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Chapter 15: Ch.15: Yama Canyon

As night fell, the lifeless corpses of the 5,000-year-old Vampire Bats littered the ground, with Dugu Xin at the center, besieged by the relentless horde. The bats' black wings created a swirling vortex, but a red mist hung in the air, causing numerous Vampire Bats to plummet to the earth like fragile leaves in a storm. Dugu Xin couldn't help but voice his frustration, muttering to himself, "Annoying pests. Can't I investigate the source of that malevolent soul power without being harassed by these infernal bats?"

The night seemed endless, but with the first rays of dawn, the sun's warm embrace began to reach into Yama Canyon. The Vampire Bats, repelled by the relentless sun, screeched their unwillingness before reluctantly departing. The dark vortex gradually dissipated. With the immediate threat quelled, Dugu Xin deactivated his 2nd spirit skill. Once again, he summoned his 'Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor Spirit' and instructed it to devour the remains of the beasts and their soul rings. He remarked, "These Vampire Bats are becoming increasingly bothersome. They seem to be weaker than other spirit beasts I've encountered so far. This was the fifth group. I wouldn't be surprised if they send 10,000-year-old bats next, perhaps even their king."

He reflected, "Still, killing this many spirit beasts have allowed me to strengthen my incomplete domain." As he spoke, the world around him turned to grayscale, devoid of color, and he released it, returning vibrancy to his surroundings. "Progress."

At that moment, Luo Tian appeared, clapping his hands with a sense of admiration. "You continue to impress me, young one. I thought you had perished. I was preparing to collect your lifeless body. Surviving is one thing, but developing your own domain is quite another."

Dugu Xin snorted. "You're not dead yet, old man. How could I die so easily?"

Luo Tian chuckled and added, "Not bad, not bad at all, quite spirited." He then scrutinized Dugu Xin's slightly reddened eyes and murmured, "Close, very close."

Luo Tian continued, "Among the vampire bats, there's a Vampire Demon-Bat King nearly 30,000 years old, along with approximately 20 Vampire Bat Lords at the 10,000-year level. You've been marked by them. If you don't want to meet your end, you'll have to either kill the Vampire Bat King or find a place to hide."

Dugu Xin remained silent, opting instead to replenish his strength by consuming some vampire bat meat. After Luo Tian finished speaking, he departed once again, leaving Dugu Xin to ponder his words and strategy. In the distance, Lin Mo, the dean of the Alien Beast Academy, gazed at the rising sun. He whispered to himself, "I hope you find the right path."

Then, his thoughts shifted to the students who had been incited into a frenzy by Dean Luo Tian. He watched them, unafraid but resolute, and said with warmth, "Hold fast to your original intentions, and do not lose your way, young beasts."

Dugu Xin pressed on, drawing closer to the source of the malevolent soul power with each passing day. "I'm getting closer. At this rate, I should reach it in about a week or so, but these constant attacks from those bats are slowing me down."

As night descended once more, Dugu Xin found himself under assault, facing five Vampire Bat Lords accompanied by a swarm of thousands of weaker 1,000-year-old vampire bats. The relentless night was upon him once again, and the battle continued. he cacophony of their screeches filled the air as the dark horde closed in on him. Countless sound waves echoed through the canyon, and Dugu Xin's body was coated with herbs that concealed his aura, rendering him less conspicuous. However, the sheer number of vampire bats in the vicinity began to grow, with several already closing in on him.

Dugu Xin's eyes turned cold, "Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor Passession", and his Bonelash materialized from behind him, ready for action. In a low voice, Dugu Xin invoked his 1st Spirit Skill, "Cursed Shroud." His arms and forearms were enveloped in green-jade scales, adorned with four golden horns protruding from each side. His elongated nails gleamed with the poison of his martial spirit, and this transformation boosted all of his body attributes by a staggering 25%. As he unleashed his soul power, he leaped into the air, aiming the serrated bone tip of his external soul bone directly at the heart of one of the Vampire Bat Lords.

