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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: A Strange Group

"Hey Noir. How long till we reach this 'Primordial Ground", I asked while following behind him as I was playing around with small ball of flame in my hand.

"Not long. We should be there any second now- ah, now would you look at that. What a coincidence. We've finally arrived", he answered me before placing his hand in front of him as if there was a wall there.

Huh?. Emmanuel what is he doing, I can't seem to find anything in front of him?, can you sense what he's doing?,

[Yeah. He placed his hand on what appears to be a door with an eye on top]

That's kind of cool yet weird at the same time.

"There we go. I also advise you to closely follow me otherwise a tragedy can befall on you", he said while opening the now visible door that appeared and stepped through as I closely followed behind.

On the other side of the door was a long bridge stretching out infinitely with multiple doors floating in the air on each side of the bridge.

There were also large monsters walking in a sea of flames as they were battling each other making this whole place shake every single second like it was on the verge of collapsing.

We kept walking straight for a few hours before Noir stopped in front of a large metallic door with chains wrapping all around it while reeking of death.

The next thing I heard was Noir mumbling a weird language that I couldn't understand.

"I rdr yu as wn awf z 7 dmn primrdials tu pn zis dr"

What the hell did he say?

[I don't even know myself]

Not long after Noir mumbled those words, the huge metallic door opened up as a person on the other side appeared.

He had blood red eyes with stars of gold and silver dancing in them. His wavy, burning hair is a deep shade of rouge.

He's quite tall while his beauty is prideful and distant. He looks like someone born to lead and conquer. He has his clothes draped over himself, which was revealing a lot of skin.

"Noir, you've finally returned. Why did an insect summon you?, and why is there a little boy next to you?", asked the unknown figure beyond the door.

"Greetings to you too Rogue. As for your question, I found someone rather interesting when I was summoned a few miles away. And the boy happens to be the person that caught my interest", Noir replied as he glanced towards me when he mentioned someone interesting.

"Is that so?, there's not a long of things that pique your interest, so hearing you say that makes me wonder what makes you think of this boy so highly. But for now, let us meet the others who are having their meal back in the dining room", he said to us before turning around and teleporting away.

"Let us go and meet the others then. Oh and Loyd. The other Primordials are quite short on temper so don't do anything unnecessary and rush to your death so quickly okay", he told me with a small smile plastered on his face before grabbing onto me.

"Sure thing", I replied while hearing the big metallic door close behind me as Noir teleported both of us away from this place.

~ Somewhere in a large hallway with a big royal door at the end with strange carvings of 7 human like beings ~


"Oh, you should form a protection on the boy since Jaune might kill him with her theatrics again"

"Ah yes. I nearly forgot about that. [Ancient Barrier], {2nd Layer Of Elements}", he said simultaneously as a weird lock appeared in front of me with weird engravings and a eyeball before disappearing into my chest.

What the heck!?, What did he just put in me!!!

[It seems to be a special skill that can block off any elemental skill that has the attack power of 150,000. Meaning it can kill you instantly if your health is below 150,000]

150,000!!!, my health isn't even a 100,000 health!, aren't these guys a bit too OP compared to when they were in the anime?

[I can't really help you since we don't have much information on them with the little knowledge you have. So let's just see what happens next]

After Noir placed a weird lock on me, Rogue opened the the giant door as a small sun appeared at the size of a small house heading straight towards us.

The heat was so hot that even I couldn't handle its pressure if I was up against it in peak form.

[Indeed. This small sun is equivalent to the temperature of 1,000° C. If it weren't for the lock Noir placed on you earlier, you would've already turned into dust]

Just as the small sun was a few metres away from us, Rogue muttered [Absolute Cancel] which made the sun Evaporate into nothingness before it could even touch us.

Behind the sun that just evaporated was a girl who appeared as a high school delinquent with blonde hair, wearing a white shirt with a tie.

She also wears a black snow coat with a skull pin on her left chest as her eyes were staring straight at us.

"Who's the little brat?", she asked before glancing towards me with a hint of curiosity on her face.

