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Chapter 14: Plan B

Having confirmed from Naseem that there is no way Ibrahim will head CSA Team, Ibrahim called TG to mobilize his men. It will not happen, the man won't be giving him the post, he said. TG knew that would happen. Who in his right mind would want someone like Ibrahim in his organization? Even he has already planned to dispose of him dead or alive from the organization after this last assignment.

Not wanting to talk further, TG said, "Okay," he will mobilize his men soon, he said. However, he'd do as Maha had requested. He'd mobilize Taher first, before Ibrahim's men. TG called Maha. Taher will arrive in Dubai in the afternoon or early evening, he advised. She should wrap up whatever she is doing for Plan B before Taher arrives.


Murad Al Shehi seemed to have stumbled onto something in his investigation. There is one Ibrahim Mahlid that showed on old records, but his current file is empty. There is no death certificate. The father of the real Ibrahim Mahlid had tried to have his son's records completely deleted, as per the organization's request. The old Mahlid had to find someone in every agency where his son's records show to delete them. The organization will replace this with the falsified records of the current Ibrahim Mahlid. They have cleared all his other namesakes.

Murad had assigned a team to follow up on the man from the address on his birth certificate. They will have to visit his residence to investigate. Murad called Dodi and shared the information. At the moment, that is all he can share, he said. He will have to wait for the actual investigation or home visit to be conducted by the assigned team for any subsequent information.


Maha felt she's at a standstill not knowing what move she'll take on this mission. Their primary aim supposedly was to intercept a car shipment and direct it to their organization's destination. That was the organization's line of work. That is why they named their group Speed Trackers. But she can't see that happening with Ibrahim's planning. So, should she abandon the original plan and focus on Plan B alone? Because this is more realistic.

Ibrahim planned to kidnap Yasmin, and she will take Yasmin from Ibrahim's grasp not entirely to help her but to demand a ransom from her family or her fiance. That was their Plan B. When she suggested this to TG, he agreed after a long thought. Although he worried about the woman, they needed money to run the organization. He made Maha promise that nothing disastrous will happen to the woman. That she'd be safe and alive in this operation. Maha said she will do all she can.

Maha showered as soon as she arrived in her flat, took her takeout burger and a can of beer from the fridge to the living room. She sat in front of the TV, intending to relax. Her feet up on the center table and reclining on the sofa, she flipped the magazine to the centerfold.

The mere sight of the Al Abdallah villa evoked memories of her teenage hood when she'd watch the three siblings across the street in the afternoons. So his full name is Jamil Al Abdallah. She came to know his first name from their household helpers during those times.

She never came to know them as Al Abdallah. She never knew their family to own car showrooms or was in the business of selling cars. If she hadn't seen the house in the centerfold, she wouldn't know that he is Jamil, the teenage boy he once knew. Jamil and Fayed would take Layla outside the villa in a wheelchair. It was during these years that Jamil and Maha had been greeting acquaintances until later. They would talk some more about some other things.

Sometimes, when Jamil's family held occasions in the villa, Jamil would invite her to attend. But she'd always been very shy. Even Layla would repeat the invitation to her too. Later, Jamil mentioned her to their household helpers. He found friends for her and that was how she made friends while employed in the other villa. Only after she had made friends in Jamil's villa did she sneak into Jamil's villa on one of his invites. She's done it only once because her aunt reprimanded her. Their employers wouldn't allow them to chat or be friendly with their neighbors' household helpers.

Maha cherished those years. She never forgot Jamil. But that was many years ago. She saw the man in the picture with Yasmin when she searched for Yasmin Barbosa. So that is Jamil now. And he is even more handsome now that he has matured. So, Jamil is the fiance of Yasmin. The woman she is planning to save from the claws of Ibrahim. What a cruel joke.

But if this assignment didn't fall on her lap, she wouldn't even have the chance to see Jamil now. She had been saving herself for Jamil. She didn't want to form any relationship with any other man. If Ibrahim likes Yasmin, she likes Jamil too. But not in a bad way. For her, only if Jamil would like her. But then, it would be impossible for Jamil to like her now. She has joined the criminal world. It was the only way she could save her aunt.

When her aunt helped her and hid her in a way from the organization by giving her a job in Dubai, the organization had not stopped to look for Maha. They shared her photo with all their splinter factions in different countries until someone had found the only living relative she knew. Her aunt disappeared from her province when she went home for vacation. So, either she rejoins, or they will kill her aunt. But when she eventually showed up at the organization, she came to know that her aunt had long been dead. They were just showing her video clips when she was alive. That was her punishment, she was told. When her aunt went on vacation, she received the call to go back home and report to the organization.

She had no choice but to resign and leave immediately, promising to return after a month, but she wasn't able to return any more. When she didn't show up after a month, she received a call from one of her co-workers in the villa, following up on her return, but she could only apologize. Her friend had mentioned that Jamil had asked about her one time. He wondered why he doesn't see her anymore. That simple gesture from Jamil made Maha smile, and she cherished it so much, she kept replaying that part of the conversation in her mind. It made her like Jamil even more.

Maha had no choice but to go back into re-training. She hated the people in the organization; she had wanted to kill them all. But she knew she couldn't do that easily. They would kill her first and it certainly will not be easy. She would be gang-raped or tortured slowly until she would die. They will make her suffer most cruelly. No, she can't let them; she had better use her brain. She will train herself to be the best fighter in the organization, so she would be indispensable. She'd be the best that one day she'll be the head of the organization. One day, someday, she will be in command. Jamil served as her inspiration.

She will live to see Jamil again. She has to live. She wants to see him even just for once. She wants him to know that she loves him. It doesn't matter if he will not love her back. She wanted a part of him; a piece of him. She had been dreaming about this all her life. And now, she will see him. Will he be glad to see her? For sure, he will not want to be associated with a lawbreaker, or terrorist.

But she wanted him so much. She wanted to offer herself to him. She's still undefiled by any man yet because she had wanted Jamil to be the first one. She wanted to know how it feels to make love with Jamil. She wanted him to father her first child. She had always dreamt of Jamil, no one else. She is her first love. Will there be a way for her to see Jamil and stay with him even just for a few days if forever is not possible? How? She'd been dreaming for this day. This is her chance. And maybe this will be her only chance. She has to do something. But she would like to see Jamil now or tomorrow, even just from afar. When? Taher, and soon Ibrahim and his men will be here. She'll find the time.


Taher had arrived. He texted Maha at once. Maha will meet her in the barge where they will be staying. Maha replied. She will be there and she'll bring food and drinks. No need for him to cook, she said. Maha had been ready for this day. She has packed everything she will need long back. She'll just have to lock her flat. Her car will stay in the garage. Ibrahim can't see it or she won't be able to use it to tail him. She'll lease another one, but this time, it will be Taher who will have to lease it since she already has one under her name. There's a clause in the flat's lease contract that if she can't renew the lease a week after it expires, then the contract is good as ended. They can lease both the house and the car to others. The owner has leased both to Maha as a package deal.

She has only tonight to talk to Taher. Tomorrow, Ibrahim's men will join them on the barge. She had bought a body bag just in case the need arises. She had rented the house where she will bring Yasmin and all the food and water provisions, including what a young woman might need like sanitary napkins. Wow, she's thorough. She bought her clothes, undergarments, and footwear. The other new abaya she has, she can have it. She had to move now. It's just a matter of hours left for her and Taher to be alone. The men's flight is this evening and they will be in the barge by early morning.