With a swift flick of his tail, he tore the Vampire Bat Lord into pieces, while his two claws descended upon two others, forcing them to plummet from the sky and crash into the ground. The result was gruesome, as their skulls were penetrated by poisonous claws, and their eyes corroded, preventing them from letting out the ear-piercing screams that would have otherwise followed, dispatching of three Vampire Bat Lords swiftly. The remaining vampire bats soon recovered from their initial surprise and began to swarm toward him. In response, Dugu Xin activated [Soul Devourment] ability, causing his eyes to transform into two golden vortices. With a swift and deadly gaze, he devoured the souls of his opponents, turning their bodies into ash before they vanished completely. His soul-devouring ability allowed him to dispatch half of the vampire bats that had pursued him. With their deaths, Dugu Xin's level surged to 46, and he pondered aloud, "If I devour the rest, I should break through to 47. Then, I'll need to spend more time solidifying my foundation. Sigh..."

As the remaining vampire bats, led by the two surviving Vampire Bat Lords, closed in, Dugu Xin cursed under his breath. He summoned his 'Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor Spirit' once more, utilizing on of the abilities gained from the corpse of the Abyssal Spirit Dragon, [Screeching Howl]. A devastating soundwave emanated from the serpent, wreaking havoc through the entire battlefield, and instantly annihilating all the vampire bats except the two lords. The closer the bats were to the epicenter of the soundwave, the more devastating the casualties. Seizing the opportunity, Dugu Xin activated his 3rd spirit skill, [Dragon Resentment Poison]. The blood-red poison, which resembled a dragon upon close examination, released a bitter and resentful dragon howl. It swept through the battlefield, instantly claiming the lives of the two remaining Vampire Bat Lords.

Witnessing the massacre of their kin, the newly arrived Vampire Demon-Bat King and the remaining 15 Vampire Bat Lords couldn't contain their fury. They rushed toward Dugu Xin, their eyes filled with malice and hatred. Dugu Xin moved swiftly, constantly changing positions to evade their attacks. He glanced ahead, where the first rays of dawn illuminated Yama Canyon with a faint smile. Tonight, he had toyed with the Vampire Demon-Bat King, killing many of its subordinates. Filled with anger and frustration, the king lunged at Dugu Xin, almost reaching him, but the unforgiving sunlight pierced its wings. Letting out a final, unwilling roar, the Vampire Demon-Bat King turned away, vanishing into the shadows, leaving Dugu Xin victorious as the dawn's light bathed the canyon.

As the Vampire Demon-Bat group retreated, Dugu Xin let out a long sigh of relief. He gazed in the direction the bats had fled, contemplating, "That direction is where they retreated. It must be their nesting ground. No wonder I haven't encountered any other spirit beasts apart from these vampire bats. And the evil soul power I see is the densest there. I guess I whatever produces this energy has its origin there."

Dugu Xin consumed an elixir to restore some of his depleted soul power, applied herbal juice to conceal his scent, found a relatively secure spot, entered a short light slumber to rejuvenate his spirit, and then resumed his journey. Over the next few days, Dugu Xin employed guerrilla tactics to thin the numbers of vampire bats during the night. However, it was far from smooth sailing, and he found himself perilously close to being surrounded multiple times. Once, the Vampire Demon-Bat King endured the searing agony of the sun's rays and unleashed a piercing scream that gave Dugu Xin a pounding headache. It nearly struck him with a powerful wing attack, which he narrowly avoided by using his Bonelash as a shield. With the complete rise of the sun, the Vampire Demon-Bat King and its remaining bat subjects couldn't withstand the intensity of the sunlight. They let out painful cries as they retreated once more, leaving Dugu Xin victorious.

Throughout these relentless assaults, Dugu Xin managed to kill all the Vampire Bat Lords and over three-quarters of the vampire bats, propelling his soul power to level 49 even though his foundation is somewhat stable due to him using the days to solidify his foundation. As days blurred into nights, Dugu Xin's life became a ceaseless battle, with insufficient rest to recuperate properly. His spirit grew increasingly tense, and he wasn't aware of how he had changed. Besides the bloodstains on his body, his eyes had turned faintly red. Even the small area around him began to lose color, briefly turning gray before returning to normal. When night fell yet again, Dugu Xin observed the sunset silently and entered the state of martial soul possession as usual. His hands transformed into venomous claws, and his external tail bone emerged.

