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Chapter 26: Chapter 26 Surtur

Surtur came up to my out cold body. He leaned over me attempting to get a better look at his prize. I came to just as he did. I did not know what he was doing. A wave of emotions washed over me. The next thing I knew was that Surtur could not find me. He laughed as he looked around the area and the stands.

After a moment he took a deep breath, "My lovely lady, aren't we good at playing games?" I was frozen! I had not moved. He stepped forward one more inch he would be standing on top of me. He continued in a rather flirtatious voice, "I am good at playing games too."

He dropped down to one knee and began inspecting the ground. As he did I quickly rolled to the side. I amazed myself at how quite I was too. If anything, the only sound that was heard was Aries grunting under the weight of his boulder. Surtur grinned and looked straight at me, "If it is hide and seek you want, then it is hide and seek you will get."

If Surtur was a good tracker than he knew exactly where I was! Thinking about this reminded me about the underwater cave, and how I flew in there. I closed my eyes tight and tried to remember how I did it the last time. I felt myself change. I was flying, floating in the air just above Surtur now.

Surtur's head jerked up and he licked his lips, "MAGIC!" He leaped into the air, "I've got you now!"

He almost did have me! Before I knew it he had jumped up into the air and was hovering just above me. I took off, Just as fast as I could go. But no matter which direction I went Surtur was there blocking the way. That is when it hit me, I may be invisible, but Surtur could see me moving. I looked behind me after my last fast move and I could see a very faint rainbow following me with each move. It was so faint that I honestly don't think anyone could see it. But Surtur certainly could.

Surtur laughed as I landed, "Did you really think you could hide from a Primordial Jötunn!" He laughed out hard and alluringly, "Jötunn means Giant! I am a Fire Giant. Magic is kind of our thing little one. I am the guardian of Muspelheim! Muspelheim is soon to be your new home. Ragnarök soon approaches! I need my woman by my side."

I do not know why! But his words stirred something inside of me. I instantly reappeared. I know I scarred him but at the moment I did not care. He had come down and was on the ground now as well. He had not quite found me yet. When I appeared I was in his face with the most stern look I could muster. "EXCUSE YOU! Has it occurred to you, I might just like to be asked to be your wife! Not carted away by the hair on my head while you drag your club behind you."

I was fuming now. I did not let up either. I put both my hands on his chest and pushed back hard as I was talking. I was trying to aim him towards the edge of the arena. It was only about a story drop but maybe it might knock some since into him. "Aries is my husband you dumb… dumb… dummy!" I stuttered, I could not think of a better name for him. "Who do you think you are! DON'T ANSWER THAT! I know your name at this point! I know what job you do. But do I know you? NO! NO I do not. Even if I did, that does not mean I would willing go with you."

I looked down at Aries for only a second. Aries was still grunting, but somehow it looked like he was in more trouble now than he was before. He was even sweating! I had never seen him do that before. But my short break in concentration was my downfall. Surtur took this as his opening. He grabbed my left arm and jerked me in close to him. He wrapped both his arms around me and locked my arms underneath his. This forced me into a hugging situation. As soon as he had me locked where he wanted me, he leaned in and cut off any protest I might have had. He kissed me like the world was ending.

As we stood there kissing we slowly began floating. There was a fire that started at my feat and gradually spread up my body. After only a moment or two, the two of us were entirely engulfed in flam. I can't explain it! But something felt right! Before I knew it he had moved one of his arms up and cupped my face. At this point I was hugging him back and we were covered in yellow flames.

He did not stop kissing me. But he quickly moved my arms around his neck, moved one arm up behind my back and swept his other arm up under my knees. As he did this, it was like he intensified the kiss. We were now making out in red flames. My brain completely broke. My only thought was of this man kissing me. The more I thought of him, the more he thought of me. The more intense the kiss the brighter the flame. We were now standing in the middle of our own inferno.

We were still kissing when Surtur began to walk away with me. It hit me just as we were coming close to the edge of the forest. I looked over Surtur's shoulder and could barely see the arena. I broke off the intense kiss. As I did the flames all around us died down to nothing. I pushed Surtur off. I fought to make him put me down. I screamed, "PUT ME DOWN! PUT ME DOWN! MY HUSBAND IS GOING TO BE SMASHED BY THAT STUPID ROCK!"