Jamil had visitors in the office. The police and the military had sent him a team from each. One team in the office and another team will accompany their office team to the port. His father had also asked for a backup at their residence.

Dodi and Amina will have to move to the Abdallah residence in the meantime. Dodi had asked Amina to pack enough clothes and everything she will need for a week at least, as they will not be coming home for a while. Amina wondered what was happening and had been asking her dad since he told her to pack, but Dodi had begged her to just obey in the meantime. Dodi doesn't want to tell Amina. He wouldn't want to worry her in case they can still do something. She will know soon, he said.

Amina had wanted to call Fayed, but they hadn't spoken for a very long time since the incident in Fayed's garden and she didn't want to be the first to call. He is the one at fault. Why should she be the one to talk to him first? He should have apologized long back. Why didn't he? Is he ashamed of what he's done? Or is he waiting for her to issue an apology? How can they stay together in one house? She can't face him now. She doesn't want to. What's going on? Why do they have to go to Fayed's house?


Taher was cleaning his gun when Maha arrived. She put the food and the drinks on the table. She wasted no time when, while opening the food containers and eating, she told Taher about Ibrahim's plan to hide the woman he planned to abduct in one car's trunks.

"It's killing two birds with one stone," Taher said.

Maha confirmed that was Ibrahim's plan. She's shaking her head while telling Taher. She said she doubts Ibrahim will be able to. But to put a person in a car's trunk, and inside a container for several hours, will that person survive for hours without air? Maha asked Taher. And the person is unconscious too, she added.

"It's dangerous, especially as he doesn't know how long the trip will take. And what if they'll run into rescue operations with the police or the military? What if a chase happens? It will even take longer. The person could die," Taher worried.

"Is this woman someone's girlfriend or wife?" Taher asked.

"She's engaged to the son of Ibrahim's boss. He has lustful desires on the woman," Maha replied.

Maha told Taher what she had planned for the woman's rescue. Should the woman end up in the trunk, they will have to take her from there; hide her in a body bag, and she'd contact the fisher to put the body bag in his tank of fish. This is while pretending to be delivering them fish for their food supply; the man will take her to land and into the house that she had already readied for her. She has hired someone to look after her meantime until their next move.

She told Taher all except her plan with the TG to use her to demand a ransom from her family or the fiance who is the son of Ibrahim's boss. Then she sighed.

She was thinking of Jamil. Now that she's known that she could have this chance to see Jamil, should she use her instead to demand from Jamil a chance to be with him in exchange for her freedom? But the TG will not be happy without the money. She has to make another plan for this. She turned to Taher.

"Tell me, will it work? Will we be able to execute it?" she asked Taher.

Taher worried that, as soon as the fishing boat neared them, Ibrahim's men might immediately meet them. There'll be no chance to move the hanging body bag into the fish tank.

"What if you serve them food upstairs and discourage them from moving away from the dining table? Tell them to let me handle the fish delivery alone." Maha suggested.

Taher said they could try. But first, they have to think of when Ibrahim will put the woman in the car trunk. For sure, he will not let them see him do it. So, they will have to make sure that Ibrahim won't be able to do it early. They won't give him the chance, they'll be guarding him at all times. He will have to wait until it gets dark and they are both not around. They will give Ibrahim the chance by early dawn. By then, Maha has positioned herself inside the container so she will see which car they'd put Yasmin in. Taher should remove the padlock from the container so they could get out. Then she will put Yasmin inside the body bag and hide it. Wait till early dawn to hang that body bag under the barge and in the water and then call the fisher to deliver the fish. Ibrahim and his men would still be sleeping. They've just slept so they won't be awake that early.

But Maha wants to know Taher's opinion of the possibility of intercepting the shipment. Maha thinks it is impossible unless Ibrahim has planned to do it before it reaches Dubai. The Abdallah management had already alerted the police and the military. Ibrahim must know that it is impossible to intercept the shipment. He has never talked to them about it. He should have shown them the plan if there was one. He must have abandoned his true mission, the real reason he is in Dubai.

The man had shifted his focus to his Operation Yasmin. He fooled TG to borrow men for his real purpose. And if that would be the case, Ibrahim has no car trunk or container to use. So, after the abduction from the airport, he would take the woman into a hotel, a warehouse, or another house. Maha was deep in thought.

What about putting a tracking device on Ibrahim's car? Why hadn't she thought of that at all? She will know where Ibrahim will take her. And she will collect her from there. She did not tell Taher what she'd thought of yet. But if they will have confirmed from Ibrahim that there will be no shipment interception, she will have to plan with Taher how to save Yasmin. Taher's involvement will be up to that point. The rest will now fall as part of Plan B. Forget about the shipment, she thought to herself. Plan A is not possible. Plan B will replace Plan A.


Dodi and Amina are now ready to leave their home. Dodi had instructed his household helpers to call him if something happens. He didn't want to alert them. He just told them he was taking Amina to her aunt's while he was at a university symposium for a week outside of Dubai.

Amina, meanwhile, has gone into the car while Dodi was talking to them, pouting and having her worst tantrums. She sat in the back passenger seat, since Dodi's satchel and some documents were on the front passenger seat. Dodi sat in the driver's seat, then looked at Amina through the center mirror. He was about to drive but he can't keep wondering why Amina didn't want to go to Fayed's house this time when every time in the past, she's so excited as always to see Fayed. He returned to parking gear and faced Amina.

"What exactly happened between you and Fayed?" he asked. "What is wrong?" her father demanded.

Amina suddenly realized she can't tell him the truth. She avoided her father's gaze by looking down at her hands on her lap. She claimed that they just fought about something trivial. It's nothing, but she just doesn't want to see him now. He hasn't apologized yet; she said.

Dodi didn't say a thing, but he was going to make her and Fayed face each other in Naseem's house and make them spill it in front of them. They're still in the early stages of their 'getting to know each other' phase and they're already a big headache. Dodi drove without answering Amina.


It surprised Fayed to learn from Layla that Amina and her dad will stay in the rooms that the staff had readied. Amina will be in the next room next to Layla's, while her father will be in the other room on his wing side.

"What?" he cried.

His father was reading his paper on the sofa and he was on the stairs going down from his bedroom, still in his bathrobe and jammies, when he heard a car parked outside the house. Fayed ran to his bedroom, locked the door, and showered fast.

Their fathers had moved to the study while Amina and Layla were having their breakfast at the dining table when Fayed came down the stairs, this time newly bathed and changed into his casual wear.

Cathy was serving them, and she cleared her throat upon seeing Fayed announce his presence to the girls. Fayed took a seat at the dining table opposite the girls. Layla looked at Amina when she didn't even greet her brother, wondering why the two seemed to act strangely. They are not even smiling at each other. Fayed reached out for food and put it on his plate. He took his cup and made himself a coffee, but he was not talking at all, nor did he even look at Amina.

Cathy came back to the table again and made a gesture to Layla, which seems to mean, "Is something wrong with these two?" Layla shrugged. She gestured with her hands, opening them upwards to mean, "I don't know."

When Dodi and Naseem came out of the study, they took their seats at opposite ends of the dining table. Naseem looked at Fayed and asked him, "What have you done?" Fayed looked up from eating his breakfast as if surprised by the question. It took a while for him to realize that Naseem was directing the question at him and everybody's eyes were on him.

Amina blushed and was feeling so shy in front of them all, afraid that Fayed would tell them the truth.

Fayed looked at Amina and she glanced at him as if trying to say, "No, you can't tell them the truth!"

"Fayed! Tell us," boomed his father.

Fayed didn't know how to start. But he was also afraid not to say anything at all.

