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Chapter 2: Episode 2 "A Light In The Darkness

Kid Flash and Kara follow Wonder Woman through the halls of the big castle that rests at the heart of Themyscira. Kara looks at Diana and says, "ya know with you being the queen of Themyscira, why haven't you tried to go in and aid the people of the world like you always said you would?" Wonder Woman glanced at Kara for a second and sensed the nervousness from Kid Flash and looked ahead, "things change, especially after great tragedies such as the one in Metropolis. Look I agreed to never interfere with outside affairs so I won't." Donna Troy, Diana's daughter caught up with them with excitement. "Oh that's Donna, my sister, she…. Well has been a secret for the longest time, mainly to protect her and… It's a long story, but to sum it all up she only recently learned of her true heritage." She looked at Kara and said, "she's a big fan of you." Donna looked at Kid Flash and said, "you work with the Flash?" Wally nodded and realized his cowl was down as he struggled to put it on, Diana looked at him and chuckled, "you don't need to worry you goof, you can trust her, you must have a lot left to learn about this whole gig, though I sense a lot of potential in you." Donna ran up and opened the massive door ahead of them as they entered into the heart of Themyscira.

Supergirl and Kid Flash were amazed by the sight, the birds flying and the Amazonians training below them. Donna ran up and jumped from support beam to support beam and threw her lasso to the great statue there and landed on the top of it. Kara took off and hovered beside her and overlooked Themyscira with her, "this place is…" Donna cut her off, "beautiful I know." Diana walked away as Kid Flash almost fell over trying to figure out where he needed to go. The rest followed her as they entered the great hall and all sat around a table, "so what brings you guys here?" Supergirl looked at Kid Flash who was taking in the scenery and then at Wonder Woman, "a threat bigger than all of us is coming, the Legion's first act was to do exactly what they did in Metropolis, they have everything set in motion, any minute, any day, the world could fall and allow for them to take over. We can't stop them alone…" Donna looked at them and said, "I'm in!" Diana immediately said, "no you're not! We aren't getting involved anymore, it's not what we do anymore, I'm sorry but those days are gone, you should go home, make the most out of the time you have left, it's all we can do now, the world made it clear already… It doesn't need heroes anymore, just let it go, I miss Kal too."

Supergirl looked at her and said, "what happened to you? You were there the day my pod crashed here, you and Kal helped train me, basically raised me, you were so full of hope, what happened?" Diana stood up slowly and said, "all hope died with him, it's over, I know it's hard but it's over, the age of heroes is over…" Diana looked at the shield and sword hung up on the wall beside her lasso as she remembered the old days of the League, "I don't want a repeat of that day, not even the greatest heroes on Earth were enough, now we face growing threats like the Sinestro Corps, I'd say we are a bit too tied up in our own problems anyway." Diana stormed out to the balcony where she stood to overlook Themyscira. Wally looked at Donna and said, "I've never ever in a million year think I'd ever see Wonder Woman so… Well so much like Batman." Donna looked at Kara and said, "what now…" Kara took a deep breath and walked to the balcony where she leaned in with Diana, "ya know I was in a very similar position after Metropolis, acted the same way, it wasn't until I caught up with an old friend. She lit the spark I needed… she reminded me that this symbol means something, and it's up to the person wearing it to decide if people love or hate it, I guess what she really meant was it's up to us to decide how things happen, we are the ones who control how people perceive how we are as heroes." Wonder Woman looked at her with a tear falling, "I can't lose her, she is all I have left, I pushed everyone else away and now I am stuck here suffering as a result. I don't want her to end up like Kal." Supergirl noticed a yellow flash of light in the sky but ignored it, "part of me feels like Kal gave up because it was the only way, he knew things were only getting worse so storming in alone like that must have been his way of limiting casualties and buying us time to pick up the pieces and save the world."

Wonder Woman nodded and before she could speak multiple yellow lights shined over Themyscira as Yellow Lanterns flew in and began fighting the fierce Amazonian warriors. Hal Jordan hovered over and looked at Kara, and Diana, then at Donna and Wally who came running in. "long time no see Diana, don't take this whole thing personally, it's just war!" Wally looked at Hal and said, "where's Sinestro?!" Hal laughed and said calmly, "Sinestro is gone, you see in my conquest after giving in to the fear, I learned to control a lot of this power, I craved more so…" Hal smiled as the red lantern ring shined on his hand, "I learned to use fear and anger as a weapon." Diana looked at him and said, "I'm sorry Hal but you know what has to happen now!" Hal looked at her and said, "I'm counting on it!" Wonder Woman called her lasso and sword in as her and Hal fought, Supergirl flew off to join in on the fighting as Donna looked at Wally and said, "come, gotta show you something!" Wally followed saying, "now?!" Donna ignored as she led him to a big room where she climbed into her own personal outfit and strapped it on. Donna ran over to a case full of gear for the League, she pulled out small pieces and then a new Flash emblem, she handed it all to Wally.

