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Destroying happiness Destroying happiness original

Destroying happiness

Author: Swati_Jain_0266

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: destroying happiness

          Destroying happiness

chapter 1

Sanya Pov : my family was very happy family..until he came like a Strom and took everything away .

A loving husband Andy and two cute kids who are loving, smart and yes little bit naughty .

Blue eyes,pink cheeks and one ponytail..chirstina looks just like a doll every one says she looks like me  and zen looks handsome like Andy and sensible also.i was so happy in my little world

Sanya: where are you zen  ,chirstina ?

         Getting late for school.breakfast is also ready .. hurry up kids.

Expanding her mouth chirstina crosses her hand and sits on the dining table .oh god she was looking so cute that seeing her both me and Andy start laughing.

Seeing us laughing,small tears start pouring out of his blue eyes .

  Oh my poor baby what happened.i am sorry we started laughing seeing you .Andy wiped her tears and said

Zen bullies me he says I look like a cute pig


Zen and Andy start laughing again.i stared at both of them and picked up chirstina with both my hands and said that my chirstina looks like a princess.

Hearing this ,she smiles and  cover my neck with her hand and says really mumma ,do I looklike a princess.

I smile  and kiss her cheeks then she also kisses my cheek, suddenly Andy comes and ask my kiss then chirstina says with a chuckle that you and zen laughing at me , I will not kiss you and we all start laughing.

After breakfast, chirstina and zen go to the room to get their school bags and I ask Andy  if he will take the kids to school because I have to clean the house now  

Andy says why not my queen ,the slave is at your service.i start laughing and he sudden kisses my lips

My cheeks turn red with shame

After sending both the kids and andy I get into the house work

I still have 1 hour left after doing house work so I decide to drink a hot cup of tea then I go to the kitchen and make tea . together with come cookies goto the balcony

Then I turn-on the music in the music player and sit on the chair with tea tray and cookies.whenever I am free I enjoy music sitting in the balcony like this

I used to be happy about these little things.

I didn't know when I fell asleep listing to music.suddenly when I opened my eyes I got myself enough.oh god  at 3pm I have to go to pick up the children

Thank god , thinking I have 20 minutes left , I quickly take the car key and lock the house and leave 

I start the car by turning on the music while sitting in the car.the song was of my choice,so I was driving while humming along with it when suddenly the car collided.


I got down from the car and saw new latest hit my car

The driver of B.M.W. car came down and apologized with folded hands.i was angry but I was in a hurry to rush the kids and there was no damages to car so i decided to leave the matter here

The driver thanked me and ask for damages of car but I refused it there.i felt something strange as if someone was staring at me for a long I decided to leave the palace and pickup the children.

After picking up the kids from school and we sat in the soon as the car started chirstina was talking nonstop as usual and talking about her friends and as usual zen was silently engaged in the mobile.

When we reached home ,as usal I went to the kitchen to get the fruits and jucies for the kids and the children started watching t.v. in the living room

As soon as I entered the living room with fruits and jucies ,I saw both the kids fighting for the remote , I went and turned off the t.v.,then both started staring me.

Zen : oh common mumma , did it matter whenever we fight for the remote,you turn of the t.v.

Sanya : I spoke while making my mouth and if there is any solution,then you guys speak 

Hearing this,both of them smiled at me

Sanya : well come on now finish your fruits and juices and after that do your homework and after that both sit and watch the t.v.

Chirstina: no mumma no fruit and juices today, I have to eat ice-cream

Zen : yes mumma I want eat ice-cream too

Sanya : ok ok now you guys eat this ,after having dinner,we will go to eat ice-cream

Chirstina: yeh mumma you are the world's best mumma

And then start singing the song … my mumma world's best mumma,my mumma world's best mumma

Zen comes happy and kisses my cheeks and goes to eat his fruit and I smile seeing both of them happy, then I go to the kitchen and prepare dinner

Andy p.o.v :

My phone rings as soon as I reach downstairs to my apartment after leaving the office. Seeing the caller name bring a smile to my face  - sweet home

As soon as I receive the phone there is a sweet sound .

