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Chapter 5: The Young Lion Vs the Bone Hand

(Ashara Dayne POV)


Gerold Lannister was nothing like Ashara expected, he shamelessly admitted regretting the promise of not taking her when he could, only to then swallow that lust in his eyes with the Chivalry she'd expect from a Knight of Dorne like her brother Arthur or the likes of Ser Barristan Selmy.

Lord Gerold was handsome, that much she expected at the very least, but the distinctive glimmer in his eye both aroused and terrified Her. Ashara. Ashara couldn't decide which feeling she preferred.

The fact her betrothed had included her in his War Council spoke volumes of his character as both a man and a Lprd. Presently Ashara was below deck enjoying the company of the Young Alester Sarwyck and Mors Westford and his Hound, men whom Gerold had commanded protect her should anything go wrong.

Of course her betrothed had given her a Dagger to hide in her robes should someone manage to bypass her sworn shields.

Ashara was broken from her musings when a number of voices were shouting, and she immediately rushed to check on Gerold.


Rushing onto deck, Ashara saw what Gerold saw, Ships with Red Sails bearing a white bony hand, the Sigil of House Drumm of the Iron Islands.

''There must be dozens of them.'' Says Ashara.

''Raise a White Flag and send a Raven asking to treat.'' Says Gerold, before turning to face Ashara. ''Ser Oswell I know it's not my place, but could you ensure that Ashara remains Below deck while we deal with Dustan Drumm?'' Asks Gerold.

''Of course, Lord Lannister.'' Ser Oswell says after Prince Rhaegar gives him a slight nod of approval.

''Prince Rhaegar I want you and the remaining Kingsguard with me, same goes for Lord Sumner and Uncle's Tygett and Gerion.'' Says Gerold as a Drumm Ship comes to meet them its own White Flag Raised.


(Rhaegar Targaryen POV)


Rhaegar was impressed by Lord Gerold not immediately seeking to resolve the matter with Violence and Bloodshed. His offer of Parley was intriguing because he wanted Ashara below deck while he parlayed with Dustan Drumm.

Rhaegar saw the way Gerold welcomed all opinions during their War Council, particularly his Bride's. That showed a man who valued all insights, even a woman's, something that was sadly all too rare. Rhaegar was becoming more and more keen on recruiting Lord Gerold to be his Hand.


(Gerold Lannister POV)


Gerold, Rhaegar, Tygett, Gerion, Sumner Crakehall, and Ser's Barristan Selmy and Arthur Dayne meet Lord Dustan Drumm and Andrik The Unsmiling aboard a small Brig.

''Wasn't expecting A Lion and a Dragon, what brings such distinguished company so far into the Stepstones?'' Says Dustan Drumm.

''You know why we're here, you and the Myrish Pirates here have been attacking my ships, bearing my goods bound for distribution into Essos. Well it stops now.'' Says Gerold fiercely.

''No, we are Ironborn, we do things by paying the Iron Price, but Drumm's pay the Bone Price. If your ships cannot deal with us then it is our Drowned God given right to take yours as ours.'' Andrik says proudly.

''The Old Way huh? Fine, Dustan Drumm I challenge you to single combat, either first yield or final death it does not matter. If I win, not only do you cease your Reaving and Raiding of Lannister Ships, I get to take a Prize from the Ironborn before me, be it person or object. If you win You can name a price. Of course if you're too afraid a little lion barely growing out of his cub stage, feel free to let you little pet fight me instead, show your men who the Real Ironborn Captain is.'' Says Gerold, causing an almost Feral grin to break out onto Drumm's face.

''I'm going to enjoy breaking you little lion.'' Says Drumm.

''We'll see who breaks who.'' Says Gerold.


Gerold stood in Iron plate that had be inlaid with Gold, his Lions Helm proudly roaring atop his head. Drumm stood across a Red Blade in hand and an Axe in his other hand. Both men were eager to taste the others blood.

