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Chapter 2: CHAPTER 2: The Town of Cibil

It's my first time traveling and I'm excited to see the world behind the books I've read. This is so beautiful that those books didn't do justice to it, or am I just too ignorant of the world to see it? It makes me curious about what's out there and what I'm going to encounter.

The ride is uncomfortable because the carriage is so small and old.  What should I have anticipated?  The church sends carriages to every orphanage, and I'm grateful that there is one to ride in because the orphanage has no plans to spend money on us.

I can't argue that we only have 300 copper for our allowance. I know the orphanage has the resources to provide us with additional necessities, but they refuse because they see us as nothing more than livestock.

I was looking out the window, watching the vast plain as the wind blew on my face. The sense of freedom overwhelms me as if the shackles have been broken even for a brief moment. I'm not the only one who is feeling overwhelmed. 

I can see the twins staring at the window, their faces filled with awe. I'm aware that this freedom is only temporary. I'm certain that someone will keep an eye on us and keep us in check in case we attempt to escape.

"Brother! Isn't it beautiful? Check it out!" Carole observes the view out the window.

We're in the mountains, and we can see villages, plains, mountains, and the sea from here. This view is breathtakingly beautiful, with the red shade of the sky burning adding to the masterpiece.

"Yeah! you're right Carole. I'll engrave this picture in my head and paint it. I'll send it to the orphanage so that the children can see how beautiful it is"

When I heard them, I couldn't help but notice how happy they are, and I couldn't help but feel sad because they have no idea about what the orphanage truly is.  For some children, the orphanage serves as both a home and a haven.

"That would be incredible, brother! I'm sure Bea would love it. She'd be envious for sure. It'd be amazing if she were here with us, but I'm sure I'll see her at the Academy next year." Carole's best friend is Bea, who is one year younger than Carole.

"Hmmm... If you can pass the test, dear sister," he smirked.

"Yes, of course, I will. You'd better watch out because I'm going to outmagic you." I know Noel is just playing with Carole, but if I were him, I wouldn't if he knew the truth. Returning to the orphanage is not a wise choice.

"Hahaha... I'm kidding." Noel gently pats Carole's head and smiles at her. "My sister is incredible, and I know you'll have no trouble."

I'm envious of the twins because they have each other. As an orphan who has never known what it is like to have a family, I can't help but be envious. They have each other to lean on when they are feeling lonely, and they protect each other.

"Sam you should contact or send a letter to Leah. I'm sure she would love it" I know that Leah is a friendly person and you can't hate her because she is so kind and caring.

"Of course, I would do that Carole, and I'm sure she would hate me if I wouldn't." I smiled at her but I know it's not easy to do it.

"You know what, Sam, you're nice, but you always keep your distance from us."

Noel holds Carole's hand to stop her from talking. I'm aware that I'm erecting a barrier because I don't want other people to get close to me and then abandon me,  as happened to my parents and what happened in the past.

"I'm sorry Sam, my sister is so insensitive and does not filter her words." He glared at her sister.

"It's fine, and she's right." I tried to smile because she looked like she was about to cry. I know Carole didn't mean like that.

"S-orry,  Sam... I just want to be friends with you. Please, Sam, I really like you." I know I'm still not ready to open up to people, but I can't stay like this forever, and I know Carole. I sighed deeply before making a decision, unaware that this event would change my life forever.

"Yes, Carole, I would be delighted to be your friend." I smiled at her.

"Yeeey... I promise you would never regret befriending me." She hugs me tightly and I hug her back too. "I've been wanting to be friends with you for a long time Sam."

I stayed quiet for the entire ride, occasionally talking to the twins to break the silence, and the more we talked, the closer we got. I know the twins are genuine people who are wonderful and easy to get along with. I know I can't easily open up to them, and I know they notice it, but they didn't mind.

We're already too far away from the orphanage, and we've passed through several villages along the way, and it's getting dark. So we decided to rest in the next town rather than in the forest. Traveling at night is dangerous because, aside from the fact that you can't see the road, you might come across a wild beast.