Chirstina :  daddy when will you come, today mumma has promised me , we will go out to eat ice-cream after dinner. Please come soon

Then I say sadly to her , sorry princess today is my meeting. I will be late. Not today,we will go tomorrow.

Hearing this, there is no sound from other side of the phone. I speak again,hey princess are you there? I am sorry princess

Then chirstina sadly says that it's ok daddy,we will go tomorrow.

chapter 2

Just then I ring the doorbell and zen comes and open the door,I signal him to be quiet and suddenly walk in front of chirstina. And she jump in shock seeing means then says with a angry face

Chirstina: daddy! You fooled me I won't talk to you

Zen and Sanya both start laughing seeing her cute face

Then I go to chirstina and start ticking her ,she start laughing and runs away ahd hide behind her mother

Then I tell Sanya to cancel today's ice cream plan because chirstina is not even talking to me

Chirstina suddenly came from behind Sanya and says with an innocent face

No deddy who said I am not talking to you,I was fooling you

Hearing this,we all start laughing out loudand then I go to Sanya and kiss on her cheek and hug her, both the kids also came and started hugging both of us

This is my lovely family where lives my beautiful wife Sanya and two little cute twins zen and chirstina

Sanya p.o.v.

After dinner chirstina shout with joy , let's go we will go to eat ice-cream

We all sit in the car, Andy ask all of them , which restaurant to go to eat ice-cream


Chirstina says that my friend had said that the heritage hotel ice-cream is very tasty,we will go there.

Sanya get tensed and says that heritage hotel is five-star hotel,and it is very expensive. We will not go there , go somewhere else.

Then chirstina stubbornly says.. no mumma, I have to go to the same hotel, I also want to see what kind of hotel it is.

Sanya is about to say something when Andy stop her and says problem ,we are going to eat only ice cream, so it will not be so expensive. We will go to heritage hotel only

Chirstina shouts with joy...yeh my deddy super cool

And we all smiles

We reach the heritage hotel and after getting out of the car I tell Andy that if I had known we are going to come to the heritage hotel, I would have come dressed in something nice.

Andy says looking at me lovingly

, Whatever my wife wear she looks very beautiful in cheeks turn  red on hearing this.

We go in and go to the table near the window and sit down

Then waiter comes, we order the ice cream of our choice.

After the waiter leaves, both zen and chirstina get busy looking at the hotel and we start talking to each other ,when zen came and say that he have to go to the rest room

I ask zen where is chirstina and he says that she is playing inthe garden area.

Just then Andy phone rings,he starts talking on the phone,I leave zen in the rest room and go to garden area to see chirstina

Then all of a sudden a child comes out in front of me running loudly and I  am on the backside of panic that I colide with someone, I was about to fall and in fear I close my eyes when someone' s hand was on my waist and he pulled me towards him,

He hugged me tightly and as soon as I opened my eyes he turned and went to the other side

I felt strange , I didn't see his face, but I gave him voice and said hey Mr. Thank you, he stopped but didn't turned. Sudden I would hear chirstina's screaming.

I ran towards the garden area and saw chirstina fighting with a boy and yelling at him. I went there to hold her hand and asked if she doesn't want to eat ice-cream?


Making a small face , she said that she has to eat ice-cream. I tell her thet we should not fight . If you want to eat ice-cream then both of you say sorry to each other .

Chirstina does not want to speak but she had to eat ice-cream,so while making her mouth, she apologies to him. And she runs towards the restaurant, that boys also goes to other side . I also go towards restaurant when I  remember that man. I look here and there but I can't see anywhere, so I go towards the table.

By the time I reached the table,our ice-cream had arrived,zen and chirstina were having their ice-cream and Andy was waiting for me.he gave me a smile as I arrived and put the bowl of ice-cream in front of me.

Zen and chirstina made us taste the ice cream from their respective bowls, and also tested ourselves with our bowl.