Wally put it all on and was shocked to see that the gold lining lit up on his suit and parts moved around and fit on his suit, Wally had an upgraded suit ready for serious combat. Kid Flash nodded to her as he sped off, Donna took her sword and watched as it lit up with pure energy, she ran after to join the fight. On the battlefield Kid Flash sped around taking red and yellow lanterns down alike, he sped around until being caught by Atrocitus' beam of energy, "slow down puny speedster!" Before Kid Flash could be killed Wonder Girl jumped in and knocked Atrocitus down as she killed the lanterns around them. Kid Flash sped off to aid the fight as Wonder Girl slid under the statue driving her blade through the enemy with ease. She ran over to the parkour training spot and jumped around it, she jumped from pillar to pillar. She dodged everything thrown at her as she kept going, Wonder Girl eventually was hit by a blast from a yellow lantern, before she could hit the ground Kid Flash caught her and threw her up in the direction of the last pillar where she used her lasso to catch onto the top of it. Wonder Girl landed on top of it and saw the red lantern hovering above her, "out of the way hot head!" Donna leaped over the lantern driving her sword through it and landing on the statue where she looked down to see the whole fight.

Wonder Girl closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she used both hands to hold her sword tightly, "please work!" Wonder Girl used all the power she had to power her sword as she leaped off. Wonder Woman saw this and was shocked, this kind of power hasn't been used in years. Supergirl looked over and used her comms to get Wally to move Amazonians to safety. Kid Flash sped around going at speeds that rival Flash and Reverse Flash combined, the battlefield was clear of Amazonians as Wonder Girl crashed down and set off an explosion that wiped everyone and everything out in the area. Hal looked down at this in anger as the remainder of his forces were outnumbered, Wonder Girl looked up and began fighting them off like it was nothing as the others joined the fight. Hal looked at Wonder Woman as Supergirl flew off to aid the battle, "this isn't over, we will be stronger when we return… If the world isn't taken over by then!" Hal flew off as the remainder of his army flew after him. Wonder Woman realized the full potential this threat has as she flew to the main hall where they once were before the battle. Supergirl flew in with Wonder Girl and Kid Flash as they gathered together, they looked at Wonder Woman who was standing in silence for a little while.

"You shown you have the potential and power to go above and beyond Donna, you are a true Amazonian warrior…." Supergirl and Kid Flash just stood there and watched as Diana said calmly to Donna, "save this world, bring hope back to this hopeless planet, my days are over, I'll be there for the end but for now it's up to you help bring hope back to this planet." Wonder Woman looked off in the distance and said calmly, "I guess before you all continue you should know there is another green lantern here on Earth, her name is Jessica Cruz. I've been searching for her for a while now, maybe you'll have better luck with finding her, she just recently received the ring, she works as a reporter for the newly rebuilt Daily Planet in Metropolis… Maybe you should go as… Non super individuals… Go quick if you are to ever reach her in time…" Donna looked at the others and said, "well guess we need a cover story and everything don't we?" Kara looked at her and said, "we'll figure that all out when we reach Metropolis."


Later that day in the city Kara walks out of an old phone booth dressed in her usual reporter uniform, "I'm late for work anyway." Wally and Donna already in civilian attire looked at her in shock, "so Kara Danvers and Supergirl are the same person!" Kara looked at Wally and said, "keep it down, I'd like to keep the two separate, now come on I'll tell you guys the plan on the way." The trio began walking slowly, "so obviously I am a reporter at Catco but my cousin Clark worked at the Daily Planet before… But Perry White has told me I can come in and do a couple jobs for him anytime since Catco is owned by the same company… Luthorcorp… But long story short you two are new reporters fresh off the street that I am training, play it cool, same names, different stories got it?" Donna brushed her hair to the side and said, "we got this…" They walked down the street and passed by a news report reporting Supergirl, Flash and Kid Flash's fight with Thawne, "Hey that's us!" Wally mentioned, Kara noticed how they both, especially Wally needed to work on their skills at keeping the hero life separate from civilian life, they stopped in front of the Daily Planet and took a deep breath, "lets go"

