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Chapter 5: About tasty and healthy food

If the door to the heart is closed

If the door to the heart is closed

If the door to the heart is closed

We need to knock on the liver!

One kind song


Shon and the lads wandered through the dark alleys of Harlem, looking for another sucker with money, in order to squeeze this same money. The evening turned out to be more than successful - the gang had just finished collecting tribute from small merchants and there were almost three pieces of green's in the common fund, which meant that after paying the 'tax' to the observer of this area and receiving his share, he had enough money for a couple of doses, or maybe still it will remain to go to the girls - the only representative of the weaker sex in their group was scary, like a glitch of a seasoned herb smoker, and has bored all the gang.

Pimple finally returned - a small and worthless creature, but in the group he was not held for strength or courage - he did not differ in either the first or the second, but what could not be taken away from this asshole was the talent to crawl into the most inaccessible places and downright bestial instinct for danger - more than once the gang escaped from raids of cops only thanks to his abilities. And now he ran up to Jock and mumbled something. Oh, it seems that the small man found a rich fraer, that he decided to take a walk around Harlem at night for some reason. We need to teach him a lesson and free him from extra money and things. The bandit closed his eyes contentedly, looking forward to a good deal. Today has definitely been a good day.

Heh, now it is clear what forgot this richer in this ass of the world, and judging by the raincoat, this person definitely has money ...

- Hey, he's drunk in the trash - how he staggers, - with poorly concealed envy said Jake - another 'fighter' of their team.

- Yeah, or even high, - Candy muttered - just that one 'lady' in the brigade.

-And you give a $ *: *?, In what state it is, shut up already. - Jock was not in the spirit, however, he was always not in the spirit, with those rare exceptions, when he counted money or beat someone half to death ... or not half.

They acted according to the usual plan - Jock himself came out to meet the rich man with the lads behind his back, as if he was not enough for this goner. The pimple moved farther away - 'to stand on the watch', yeah, how, again, drifted, piece of

At first, everything went as usual, Jock, flexing his muscles, intimidated the fraer, our cunt offered to spread him right here, she's an insatiable bitch. But our gang did not have time to move from intimidation to knocking out ...

The guy who did not look dangerous, amid the gang's chuckles, at first twitched, as if in fright, which, in principle, was done normally in his position, but then, still staggering, moved towards the Jock. He was still grinning and continued to flex his muscles. And then Shon thought that he was delusional - the future victim of the gang in some incomprehensible way overcame a dozen meters that separated him from the leader and without visible tension simply pierced his chest through ... with his bare hand! And then hell began.

Shon perceived reality in fits and starts: this monster is pulling his hand out of the Jock, a piece of meat is trembling in his fist ... his heart, a distant thought comes. Here is someone bent over in vomiting spasms, the next frame in memory was a head flying past him ... it seems it belonged to Candy.

Fear filled Shon's entire being, forcing his body to produce an insane amount of adrenaline, and the bandit ran, he ran like he had never run before, the wind whistled in his ears, and his heart was breaking from his chest, but all was in vain.

The last thing that the robber experienced in life was the fear from the gaze of absolutely black eyes, without the iris and pupil, and pain from the fangs closing on the neck.

The pimple felt that things were not so simple with that rich kid and, just in case, decided to stay away from the scene. When it all began, the petty criminal hid in the farthest corner he could find, and praying to all the gods and demons known to him to save his life, he watched in horror as the creature, which had just pretended to be a man, was eating his colleagues. From the primal horror, the last surviving member of the gang could not move or even close his eyes, as a result of which he was forced to watch as the monster, rather growling, grabbed Shon's neck and eagerly drank his blood.

This was the last straw and Pimple's consciousness, unable to withstand the events of the last minutes, finally turned off. Darkness swallowed the world. When the bandit came to his senses, the monster had already disappeared, leaving several piles of bloody meat that had recently been human. The gangster checked himself, once again making sure that he remained intact, after which he crossed himself and offered a prayer of thanks to heaven.

-Not. To hell with Harlem and the gangs, that's enough, demons, mutants and other creatures are walking around the city, soon ... soon the end of the world ... to a monastery, only to a monastery!