We were all enjoying our ice-cream but I felt as if someone was staring me . I was feeling very uncomfortable,I was looking around but I could not see anyone who was staring at me but still it seemed as of someone watching me very well.

Andy saw me uncomfortable and asked what happened ?

What would I tell him that what happened, I actually had no idea what was happening to me , I deferred and said that I am a little tired .

Then he asked the children to eat ice-cream quickly, after eating this ice-cream,we came out of the hotel.

We sat in the car and left for home. But I felt as if someone is following us , I said this Andy ,then he saw it from the back view camera, cars were moving but no one seemed to be chasing them.

I thought maybe I was thinking too much,so I just left that thing there.

For The next two - three days , everything has been normal as if nothing happened,but then ,I began to feel as if someone was following me , staring me at wherever I went like sometimes in the supermarket,when I went to school to pickup the children,and sometimes even when I was standing in the balcony,it seemed as if someone was staring at me.

chapter 3

I was starting to panic now and Andy is also on tour from office work and I started sleeping in the kid's room out of fear . Andy was about to come home next day and I had decided that I would tell him all these things.

The next day when Andy came home , the children welcomed him with kisses and hug, Andy came up to me, hugged me and kissed.

But seeing me in tension,he asked, what happened ? I asked him to get relax first then after having dinner asked to talk.

He nodded and went to the room to take a bath and I went to the kitchen to cook food.

I was cooking in the kitchen when he came out of the room after taking a bath, so he went straight to the children's room and asked to the children what happened to mom?

Then the kids told him that mumma lives in tension for two-three days and sleeps in our room.

After having dinner, when we are going to our room to sleep, Andy demand s a Cup of tea together to make for me.

I nodded and make two cups of tea and bring it to the room.

As soon as I entered the room Andy takes the tea tray from my hand and put it on the side table and hugged me.

Then standing on the side, taking my hand in his hand,he ask why am I in so much tension?

I gave him a Cup of tea and talking mine,we both go and sit on the couch.

While drinking tea I tell him everything that is happening to me as if I feel somone is following me or stares me .

After listening to me,he ask me if this is my illusion,is it not?

Then I tell them,I don't know.i don't understand what is happening to me?

Then he smiles and tell me .why don't we go on vacation,may be this give me relief.

I think and tell him that both the children are going to school now holidays are not there yet so how will we go on a vacation?

Then Andy tell me that there is nothing to worry about.we'll leave the kids with Andy's sister.even kids will be happy.

Because they love Rita very much, they will be happy to live with her,so according to me there will be no problem.

Then I ask Andy, will the kids accept us on vacation ? Andy says that he himself will talk to kids about this.

Then I ask him about the office and he says that he will take leave for a few days.i nod my head in agreement.

We were leaving the children here, so We thought of going near London and New castle was the best place.

Next day Andy applied for leave in office and booked a nice resort in new castle.

I don't know what Andy said to the kids.because they didnt mind our vacation programme and seeing this,I was at peace in my mind.

The next day we dropped the kids at their aunt's house and headed for new castle. I wanted to go by long drive so we decided to go by car.

I was very excited and we didn't even know when five hour's passed and we reached new castle.

We went to the resort where we welcomed with a drink .we were tired from long drive so we decided that we would go straight to the soon as we entered the room,we both lay on the bed and fell asleep.

After 2 hours of sound sleep,both of us were hungry,so we decided that after taking a bath, we will go to eat food in the restaurant.

First Andy went to take a bath and I was looking at the mobile lying on the bed.when Andy came out ready,he told me that the network in the room not good and he has to make some phone calls,  so he is going out and told me that I should well ready for dinner and met him direct restaurant.

After Andy left ,I started looking in clothes to see what to wear for dinner , suddenly the door bell rings

When I open the gate , I see an attendant standing with a packet in hand. He give the packet in my hand and says that I should  wear this and go directly to the restaurant.

I get happy thinking that Andy has made some really nice surprise

I open the packet and se that there was a very beautiful simmer gown with matching heels .

I am very fond of it and without wasting time , I go straight to bath .