"I...I... tried to kiss her last time she was here in the garden but she pushed me," he said.

Then took a quick big gulp of his coffee, finishing it all.

Everyone smiled. Naseem and Dodi looked at each other smiling and rolled their eyes, which means they've been young once too, they've been there. Both men understood.

Layla said, "Yuck!"

Cathy smiled as she moved away from the table into the kitchen. Young love, she thought, smiling.

Naseem gestured to Dodi to be the one to advise them. Dodi called for their attention. He told them; not that bad, but it is too early yet. And they should be careful because the kiss could just be the start.

"If you are not ready to be married and have children, then you should wait for a little longer. Besides, think that Jamil and Yasmin have to marry first. Let them marry before you two," Dodi said.

Fayed and Amina nodded.

"Promise?" he asked them.

"Yes, dad," Amina said.

"Okay," Fayed replied.

Layla was all along, covering her face with her hands. She's feeling shy just hearing Amina's father talk about kissing and marriage. The fathers laughed. Layla is still too young for these matters. Naseem pointed at both Fayed and Amina to make peace fast and talk to each other while excusing himself and Dodi.

The two men went outside the house into the garden to talk away from their children's hearing. Fayed apologizes to Amina. Amina nodded in acceptance of his apology while Layla teases her.


It was early dawn when Taher and Maha heard men's voices approaching their way. They look at each other. Ibrahim's men have arrived. Taher was cooking breakfast and Maha set the table with the plates and glasses.

They were quiet when Ibrahim and his men joined them at the table. Ibrahim introduced them as Rahal and the brothers, Shahid and Samaha. Maha extended her hand, saying her name and introducing her husband, Taher. Then they all sat down for breakfast. Ibrahim continued to talk a lot about the shipment and how they were going to intercept it, where they will do it, and the men kept asking him a lot of questions. Taher and Maha were quietly listening.

After a very long breakfast and talk, Ibrahim excused himself and the men. He told the couple that he will have to catch up on the latest news from the group. The couple knew he'd like to brief them on his intended abduction of Yasmin at the airport. Taher and Maha cleared the table. Maha put her hand in her pants pocket and felt the tracking device inside it. She'll round up the area first, making sure that they will not see her when she puts the tracking device on Ibrahim's wheels. When she saw them at quite a very far distance, she went to where Ibrahim parked his car.

Maha went back inside the barge and asked Taher if there's anything more they will be needing. It's their last free day, she said. From tomorrow onwards, they can't afford even a single minute of free time. He asked her if she could buy them some more beers and chips. They might not eat a proper meal tomorrow. The chips will do with the beers, he said. Maha waved him goodbye and left.

She is going to see Jamil. She wanted to see his face this time. She'll be careful not to take long. She looked at her watch. Thirty minutes tops! She promised to herself. She has to move fast. She was in the parking lot at the Al Abdallah building when she saw some uniformed men and men in suits. They're leaving. Where could they be going? She stayed in her car, waited for them to drive, then followed at quite a fair distance so as not to be suspected.

She was right. The military will seal most of the areas. The port is full of military men from today and tomorrow. She took her binoculars. She can see that even on the other side of the port, there are a few uniformed men. What about the others who will be in disguise? She had to tell Ibrahim. It will not happen. They can't intercept the shipment. Maybe at a certain point, a boat will bring the military personnel into the ship carrying the cars; the men would have already boarded the ship by the time Ibrahim and his men will board it. That will be suicide. Ibrahim is a dim-wit, a total airhead, she thought. It's scary to be teaming up with a man like him. He'll cause his men's demise.

In her haste, a while ago, she didn't even get to see Jamil. All she saw were a group of men, but she didn't notice Jamil. She has now consumed thirty minutes of her mission to just look at Jamil's face. She punched her steering wheel in frustration. Another wasted time. But is it? No, if she hadn't followed them, she wouldn't know that the authorities had already surrounded the port this early. Sorry, TG, but let's throw the shipment plan in the dumps, it's nothing but 'garbage talk' from Ibrahim this morning. Even by the way he's filling in the men of his so-called plan, she noticed the men were asking Ibrahim a lot of questions. Ibrahim's plan is full of loopholes. He wasn't clear at all. It's not a full-proof plan from the start.

It was Yasmin on his plan, not the cars. He had no intention to intercept the car shipment. He needed men to help him abduct Yasmin. He's just borrowing men from TG. But Ibrahim doesn't know that he is opening an opportunity for them to make money with Yasmin. Although it's a pity to be using her, it was the only chance they have to make money.

But if it were up to Maha, she wouldn't even care about the money, she'd like to use Yasmin to draw Jamil to her. Even just for the three days at the peak of her ovulation period; when she could surely conceive a child. A child of Jamil.

Maha took two hours of her time last week to visit a gynecologist. She asked to be checked if she's healthy to conceive a child. She told the doctor that her husband was always away on business trips and they had been planning to have their first child, but it never happened. Is there a way to make sure that she will conceive this time? Her husband was due home again and she wouldn't want this opportunity to pass her by. If there's a medicine or an injection to make sure that she would conceive, she would like to have that.

After an hour of check-up and laboratory checks, Maha came to know that she has a healthy reproductive system. When the doctor asked to see her vagina and insert a tool to look inside, she screamed in protest.

"Sorry, I know that hurts. I've gone through that already," she apologized.

No way will she lose her virginity with an instrument inserted in her. No way at all. She didn't wait this long just to lose it that way. She's willing to get the injection or the medicine if that will ensure that she'd be pregnant this time. After a few minutes, they injected Maha.

The doctor gave her the dates that she'd be most fertile. Her ovulation period was strongest on the three days, the doctor stated. She had to make sure that her husband ejaculates a lot inside her.

"The more semen he secretes, the better your chances to conceive," she said.

Then the doctor showed her ways and means to arouse her husband. And Maha remembered one thing that most men like done to them in sex, according to the doctor. Maha listened very well because she's never done it before and she has no clue.

"Blowjob," the doctor said as she smiled.

Maha was waiting for the doctor to explain. Even the word itself didn't give her any clue. She was still wide-eyed and waiting, but the doctor dismissed her for the day as she called for the next patient to come in. Maha went home that day to read about the word and watched the so-called "blue films," the doctor suggested. She got her sex education from the films that day.

Maha passed by the supermarket adding a few more personal woman items to the beers and chips Taher asked her to buy. When she alighted from the rented car of Taher, she saw that Ibrahim and his men were still in the same spot when she left them early this morning. He is truly taking his "Operation Yasmin" seriously, she thought. Good! Thank you, Ibrahim, for the opportunity. She hoped for her to spend some nights with Jamil.

"I hope it will work," she prayed as she closed her eyes.

She went to the kitchen where Taher stayed most of the time. She put the beers and chips on the countertop.

"Taher, how do we tell this moron that this shipment interception is a complete farce? Do you know what I saw today? Uniformed men swarmed the port and maybe those not in uniform were in disguise too. We will walk into a trap with rats all over the place."

She told Taher what she saw. There is no way, she said, that they will listen to this jackass. Or, they will grow old in the Arab jails with no hope of reprieve at all.

"Let's make him confess today without his men listening. We will not partake in his Operation Yasmin. We'll just wait on the side with our given mission by TG; to rescue the woman, but Ibrahim shouldn't know," Maha decided.


Yasmin woke up with an enormous smile on her face this morning. She will travel tonight and will be in Dubai in the morning. She was so awake despite her late-night cleaning and baking. Yes, she baked some sweet, gooey cookies for Amina and Layla. She is still in bed, stretching her arms and legs, doing her snow angel exercise.