"I will explain during the meal. So please have a seat so I can notify you on what I happened to find during my summoning", Noir answered as he walked towards the large table with 4 other people sitting there as he looked back towards me while gesturing for me to follow behind.

"OMG!!!, let him sit next to me~*, he's soo cute hehehe", a women exclaimed as she teleported in front of me before giving me a hug.

She is an alluring lady with white hair and crimson red eyes while her attire is a teal-colored dress.

"If that is what you wish Blanc, than you may", Noir replied before heading off to his seat.

Yet in my head, I'm thinking why I'm not over reacting how I normally do with women.

Is it because of her beauty?, no it's not that.

Then is it because she's merely from a novel that I happened to reincarnate in?, hmm I can't tell.

But for some reason, her warmth is pretty soothing and I can't really remember the last time a women actually hugged me.

Sigh, let's just forget about it since it doesn't seem like I have a problem with it.

Though she is giving me some creepy vibes and I don't know much about her except that she later on gets recruited by Rimuru.

After she hugged me, she grabbed me by the hand before pulling me to where she was sitting as she pulled out the chair on her right for me to sit down on.

"Call me big sister from now on okay!", she said while showing me an enchanting smile, yet I swear I could feel something weird behind it. Maybe I'm just overthinking it?

"So what is it that made you bring this kid here Noir?", Rogue said as he sat down at the head of the table with Noir on the other end facing opposite to him.

"Why don't you observe him yourself before asking me any further questions", Noir replied as Rogue looked straight at me with glint in his is eyes as I felt his gaze piercing through my soul.

Emmanuel, are these guys able to sense you?

[No. But it doesn't stop them from finding out your status except for your race and name]

"I see. He's neither an angel, demon or spirit yet he roams the spirit realm without consequences. The magicule's in the air also seem to be attracted to him more so than the great spirits that I know of. I can now see what you mean when this boy piqued your interest. But the main thing I want to know is what your gonna do with him?", Rogue asked after evaluating me as he looked back towards Noir with a questioning look.

"I want to train him. I want to see how far his limits go and if he can accomplish something that even we or the great spirits can't. If he is able to accomplish do such a thing, wouldn't that be fascinating!", Noir states with anticipation in his voice as his eyes showed excitement.

"Train him huh?, I don't see no problem with that. But are you prepared to face the risks in the future. After all, though he may not be a threat now, it wouldn't be the same after you train him for a couple of millenniums"

"That is fine. You can't expect to move forward without taking risks now can you?, besides, I'm sure he won't do such a thing considering how pure his soul is, even after killing thousands of demons"

"Oh and I will spend time with him when he has no training hehe. We will have a lot of fun", Blanc interrupted as she cuddled me tightly.

I'm starting to get the feeling that being around her is going to be very troublesome.

[I agree. Though I sense no evil intent towards us, I'm still getting warnings that something disastrous will occur]

I agree. We will try our best to avoid her at all costs. Also, wouldn't Noir training me help us speed up our goal to completing our main objective

[Yeah. Maybe we can leave this place in around 2,000 years later instead of 3,000]

Sounds like a great plan.

"If that's the case, then let me train the brat too. I wanna try some new spells and who better than this guy ahahaha", Jaune said as I felt a chill run down my spine.

This is probably going to be the most tiring millenniums of my life.

[I think so too]

~ Over 2,000 years later ~

In the middle of the dark forest with dead trees and multiple monstrous sounds, a boy with incredibly cute features standing at a short height of 4"10 could be seen hiding behind a tree.

He had waist length luscious hair that was fairer than any gold and golden eyes that shine brighter than any star known.

His skin was smooth milky white while wearing a white cloak, making his overall appearance shine even more brighter than before.


(Loyd's POV)


Emmanuel, scan the area to see if she is near.

[Hmm… The coast is clear. No heat signatures found within the perimeter]

Good. Now let's jus-

"There you are you little brat!, Why are you running away. Be a man and handle this new skill of mine, [Meteor Shower]", a voice shouted as multiple boulders started materialising in the sky getting bigger and bigger until the smallest was at least the size of a football stadium.

