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Chapter 4: Chapter Three

This road is really bad

I'm surprise that none of the wheels don't bounce off the car as yet and Olivia over there keep bouncing up and down like the she riding a bull and she had a death grip on the sit like she think she is going to fly out of the car any second.

If I wasn't too focus on reaching our destination I would be laughing right now.

How much further Riley. Look we are almost there. People keep making up this story that if you go up to that castle you will never come back down maybe thats why no one comes to fix the road. Everyone thinks that a big scary monster is going to eat them are take them away

Ha ha  there is no such thing as  monster it just a figment of there  imagination.

Ok we are here. Wow up close it look so much bigger and scarier said Olivia .

Come on liv it dont look that scary it just looks abandon that's all.

I would be lieing to myself if it doesn't look scary but liv don't need to know that. Come on let go get our bags and start my birthday sleepover this is going to be fun.

   Wow it's dark out already and it's just 5:40 it took us that long to come up here . After we gather our bag we walk up to this gaint gate with vine running all over it and the weird thing about it is that it  doesn't look rusty. Liv look at the gate doesn't it look rusty

Nope said liv

well thats weird that's what I was thinking too. Well let's not think about it maybe it's the type of material . Riley this place it ancient and I don't think back then they had good material to.....

Woah I gasp

Did the gate just open by it self Riley are you just touch something said liv.

No liv I did not I was just here listening to blabing about something about gate and ancient .

Woah liv did you feel that wind just now , ye . Riley I don't think we should stay let go home and have a sleepover there. Oh no liv we are staying maybe it was that wind that just pass open the gates.

As we walk though the gates there are  trees on both sides of the walk way and up head is a big court yard . There are owls sitting on the branches of the tree stare at our every  move as if we run are something they  would fly down and attack us and there are ravens flying around and making some weird noise like what they would do in a scary movies and let not forget about the wind that is shaking the branch of the tree if your aren't looking properly you would think that they are a monsters ready to attack us

Maybe coming here was a mistake after all.

Riley said Olivia

Yes liv I said just realizing that liv and I are holding on to each other like our life depends on it.

Do you feeling like someone's watching us and I'm not talking about those ugly owl


The owl hoots  and flew down in front of us .

Ahh! we screemed.

Come on now liv lets not offend the owls now because they don't look too please  that we are here.

For real Riley don't you feel like someone is watch us . Ye i do liv but I don't see anyone it's like they are asseting our ever move. Anyways it seems like the rain is going to fall any minute now so let hurry and get inside .

Urg all of my hair is wet said liv ye and  mine too , so umm liv aren't you going to open the door . No you open.

Wait Riley are you scared Olivia asked.

No why would I be scared. Omg of course I'm scared ,right now I'm sweating like a cow and I'm not talking about the water from the rain and my heart is beating like a drum against my rib cage. But again liv don't need to know that now I need to be brave for both us .

Alright let's open the door together said liv. As we were about to open the door to the castle it just open by it self with a big bang.  Ok,  now this place is really creepy first the gates open by it self ,an owl flew down to attack us because of a bad comment that dont usually happen . You think said liv, then we felt like someone watching us and then the castle door just magically open by itself what next flying monkeys.

Alright Riley I think it's time for us to go home now . Come back here liv we came this far to turn back now . Let's go inside.

Bang !

The door shut behind us as we step in we turn around immediately ,now I know why people don't come up here . We are going to be ok I said to liv as she nod her head. I turn my head to take in my environment, inside was so warm and beautiful with a big chandlers hanging from the sealing with white and brown  tiles on the grounds and it looks surprisely spotless , path ways leading to different parts of the castle and stairs all around leading to different wings of the castle its really beautiful actually and it doesn't look that dusty surprisely. Well that's weird .

Wow I hear liv gasp beside me

I know right it's really beautiful I replied.

Before we go and find a place to sleep let's explore a little said liv . Ye why not, your not scared anymore? Nope this place is too beautiful for me to be scared in . Alright liv if you say so lets put our bag in the corner over there and let go do some exploring .