She made a cup of her brewed coffee and took her plastic watering can to water her plants. She had asked her friends to water the plants whenever they visited the apartment. It's Friday today. Tomorrow, in the early morning, she will be in Dubai.

She had to remember to turn on her location tracker. For sure, it will surprise Jamil. She has installed another location tracker on her phone, not knowing that Jamil had already installed one for her. If she will forget to turn on her installed one, Jamil would know by the first one he had installed the moment she switches her phone on.

She took her pink luggage. She pitied her luggage. It had been to places already; it looked worn out. She laughed at her silly thoughts. It is indeed lucky to have traveled to so many places. It's a pity her friends can't make it this Friday. Naira had to stay at home as they were expecting relative visitors. Anya was not feeling well yesterday. She wanted to rest this day. But it's fine. At least, she has some quiet time alone today, relaxing. The problem was she wasn't able to give Naira the company phone yesterday. She thought they'd be baking today. She will just leave it on the kitchen countertop and text her to take it from there. She can still use it to text Jamil tonight. From tomorrow, she'll be using her new phone in Dubai.

She remembered Anya telling her to let Jamil know she was flying to Dubai. Never mind the surprise, Anya had said. The man has a lot of work. He won't have the time to even pick her up at the airport. If he'll know beforehand, he can still do something, Anya had insisted. But Yasmin wanted to surprise Jamil in his flat. Jamil had given her a spare key to his flat the last time she was in Dubai. She wanted to have cooked something special for him by the time he arrived in the evening and to have bathed and readied herself for another one of their usual nights. She'll never tire of doing something special for Jamil every day. Will they ever tire of having sex together? Will they continue to be in love even when they grow old? Is it possible to have loved only one man in one's lifetime? It is with her. She wouldn't know the other answer because it was only Jamil whom she had loved.


Maha had made known to TG that Ibrahim's plan to intercept the shipment was a farce. Ibrahim had made no concrete plan on this. Maha had seen what could happen to them with all the police and the military personnel surrounding the whole port and beyond. Not only will they not succeed, but they'd surely end up behind bars, she confided. So, she and Taher will not get involved in any of Ibrahim's plans. But they have prepared for the rescue of the woman. He understood and he let them decide on their best actions to take. Now, Taher and Maha are going to confront Ibrahim and make it known to him they won't be there with him tomorrow.

Maha and Taher approached Ibrahim after his men left him to retire for the night. Maha had always been direct with anyone. Even with TG, she is not used to mincing words. She made Ibrahim admit that there was no plan to intercept the car shipment, because if he had, they would have visited the port and the route of passage they will take in diverting the shipment. Maha told Ibrahim what she saw at the port. She has no death wish; she said. It would be impossible to infiltrate the military and police barricades. They weren't here to die or to fail. She had no failed mission on her sleeves so far and she didn't intend to affix one and neither does Taher. Ibrahim can't say more. She thought she was just a meek wife to her husband, but aside from her gun-shooting skills, this woman seems to know a lot.

"It's settled then. Taher and I will stay out of your mission. We will stay here in the barge the whole day and wait till you return. Tell us when you're done. We can leave after your return." Maha said sternly and decisively.

Ibrahim can't say more, but the word, fine.


Yasmin is now ready to go to the airport. She had booked a cab to pick her up. She left the phone on the countertop with a message to both Naira and Anya. And texted Naira to tell her that the phone was in her apartment on the countertop. She wrote a goodbye note with three hearts and completing it with, "See you after a week. I love you, girls."- Yassi.


Ibrahim couldn't sleep that night. Yasmin is arriving tomorrow morning, he thought. He tried to imagine how she would arrive, from the plane exit into the Immigration Department, the Cargo Collection, and to the Arrival Hall where relatives and friends would be waiting. Will Jamil be there to fetch her? He had paid a ground staff to do that for him before approaching her. If he does not, only then will she approach her to tell her that an office staff of the Abdallah company will wait for her at the parking lot. He had instructed one of his men to wait in the car. He will be well-groomed in a business suit he had rented for him. He has to be respectable otherwise, Yasmin will not ride in the car. Ibrahim is smiling. He had thought of how convincing it would be for Yasmin to believe it because his man will show her the note.

One time in Naseem's office, Jamil left a note for his father to wait for him in their family residence. It reads, "See you at home -Jamil." He kept that note and looked at how helpful that note will be for him. Not sweetheart? Maybe, the man was too shy to write sweetheart since he is passing the note to another man. Yasmin will believe the note. He smiled. It's late, but sleep is scarce when you are too excited about something.


By the time Yasmin's plane landed at the airport, Ibrahim and his friends were already in position. Rahal, well-groomed in business attire, is in the parking lot, waiting for the ground staff to bring Yasmin to him. Ibrahim parked halfway down the long road to the warehouse in a rented empty garage with Shahid ready to render Yasmin unconscious with a handkerchief infused with a drug inhalant, and Samaha will wait at the warehouse. A metal bed with a thick mattress covered with white clean sheets, blankets, and a pillow prepared. There were chains on the bed for both arms and legs. He provided water and biscuits. There is a restroom in that bedroom. She will have her luggage anyway, so she will have clothes to wear. He had put bedroom slippers by the bed and rubber slippers in the bathroom.


On that early morning, when Ibrahim and his men were preparing to leave, Taher and Maha pretended to be asleep in their bunk. They didn't move at all until they heard the cars leave. Under the blanket, Taher and Maha had pretended to be sleeping, but they were ready to leave anytime. Maha made sure that she loaded all her things in the car she was going to use today. They followed Ibrahim's car, which had the location tracker on one of its wheels.


Yasmin was walking fast towards the arrival area to get a cab when the ground attendant of Dubai airport informed her that an office staff in Abdallah was waiting for her in the parking lot. She hesitated at first. She wondered how, when she had not informed Jamil that she was arriving today. She took her phone and switched it on. She activated her phone tracking device for Jamil to know that she has landed in Dubai. She put her phone back inside her bag and followed the airport staff.

When Rahal opened the car and greeted her, Yasmin hesitated. She said she would have to call somebody first. But the man immediately showed her the note, Ibrahim told him to give her. It convinced Yasmin to get inside as soon as she saw Jamil's handwriting on the note. She is now in the car with Rahal and is on her way to meet with Ibrahim and Shahid at the next stop.

Maha had borrowed another car the day before from newfound friends she will drink with tonight. Taher will tail the guy who will pick up Yasmin; Maha will tail Ibrahim. As soon as Yasmin's car left the airport; Taher texted Maha that the car was on its way to her. Taher will now go to the warehouse address. Samaha has written the address on paper, which left the imprint on the next blank sheet on the pad. Taher shaded the paper to read the address. At the time Maha was tailing Ibrahim, Taher confirmed the warehouse address to her. Taher saw Samaha on the balcony waiting for Ibrahim to arrive. Taher took a room on the opposite side of the road, just three houses away from the house opposite the warehouse destination. Taher could now observe the movement of the man on the balcony, but it will be hard to see when he goes inside the room.

When Rahal stopped the car and Yasmin saw the man in the other car, she worried. That is Ibrahim, she recognized at once. She quietly opened her bag to call Jamil, but her phone rang before she could press her speed dial on Jamil's number. Rahal grabbed the phone from Yasmin and powered it off. The other man, Shahid, covered her nose with the handkerchief and she loses consciousness. Shahid carried her into Ibrahim's car. They will have to stay for a long while in that empty garage rented by Ibrahim. They have to wait till it gets dark before they can move towards the warehouse. It was getting dark when they drove again. Ibrahim arrived at the warehouse. It is now dark, and no one is around. Ibrahim carried Yasmin inside. Should anybody see them or ask, he would say that his wife is drunk. Shahid followed with Yasmin's bag and luggage. Rahal left her phone in his car. He has all the intention to keep it.

