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Some members of the Red Ribbon Army starts laughing at Shallot.

"You're kidding, right? This little runt is going to take us all on?"

Shallot smirks out of frustration.

"I wouldn't be so cocky, weakling. Final warning, drop your weapons and walk away."

One the soldiers steps up with a large automatic weapon.

"Here's our answer, you little bastard."

The soldier opens fire on Shallot, each bullet hitting him. So many bullets were fired that smoke begins to form where Shallot is standing.

"Shallot!" Bulma yells.

"Those monsters." Yamcha says, gritting his teeth.

As the bullets stop, the soldiers start laughing.

"And that's how it's done, ladies! Maybe you should have taken your own advice and ran away, kid!"

As they continue to laugh, the smoke begins to clear and everyone is shocked. They see Shallot still standing, without a scratch on him. The Saiyan then smiles confidently at the soldiers who are all frozen in fear.

"Is that really all you got? That was just starting to tickle."

Shallot moves quicker than anyone can see. He then punches straight through a soldier's gun, destroying it, and hitting him in the gut, knocking him into the building behind them. Another soldier opens fire, but Shallot jumps into the air and drives his knee into the man's face. He then picks him up and throws him into a group of soldiers. Another soldier starts to shoot at the saiyan, but Shallot easily avoids the bullets, moves to the side of him and dropkicks the soldier into Oolongs bus.

Shallot flips in the air, landing in the middle of the army with a look that scares the soldiers back a few steps. Bulma and the others watch in awe as they watch Shallot fight.

"He's moving so fast, I can't even keep up with him. It's scary that there's someone stronger than him somewhere." Yamcha says.

"Yeah, really scary." Puar says.

Bulma then looks at her dragon ball radar and sees there's a dragon ball near by.

"Shallot! There's a dragon ball in that building."

Shallot looks back at her and nods. The entire army then rushes at him together. Shallot then sends out a shockwave that sends everyone flying. Oolong almost flies off, but Yamcha quickly grabs him by the leg. The saiyan then walks into the building, looking at his hand.

"It's not much, but I can feel it. I'm getting stronger." He thinks to himself, making a fist.

Meanwhile, the man who was on the loud speaker earlier panics and frantically pushes a red button.

Shallot looks around him and notices a group of robots coming out and walking towards him. Shallot is suprised by this.

"Android's? I can't believe earthlings have technology like this. Well, at least they aren't human. I won't have to hold back."

As the androids run at him, Shallot charges up an attack, causing the ground to shake, and the room to be distorted. Outside, Bulma and the others are trying to keep their balance, wondering why there's an earthquake all of a sudden. Shallot then spreads his arms out, dispersing a bright light and an even more massive shockwave that sends the androids flying and destroys most of the building.

Shallot then flies up through a hole above him and comes face to face with the man behind all of this.

"Anything else you wanna try, before I take the dragon ball you have?" Shallot asks with a serious look on his face.

The man stares at Shallot in fear as he floats above him, but then grins.

"Actually, now that you mention it, brat. I still have one ace up my sleeve."

The man dashes over to a secret compartment, grabs the dragon ball and runs away. Shallot let's out a sigh and flies after him into a secret room. As the man stops running, he starts to laugh.

"You might be stronger than I first anticipated, but I have a way to deal with you."

Shallot smirks.

"Is that so?"

An evil grin appears on the man's face as he presses a button.

"Android 8! Come forth and take care of this nuisance!"

Shallot is confused for a minute as a giant android with glowing bright green eyes comes out of nowhere. The android then throws a giant punch that Shallot blocks, but gets knocked through a few walls. The man then starts to laugh hysterically.

"Well, looks like you weren't as tough as you thought boy!"

Shallot then rockets out of the darkness and punches the android across the face. He then spins and kicks him in the face, knocking him into a wall. Shallot stands infront of the Android, taking a fighting stance and smiling.

"Your actually not half bad. This might actually be fun."

As green energy starts to form around the Android, the man quickly moves out of the way. Android 8 rockets out of the wall and throws a fast punch at Shallot. Shallot quickly jumps out of the way, but the Android ram's his head into him. The saiyan smirks, grabs him by the head and knees him in the face, sending him flying. Shallot catches up to him and stomps his head into the floor.

The Android then grabs him by the face and slams him into the floor. The mechanical enemy tries to slam his fist on his head, but Shallot dodges, grabs him by the arm and throws him through a wall. As Shallot kips up to his feet, the Android gets up without even slowing down. He rockets at Shallot again, but stops himself from attacking him.

Both Shallot and the man are confused.

"What the hell are you doing?! Crush his head like a grape, now!" The man yells.

"I... Can't." The Android says, shocking Shallot.

"What do you mean, you can't?"

"Destroying a living being is so cruel. I don't want to do anything like that."

When Shallot hears the android say this, he thinks back to when he was younger and was on a planet called Yardrat. He was ordered to kill a family with two kids, but he couldn't, so his father did it himself. As he looked away, not being able to watch, his father puts his hand on his shoulder.

"I know you have a kind heart, son. But this is something that we have to do. It is in our nature as Saiyans." His father told him.

As Shallot snaps back to the present, he sees the man kicking Android 8 in the leg.

"Want? You're an Android! Who cares what you want?! I gave you an order and you will do it! You were created by the great Doctor Gero for the purpose of killing! You are not capable of compassion, you're supposed to be a monster!"

Shallot hears enough, quickly dashing behind the man and chopping him in the back of the neck, knocking him out. He then picks up the dragon ball and puts it in his pocket.

"Thank you." Android 8 tells him with a smile.

Shallot smirks and walks infront of the android.

"My pleasure. Guy was really starting to piss me off. Come on, let's get out of here."

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