Surtur just laughed, "You mean to tell me that after that kiss, you still do not know where you belong! Well," He hugged me tighter to him, "I will have to give you more reasons. Such as how much you are going to love and want me. Or maybe how much you need me in your life. How about, all the things you are going to want to do for me. Believe me, there are plenty of reasons to leave him. He has not truly married you yet has he? No wedding, means no wife my dear. You are free to marry whomever you deem worthy. I mean for you to see that in me."

He turned to look at Aries, "I am no monster. As soon as we are out of this realm the boulder will return to the size and shape it was. Aries will be able to maneuver out. But the only way I will let that happen, is if we leave now. We will go to Muspelheim. We can talk more and be more there. I do not care about him anyway. I am here for you."

He turned to look at me. But I was looking out towards my Aries. I had tears rolling down my cheeks. I tried one more time to roll out of his grasp. He dropped my legs and held me at the waist. I tried to push free. He was not having it. He held fast. I swear, he was even giggling a little bit. I flailed in his arms. I pushed, clawed, and even tried to bite him to no avail. I was running out of energy and quick.

I only had one avenue left to me. I let my anger take control. In an instant I was ablaze. My dress magically changed to a red pixie dress. My breasts were covered with a sash. The sash wrapped around my neck, and came down to cross over my stomach. Then it connected into my skirt. My skirt came half way down my thighs. It was loose and easy to maneuver in. I felt like I was wearing armor. I had tall roman sandal's that wrapped all the way up my legs, and tied in the back. My hair was loose and flowing behind me. I could feel my makeup was even done. When I turned to look at Surtur, in all my anger, I could see my reflection in his eyes. My makeup was even done up in bright reds, my eyes outlined perfectly with black eyeliner. I thought for one instant, I do look pretty when I let loose like this.

I did not let my mind linger though. I could see that Surtur was taken by surprise. His gripe on me had loosened. I do not know how, but some how this man was able to withstand my fire. Not once but twice now.

I can not linger on that. His grip is loose. I completely turned in his arms. I pulled my knees up to his chest quickly, and pushed off. It was like I was in the pool. I shoot from his arms straight towards the arena. I left scorch marks as I took off as well. There was a long trail of scorched earth from the arena all the way back to Surtur. I did not care. Nothing was more important at this moment.

I blew through the boulder that Aries was managing to hold. When I destroyed the boulder, I destroyed the illusion. Aries sighed as he was trying to catch his breath, "The boulder was not a boulder. It had been magically morphed from some mountain, or many mountains. Surtur is a master at illusion magic." The debris was falling all over the place. Way more than just a boulder would have.

I helped Aries sit up and Surtur, still looking in shock, came walking up. "How did you know that was an illusion." Then he looked smug, and proud as he explained. "I used Mount Tenpõ, it was the largest mountain in the world. Now it is the smallest." As he talked all the debris, rocks, dust, and damage slowly disappeared. The only thing left to show it ever existed was the bruising on Aries.

Aries tried to stand, but he had lost most of his strength holding up the mountain. He stumbled and I helped him catch his footing. I was so worried about him, "Aries, please tell me, are you all right? What can I do to help?" It was like a light switch was flipped in Aries's head. He went from loving to cold.

He looked down at me in discuss. He pushed me away as he fell to his knees. "I AM THE GOD OF WAR WOMAN!" He took a very deep breath, "I do not need a woman's help." I tried to run to him, to help him back on his feet. He shoved me away. "I lost! Don't you see! He won! Even if it was done by trickery. You are his woman now. That is how this works. You were mine, and now, you are his. I was getting tired of you anyway. Who wants to have to chase after their woman. I am done chasing. We Gods have to follow the rule of the land. Even in the modern age. That is why I could not marry you yet."

He pushed himself up on his feet, "This is why you were not supposed to leave our castle. Why did you leave a good safe and sound castle!"

I was crying and doing my best not to sob, "Aries I do not understand what your trying to do."