Ibrahim laid the unconscious Yasmin on the bed. Samaha helped him put the chains on her feet and wrists.

Ibrahim worried that either Taher or Maha will divulge the truth to TG. Although Ibrahim knew that Taher and Maha have no inkling of Yasmin's abduction, they needed to go back to the barge. He can't risk them suspecting that he had carried on another plan. He'll come back to Yasmin alone. The two cars left. Samaha left the third car in the parking lot of the warehouse and rode with Ibrahim and Shahid back to the barge. While back in the first car, Rahal switched on Yasmin's phone again. As soon as he did, the signal showed on Jamil's phone. Rahal likes the phone, it's new and it must be the latest model. He will keep it with him, he thought. He'll leave it in the car so the others will not see.

Maha entered the warehouse as soon as the three men left. Maha texted Taher that she has now entered the warehouse and saw Yasmin unconscious but chained to the bed.

Coming, texted Taher.

Taher removed the chains with his tools in the bag. Maha brought Yasmin's bag and luggage with them while Taher carried her into Maha's car. They had left a note on the barge for the guys to inform them they had joined some new friends in a club for a drink and will probably be back later if they don't get back before them. If they make it before them, then they will have to discard the note.

Maha will take Yasmin to the house she has rented but doesn't want Taher to know. She asked Taher to go back to the barge immediately. One of them should be there at least, she said. She will try her best to get back, otherwise, she will go straight to the club and meet up with the two friends she just made and return the car she borrowed. She had asked them to help cover up her excuse that she was with them the entire time today, in case someone asked. Of course, they will as long as she's paying for tonight's drinks. Maha did and added some more for the use of the car.


It was getting dark when Jamil went back to the office. It had been a crazy day. So far, nothing went wrong with the shipment today. It relieved him. His father and Dodi had called in the morning. He told them that everything went smoothly so far. The cars have reached their destination. He was too tired. He wanted to sleep now. He'll just call Yasmin for a minute.

When he looked at his phone, there's a signal coming from Yasmin's new phone number; the location tracker shows Dubai. Why Dubai, has she come? He called the number, but there was no answer. Why isn't she answering? Why would her new number show up in Dubai? He called her old number, the company-issued phone, which was also ringing. Why is she not answering her phones? He wondered.

He looked at his watch and could see that it's past ten in the evening, Dubai time; that would be midnight Nur Sultan time. Will it be okay to call Naira or Anya? He wondered. Maybe it is okay with Anya because she lives alone in their accommodation. Naira lives with her parents and brother, he remembered. He called Anya's mobile number. A still fully awake, Anya answered. She had slept and rested the whole day, as she wasn't feeling well the day before. Now, she couldn't sleep. When she came to know who was on the line, she greeted him enthusiastically. Jamil asked Anya if Yasmin is in Nur Sultan because she is not answering her phone. He told her that her new phone location is showing that she is in Dubai. Anya confirmed excitedly with Jamil that Yasmin planned to surprise him and she had traveled to Dubai yesterday evening. She should have arrived in Dubai in the morning. Anya guessed she could be in his flat. Yasmin has mentioned cooking for him.

"Okay, thanks, it could be. I am still in the office," he thanked Anya.

Jamil picked up his car key, his laptop, and ran into the parking lot. He reached his flat in no time and opened the door. It was dark. He switched on the lights and called her name. No, there is no Yasmin. She is not there. There is no luggage, bag, or any clue that she had arrived. There is no sign at all. He called Anya once again. He apologized for disturbing her again; he told her that Yasmin seemed to have not arrived in his flat. Then he remembered. He must have gone to Dodi's house.

"Anya, sorry, I'm just worried. I will try to call my family and hers. Maybe, she went there straight," he said.

Jamil called Dodi's number. Dodi answered on the second ring.

"Oh, yeah, Jamil, why are you calling?" Dodi asked.

"Is Yasmin with you?" he asked, fearing that Dodi would answer no.

"Did Yasmin travel to Dubai?" Dodi asked.

It worried Jamil now, especially knowing Ibrahim's threat from Kamal. He can't tell Dodi.

"Jamil, Amina, and I are in your father's house. Naseem asked us to stay here in the meantime because of what could have happened today or the next few days. Are you sure Yasmin traveled to Dubai today?"

"I'll call you back," Jamil replied.

Dodi suddenly felt fear. He left his room to see Naseem in his room.

"Naseem, are you awake?" Dodi asked while he knocked.

"Yes, yes, I am very much awake," Naseem said while opening his bedroom door.

Naseem opened his door to a distressed Dodi. Dodi told Naseem that Jamil just called, asking if Yasmin had come to his house. He told Jamil that he was not even in his house; that he and Amina are staying in his father's house. Yasmin has traveled to Dubai, hoping to surprise Jamil, but she has not arrived at his flat yet. Her friends in Nur Sultan claimed that she had traveled yesterday evening. Naseem took his phone and called Jamil.

But before he could say hello, Jamil blurted, "Baba, Yasmin has arrived in Dubai this morning. I have confirmed it with Astana Airways. She has arrived, but she's not here," he said.

He has called her two friends in Nur Sultan; she left Nur Sultan yesterday evening. Dodi is listening to Jamil and Naseem talking about Yasmin's arrival and already he was feeling something with his heart. He took a seat. Naseem worried. Naseem called Fayed. Fayed came down at once.

"Call Cathy and Amina too, but be careful not to wake up your sister," Naseem said.

"We might have to go to the hospital if something happens to Dodi," he said.

Jamil worried. Yasmin traveled to Dubai this morning, but she is not in Jamil's flat.

"Have you checked the hospitals? Maybe something could have happened to her, and she is in a hospital?" Fayed asked.

Jamil went to the airport. He wanted to check her name in Immigration. Dodi looked up at Amina and asked her to get his phone in his bedroom. Amina obeyed at once. She came back with Dodi's phone and Dodi called his friend in Immigration.

"Murad, my apologies, but my daughter, Yasmin, arrived in Dubai this morning, but she has not shown up to Jamil or us. We are anxious, especially as that man, Ibrahim, has threatened to kidnap her. I heard that the man likes Yasmin."

Fayed and Amina gasped at what they heard. Amina sat beside her father on the sofa. Fayed went to change his clothes. He is going to help Jamil; he said. He is going to the airport. When Fayed came back down and was about to leave, Naseem told him to be careful in driving. Fayed nodded.


Taher saw Ibrahim's and the other man's car took its turn to their parking lot. He has to take the other parking lot on the opposite side and enter the barge at the back. He has to make it fast before they reach the barge and see the note; he said. It was a race against time. Taher's heart is pumping so loud, he can hear it. When he got to the barge, he can see that the men are talking on their way towards him, boasting and laughing at their accomplishments for the day. Taher pocketed the note, removed his sweat-drenched shirt, put a towel on his shoulder, and took a can of beer from the fridge. He lay down on the bench and removed his shoes at once. He pushed them under the bench. He closed his eyes, pretending to have been in that position for long. At first, they didn't notice him. They pass by him while continuing to talk about their day. Taher cleared his throat. The men stopped talking. It surprised Ibrahim to see him there. Then he asked where Maha is. He replied she went out with her friends to have a drink before they will leave tomorrow. Ibrahim nodded.

