/ Eastern / The Dark Rose

The Dark Rose Original

The Dark Rose

Eastern 26 Chapters 64.7K Views
Author: MeaschaArina14

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Everyone has secrets, everyone has something they wish to escape, something they wish they can erase, something they wish they can leave behind.

But you can't. Your past will find you. Your fears will find you... Your darkness will find you.

That is what Rose feels. She feels something calling to her but it's not a voice. She feels something reaching out for her but it's not a hand. She feels something watching her but it's not eyes.

There's something drawing her in, something lurking on the horizon, something dangerous.

But who doesn't like a little bit of danger? Who doesn't want to feel that adrenaline? Who doesn't want to fear something, anything and then hate that fear after?

But what happens when the darkness gets to much, secrets get uncovered to quickly, you feel like you're suffocating, you feel alone, you feel weak, and you feel betrayed.

What happens when everyone you've ever known leaves, they have lied, they have kept you in the dark?

What happens when the epitome of light gets trapped and pulled into the darkness?

What happens when your power becomes to much and you just decide to let it win?....

... All hell breaks loose.

Welcome to the darkness. Where everything is not what it seems. Where truth become lies. Where friends and family become enemies. Where the only way to survive is to become 'La diosa de las tinieblas'

'The Goddess of darkness'

Welcome to The Dark Rose


  1. Ellen_Richards
    Ellen_Richards Contributed 1
  2. Sarah_Laskowski
    Sarah_Laskowski Contributed 1
  3. Megan_Jacobs_2526
    Megan_Jacobs_2526 Contributed 1


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    I'll just tell u guys how it feels to read this.....its suffocating. It feels like a scenario is being shoved into my mouth to be later digested by my brain. The character immersion is extremely low, so it feels like i'm watching a person read out the story from a movie script. no offence to author, I see u put a lot of effort in it, maybe some people will like this but it isn't my cup of tea.

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    Author MeaschaArina14