Tonight, however, something felt off. The countless vampire bats didn't call for more reinforcements but attacked Dugu Xin relentlessly, resorting to self-harm or other tactics to leave blood marks on him. In the midst of the chaotic battle, Dugu Xin couldn't fully comprehend the peculiar behavior of the bats. Dawn finally broke once more, and Dugu Xin was still locked in combat with the remaining vampire bats. With his poisonous claws, he dispatched them swiftly. As sunlight bathed the battlefield, the surviving bats stumbled toward the Vampire Demon-Bat King. Dugu Xin had no intention of letting it escape. He channeled his soul power, and with a chilling voice, he invoked his 3rd Spirit Skill, Dragon Resentment Poison. The blood-red poison erupted, resembling a dragon. Its bitter and resentful dragon howl shot through the wings of the last the Vampire Bat Lord instantly.

As the wounded bat lord began to fall, it was caught by the Vampire Demon-Bat King, which sported a sinister smile. With a quick bite to the neck, the bat lord's life force was drained, and it turned into a desiccated corpse before it could even scream. Dugu Xin remained silent, his eyes cold and distant, his surroundings gradually losing color and fading into shades of gray. His domain seemed to suppress everything around him, draining the vitality and color from living things.

Luo Tian, observing from the shadows, noticed Dugu Xin's strange transformation and the sudden appearance of his domain. He commented, "It should be almost time. Now, whether this kid turns out to be a beautiful jade or a stubborn stone, we'll soon find out. Even if he fails, the progress he's made on his domain is impressive."

As he turned to leave, Luo Tian glanced back at Dugu Xin and muttered, "I hope you don't disappoint me."

As the sun dipped below the horizon and twilight blanketed the land, Dugu Xin focused, entering the state of martial soul possession. His normally serene eyes now burned with a blood-red glow, and snake scales adorned his face, mingling jade-green and pitch-black soul power tinted with a hint of blood-gray.

Expressionless, Dugu Xin declared, "The hunt begins." However, he couldn't help but feel uneasy in the eerie silence. "Something's not right. It's too quiet."

Following his usual routine, Dugu Xin applied medicinal herbs to conceal his aura and cautiously scanned his surroundings with soul power. Suddenly, Dugu Xin's eyes widened. "This is strange. Countless soul beasts are approaching rapidly, pinpointing my position with uncanny accuracy."

In the distance, the vampire bat group arrived, swarming the skies. Among them, the Vampire Demon-Bat King's eyes glittered with malevolence and death as it fixated on Dugu Xin. Dugu Xin finally understood why the vampire bats had attacked him so ferociously the previous night. "Clever beasts. Due to the prolonged use of herbal juice to mask my scent, the potent medicinal aroma made it impossible for me to detect the blood scent you left on me."

In an instant, Dugu Xin's soul power erupted. His hands transformed into venomous claws, and the snake tail appeared behind him. "Hah, if you think you can take my life, think again."

He unleashed his second Spirit Skill, [Red Demon Poison Mist]. A crimson fog enveloped the area, obstructing vision, weakening the enemy by 10%, and bolstering Dugu Xin's attributes by 20%. Those trapped in the mist experienced excruciating muscle pain and struggled to breathe. But the Vampire Demon-Bats plunged into the poisonous fog, flapping their wings violently, causing the mist to thicken visibly. Dugu Xin fought ruthlessly, his claws and tail bone claiming countless bat lives. Still, the relentless onslaught continued.

Soul power surged within him, and this time, the jade-green mixed with pitch-black soul power was nearly consumed by a scarlet glow. A brilliant black and blood-red light radiated from Dugu Xin's hand. He roared, [3rd Spirit Ring: Dragon Resentment Poison], releasing a blood-red dragon howl that swept through the vampire bats, harvesting their lives mercilessly.

Suddenly, the Vampire Demon-Bat King unleashed an audible shockwave, colliding with Dugu Xin's Dragon Resentment Poison. The clash produced an even greater howl that pushed back the bat king's attack, which then began pursuing it. Meanwhile, the vampire bats, enveloped by the poison mist, continued to fall lifelessly. Dugu Xin's attack hit the Vampire Demon-Bat King, inflicting heavy damage. He pursued the injured creature with his Bonelash, but as the poison mist dissipated, it became clear that his attack had struck a different vampire bat. The bat king had vanished.

Dugu Xin realized the danger and attempted to react, but the Vampire Demon-Bat King reappeared suddenly, biting into his shoulder. Blood flowed as the king inhaled deeply. Pale-faced but determined, Dugu Xin summoned all his willpower and lashed out with his snake tail, forcing the bat king to release its grip. He then mercilessly attacked the creature. The Vampire Demon-Bat King sensed the impending danger and swiftly disengaged from Dugu Xin. However, the burning desire for vengeance and a surge of killing intent empowered Dugu Xin; his sole focus was the vampire king's demise.

