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Chapter 7: Why This Name is so Familiar?

(Author Note: Ahoy! Your shameless author here! Sorry for the delay, DragonQuest XI is too good! xd)

(Oh rigth, before I forget, it seems that there are some readers who have not understood Diana's personality. It's very simple, she is a NEET who has been without contact with society for a long time, other than that she is a normal girl, nothing like those psychopathic MC's who reincarnate and don't feel anything about killing and reincarnating already with a super elaborate plan in head. She is a normal girl who, after spending many years indoors without socializing, has developed a childlike personality and as a NEET, she is a virgin, she is also quite pure. That's why the super revealing outfit is very uncomfortable for her.)


(Diana POV)

''Uwah!!'' I suddenly woke up, and with a hell of a headache.

As my consciousness returned, I saw that I was lying on a soft bed, and that I was inside what appeared to be a hut. Looking around, I saw that it was a very simple cabin, it had two beds, a fireplace, a table with two chairs, and a relatively large closet.

''Huh? Where am I...?'' I was convinced that I had died again, on my first day of Reincarnation. But as far as I can see, this isn't Limbo, which means...that I'm alive?!

I abruptly got out of bed in euphoria, but my head started to ache and throb even more '' Shit, my head feels like it's going to explode...''

Learning my lesson, I sat up in bed slowly and started to take a deep breath, which helped to ease some of the pain.

''Okay, let's recap, I tried to get out of the forest, and as I was so hungry, I broke a golden rule of survival about unknown fruits, and ended up eating a lot of poisonous fruits...'' It seems that not only love blinds our reasoning, apparently hunger does that too.

Well now is not the time to re-remember the shit I did, I need to know where I am.

''Wait, if I'm not mistaken, I heard something like a voice before I passed out, and that along with the fact that I'm in a cabin, I can conclude that someone saved me.'' I deduced.

Heh, Elementary my dear Watson...Just kidding. This is kind of obvious.

Oh, right, I better look at my status.


Name: Diana;

Age: 19;

Level: 0; [EXP: 0] [Next Level: 100 XP]

Occupation: None;

Condition: Healthy, Cursed;

Hm? Oh, now that I've paid more attention, I'm really not hungry and thirsty anymore, and the poisoned status is gone. Looks like whoever took care of me knows what they're doing, fed me and healed me, seriously, I'll give whoever took care of me a hug!

''Yohohohoho! Looks like you woke up lass!''

''Huh?'' Hearing someone talking to me, I turned towards the door, and saw someone standing there.

''Yohohoho! So how are you feeling?'' The person that came in was a man, and a very old man at that. And it looks to me like he's a dwarf? I mean, he's really small, he has a little long white beard, and he's completely bald. His eyes seem to be closed, and he was wearing a simple fur outfit.

Oh, and I take back what I said about hugging, I can feel this old man's gaze on my body!

''Ehem'' You old pervert, at least try to hide your lecherous eyes!

''I'm better now, I just have a headache.'' I said, trying to hide the disgust from my voice.

''I see, I see, that's good. You were lucky my grand-daughter found and took care of you. You ate too many of those poisonous fruits.''Wait, was it his grand-daughter who found me? Yosh, I'm back on my word, the hug is still available!

''Sorry old man, but what were those fruits I ate? And what exactly did they do to me?'' Gathering information is always helpful!

''Those fruits? They don't have a name, we just call them ''Yellow Fruit.'' It is not very dangerous if you consume just a little, but in large quantities it is fatal. In small amounts, it just makes you lethargic and has a headache. But in large doses, like what you ate, it will completely paralyze you, along with your entire body and organs. Fortunately we always keep antidotes for this fruit and other poisons. If my granddaughter had arrived a minute later, you would be dead.'' He said in a professional tone. As if you were teaching a student.

''I see...'' I should be more careful what I do.

''By the way, where is your granddaughter? I would like to thank her for saving me.''

''She is picking some fruits, she will be back in no time.'' I see, I'll wait for my benefactor to come back to thank her appropriately and....well.....ask her to help me to get out of this forest.

''But you know, I also helped to heal you, don't I deserve a thanks too? Yohohohoho!'' The old man said, and slowly started to approach me with his cheeks flushed as he made grabbing gestures with his hand.

I shuddered at the sight of this disgusting creature in front of me, as if I would become corrupt just looking at it.

''I'll let you know, if you take one more step, I'll pulverize you, I may not look it, but I'm a powerful mage, you old shitty pervert!'' This is a complete lie.

''Oh come on lass~ Don't be shy, I just want a handshake, Yohoho!''

''G-Go away! I'm warning you!'' I threatened him as I curled up in bed with every step he took.

''Your hands looks so soft Yohohohohoh~'' The old man started getting closer and closer.

''Hiiiiiiiiii!!! Go away! Dont get closer to me you degenerate!!''

Someone, please save me!


''Ouch!'' The old man took a blow in the head and knelt in pain ''Nunununu! M-My poor head...''

