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Chapter 2: Ugh.....School

Along the grassy trip to the village the man introduced himself as storik a weird  if you ask me but nonetheless this world will have plenty of weirdness for me to explore.

I saw frame for typical fantasy with common animals and occasionally storik would explain all of this stuff to like I don't know what a farm is which annoyed me but he apparently is a teacher in the very school for reincarnated people and was charged with guiding the newbies to the school

I never liked school expect for the sports periods as I was never a particular good in study.

We finally reached the typical fantasy village with people and children with massive beards wait.......nvm they are dwarves amd some hairless even smaller children not completely hairless

As they look like the hobbits from lord of the rings.

And finally one I wanted to seeeeeeeeeee

And cute petite girl in elegant peasant clothes (as even peasant have lot of clothes available to them ) with brown cat ears I kept staring at the adorable thing when she noticed and gave me a disgusted look and walked away.


I am already heartbroken

Storik commented" I don't know bout you kid but staring at people is seen as often offensive or rude"

Well that explains it but seriously she was so pretty I could just gobble her up just imagine how delicious she would be


What the hell just popped into my mind!!!!!

It seems this trait or skill whatever it was is adapting me mentally to eat people even the adorable munchkin just leave the munching part.

I also realised that I wasn't only staring but I was also drooling just but looking at her and storik appeared to notice this as he also made a slightly disgusted expression. He must be thinking I am some sort of pervert but the angel said everything consensual amd even the law of horniness are not the same but-my train of thoughts were interrupted as storik said "beastkin have the ability the sense intentions of the person near them" he also didn't even looked at me when we said that, this confirms that the munchkin sensed my desire to eat her and was careful to leave.

We finally arrived at a stone building which appears to be some sort of mansion with trees near the entrance and vines covering its stone walls.

The gate had guards with leather armor and spears and seem to be looking at me but with storik hand gesture they quickly opened the gate.

The mansion was large with beautiful flowers near the pathway we were currently walking and grassy lawns with butterfly even some small human and beastkin children playing , they had cat, dog, squirrel or other different animal like ears or tails and they looked delicious....I meant lovely and innocent.

We finally entered through a beautifuly decorated door to a large central corridor where a many different demi-humans, dwarves, elves and even some species I don't recognise where present. They all were a different genders and seem to be anxious or excited definitely other reincarnators.

No one seemed to be talking but many seem to be wanting to talk with each other but perhaps didn't know what to say.

Storik told me to join them and I started walking towards them suddenly all of them stared at me with expressions of curiosity and even pity which made me feel uncomfortable as im not that good with crowds but I did not let it show.

Then an elven lady with gorgeous face and perfectly hourglass figure and soft curves wearing full metal armor with various engravings maybe even enchanted with a helmet held in one hand and other over a sword in her sheath arrived and spoke in a gentle yet authoritative voice

"Welcome reincarnators i'm Eu'riel your instructor who'll educate you about this world amd its ways, I'm aware that many of you will be scared and confused but with time I can guarantee you'll adapt amd overcome all sort of challenges"

She pauses all of us look around and at each other trying to accepting this new reality.

She speaks again"Now today you'll be alloted into groups and will be assigned dormitories with your peers, girls and boys will have separate corridors and your official training and education will start tomorrow so today get along with your peers and make new friends because companionship is the key to survival." She spoke and signalled a hobbit to come forth and give us a tour of the mansion.

Few hours later.....

The lil hobbit with red hair and a small frame showed us the entire mansion with various corridors and dormitories girla were led by a separate hobbit and after viewing every facility amd area we were led to boys dormitory where we were given keys with a number present on them.

I didn't wait long and entered my room, It was average sized cleaned with mediaeval furniture and 4 beds.

Then the door opened and came an elf with blond hair, green eyes, tall in height, handsome face and a beastkin with black cat ears yellow eyes medium height also handsome face with a black cat like tail followed by another beastkin with monkey like ears and tail.

I immediately used inspect on them

[Race: Elf ]

[Gender: Male ]

[Strength: Average ]

[Dexterity: Athletic ]

[Endurance: Above Average ]

[Mind: Strong ]

[Race: Tigerkin ]

[Gender: Male ]

[Strength: Strong ]

[Dexterity: Athletic ]

[Endurance: High]

[Mind: Average ]

[Race: Monke (Evolved) ]

[Gender: Male ]

[Strength: Very strong ]

[Dexterity: Athletic ]

[Endurance: Medium ]

[Mind: Above Average ]

My inspect did not clarify there names racial abilities or skills I mentally asked my system to elaborate

[Inspect only shows the physical characteristics and name of the target race and gender is available for only some of the races who's gender can be described no skill can show someone's learned skills but racial skills can be clarified if the host's mind stat is high enough]

Well that explains it apparently the system might be calling me dumb but nvm. all three of them were making expression of amusement and disgust while staring at me, it seems they also used inspect on me and saw how worthless and average I was.

The elf with the amused expression spoke first

"Greetings I'm Ansel and the cat guy over there is felix, the monkey bro is Kong"

Kong??????? What that can't be a real name right?