Luo Tian, observing from the shadows, couldn't hide his disappointment. "It's just a stubborn stone. Even if he had immense potential, he became too cocky in the end." He readied himself to intervene and rescue Dugu Xin.

Dugu Xin, driven by his indomitable will, continued to battle the Vampire Demon-Bat King. But the king, using its powerful wings, flung him away once more.

Meanwhile, inside Dugu Xin's spiritual sea, the Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor's form started to be adorned with intricate gray lines and tattoos. Its icy snake pupils opened, locking onto Dugu Xin's spiritual body with a deadly gaze. The serpent let out a resounding roar, and its snake pupils emitted a dazzling golden light. Simultaneously, the scarlet soul power enveloping Dugu Xin gradually receded, replaced by the mix of jade-green and pitch-black soul power with a hint of blood-gray. Dugu Xin raised his head, and the fiery red in his eyes gradually subsided, giving way to a restrained scarlet glow while his golden snake pupils shone brilliantly.

He suddenly felt an intuition that the next attack from the Vampire Demon-Bat King would come from the left. True to his instinct, the Vampire Demon Bat King lunged towards Dugu Xin's left side, aiming to bite him directly. This time, Dugu Xin's cold snake pupils met the bat king's assault with surprising precision. He caught the creature's sharp teeth with his venomous claws, and his external soul bone thrust through the bat king's chest. Dugu Xin unleashed his soul power entirely, saturating the Vampire Demon-Bat King with his poisonous soul power, reducing the creature to a pool of green pus on the spot. In an instant black soul ring emerged.

Seeing their king fall, the surrounding vampire bats panicked. Some still tried to attack Dugu Xin but were stopped by the peculiar gray field, draining life and color from their surroundings. Dugu Xin marveled at the essence of his domain, realizing that it manipulated time and stasis. His domain could slow or even halt movement, which was further strengthened by his killing intent.


As he observed, Dugu Xin released his soul power to its maximum extent, causing the surrounding bats to die in torment from the poison.

Just as he was about to tend to his injuries, he felt a sudden resistance on Bonelash's serrated bone tip. He turned to find Luo Tian gripping the bone.

Luo Tian looked at Dugu Xin with a smirk, acknowledging his newfound clarity. "Indeed, Dugu Xin, you are a genuine piece of beautiful jade. What you're feeling now is 'Beast Intent,' a unique soul technique of our Hollow Beast Academy. It's akin to sword intent for sword martial souls."

Dugu Xin fixed his gaze on Luo Tian and inquired coldly, "What if I failed?"

Luo Tian responded casually, "If you went mad, you'd either find a way to regain your sanity or I'd have to end you."

Dugu Xin pressed on, "Have all students endured this?"

Luo Tian nodded with a sinister smile. "Yes, only those truly brimming with potential can bear the title of War Beast at our Hollow Beast Academy. The others are mere lambs."

Dugu Xin inquired further. "Aren't you being too cruel?"

Luo Tian's laughter rang out, "Hahaha! Cruel? This world is the cruelest of all. Eagles only learn to fly when their parents push them from the nest, and those who can't survive have only one path left: death. I'm merely bringing the world's cruelty out of the shadows."

Unsettled by the madman's words, Dugu Xin turned to heal his wounds. As he did, a soul bone materialized within the pool of poisonous pus created by the Vampire Demon Bat King's remains. Using his soul power, Luo Tian retrieved the soul bone and handed it to Dugu Xin. He remarked, "This Vampire Demon Bat King was remarkably tenacious. This 50,000-year-level soul bone is decent, but its compatibility with your martial soul remains unknown. The choice is yours."

With that, he found a secluded spot and closed his eyes. Dugu Xin scrutinized the soul bone but refrained from absorbing it. Instead, he stashed it in his storage bag. Luo Tian, witnessing this, felt a sense of relief. "Good, you resisted the temptation."

Unbeknownst to Luo Tian, Dugu Xin was familiar with the Douluo Continent's storyline. He preferred to wait and gain more strength before obtaining the soul bone of a 100.000-years-old spirit beast or at least a 10,000-year-level soul bone from a more suitable spirit beast.

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