Drumm wasted little time in rushing forwards giving up ground in order to counterattack aggressively. Gerold's curved Swords meet Red Rain and Drumm's Axe, before Drumm kicks Gerold's right knee before using his left knee to hit Gerold's head as it came down.

As Gerold stood up from the blow, Dustan slashed his Ace against his helm, sending it flying overboard before angling Red Rain left diagonally across his face. Grunting from the cold unforgiving cut of Valyrian Steel on Flesh, Gerold was sent to one knee.

''Little Lion, no teeth.'' Drumm mocks closing in.

''I may not have teeth, but I do have Claws!'' Gerold shouts before launching into a knee strike and Dragging Drumm over his shoulder, before cutting off his Sword Hand and holding his blade against Drumm's throat, close enough that any attempt to draw a knife hidden within reach would fail instantly.

''I yield.'' Drumm grunts out.

''I name Red Rain as my prize, as it is mine by right of Blood and Lordship. Now get the fuck off my ship and back to your Seven Forsaken Islands.'' Says Gerold as Drumm realizes that the Sword was his goal the Entire time, but out of grudging respect leaves quietly.

''Quite the fight, even if it was quite brief.'' Says Rhaegar.

''I only wish I had the honor of being a Knight, it would have made defeating that Cunt all the better. After all, their God doesn't have Knights while ours does and showing that we are stronger for such an honor would hopefully have taught him something.'' Says Gerold as Rhaegar smiles before turning to Ser Arthur.

Dayne immediately realizes what his Prince wants draws Dawn.

''Lord Gerold, please Kneel.'' Says Dayne. Gerold had hoped Rhaegar would've gotten the hint, but couldn't show it. Fake surprise washed over him, and he fell to one knee after looking for princely confirmation, which Rhaegar gives.

''Gerold Lannister, In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave. In the name of the Father, I charge you to be just. In the name of the Mother, I charge you to defend the innocent. Arise, Gerold Lannister, a knight of the Seven Kingdoms.'' Says Ser Arthur, as Rhaegar draws his own Sword.

''Gerold Lannister, I name you thus; The Red Lion, The Golden, and The Lionheart.'' Rhaegar said.

''I...I don't even know how to respond to that.'' Gerold admits.


(Rhaegar Targaryen POV)


Rhaegar had sown the first seeds by having Ser Arthur Knight Gerold, adding water as soon as it was done with his own declaration of Titles.

Gerold was not the first Lannister, his Great-Grandfather was known as Gerold The Golden as well, but by naming Gerold the Lionheart and The Red Lion, he hoped that in so doing many great deeds could be attributed to the names that Rhaegar had granted Gerold, which would solidify Gerold's future loyalty towards him rather than another who doesn't have Westeros's best intentions at their heart.


(Gerold Lannister POV)


Rhaegar the Prince of Fools, he'd gotten Gerold a Knighthood that was slightly more prestigious than had it been given by Ser Barristan Selmy. He'd given him three titles as well as a Knighthood. Rhaegar had named him Gerold The Golden like his Great-Grandfather years past. He'd named The Red Lion, for he was the Lannister Lion to bear Red Rain. He'd named him Lionheart, as the Heart of the Lions of the Westerlands. Gerold's kingdom was four steps closer now. Time for the next few moves to be readily laid down, but first, they must strike at Grey Gallows and the surrounding Islands, a task made much easier without the forces of Dustan Drumm against them.

Theragfromthecrag Theragfromthecrag

Gerold is BACK!!!

Combat is not my forte, If you want a brawl amongst brawls I'm the guy, but one on one aint' my thing. Now the shortness of the fight is also an indicator of Gerold's current skill.

The Next chapter will mostly be just a foray of reports on the battles, no actual shit being thrown down. But at the end, I'm hoping to include something special for you guys, if I get it just right.

Also, prepare for the Flower and the Fallen Star, it will be tense first and foremost, but overtime...yeah I'm not telling you's, you'll find out soon enough!

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