'I'm saved!' I thought as I cried tears of joy.

''What do you think you're doing with the patient, grandpa?!'' Looking at my savior, I saw that it was a little girl with short green hair and honey-colored eyes. She looked only ten years old, and like the old man, she wore a simple fur outfit. And in her little hands, she had a wooden club.

But most importantly...She is sooooooo cute!!!

''N-Nueh?! A-Ane? I-I wasn't doing anything, I just wanted a handshake! I swear!'' The old man kneels in front of the person who has just entered.

''A handshake?'' The girl looked at me, and then looked back to the old man '' And why does she look so scared? Huh? Depending on your answer, I'll hit you so hard that hair will grow back on your head, you pervert old man!!''

S-Scary! Saying those words while carrying a club in your hand with a cute little face like that is scary in a way!!

''I...I...I forgot I have things to do! See you girls! Yohohohoho!'' The old man quickly got up and ran out of the house quite vigorously, as if he was still in his twenties.

''Don't think you can escape your punishiment.....When I find you, and I will find you, you'll regret running away while you still had a chance....hehehe....'' The girl muttered as she looked where the old man ran.

I think I heard something I shouldn't have.....Well, whatever! She is cute and also saved me twice, I think I can ignore that!

''Hmm, excuse me? Your name is....Ane, right?'' I asked the little girl, who had a predatory look on her face.

Turning her attention back to me, her sadistic smile was completely transformed into a beautiful, bright smile '' Sorry about that, beautifull Onee-san! I'll deal with that plague later, don't worry! How are you feeling?''

I blushed, 'B-Beautifull Onee-san?!'

The little girl dropped her cudgel and walked over to me, then she put her forehead on my forehead to check my temperature.

'Oh god, this little girl is a natural!' I thought as I blushed some more

''I'm better thanks, could you tell me where I am? I... kind of got lost in the forest.'' I said, a little helplessly.

''Don't you know where you are, Onee-san? I thought you were an adventurer who came here to hunt monsters, since you're dressing up like a mage.'' Ane said as she pulled her face away from mine.

''O-Oh! I'm a mage! I just got lost while looking for the nearest city!''

''Eh? Are you really a magician?!'' Ane looked at me with stars in her eyes ''Can you show me a spell please! I have never seen one before!''




''Huh? Did you say something, Onee-san?''


''I can't hear you, can you repeat that? And why are you crying?''

''I said I can't show you a spell! I can't use magic! Even though I can learn any magic, I don't have points to learn anything, What kind of wizard doesn't know any spells? I'm useless, Damn it! I'm so useless....Uuuuuuh'' I burst into tears as I remembered my situation.

I mean, the damn angel gave me three wishes as agreed, but what use is it?! I can't learn magic because I don't have points the damn angel made up! And I may not grow old, but I'm going to live in this damn outfit forever and ever! And my system is.... Well, he is a little usefull, but this doesn't change the fact that I'm screwed!

How the hell am I going to survive in a fantasy world, being a modern world person with a fragile body and ridiculously stimulating outfit?!

''Fueh?!'' Suddenly Ane pulled me down, hugged my head, and started patting my head.

''Shhhhh, It's going to be okay Onee-san, I don't understand much of what you said, but it's okay. Everyone starts from the beginning, right? Nobody starts knowing everything.....'' This....This is surprisingly good and calming.

But it doesn't change the fact that receiving comfort from a much younger girl is quite humiliating...I'm the oldest and she's much more mature than me. Perhaps the modern world has softened people's minds and hearts too much since they can grow without worry?

After a few moments of comfort. I pulled out of Ane's embrace and wiped my tear-stained face with a piece of cloth Ane gave me.

''Thank you....I needed this. So many bad things have happened in such a short period of time...''

''Well, they say that after a moment of extreme bad luck, a moment of extreme luck will happen!'' Ane said with a smile.

''I hope so, hehe...'' I replied with a small smile.

''So, Onee-san. You said you didn't know how to do magic yet, but isn't that why you were going to the city that's near here? After all, you are a newbie, right?'' Ane said sitting in a chair next to me.

''Hm? What do you mean by that?''

''If you don't know how to do magic then it means you're a newbie, and because you're a newbie you want to go to the nearest town from here, Am I wrong?'' She repeated what she said, but in a simpler and more understandable way.

''Well, I can't deny that I'm a newbie...'' Afterall I'm level zero '' But why should I want to go to town if I'm a newbie?''

''Well, because the closest city to here is the city that everyone who wants to start being an adventurer goes to. The name of the city is Axel, the city of beginners!''

''Seriously?! I didn't know that, thanks Ane!'' I got up from the bed and pulled Ane into a hug.

If it's a beginners' town, it means there's only weak monsters there, and I'll be able to level up easily! And with that I can finally learn magic! Finally something good happened!

''Hehe, you're welcome, Onee-san!''

After hugging and thanking Ane, I feel refreshed! Because now everything will work out!


Axel, the city of beginners....I feel like I've heard this name somewhere.....

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