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Chapter 9: The Emperor Protects

As soon as the Chief Librarian cut out our telepathic connection, I knew what I should do if I wanted to save him from a fate worse than death, after all, I saw what those demonic beings can do to a human when they try to play with your head and soul.

Rushing towards the shuttle bay, the two veteran Lamenters that were assigned as my bodyguards, saw that I was way too anxious and rushed for nothing to happen, so like any person that uses their brain, both of them understand that something must have happened and it wasn't something insignificant by any means.

"Lord Commissar something we should know?"

I stopped for a second before remembering that there is the life of a man in my hands and I shouldn't stop just because I was distracted.

"The Chief Librarian is alive and he needs our help to get on this ship alive."

"We would do anything we can, to help our brother. Do you have a plan, Lord Commissar?"

"Right now, the only way to save the Chief Librarian that I could think of is to use the warp as some sort of hallway for the Thunderhawk to fly through, but for that, I would have to fully open myself to the warp and to be honest I'm fearing that I won't be the same after I will this ."

"Risking your life for our brother is a noble cause, Lord Commissar and don't worry, in case you end up as daemon, we will be the first ones to execute you."

"What can I say? This thought has calmed me down."

The two Astartes tried to calm me down the whole journey, but their attempts backfired thus making me even more nervous about my wellbeing, not that it mattered, after all, I had already made peace with death the moment I was thrown out of the training camp for the psykers.

By the time we reached the shuttle bay, all of the people that were supposed to defend that part of the ship was moved to other sections, just in case something terrible and demonic may happen to me and I'll be damned if I would drag down my subordinates for a mistake that is mine alone.

As I stood in the middle of the shuttle bay surrounded by no more than twenty Lamenters ready to give me The Emperor's Mercy in case I went mad from using the power of the warp while being trapped in it. I slowly emptied my mind, calming myself down at the same and as soon I felt ready, I completely opened myself to the raw power of the warp. Creating an imaginary construct through the warp was easier said than done, but for a few seconds, I managed to recreate a runway used on the Holy Terra in the earlier days of the Imperium.

For a moment, for a fleeting second, I thought I could gain absolute control over this monstrous space known as the Immaterium, also referred to as the Empyrean. I was pinning it with my mind as I tried to gain even a tiny bit of control over it, though not known to me, I had managed to rip a tiny piece of reality from the Immaterium. It fought back to break my grip on it with furious power, but my will was no trifling thing or so I thought. I actually had it strong and tight in a vice of psy-energy— then I saw some of the corpses swirled in. Lifeless, they burst into the air all around me painting the floor and the Lamenters with blood. Every lamp, window, floor, and wall start showing small cracks on it as if something was trying to shatter them. Doors burst off their place. Flying supports and screws and tacks peppered through the air like hail. The Astartes behind me collapsed and I heard Arakiel cry out as he was thrown off his feet on the floor.

I could control myself and I felt powerless no matter what I was doing, and every time I thought I would regain my control, I heard laughter coming from Emperor's know where. But that wasn't all, the more I was losing myself to the Warp, the clearer becomes my end, surrounded by daemons, devoured by Bloodthirsters, or being played around like a doll by the unclean ones. Regardless of where I would end up, one thing was certain, I would suffer a horrible death.

The pain was insupportable, but I had forced myself or we would slowly die stuck here. Invisible talons, cold as the void, tore through the outer defenses of my soul. Loud noises resembling those of mirthless laughter echoed in from distant, insane worlds of warp-horror and abomination. I tried to drive them back, Emperor protects, but without any result. It took every bit of my strength, it took an enormous effort. My hold on my sanity was slipping away and just as I was about to lose the fight, I felt something grabbing my body, something human and at that moment, everything went black and silent. There was no sound or light and the only thing that I could do was to pray to the God-Emperor for him will show me the way.

After an unknown amount of time, I felt a familiar presence near me and I could only smile at myself, thinking that I managed to do something good with my life in the end. But who would have thought that the very same presence that made me accept my death brought my mind back together?

I blinked as soon as I regained my body and never in my life was I so glad to see the ugly face of the doctor that took care of me back on that underhive.

"He seemed to have regained his sense, my lords."

"Good, after all the things he did to us, it would have been a shame if he would have succumbed to the madness. Lord Commissar, I hope you had a not-so-pleasant dream."

I tried to stand up, but my body was too weak for me to move so suddenly.

"Not quite the best dream, but seeing how comfortable our location is, I say that it was acceptable."

"Good to see you alive and thank you for saving me, Lord Commissar."

"No, my lord, I should be the one to thank you for bringing back my mind, or I would have perished."

"Regardless of what you tend to believe, I wasn't the one to bring your mind back. I don't have that power, neither does any brother I known for that matter."

"But, it was similar to the first time, I felt your presence through the void."

"Lord Commissar, I don't know what did you felt or saw, but one thing is for certain, our Emperor is always with us, protecting us from the taint of chaos, maybe that presence that you felt was Him showing you the way."

"Maybe you are right and if that is the case, I'm grateful for His help, but no matter what that presence was or from whom it belong, one matter is certain due to this presentation I was able to save you."

"And for that, I'm thankful, Lord Commissar."

"My lord, I can't move right now, so I'll have to ask you to guide the crew until I manage to regain my motor functions."

"Fret not, Lord Commissar, but we may have a problem…the ship is heavily damaged and the engines won't start, not to mention the fact that the impact throw us out of our route thus we are stranded in the void towards Emperor knows what death world ."

"We must stand united, my lord, that's our only way of staying alive in this troubled time."

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