As I was walking I felt like someone was watching me but I was so amaze by the walls and the things around me  to even pay any attention to it . As we were walking we came up on a big gaint door it's even bigger than the other doors I have seen so far . I wonder were it leads to . As I open it a gasp leave my mouth , it's a ball room it so big it's like it could hold over thousands of people . Liv come see this I shouted, in seconds liv was by my side with the same look I had when I just saw it. It's so beautiful liv said.

Would you like to dance ma lady? I said shetching out my hand to liv

Yes I would love to . We dance and laugh like we were at an actual ball.

We were so caught up in dancing and pretending like we are princesses  that  I didn't notice a throne at the top floor of the room . Liv look ,oh wow a throne we should go sit .

No wait I said holding on to liv hand

Why said liv

As I walk close to get a better look because inside the room is kinda dark . There was an large image sit in the chair . Liv caught on to what I was doing and did the same. What are who is that said liv

Who dare enter my castle and now you chose to acknowledge my presence a thunderous voice bark out .

Holy shit I'm out of  here liv said running like her tail is on fire  toward the door.

Bang! the door to the ball room shuts.

I was too shock to even react if my bladder wasn't strong I would be peeing myself right now.

Then the image from off the top floor jump off and land on its two feet on the ground . This can't be a human being because if a human jump from so far they break there neck or leg .

When I ask a question I'm expected to be answer the voice said speaking with so much power and authority. Omg we are going to dead there we are so much thing I wanted to do like kill Emma, to travel the world ,tell my mom that I love her even though I don't know if she feels the same ways and to become a pony . Come on Riley now is not time for jokes.

I'm Riley Steward sir ahh mam ,Really Riley how do you if this being is a man . This is Olivia Smith we didn't mean to trespass and we are sorry for not acknowledging you we did not see you I said with  sarcasm laced in my voice. Now is not the time to provoke it liv whisper I know I don't know why I said it like that I whispered back.

Are you making fun of me the being said walking toward me . As he was walking I could see it more clearly.

A gasp left my mouth he was a gaint he's like 10ft with hair black as raven cascading  his shoulder. He has on a  navy blue jacket suit . The arms of the the suit looks like it's holding on a thread of hope because his muscle are so big it looks like it's going to burst the suit.

He eyes are blue like the ocean. Wait, did his eyes just change  awhile ago to blood red are it's just my mind playing tricks on me . His lips are so pink and full ,he jaw is so sharp it could cut you .

He looks like a god , he is the most beautiful man I have ever seen.

Answer me human he said .I turn to look at liv only to see her hold on to me like if she let go she is going to die ,when did she get here hmm who knows .I turn to answer  the man but a sudden breeze blew pass only to see him sniff the air and close is eyes thats weird. Then he open his eyes and kept staring at me  but for some reasons I was not intimidated by it but it made me feel safe it like all my worries were all wash away .

Then all of a sudden a blue circural thing apparent what would like a portal how I know that I don't know.

Then a another gaint step through about 9ft which seem to be a man . As he step through he held some sort of authority but not like the blue eye guys here.

As he was about to go and say something to the blue eye guy ,I don't know is name so that's what we are going to call him for now  ,he stop in his track and sniff the air like how the blue eye guy did earlier and started staring at liv and liv was doing the same her face was mask with an aww look  like he was the most beautiful person she had ever seen .

He was handsome yes but not like mr blue eyes over there

Ajax the blue eye guys said did you have something to say to me . Yes I did  Ajax said turn away from liv . Alaric can I speak to you in private . Hmm so thats his name i like it .

Sure said Alaric.

Riley what just happen said liv the guy Ajax just take my breathe away  ye that happen to me too liv it's like when I look at Alaric it was like it was me and him in the world and nobody else I don't know what they did to us but that thing can't happen again .

Then few mintues after I saw them walk over to us

You two are coming with us said Alaric with is deep melodous voice . To where exactly said liv

To our world replied Ajax.

Liv and I  squeeze each other hands and I replied we are not going any where with you

Both of them look at each other and started laugh Alaric has the most beautiful laugh ever 

Your so brave but yet so stupid little flower.


Sleep was all Alaric said and everything went dark .

What kind of birthday sleepover is this?

Hey guys👋

hope you like this chapter


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