I spoke " Good to you as well, Bit how did you guys get names my system shows its undecided? "

Ansel spoke

"Ah u came late lady Eu'riel told us we can chose our own name so that explains why your is undecided but u can chose anything you like."

Hmm what should I be called if I want to be man eating monster I cant named Tim or Bobby. Well its decided system I spoke mentally I have decided to be know as


[Acknowledged The host shall now be know as Cho'gath]

I spoke again

" Well then you mau call me Cho'gath "

They all looked at each other and kong spoke " That giant bug from league of legends that ults everyone to death well can't its your choice I am no one to judge".


We all had a bit of small talk like how its was the whole reincarnation etc kong and Ansel were chill but felix eyed gave me a disgusted look and I didn't approached him.

We all picked our beds and after another chat about pretty girls and fetishes we said good night to each other and felix wished everyone except me and pretended I didn't even exist and looked down on me I did not know why maybe because of my stats and race as I was inferior to them well this was expected as the strong rules the weak applies to this world as well.

The next the our classes started we were taught about different races, beasts, animals, basic uses of medicines and herbs.

They taught surprisingly well.

After our regular classes I managed to cath a glimpse of myself and boy I was average, with no visible muscles, average face and features even average height even on earth I was at least above average in height.

I also learned that every system was different different system acted and interacted with their hosts differently and even possessed different skills.

After eavesdropping on other I learned that my system can be described as below average.

Also the inferiority complex was visible now as those with low stats were being viewed as unequals and reincarnators with better species were highly prideful and never missed a chance to boast about their kind as they even thought they were better in their previous life to receive better species.

Those with higher stats or better species grouped together and even harassed us weaker ones amd that motherfu***

Felix beated the shizz out of me in hand to hand combat lessons and out dwarf instructor which appeared to have a dwrafed brain commented on how pathetic I was for being this weak and praised felix for his strength instead of telling him to go easy on me he told him to beat me even to harder in the next roud for me to surrender which I didn't because why should I bow to this stupid kitten I wish I could tear him apart chew is brains out.

[Ding: elongated nails, elongated teath have been acquired through wendigo psychosis advanced skills can be acquired if the host consumes the flesh of a fellow human and activated the skill to awaken its true potential]

After the notification I felt a sharp pain in my mouth and surrendered to felix who laughed with rest of the onlookers

And mocked me for being weak and some even shouted I that I did not deserved to be reincarnated cuz honestly in the entire match I was like a punching bad that could not even hit felix due to high dexterity and even if I did land some hits he would shrugged them off cuz of his bloody endurance.

I immediately ran to my shared room which was empty at the moment and stared at my nails which were now 3 inches longer and sharp that I could even prick my finger with them and my teeth were now longer like that of a dog no like that of a wolf ready to devour his prey, I also craved a certain thing flesh yes meat raw fresh and juicy and I knew that I needed to eat a human to satiate myself as with each passing day the food given to me was feeling less appetizing.

I wondered am I the only one with this wendigo psychosis skill or are there others and the system answered.

[Host gained this skill due to his unique soul and powr lust not everyone who thinks about cannibalising their own kind get this skill except cursed individuals]

Soo like what's unique about my soul?

[Host has excessively negativity in his soul due to his own personality which modified the system to best suite the host ]

Well I feel offended but I was very negative in my previous life and yes like the system said I crave power and i'll have it in this world.

The next months were the usual with training and harassments from the better ones even kong and ansel stoped hanging out with me as they found better or your can say superior friends compared to me

And felix lets just say fuck him.

When our education and training were complete some of my peers had gained better stats and of course the girls never even noticed me as you can guess i'm average is pretty much everything, even the girls with lower stats then me are treated better because even average girls are pretty.    :[

So no harem or true love for me

All things aside I can't eat normal food now I can only eat the cooked meat served to us on sometimes and now I look like a malnourished wimp and my stats even decreased due to that

[Name: Cho'gath]

[Race: human]

[Height: Average (appears smaller due to malnourishment) ]

[Strength: below average ]

[Dexterity: below average ]

[Endurance: below Average ]

[Mind: weak ]

I need to eat human flesh and sometimes I give my fellow human teachers and students stares with drool on my face amd some think I am a creep, a scum , a pervert, or even sick but healing mages say I am absolutely fine so all of my peers think I am a creep and not sick or mentally ill and a pervert. Ansel, kong and felix also literally threw me out of the room and no one stoped them and the teachers got me moved to a dirty not used shed and all of them treat me like an animal I am not even allowed to eat in the cafeteria and students find my presence disturbing and my long nails , elongated teaths only enhance this

Heck now my eyes are also sunken, my skin sickly pale and I even lost a portion of my hair on my head and my entire body is now hairless.

Students call me names and even throw bones at me which I puck up from the dirty ground and eat due to my ravenous hunger and this can not go on.

Also the girls don't even look at me now since im pretty famous as a pervert and I haven't done a single perverted thing!

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