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Chapter 2: Chapter II

Agashi had always known he was'nt ordinary. At least waking up from sleep on the ground was not ordinary. His mother would say it was normal even when his younger sister, Dooshi remained in bed every morning. He was a little faster and stronger than his agemates and has quicker reflexes. Agashi's parents seems to have convincing excuses for all these, and soon the abnormal became normal to them.

"I want to be a blacksmith, mother. I think am old enough to start any trade. My mates are making families and I wish to start something". One can't count how many times Agashi has spoken this words to his parents, but they still play deaf without giving any agreement. "Being a blacksmith will not be the best, be patient and we will figure out a better trade for you". Those words Agashi was tired of hearing them, they now sound so empty in their promises and Agashi was not a patient type. Dooshi will start living with their grandmother by next week, and he would be left in boredom around his old parents. Already twenty and he can't find a purpose in this large town of Achetu. Agashi has beaten many several boys that mocked and called him lazybones. One who was a farmer's son, has borrowed money from Agashi. "Where is my money? It's been two months now and you are yet to remit it, don't you have any intention to give me what is mine?" Agashi has asked the farm boy ferociously. But the boy not moved by Agashi's anger, with a mockery look, one intended to anger Agashi the more, "you better get your ass to work and stop disturbing me for that little penny. How can an old lad like you still lazy around in your parent's comfort and disturb me for a merger money that can't even buy my launch." At the sound of those words Agashi lost control sending three punches to his face that left two teeth on the ground at one barely hanging. Thanks to the people around who came to separate them.

Agashi had few friends so he spent most time with his sister and his horse that he grew up with. Now his sister was gone to learn witchcraft from her grandmother-Toshin, Agashi "I must do something. The world was not built with lazy hands, neither was I born by lazy parents. I wonder why my parents won't let me out of their care? Why are they so protective?" Agashi asked himself this questions in turns without finding a good answer for any. He was not even told about his supposed to be grandmother-Toshin, there was so much secrets his parents were hiding from him in the name of protection, but this were orders given to them from Toshin herself. Very early one morning when the moon was still battling with the sun and darkness still frightens the beak of cocks, Agashi left home towards the ourtskirt of the town close the mountain. Agashi went to the workplace of a famous blacksmith and he went without the consent of his parents. Amadi was a famous blacksmith who was known throughout the village of Achetu and beyond. He was huge and has an attractive physique, but his monstrous voice was the speak of the town. "good morning sir". Agashi greeted like one who was scared by his sight, but Amadi only continued staring at his scared guest. "I want to be trained in your craft and would appreciate if you take me as your apprentice". Agashi added. Amadi was still staring at him as if he was making decision to keep him or not. Indeed Amadi should be happy, age was an enemy in this business and seemed to have caught up with him. Amadi needed strong bones and here is one standing before him and covered in thick muscles.

In the next moment, his long silence was broken by his smile. "welcome what is your name". Agashi took some steps closer into the work house with joy written all over his face, "I am Agashi, sir". "Agashi, I hate lazy boys, you know why?" Agashi opened his lips to answer, but didn't say a word before his master continued with his monstrous voice, "lazy ones are the problem in every village, they think they are smart and end up stealing. Lazy people can't raise a family, because they always fail to protect that which is theirs." He then walked closer to Agashi and bringing his face very close to Agashi's face with his both hands hanging behind him. "do you understand?" He asked Agashi. "yes sir." Agashi quickly answered.

In no time, Amadi has asked Agashi to go to work. He showed Agashi some ores and how to set the furnance ready. Amadi blew the furnance as he speaks; teaching his new apprentice what to do. "you must be careful around the blast furnance, it is very dangerous to play around fire". He stoped working for a second and his eyes caught of Agashi's necklace, "I don't like you wearing that necklace here. You must remove that necklace of yours Agashi, it is a risk to work with something like that. Accidents come in different forms." "This necklace has never left my neck since birth, I promised my mother not to take it off." Replied agashi, but the old man insisted, he was a kind of person that doesn't take no for an answer, he forcefully took off the necklace from Agashi's neck. "I won't be responsible for any damage on your fragile boned, lad." Then he went back to pouring his ores into the blast furnance. Agashi won't dare upset his new boss, not on his first day. Agashi ignored the necklace and went back to work.

The necklace-juju, that his mother has given him was not an ordinary one. It was meant to prevent supernaturals-curses and spells from locating the owner, and inhibits Agashi's dark nature from reinforcing to the surface especially at full moon. Dark times lies ahead, death smells choky than ever, the witches has sensed the power of a new werewolf-an alpha. Malik must do something else his plans can come to a halt. Fear has been unleashed on both good and evil. If only the necklace was in place, maybe Agashi's life would still be normal and death would have seen no reason to reign. Amadi has touched what he doesn't understand, and he has triggered a war that has been sleeping for twenty years.

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