"Hehe, umm Jaune, what are you doing here?, I thought our training ended an hour ago…", I gulped while slowly walking backwards trying to distance myself from her.

"What are you talking about?, I said that if you face my [Starfall] upfront without dodging, then you can leave. But instead you vanished into thin air. So now I'm teaching you a lesson to never ever leave without my permission!", she answered back as she released her hold on the boulders, making it fall down fast which broke the speed of sound.

I quickly used the battle skill similar to Noir's, [Ancient Barrier], {2nd Layer Of Elements}, except that this was slightly weaker but still managed to hold its own, as multiple meteors collided with the barrier leaving small cracks here and there.

The surroundings outside my barriers were getting absolutely destroyed as large craters at the size of a city were formed at nearly a radius of 15km squared as far as I could see.

Emmanuel, find an escape route. I'm not getting crippled this time. The last time I did, I was in bed for a WHOLE DECADE!. Even my passive skill {Immortal Regeneration} had trouble healing the injuries she made.

[I agree. Even I found it disturbing watching all the TV shows while hearing your screams 24/7. It was so annoying]

Can you not be an ass right now. Besides, it seems like she's approaching us now.

"Jaune, Umm, Noir told me to do some private training and it needs to be done immediately, so ughh can you please let me go…"

"Hmm… You can go… after you finish your training session with me!", she suddenly yelled while summoning another [Meteor Shower] which made me start sweating profusely.

[Loyd, summon a low level deity and use it as a distraction. It should buy us at least 30 seconds before she pummels it to death]

Got it. [Summoning Magic], {Prisoner Of Tartarus}, <God Of Fire Prometheus>, I yelled while performing a few hand gestures as I then slammed both of my hands onto the ground, which made a magic seal appear.

Not long after, a human like figure stood at the height of 15"0 enveloped in red flames appeared while looking down towards me.

{I request thee to use your power to bring down thy enemy Jaune}, I spoke in Ancient Greek as the being then turned towards Jaune as multiple flames manifested into thin air as he was preparing to battle, while I also managed to see a small smirk form on Jaune's face.

Though I was only able to bring out a small fraction of his power, it should still be enough to hold her back long enough for me to escape.

[Shes not gonna like this]

We'll think about what to do when the time comes. For now let's get out of here, I thought before teleporting away.

~ On a sandy beach with nothing but peace in the air ~



Man I feel exhausted. Finally we escaped her clutches. It's been a while since I last checked my stats.


[Name: Loyd

Age: 9,827

Gender: Male

Race: ???

Level: 86

Ep: [420,050/500,000]

Health: [89,642/120,000]

Magicule's: [36,890/100,000]

Strength - 68,375

Agility - 60,043

Vitality - 82,236

Luck - 1,000

Resistance: {All Basic Natural Elements Nullification 7/7}, {Spiritual Attack Nullification}, {Mental Attack Nullification}, {Higher Elements Nullification 2/5}, {Physical Attack Nullification}

Passive Skills: {Master Of All Weapons}, {Copy Skill}, {Sword Intent}, {Flight}, {Immortal Regeneration}, {Demi-God Martial Arts}, {Aura Control}

Battle Skills: {Control Over 7/7 Basic Elements}, {Control Over 3/5 Higher Elements}, {Heavenly Judgement}, {Ancient Barrier-3/9 Layers Mastered}, {Order Of The Emperor}, {Clone Manipulation}, {Spiritual Attacks}, {Mental Attacks}, {Soul Control}, {Illusion Magic}, {Spatial Magic}, {Basic Time Control}, {Summoning Magic}

Special Skills: {Dimensional Rift}

Ultimate Skills: {Emmanuel}

Main Objective: Explore the other material worlds to find a way to reach the one where the Star King Dragon rests, 'The World Of Beginnings' - (Rimuru's World)

Side missions:

1) Beat at least one of the primordials in a all out spar (0/1)

2) 2)Defeat Deity Level Beings (6/100)


1) ???