I was very happy that I was humming while taking bath , I did very well shower and come out.

I put on a dress , wearing heels together, although I never do make up ,but today I did a little touch up 

I looked at my self in the mirror and was very satisfied with the way I looked

Again I saw my self in the mirror, locked the room and walking towards the restaurant,as soon as I reached near the restaurant,the attendant asked me to go towards the pool area .

Oh my god! I was feeling very happy in my heart, may be Andy planned a very nice surprise today. I was getting very desparete to get there.

The attendant asked me to follow him ,as soon as we reached towards the pool area all of a sudden flowers started raining on me.

I saw my name was written with flowers in pool - Sanya

There were very beautiful candles burning all around and a table and chairs were nearby the pool and there were people in the music band  who were playing the tune of a romantic song 

Oh god !  It felt like a dream to me. I felt like I was a princess. I was so happy.

chapter 4

The attendant took me to the table and pulled the chair for me .

Then he excused  me and went out  . I looked around and didn't see Andy anywhere. I send message  to Andy through whatsup  app . ….. where are you.i am waiting for you.

He also message me where am I? 

Then I message him that I am in pool side area where he planned a surprise for me . as soon as Andy came there I run to him ,hug him and say thank you for loving surprise.

He is suddenly shocked and looks around and then looks at me and says , I didn't plan all this  I have only got a table decorated In the restaurant.

I have not done all that

We were both shocked, we looking at each other, we didn't understand what was happening , then after some time we asked the attendant who did all this 

May be there is some other Sanya here for whom all this will  and by mistake I must have misunderstood that Sanya.

The attendant says that this is all for you 

Then we ask them who got it done.

He says that he does not know all

This, he just gotvorder from ahed

Me and Andy look at each other and then decide to leave . Only then my photos start playing on a big screen. And together it is written on it  I love you Sanya .

Seeing all this , we both become shocked again now Andy starts getting angry .

Holding the attendant ' collar ask him  who did it ? Who is that ? The attendant get nervous seeing Andy angry. He says he really does n' t know who it is .

I panicked and trembled and said to Andy  I told you that some one is following me . It was not my illusion.look all the photos are from that time when I went to the supermarket and school to pick up the kids

Andy hug me and says  don't panic . I am with you. Let's go to the room and order food there  and eat it whoever it  I will find it , don't you worry.

I calm down a bit and go to the room with him. We change by the time the food arrives.seeing what happened,my hunger was over but Andy insisted on feeding me with his own hands.

Next day we got ready and went to the restaurant to have breakfast.

We were having breakfast there when andy' s phone rings. He goes out to talk on the phone asking me to continue breakfast. I was having my breakfast when a child comes to me with a big bouque of red roses and speaks auntie this is for you


I stare at him and ask who gave it .then he says that an uncle showed me your side and said that I should give the bouque to you.

Then I ask him if h can tell me who is that uncle and where is he ?

Auntie uncle gave me the bouque and went out.

Then I take the bouque from the child thinking that the man may have written his name on the card .but It was  written in the card ... Love you Sanya

In panic the bouque falls down from my hand.

Then Andy comes there seeing me in tension amd seeing the bouque that has fallen down , he understands everything and ask who gave the bouque then I tell him a child brought it to her and said one uncle gave it to him and then left.

I panic and ask Andy who is he .why is he bothering us. He knows that I am married ,yet he is doing this to me .

Andy does not say anything but he looks upset .we both have a bad mood but Andy makes a programme to hang out.

When I refuse , he says that we will not spoil our vacation for psyco.we will ignore his antics and enjoy our time.

Then I smile and nod my neck.well Andy is right to say why should we spoil our vacation for a Stanger ?

Then we excitedly set out In our car to visit Newcastle,eat outside by forgetting that psycho , enjoy our time.

Next two days nothing bad happened .our vacation is going very smoothly.

Last day when we are packing to leave sudden a knock on the door.

When I open  the gate , all I could see was A man who looked like a bodyguard says hello ma'am


Swati_Jain_0266 Swati_Jain_0266

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