Then Ibrahim bade them all goodnight. It was a long day. They all wanted to sleep now. And besides, Ibrahim planned to see Yasmin very early the next morning. Surely by tomorrow, Yasmin will be awake. He smiled. Taher bid the other guys goodnight as well and went inside his and Maha's room. He texted Maha that he had arrived before the men. He had told them she went drinking with her friends because they were both leaving tomorrow morning. Maha told Taher she won't be going back to the barge anymore. She asked him to leave early in the morning too. And not to contact her anymore as she will throw her sim card to avoid any call from Ibrahim. He should do the same too, she advised. Because, for sure, Ibrahim can't help but suspect them. Taher will just wait for the three men to sleep. As soon as they will, he will leave the barge and fly back to the camp. He just wondered where Maha took Yasmin. She never mentioned it. Never mind.

Anyway, their only instruction from TG is to save the woman. Ibrahim can't hurt or kill her and they have done that. He trusts Maha. She will make sure that she will return her to her family or the fiance unharmed. Then, it's good. He has done his part and TG will be pleased. That was fast. The woman didn't take long in the hands of Ibrahim. Having seen the woman, no wonder Ibrahim is drooling over her, she's beautiful, Taher thought.

Before he will remove his sim card, he texted Maha one last time.

"Take care. I hope you do the rest of the assignment safely. Let me know now if you will need my help before I discard this sim card. Over and out," he said.

Maha read it and smiled.

She replied, "Thanks for all your help. There's nothing more I will be needing. I'll take care of the rest. You take care too. I'll put in a worthy word for you with TG. You're good. It was a pleasure indeed to work with you. Over and out."

They discarded their sim cards that night.


Fayed ran inside the airport. He was looking for the Astana counter. He saw Jamil talking to one of the staff on the counter. The man Jamil was talking to was the same man who gave Yasmin's name to Ibrahim and his sister, who came after him. The man heard that she has not shown herself yet. She had arrived at Dubai airport, which they have confirmed already. But where is she? The man was worried. Had he helped the man who kidnapped her? He never thought Ibrahim to be bad. He was a new acquaintance. Should he say something? By giving her name and her date and time of arrival to those two people, could he have endangered her life? But he can't admit it to this man who is now confirming if she is in the passenger manifest. He will certainly go to jail and could even lose his job. What had he done now? Fayed arrived at the Astana counter to help his brother. Jamil turned to see Fayed.

"Fayed, thanks for coming. Yes, Yasmin has arrived. But the question is, where is she?" Jamil said.

Jamil took his phone and called the senior police officer who was with him at the port that morning. He has to alert them fast to save Yasmin.


Anya couldn't sleep. Jamil hasn't called back. Has he located Yasmin then? But why is she anxious? Did she have a premonition when she told Yasmin to tell Jamil that she was arriving in Dubai? Has something happened to Yasmin?

"Uh, never mind, I will call Naira," she decided.

Naira was so sleepy when she answered.

"Hmm, Anya, why are you calling?" she complained.

"Naira, listen. Jamil called. Yasmin is missing. They are looking for her. She arrived at Dubai airport but had not reached Jamil's flat or her father's house. They are anxious." Anya finished.

Naira was immediately awake. "What? Don't joke at this hour, Anya," Naira reprimanded.

But Naira wondered too when she called Yasmin that morning. She didn't reply, but switched her phone off. She knew that Yasmin would have already arrived at Dubai airport by the time she called.

Anya said she didn't know what to do after Jamil called, asking about Yasmin. When Jamil didn't call back again, she called her, although she knew that it's past midnight. Yasmin is missing. Jamil would have called again to tell them not to worry if they had found her, but he hadn't called yet. That means they must be still looking for her. Maybe they had even called the police by now.

"Oh my, what can we do?" they said worriedly.


Murad Al Shehi called Dodi to meet him at the Immigration at the airport. They had to ensure that she had arrived and they could check the CCTV at the airport. Dodi called Jamil to wait at the airport. They will check the cameras to see Yasmin's movements. Dodi left Naseem and Amina. He hurriedly drove to the airport.


Maha left her so-called friends at the club. She is going to see Yasmin at the house where she took her. She hopes she is still unconscious. She can have her face covered in the meantime. She can't show her face to Yasmin. If she's awake, she will insist on speaking with Jamil or her family. And she can't allow it. They have to collect the ransom first.

And there's Jamil too. She hasn't planned yet how she can have three nights with Jamil without him seeing her face. She can't allow him to hate her for what she's done with Yasmin. If he'll know that she belonged with the group that kidnapped Yasmin, he'll hate her and would even put her in jail. She's chained her too. She will wait for the woman she has hired to look after her to arrive early in the morning. She'll give her instructions fully well. There should be no instance that they will meet. She can't see her at all. She can't contact the family or the Al Abdallah for ransom yet. She has to stay low in the meantime.

Ibrahim has not yet discovered that Yasmin is no longer in the warehouse where they left her. But surely Jamil and Yasmin's family must have already discovered that she is missing. They must have checked the CCTV and confirmed her arrival with the airline and immigration. Ibrahim would surely suspect her and Taher.


It was early dawn when Taher left the barge. He was in his rented car when he saw several uniformed men in the front parking lot where they had parked one of Ibrahim's rented cars. With their flashlights, they were looking inside the car driven by Rahal yesterday. He and Maha had nothing to worry about. There'll be no trace of their fingerprints, hair, or anything they could find for a DNA check. That's why they were always careful. That's why they use gloves, caps, and socks. They clean up their traces whenever.

He can see that the police had noted down the car plate number. After checking, they will know that someone rented the car. They will have to wait till the car rental agency opens to verify who had rented it. For sure, Ibrahim rented the two cars. It will only be a matter of hours before they could trace the other car. And they have left this in the warehouse. Should the police check the warehouse, they will find the bed and the broken chains. What could have led them to the car in the parking lot? What is in Rahal's car that gave them away? He had better leave. Let Ibrahim handle his mess.


Maha had reached the house. She peeped into the room where Yasmin was. She's still unconscious, she said. She still has time to sleep in the other room. By tomorrow, she will have to wake up early. She has to meet the woman and talk to her away from the house, so Yasmin will not overhear. She mustn't see her at all. She has to draft her plan for Jamil now. She can't release Yasmin even after they had paid the ransom until Jamil has come to her. She'll use Yasmin as her bargaining chip. If Jamil wants to see Yasmin alive, he will have to follow her instructions.


Jamil and Fayed were waiting at the airport when Murad and Dodi joined them. They all went to the Immigration Office. They had confirmed Yasmin's arrival. They saw Yasmin on CCTV up to that point where she was being escorted by one ground staff and moving towards the parking lot. That was the end of the video. They have to check with that ground staff why she is escorting her to the parking lot. Who would pick her up when Jamil and Dodi hadn't known she was arriving in Dubai that day? Who else would pick her up aside from them? Jamil and Dodi looked at each other.

Jamil wondered if the car shipment was the actual plan of Ibrahim or this was a diversionary tactic from his plan to kidnap Yasmin. But how could Ibrahim know Yasmin was arriving on this day? Unless Astana Airways has divulged the passenger manifest to Ibrahim. Jamil faced Murad and shared his thoughts about Astana Airways and the passenger manifest. They moved to the Astana counter. The manager was at the counter. He invited them into his office. Fayed closed the door after him. Murad talked to him. The manager did not know, but he would call all his staff. At the moment, he will have to call those who are not on duty. He will ask them to report immediately. Jamil asks if the office has CCTV they could check. They have one person of interest and if it shows up on their CCTV, they could make their move, he said. Murad immediately agreed with Jamil.