A short man with completely gray hair and a slight madness in his eyes, muttering something constantly under his breath, headed through the sleeping city towards the nearest church ...


When I heard the voice of that thug, I thought fuck, in such a state it will be difficult for me to fight off the kitten, not that from a gang of thugs. And then anger came. What the devil? I fucking wasted a lot of energy on rebuilding this body. Now, at best start from scratch because of some bullys?

Anger echoed in the host's body with the release of a cocktail of hormones, mainly adrenaline. The feeling of hunger of me - the symbiote receded a little, but I - the host was already ready to absorb any organic matter. Consciousness began to acquire unprecedented clarity, emotions and feelings of the wearer smoothly faded into the background. On the one hand, the body still wanted to eat, but on the other ... on the other hand, the realization came that right now I am eating, but what? Meanwhile, the organism began to act almost autonomously, driven by instincts (well, or what does it have?) of the symbiote. No, I could switch back to full control of the body, but the mind, cleared of emotions, did not see the need for this - Venom himself must know what he needs for life.

Here in front of me the carrier of the genetic material freezes ... I jump to him and pierce the sternum with my hand, almost not feeling the resistance of his flesh. While the hand is in the body, I release several threads of myself through it, collecting samples of his DNA ... slag and debris, nothing worthwhile ... next ... I release my hand and move to the next sample ... again nothing ... the next. .. empty again. I notice movement, the sample is trying to escape, a growl comes from my throat ... the material is trying to sabotage the collection process ... unacceptable! I move to him and smell it. Yes! He's pumped up with the element I need, filled with my goal marker ... it's contained in his nourishing fluid ... blood. Blood is good, I only need a marker, but the host body needs replenishment. The carrier and material are of the same kind - blood and meat will be well absorbed. I grip the material's neck with my fangs and absorb the marker and blood. Satiety. Replenishment of the material base is required. High priority. I search used material, one of them has a bundle of green bills ... money, for a period of time it will be enough. The goal is fulfilled. Both bodies received nourishment ... it takes some time to process materials ... find a suitable place ...

I came back to normal on the roof of a building. Thoughts wandered lazily in my head. I looked at my hands ... killed. Tasted blood on lips ... killed and ate. What the hell was THAT? It feels like I've become a machine ... yeah, a killer machine. Maximum efficiency and the ability to act and think at an incredible speed. And it was I who acted and thought, and not Venom. But it was scary, and what if I had remained that way - a soulless, insensitive ideal killer, created by nature ... but by nature? No, I don't care about legalization and money - I need a scientist - a biologist as soon as possible. Moreover, this hunger ... what if it hits me like that in the city center? Then the whole world will hunt me. For different purposes, it is true, but for some reason it doesn't make it easier for me. You need to understand that I - the symbiote eats. Hmm, this something has to be produced by the human body. But what? Blood? I remembered that I was still covered in this very red liquid from head to toe. As soon as I thought about it, all the moisture of life, as it is romantically called in some books, was absorbed into my body. No, I don't think, in the end - I grabbed the throat not of the thug who was standing closer, but the fleeing man, who was a little further away. Stop. I got the first portion from my own carcass. And when? When scared. Fear! Fear is a feeling, and feeling is a matter of glands (Thank you, Reaper, for the science). So hormones. It will be necessary to deal with this in the near future. Well, I really do not want to be so frustrated again.

I lay on the roof and looked at the cloudy sky. How quickly I have changed. Yesterday - quite an ordinary student - a lover of beer, girls and good company. And today it is already an alien killer machine. I honestly tried to listen to myself, trying to find remorse or disgust for my new role or that massacre that սimb ... that I did just recently ... and nothing, as if everything is as it should be. But the attempt to sort out my feelings brought a completely unexpected result: somewhere on the periphery of my consciousness I felt ... a part of myself? Like this? Another item has appeared on the list of things to be done in the near future. (At this rate, I will have to carry a notebook with me - new cases appear too quickly there, memory may not be enough, and it doesn't matter that now it is like an elephant's.)


Yay!! I'm back, and hope that I'll not go anywhere soon

Thanks for reading, check my other works and have fun

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