

'Its been a year already. I hope this hasn't gotten out yet. Not only that, but I'm going to have to face Tsunade soon. This really sucks,' thought Jiraiya, crying mentally to himself before regaining his bearing

With that in mind, he went to check his next contact, all the while hoping that he can find Naruto as soon as possible.

"Is this information accurate?"

"Yes, Danzo-sama."

'This is troubling.' thought Danzo. 'There's no way we can lose the Kyuubi. Jiraiya, that idiot.'

Danzo had never approved of Jiraiya taking Naruto on that training trip. He knew the way Jiraiya was. The man was simple too irresponsible unless the situation called for it. But he was even more pissed at Tsunade for agreeing to the trip in the first place. And now this happens!

'If only Sarutobi had let me train the boy, Konoha would have a powerful weapon within its ranks,' thought Danzo bitterly to himself

Nothing he could do about it now, except to find the boy and bring him back to Konoha. With that in mind, he refocused his attention back to the anbu gathered in front of him. Perfect. So, he issued his order.

"ROOT. Find me Uzumaki Naruto and bring him back to me."


"What is it Kabuto?" Kabuto joined his master as he watched Sasuke on top of a small hill train down below."It seems as if Naruto-kun has disappeared," answered Kabuto, readjusting his glasses.

Orochimaru finally turned to look at his right-hand man. "Akatsuki?" he simply said. Kabuto shook his head at that. "No. It seems as if he left Jiraiya when they were on their training trip all of a sudden. And apparently he can't find him and neither can Akatsuki," further added Kabuto.

Orochimaru just listened to all of this. After awhile, he laughed as his long tongue came out of his mouth. "It seems as if Naruto-kun is more skilled than I thought if he can even evade my idiot of a teammate," praised Orochimaru...well, sort of.

"Indeed. What are we going to do Orochimaru-sama?" asked Kabuto.

"Nothing. This will keep Akatsuki busy while I train Sasuke-kun and get him ready for me to posses his body," answered Orochimaru with a wave of his hand.

"As you wish Orochimaru-sama," replied Kabuto with a bow. With that, Kabuto left to his other duties. Orochimaru thought of the new development as he turned back to oversee Sasuke's training. Naruto was up to something, if only he knew what. Could the boy have found out what happened with his clan...? No, that wasn't possible. No one knew of that, save himself and the mastermind behind akatsuki. Everyone else that did was already dead.

'Never mind with that. Soon I'll have Sasuke-kun's body and his sharingan. And when that happens, Konoha will burn to the ground!' thought Orochimaru with glee.

"So this is the basics of seal making?"

"That's right."

"Huh. This is easier than I thought it would be."

Kyuubi just shook his head at that. He then thought back to what Dark Naruto told him. Now was the time to make his decision. Would he tell Naruto everything and hope he would hate his father afterwards? Or wait until later when it might be worst when the brat was already getting suspicious of him? A tough choice indeed.

'What to do?'

After awhile, he made his decision.


The blond looked up from his current seal that he was working on when his name was called. Of course it was just one of the basic ones, but you had to start somewhere.

Kyuubi looked at his young container straight in the eyes. "It's time you knew of your heritage…"

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