We'd already been traveling for two days and one night, and we spent the night camping and building a fire beside the main road in the forest. Fortunately, we never encounter wild animals, demons, or bandits, and we sleep soundly that night.

The town is quite large and bustling with people. Even though it is late at night, the street is still busy and lively.

"We need to spend the night here, so please wait while I look for an inn. You can go sightseeing. I know you've never been to a festival, but don't wander too far." The coachman walks away after saying those words, looking for a cheap inn to stay inn.

"So this is how a festival looks," I murmured to myself. I only read about it in the book and tried to imagine what it looked like, but now I can not only see it but also experience it.

"Sam, this is fantastic! Let's go!" Carole suddenly grabbed my arm and yanked me along with her.

I look at Noel to help me, but he looks away pretending that he doesn't know what I intended him to do. Carole is a bubbly and bright child who is so lovable. While Noel is a brother figure you want to have. He always looks after her and protects her, but he spoiled her too much.

Who knew they were such a wonderful person? I'm aware that I'm a loner, and once I discovered that there is a watcher among us, I find it difficult to trust others.

We look around wherever Carole leads us. The festival is incredible, and for those like us who have never attended a festival before, it is the best experience we have ever had. Everywhere you look, there are a lot of carts selling a variety of foods and brightly colored items. We do not have enough money to buy something, but we are already satisfied just by looking around.

We reached the center of the town and we can see how the people dance by pair, even the kids tried to dance full of happiness plastered on their faces. The more we stay here the more I feel jealous of how gifted they are.

"Carole, may I?" Noel reaches his hand to Carole asking for permission to dance.

"Of course yes, I gladly accept it" like a lady, Carole accepts Noel's hand and walk towards the center and dance joining the party.

I watch them as they dance and enjoy the music. I'm not sure what kind of dance they're doing, but what matters is that they're having fun.

I look to my right for a seat and find an empty bench to sit on. I sat back and rested my head on the backrest. Looking at the stars and the bright moon in the sky. I'm not sure why, but I enjoy the night, the darkness, and the calmness it gives me.

It would be nice if Leah is with us. I can't enjoy this just by myself,  I can't be selfish. I was thinking about how Leah's situation might be right now. I'm worried about her and I hope she's healthy and doing well. Leah is like a younger sister to me but sometimes she's acting like a big sister and always looking after me.

I tried to look around while the twins were still dancing, looking at every stall I passed by. As I was looking around, I noticed a unique tent and went to go near it. Above the tent has a word plate that reads, 'YOUR FUTURE IS UNCERTAIN, BUT FATE WILL HUNT YOU DOWN UNTIL IT TRANSPIRES.' Before entering, I take a look around, my guts are telling me that I should enter here.

When I entered the tent, the decoration is kinda odd, there are a lot of objects, statues, and paintings like landscapes, flowers, and portraits. The portraits show the images of the gods that I've seen in the books before, they are breathtakingly beautiful as usual, but there is a painting that caught my attention. The painting is about a tree that has purple flowers? Or leaves? I don't know what kind of tree it is but it's so beautiful that mesmerized me. I can't keep my eyes away from it as if it bewitches me.

"That's a Westeria Tree, isn't it beautiful?" I was startled when someone spoke behind me.

I looked who is the owner of the voice and saw a stunning lady that wears a fitted blue dress attire that shows her curvy hips and full breast. Half of her face is hidden by a veil but you can't miss how beautiful she is. She has gold eyes with a speck of golden dust glittering that keeps you looking at it. She has pointy ears, w-ait... So she is an elf.

"Y-eah it is." I stuttered answering her and seems like I was stupefied by her sudden appearance.

"You have keen eyes child, it's beautiful but poisonous." She looks at the painting with an indescribable expression. "Do you want me to foresee your future?" I looked at her dumbfounded, so she is a seer.

"R-eally?! Can I? But I don't have money". She just smiles at me and turns around. She opens the curtain that separates the tent and looks at me. "If it's you, I can give it for free." then gestures to me to enter.

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