Once on the top floor Kara walked down the hall and entered Perry's office slowly, "hey…" Perry looked at Kara and walked up to hug her, "hey how you holding up?!" Kara looked at him and said, "good, it just feels weird being here, since Clark died in the old building's collapse." Perry glanced at the wall of names, "what a day that was… But history aside what brings you here, and who are these?" Kara got it together fast and said, "oh… They are two new reporters I'm training at Catco, we were looking for Jessica Cruz, is she here?" Perry looked at her and took a deep breath and thought for a second, "I believe she is covering a story with Lois downtown by the courthouse." Kara smiled and said, "thanks Perry, see you around." Perry waved at them as they walked away slowly, Wally looked at her and said, "you think Lois will be a problem, I mean she would be freaked to learn this stuff, despite knowing Superman." Kara smiled as they entered the elevator, "Oh I forgot to mention Clark Kent was Superman, Lois was married to him, she's seen more than you think." Donna looked at the wall and said, "today just got weirder…"

Eventually they made it to the courthouse where Lois and Jessica were ducked behind a crate, there were four gunmen aiming in their direction. Kara was alerted instantly as Lois glanced at her, "Wally, speed everyone out of here now, Donna, keep them distracted for just a second." Kara quickly changed into her supersuit as Donna began talking to the gunmen, while they were distracted Kara used her what vision to melt their guns, then freeze their feet to the ground. Lois turned to see Wally stop beside them, "nice to meet you miss Lane." Lois stood up and stopped Kara before she could proceed and said, "people are watching, don't wanna give yourself too much attention, they just saw Kara Danvers give the same look you just gave, pretty spot on resemblance." Kara looked at the crowd and waved as she took off, Kara ran back in as her civilian self and caught up to Lois, "you okay?!" Lois looked at her and said, "you can drop the act now, lets go somewhere private." Jessica looked at them and said, "wait! So…" Lois told her to calm down as Wally went into Flashtime and sped them away to a safe place.

Once they all stopped where they needed to be Jessica looked at them, "what the hell?!" Kara looked at her and said, "you have the only green lantern ring on Earth, the one that once belonged to Hal Jordan, I assume you've been rejecting it?" Jessica took a deep breath and said, "not quite, the ring has been training me over the past couple of months…" Lois looked at them and said, "wait who are these two?" Donna smiled and said, "Donna Troy, daughter of Wonder Woman, successor to the title of queen in Themyscira, also go by Wonder Girl when it's needed." Lois nodded and turned to Wally who was struggling to put a sentence together, "Wally West, also known as Kid Flash." Lois nodded and said, "how's Barry?" Wally looked at her and said, "good, wait you know that…" Lois looked at him and said, "that he's the Flash? Yeah I know all of them." She turned to Kara and said, "these are the people you are recruiting… I heard about this from Barry, but dang, they have a lot of training to go." Jessica looked at them and said to herself, "wait so you are with the League?" Kara took a second, "not exactly, the League is done for, this is more of a cry for help in a time of need, the world is going to fall to the Legion if we don't stop them and you're pretty much our last hope."

Jessica took a deep breath and said, "this is a lot to take in but helping people is what I'm good at, it's what I love but I don't have any training and I only know how to do one thing with this ring and it's this." Jessica closed her eyes and after a brief second her green light shined as she was in full Green Lantern attire, "I don't know where it came from or why it chose me but I hear these voices, something about the OA and me being chosen out of billions." Kara dashed off and returned in full Supergirl attire and said, "it's a lot to explain so we'll have to take you there, Bruce created these devices with Hal that work like breach devices used for breaches but it takes the user to the OA, the Guardians allowed it to be used in emergencies and I think this counts." Jessica nodded and said, "what about Lois? I only see enough devices there for all but one of us." Lois looked at Jessica and said, "I'm not going, I've had my fair share of craziness and Jonathan needs me here, go… Spend a few days there, trust us, it's worth it." Jessica nodded as she agreed, Donna ripped her civilian coat off and used the nano tech device to put the outer layer of her armor on as Wally sped into his new Kid Flash outfit, "lets go then" the breaches opened as they all entered them and ended up in complete darkness where they eventually ended up at the OA.

Jessica opened her eyes slowly to see a big green creature above her, the guardian looked at her and said calmly, "welcome to the OA Jessica Cruz of Earth, we've been waiting for you, now you have arrived at last. No need for questions, it'll all make sense in time, come we must begin your training now." Jessica stood up to see no sign of the others, she felt alone and scared but hopeful, she didn't realize the place would look the way it did.


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