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Chapter 34: RAGE

"Thank you for saving me." Nojiko comes next to me and helps me fix myself up properly.

"I told you that we are going to save you, like it or not." I give a smirk and get up to face the ever growing crowd.

"You lot! Tie these scum, strip them of their weapons and loot their ship! These bastards have been the reason why you've been living in hell for all these years. It's time for you to make a change!"

I give a rallying speech to the bewildered villagers who look at the downed soldiers with a hostile look and some start taking actions even if they are a little bit unsure about it but seeing Gen's and Nojiko's angry looks more and more join in. As more and more villagers gather around us Gen starts revealing what has happened here and how Arlong and the Marines have been colluding together all this time.

The villagers start getting angrier by the second as they realize how Nami has been cheated for all these years. The anger radiating off the people starts affecting me and I can feel my anger rising and getting harder to control. My poor emotional sensing is getting stronger and stronger as I feel more and more raw emotions all around me.

"That does it! Arm yourselves it's time to fight!" Gen shouts and picks up one of the swords that we took from the Marines.

"UOOOOOOHHH!" The people rally behind Gen as rest of the people grab the other weapons.

'[BREAK THEM, RIP THEM LIMB FROM LIMB, MAKE THEM SUFFER, RIP AND TEAR... UNTIL IT IS DONE.]' I lean on the side of a building and try to calm myself and not succumb to a blind rage.

"8 Years ago, we swore not to throw our lives away! No matter how painful it may be living under their rule, we swore that as long as Nami was fine, we would limit ourselves to a fight of endurance! BUT THIS IS HOW THEY ANSWERED US! Now that our only chance of liberation has been denied, there is no longer any hope for this island! But we shall never forgive those fishmen, who dared to toy around with the kindness of that girl! Any objections!"

Gen rallies everyone to a fight and as they are about to go forwards with their plan a sudden shout interrupts them. "WAIT, EVERYONE!"

"Please just wait a little more! I'll only need to get 7 million more! I'll try my best so please!" Nami says in a fake cheerful attitude with eyes red from crying.

All the villagers can see the state Nami is in and are aware that Arlong will not let things go one way or another and tears fill the people's eyes as they look at the girl who has struggled alone all these years for their sake.

Gen suddenly hugs Nami. "That's enough! You know that doing such a thing would be futile. You've carried all our hope alone for long enough. You've fought splendidly! I know that working with them must've been painful than a thousand searing knives. You've fought well. You can now leave, this village." Gen stops the hug and Nami is about to say something.

"Nami." Nojiko interjects "You're cunning and you've got what it takes to survive out there! Besides, you've got a dream to fulfill!

"Nojiko...! No! Please stop, everyone! I don't want to see them hurt any one of you again! You'll die, you know!?" Nami points her knife at the villagers.

"We know." Gen grabs the knife's blade even while his hand is bleeding and the villagers start telling how they won't back down anymore.

"NOW MOVE OUT OF OUR WAY, NAMI!" Nami flinches and the people rush past her shouting their battle cries.

Nami falls to her knees crying and soon rage takes over and she starts stabbing her arm where the Arlong Pirates tattoo is located. Seeing this scene my mind almost blanks from my own rage but Luffy grabs her arm and stops and the knife is thrown away. I watch the scene as my mind slightly calms down from Luffy's actions.

"What do you want!? You don't even know anything!" Nami starts shouting at Luffy.

"Nope. I don't know." Luffy answers calmly.

"This has nothing to do with you! Didn't I already tell you, to leave this island!?" Nami starts clawing the ground and throwing dirt towards Luffy while shouting for him to leave. While Luffy and I watch Nami she stops and starts to cry more again.

"Luffy... Help me..." Nami turns her head to Luffy with a pleading look.

Luffy takes off his straw hat and puts it on Nami's head and walks forward a bit and stops and takes a deep breath.

"OF COURSE I WILL!!!" He shouts on top of his lungs and keeps walking forward and I follow.

"Luffy..." Nami says and then as I walk next to her, she gasps in shock. My face that usually shows a slight frown has now been morphed into an expression of deep rage and bloodlust that none has seen on my face before. My hands twitch and tremble in anticipation for the cruelty they will inflict on my enemies.

"Let's go." Luffy commands the group that has been listening for us for a while now.

""Roger."" They all answer and before Nami's crying eyes they all start walking towards Arlong Park.

While reigning in my rage I take out my phone and start it again.

'I need to control my emotions... Otherwise I'll just be a raging bull.' [CONTROL. MORE POWER. MORE SLAUGHTER!]

'And what better than to guide my emotions than music.' I open the music app and try to find a song that could help me control my rage but not diminish it.

I rapidly click from one song to another until I stop when me and Nami hear a bell toll.

For Whom the Bell Tolls starts playing and I can feel even more energy surging in me as I listen to the melody and soon something clicks in me and my muscles start bulking up and adrenaline coursing through my veins. My body calms down but my anger doesn't diminish and I turn into the state I was in when I got hypnotized by Jango but I'm not going berserk.

Now in the state of calm fury I once again put away my phone and give it to Nami. I make my way towards the others and join them. They look at my slight transformation but non say a word and we silently make our way towards Arlong Park.

With each step our fighting spirit grows stronger. We march forth not for us, but for our dear friend who has fought for her and her people's survival. The one who wished to protect us and so we will protect her. But I... fueled with anger not so righteous, will... '[RIP AND TEAR]'

Slowly the Arlong Park gets in our sights and we see the villagers in front of the gate that is being blocked by Johnny and Yosaku. The duo and the villagers turn to look at us and the group gives way like how the sea split in front of Moses.

Luffy charges up for a punch and blasts the huge gate to pieces.

"Who's the one, called Arlong?"

Dravde Dravde

In case some of you didn't notice... MC likes Doom. MC got his Rage Boost. From now on he can power up and switch between Berserk and Rage depending on the songs he chooses. Berserk is more destructive but you basically remove the defence and rationality while Rage is a less self destructive but you will have brutal tendencies.

Oh how I wish I was back in my vacation where I had time and energy to write a chapter a day or more. Been playing games recently to cheer me up... works... but then I forget to write...

Tehe =P

Happy readings everybody~!

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