"Yes, we would like to see your CCTV," he demanded of the manager.

Murad made a call to the highest police officer on duty at the airport. He asks if he could be present at the CCTV viewing. If Ibrahim turns out on CCTV, the police should now alert all stations to pick up the man. The manager had one of his staff show the CCTV recordings of the past days. He also asks another staff member to make the calls to their co-employees who were not on duty. Jamil heard this but told the manager to delay until they see the CCTV first. They will know who of his staff served, Ibrahim. The man might not show himself once he gets the call, Jamil said.

"Good point," Murad said.

Before they played the recording, the airport police officer had seated with the group after introducing himself to Murad. "Captain Ali Iqbal," he said as he shook hands with Murad. When Ibrahim came into view on the video, Jamil gasped. And the manager saw one of his male staff assist him by showing the manifest to Ibrahim. Immediately, Captain Iqbal asked for his name. He will have him taken from his home and brought to the airport for interrogation. And now, Ibrahim. Murad needs to meet with the police and the military officers. This is a serious manhunt operation, and they could endanger the life of Yasmin. The press shouldn't know yet, he said.

Murad turned to the manager. He asked to keep this confidential. The male staff member of the manager shouldn't leave the investigation room after he enters it, he said. He could be Ibrahim's friend and he could inform him.

They left the manager's office and went to Captain Iqbal's office. They had served them coffee and pastries in the conference room. The Captain could see that the men looked tired and weary. Dodi, Jamil, Fayed, with Murad and the Captain sat. Worry shows on Jamil's and Dodi's faces. Dodi was teary-eyed at first, but soon gave way to a quiet sob. The other men could understand a father's lament. They let him express his grief. Jamil controlled his emotions. He put his right arm on Dodi's shoulder.

Capt. Iqbal received a text. The male staff member of Astana is with them and they are now on their way to the airport. The Captain ordered them to take him directly to the airport interrogation room and not to leave him alone. And he asked one of his subordinates to call the Police Detective to interrogate him.

Jamil, Dodi, and Fayed stayed in the Viewing room next to the Interview room. The officers went into the Interview room. The man, Omar Hamdan, took a seat. He has only known of Ibrahim from a friend at the bar, only a few weeks back. He did not know that the man would do such a thing. He thought he was indeed asking about his wife; he told the detective. But he regrets now that he had given him her flight date. No, he doesn't know him well. Address? No, not at all. All he knows about him is his name, Ibrahim. As for his job, he mentioned he was a club bouncer. That's as far as he knows of Ibrahim. The management of Astana was not happy to hear about this. The man would not only lose his job, but his actions have grave repercussions to the passenger's safety, and he was now liable for his actions.

Jamil, while listening, has thought of Kamal. Ibrahim might ask for Kamal's help when the police will look for him. He called Kamal. Never mind if it is early dawn, he will understand, Jamil decided.

"Hello, Jamil," Kamal sleepily replied.

"Kamal, I am very sorry to disturb you. We need you at the airport interrogation room if you can come," Jamil detailed.

"Why? Has something happened?" Kamal asked.

"Yes, Yasmin has supposedly arrived this morning from Nur Sultan but she hasn't turned up. We're at the airport, we've seen the CCTVs, she has indeed arrived but someone picked her up from the airport. You are the only one who knows where Ibrahim lives. They are issuing orders for a manhunt. We are anxious about Yasmin," Jamil said.

Kamal hurriedly changed. He will be there in no time, he told Jamil as he drove. Kamal had always driven like a car racer. It surprised Jamil when he arrived at the Viewing room in a matter of minutes. Jamil gave his name to the police officer outside to let him in as soon as he arrived. Kamal gave Ibrahim's address to the officers. He told them about his usual hangouts. He had mentioned about their last meeting when he had again mentioned his intent on abducting Yasmin. He told the officers that Ibrahim had always bragged that he can always have the women he likes. Maybe he must have been a rapist, he just doesn't know, Kamal ended disturbingly. Kamal looked at Jamil pitifully. The man needs his help. Kamal knows Ibrahim will contact him. They will raid his flat. He will not know where to go unless he has prepared for everything, he said. He told the officers that Ibrahim might contact him. He knew Ibrahim does not have that many friends or acquaintances in Dubai. What can he do to help? Kamal asked them. They will put his house under surveillance, Murad said.

The airport female ground staff who escorted Yasmin to the parking lot will be on morning duty the next day, according to one of the Dubai airport officers. She will report early at 6 a.m. that will just be a few hours wait. They wondered who could have issued the instructions because the airport ground management did not receive any instructions. And normally, they provide escorts only for dignitaries or high-rank officers not to normal citizens unless there is reason to provide so.


The police officers looking into Rahal's car can't wait till morning. They had better call their Precinct Head if they could call the car rental agency owner, so be it. The men who have rented the car might flee as soon as they see them there. After thirty minutes of calls to different people, they came to know the lessee's name. It's Ibrahim Mahlid. He has two cars rented only two days ago. They have to find the other car too. They assigned another team to locate the other car. This time, the car rental agency owner had given one of its staff a duplicate key to unlock the car of Rahal. The police waited for him to arrive. The location tracker in Jamil's phone has given this area. Yasmin's phone is inside Rahal's car. The three men with Ibrahim had a rather long day the day before; they don't have to worry about food, there's Taher to cook for them, and they can rest for the day as Ibrahim had promised them. They could take the day off.

The staff of the car rental agency had finally arrived with the duplicate key. The officer pressed the key and opened the car door. He took the phone at once and the other two officers took fingerprints on the steering wheel and the other parts of the car. As soon as they had collected enough evidence, they locked the car. They left several officers to stay hidden to arrest the lessee of the car the moment he appears. They will have to wait for the results of the fingerprints. The other officers have gone to the police crime lab to check the fingerprints. There is no news yet as to the other car. Although, they're following up on intel that the car was last seen on the road going to the warehouse. It's just a matter of time now.


Ibrahim woke up early. He took quite a long shower to smell good for Yasmin. He was smiling as he thought of his day ahead. By this morning, Yasmin would be fully awake. Of course, he will give her time to use the bathroom. He hopes she will take a shower too, a quick one will do. As he was thinking of her, he rubbed his dick. He had better move out now. He can feel the stirrings starting. Soon, he thought.

He drove to the warehouse. Halfway through, he passed a police car, and couldn't help but worry. But then tried to dismiss it. It couldn't be. That would be too soon, he thought. When he was nearing the warehouse, he could see two more police cars and some uniformed men were out of the car. He stopped. "This must be bad," he thought. He has to turn back. He had better turn back. He will call the men as soon as he arrives at his flat. On his way back, he saw the same police car still in the area and they were checking at the nearby houses. This is bad, Ibrahim thought.

After a long drive, when he was about to take a turn to his street, he saw several police cars. He can't believe this. How could they have easily traced it to him? So, they have now discovered that Yasmin is missing? How come and why so soon? This is not fair! He yelled soundlessly. He hasn't even touched the woman. There was not even a chance to taste her, at least. What had happened? He turned onto another street and parked in a very crowded parking lot. He called his men. There was no answer. Are they still sleeping? Yes, it's still early, but then, they should answer if they see his name on their phone screen, he said. Or, they won't get paid at all, he said. He is mad now. Where will he go? They will raid his flat. They will see Yasmin chained into the warehouse. He's doomed.