2) 2) New Special Skill]

Sigh, why is it so damn hard to get inside this world.

[Yeah. I thought the Primordials would be able to help. Too bad even they can't do anything]

~ Flashback: 1,678 Years Ago ~

"So Noir, is there a way for me to get summoned into the world where the Star King Dragon Veldanava currently resides?"

"Unfortunately no. 2 reasons. First one you should already know, where basically no being from the spiritual world is allowed to tell beings from the materiel world knowledge about the spirit world for it is taboo."

Well that sucks. Even the primordials are affected as well.

"What's the second reason?"

"Second reason is that even if someone from the materiel world knew who you were, they wouldn't be able to summon you since your none of the 3 races that are originally from the spirit world"

I see. So even though I got advantages for not being a native in the spirit world such as leaving this place on our own free will. There are still limits and restrictions that restrain me since I'm not a native here. This complicates things a lot.

~ Flashback End ~

I believe it's time we leave, don't you think Emmanuel?

[Yep. I was just waiting on you since I could tell your attached to these guys hehe]

I'm not even that attached, I'm just learning more skills and abilities from them in case we run into some unforeseen events.

[Yeah yeah. Well, when are we leaving]

In one more century. After all, we did plan to leave at 1000 years from now. So let's go back to having free time like before haha. But I really do need to finish Bleach since I'm only on the Bount arc. Let's go Emmanuel. It's time we receive our hard earned reward-

"LOOOYD!!!", a loud thunderous voice roared throughout the world creating storms and rumbles seemingly as if it's the end of the world.

That sounds like Violet. Maybe we should just leave now don't you think.

[Yes. And I believe now since I can sense her coming at a fast pace]

WHAT!?, damn it, I need to-


"LOYD!!!, did you touch my stuff!!!", a cute and beautiful girl appeared. She has purple hair with a ponytail on the side. She wears a black military uniform with a skirt and also an armband on her left arm.

"N-n-no, I don't know what your talking about"

"Oh yeah, Then where the hell did my pet go!"

[I think she's talking about the summon you used against Jaune. After all, it wasn't even apart of your summons]

What!?, you said it was just a lost item with no owner!, now your telling me it's hers!!!. Are you serious right now!, of all the primordials we had to piss off, we piss her off!. Damn it man, now I'm really going to die.

"I-I think I saw Jaune fighting with it. Maybe she just took him and is y-you know, playing with him", I quickly said with more sweat coming down than before.

"HOW DARE SHE!!!", Violet yelled before launching off the ground and sending me flying miles away from where I previously was.

That went better than expected.

[You don't say. I would say your the worst for lying to her, but considering the situation, I will just look past it this one time]

Gulp, next time we see something good lying around, we're leaving it alone.


~ 194 years later ~

"Are you off to one of the materiel worlds now?", asked Noir

"Yeah. Where's Rogue?"

"He was summoned to the materiel where Veldanava rests with both Vert and Bleu"

I see. So the story has begun and Rimuru will soon arrive. Guess I should really try to find a way there quickly in order to get all 'that' from the world. It's one of the many reasons why I'm actually heading there since someone spoiled me on an event which gave me an idea on what I could do in the future. But for now, we'll take one step at a time.

"Alright then, I guess this is where we depart. Maybe we'll meet each other again. Who knows?"

"Indeed. Though I can tell it won't be anytime soon so farewell for now", Noir said before vanishing into thin air.

"Hey brat. You better get stronger so I can test my true skills on you hahaha", Jaune laughed before getting enveloped in flames and disappearing.

"Bye bye", Violet said next as she launch off the ground leaving a crater behind.

"Big sister will miss you~, and come back safe the next time we meet again", Blanc said while hugging me before she disappeared as well.

Hmm… that was better than I thought…

[Yeah. I thought only Blanc would turn up]

Heh, that's because it's me we're talking about. No one can bear to leave me. But enough dilly dallying and let's get out of here.

[Dimensional Rift].

You ready.

[Of course. Just waiting on you]

Then let's go.

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