Aries turned to me and grabbed my arm hard. He defiantly left a bruise. He yanked me into him and kissed me so hard. I though our skulls were going to merge. When he leaned back he shoved me into Surtur's arms, "I am not allowed to protect you any longer. I am not your husband. When you leave with him I will no longer exist to you. Once you leave, pray you never see me again! Because I do not think I can let go twice." Aries snapped his fingers and disappeared.

I screamed out "ARIES!!!!!!"

Surtur had his arms around my waist. He did not waist any time this time. He just through me over his shoulder. I did not fight back this time. All the fight I had had in me, melted and disappeared. This left me wearing my pretty pixie dress, and no fight left to bother with any more.

As Surtur walked to where he could make a portal my thoughts were all over the place. My brain was all in a scramble. If I had nuts, I think it would have been kinder to kick me in them. I am stunned into silence because of his male pride. If it is so easy to lose me, then why did he even try. Oh, I know! He fought in the trials because he knew he would win. WAIT! ALL MY PEOPLE!

I calmly spoke up as we toped the hill, "Surtur what will happen to my tribe."

Surtur shook his head, "They saw who the winner was. They were in a trance so that the magic used would not fry their brains. But they saw the whole thing. Each and every one of them will come out of their trance in a few moments. They will think I won the trials and that I took you home with me. Which is quite latterly what I am doing. There will be no wars between these tribes anymore. They will unite into one large tribe. You can look them up later in the future to see what happened to them. I will tell you their name later. Right now, we are still in the past. Which gives me plenty of time to get to know you better."

He slapped my butt playfully and gave me a perverted laugh, "Awe here we are! He snapped his finger and a great big door appeared out of thin air. When Surtur opened up the door a bright light overtook us. Then suddenly we were in a whole new place.

Everything here was hot to the touch. Everything was able to catch flame. There were even plants and animals running around here. But they were odd. Like the trees looked like they were ablaze. Like someone had lit the entire tree on fire. But it was baring fruit. It looked like mangos. Surtur pulled one and handed it back to me, "These are sweet mangos. The fruit in this place is the only thing that does not have a natural spice to it. I hope you enjoy my love."

I took a bite of the fruit. It was moist and sweet like a mango smoothie. But then I saw this beautiful dog, I think it was a husky, come funning up. His hair was flames instead of fur. He was big and seemed rather sweet. He sat down behind me and wagged it's fiery tail. I tossed what was left of my mango to him. He caught it and swallowed. He gave a bark and trotted off.

Surtur smiled, "Well my love, welcome to Muspelheim. This is your new home. Everything here is on fire. Fire is created here. It is in the dirt, the trees, the animals, and even in the air we breathe. This is our home. The castle is admittedly cooler. You will enjoy your time here I promise. Now, It is time for you to meet the others."

I jerked up and tried to turn to look at his. Well look at him as best as I could being I was still on his shoulder. "Other's! What are you talking about?"

He laughed out heartedly, "I forget, none of your reincarnations know that the others exist yet. You will meet them soon. Soon you will be one whole Phoenix again. Soon you will be back to the beauty you were meant to be. There is only one Phoenix. But that poor Phoenix had to split to many times to make the world a better place. Once you are whole again. I will make you mine! Then it will be time for Ragnarök!"

Joy_Phoenix Joy_Phoenix

Thank you to everyone for patiently waiting on me through this holiday season. I hope that all of you had a wonderful Turkey day. Mine was filled with love and laughter. I even cooked my first Turkey. I learned a very valuable lesson as well. Do not use a rubber band to tie off the end of the baking bag. The rubber band will melt and you will walk into a kitchen full of smoke. That was the beginning of my wonderful Thanksgiving day celebration. However, after opening every window and door in the house and removing the smoke, the turkey actually turned out great! No one even cared about my snapoo. In fact, I had lots of compliments. I even liked the bird, and that is a hard sell for me. Thank God for small miracles.

I hope you all enjoyed my little funny yet true personal story. I really hope you all are enjoying my fictional story too. Thank you to all my new and loyal readers. You all make writing fun. Well lets get back to the story and find out what happens next.

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