As soon as they've taken Yasmin, they will hunt for him. What a loser he is. He hasn't planned well for this. He now has to leave the country before he gets caught. His men? Never mind them. If they had answered him now, he could have told them to bolt right away. But they would rather sleep. So, they will have to save themselves. He took his things from the car. It's good that he has his passport and everything he will need in a backpack at the back of his car. But how can he leave now? For sure, they've sealed the airport for him. Could he try to find a boat? Could they have also sealed the port for him?


The police have now reached the barge of Ibrahim's men. They knocked. There was no answer. They knocked harder and even shouted for anyone inside to open the door fast. This time, the police were no longer in the mood to be polite. Besides being exhausted; they have to obey their orders. They don't care if they wake up people at dawn. They have to catch the criminals before they could flee.

The police now knew they've kidnapped a woman and the driver of the car found with the phone was one of them. The phone belongs to the woman, a gift from her fiance who has reported her missing from the airport. The phone is now with Jamil. He saw that Naira had called her too in the morning, but Yasmin hadn't answered the call. By then, they have taken Yasmin and perhaps took the phone from her when she attempted to answer Naira's call. He could unlock Yasmin's phone. He easily guessed her password because it was his birthday or their anniversary date. They have entered the warehouse and called Jamil, Dodi, and Fayed to have a look but it was empty. They had chained her earlier to the bed but found the chain broken, and she was not there. The only thing found was the handkerchief. The police lab technician has proven it to be drugged. They made Yasmin unconscious with the handkerchief. They have now involved the police and the military in a local manhunt for Ibrahim. They believe he is still in Dubai at the moment. Seeing what Yasmin went through devastated Dodi. Jamil feared Dodi will have a heart attack. He asked Fayed to take him home as soon as they are back to the airport where they had parked.


One of the three men answered the door. When he opened the door, it surprised Rahal to find three police officers at the door. He asked them what they wanted; they said they were looking for Ibrahim Mahlid. Rahal told them that there was no man with that name with them. The police asked for his identification card. The men came to the United Arab Emirates with falsified names and identification cards. He must be Rahal, but his passport shows another name. When he was told to wake up his companions in the house, he did. But like him, they have fake passports as well. The police stared at them and told them not to leave the country in case they will have to do a follow-up investigation. The men agreed. But as soon as the police left, the men packed their bags hurriedly. They have to leave now; they decided. Rahal and the two brothers are now on their way to the parked car. As soon as Rahal pressed the unlock button on the car key, the police rounded up the three men and took them to the police station for investigation.


Ibrahim has reached the port. He had to be careful. He has now covered his head and face and he is wearing a jacket with a hood. He put on a black mask on his face and wore his old eyeglasses. He went closer to the boats, hoping to find a boat owner willing to move away now. He wants out of Dubai fast before the port will swarm with men in uniforms. What had happened to his men? How about Taher and Maha? He smiled. He wished Taher and Maha will get arrested.


It's now early morning. Maha hopes the woman she had hired will arrive soon. She peeped into Yasmin's room earlier and found her still unconscious. She prepared a quick breakfast of toasted bread and chocolate drink; there's butter and jam for the bread. Yasmin can move her hands freely despite the chains. But the problem is if she will need to use the restroom, she needs that woman soon. She will have to unlock the chain but she will give the woman an unloaded gun to scare Yasmin not to do anything when freed of the chains or she will fire at her.

She has to start with the ransom note today. She will give her family or Jamil three days to raise the money, but the most important thing is, as soon as they have paid the money, she will have to keep Yasmin for another three days. This time, for her to meet Jamil. But won't that be dangerous? Maybe, the police may have arrested Ibrahim by that time.

She wondered if Ibrahim had already discovered Yasmin missing from the warehouse. How she wished there's a way to know. What about his men? She knew Taher had left the barge early. He could have traveled out of the country by now. She's going to check on Ibrahim, she'll visit her flat opposite his. She will just wait for the woman to arrive before she makes her move. This time, Maha covered her face before she met the woman.

At last, the woman came with the small luggage of her items as she had advised her. They talked a far distance away from the house. Maha told her everything. She told her they saved the woman from her kidnappers. It will not be easy to give her back because the kidnappers are searching for her, she said. So, it is very important to keep her inside the house. Maha asked for her phone. She changed her sim card and kept her old one. She told her that the number she gave can only receive calls from her number. She can't lend it to the woman to call anyone because she can't call any number. She will give the spending money that she can withdraw every five days; Maha will pay her fee for taking care of the woman in full. She has to follow her instructions to the letter if she wants to be paid in full. She will take care of her for a minimum of six days to a maximum of ten days.

When that day comes for the authorities to take the woman, she will instruct her to leave her alone. She should be very careful at all times when outside, so they can't follow her. This will be the first and the last time Maha will meet the woman. She doesn't intend to meet with her again.

Maha may have covered her face, but there was a small tattoo on her left inside wrist and it did not escape the woman's discerning eye. It was a moon crescent and a 'weird' looking sword cutting the moon crosswise. The woman recognized the tattoo.


As soon as the airport shuttle for personnel arrived at the back of the airport, two police officers approached the female ground staff who escorted Yasmin. They looked at her ID, Lamya Hashim. They asked her to follow them to the police interrogation room. Lamya wondered. She asked them.

"Why? Have I done something wrong?"

One of the police officers answered, "No, madam, we only have a question for you to answer. Just follow us. We can't answer any more of your questions."

Lamya does not know at all. She can't remember any incident from the previous day. As soon as she's taken her seat, the Police Detective asked for her name, position, and nationality. Lamya Hashim, Airport Ground crew, Syrian. The detective looked at Murad, who gave Ibrahim's photo to show her. But first, the detective asked her, who had asked her to escort the woman to the parking lot. When Lamya couldn't remember escorting someone, they showed her the video on CCTV. She remembered and gasped because she knows she can't take orders from anyone except her superior at the airport. Lamya did it for Ibrahim because he is also Syrian. She doesn't know what to say. When the Police Detective showed her the picture of Ibrahim, she covered her mouth with her hands and this time gasped aloud.

"Is he the one who has asked you to escort the woman?" the Police Detective sternly asked.

Lamya felt cold because she knew she could lose her job because of this.

She nodded and said, "Yes, he asked if I could escort his wife to the parking lot when she arrives because she is pregnant."

The Police Detective asked again, "Do you know him?"

Lamya was fast to reply, "No, I don't, sir. But when he said that he is Syrian and I am Syrian too, I did it for a country mate, and because of her condition, that she is pregnant. Not for anything else."

Lamya didn't mention Ibrahim giving her five thousand dirhams. It will shock the woman to learn later that she had abetted a kidnapping.


Ibrahim has no luck, it seems. None of those fishing boat owners wanted to travel sooner. He just wants to leave Dubai or the United Arab Emirates now. As soon as he has crossed borders, he can travel by plane. Maybe he could take a cab to the next emirate. Maybe there he would find a boat he can hire.

When Ibrahim was leaving the port, he noticed police were putting up checkpoints and barricades. The fishing boat vessels, too, had to register themselves and their passengers. And so should all the other shipping vessels. Even cabs and private-owned cars are now being checked. How can Ibrahim take a cab going to the next emirate now? He can't risk being caught. There is no one he can trust at all now. He had thought of Kamal, but after their last meeting; he doubts if Kamal would even want to help him at all. He will wait for a day or two before contacting him. Maybe he can still find other means to get out of Dubai.

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