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Chapter 9: Introductions

The bustling crowd of students walked out of the battle dome in single file lines. There were some that were ecstatic about their scores whilst some cried about it. Among the crowd, 3 people stood out. A boy with jet black hair with tints of crimson red, had his hands in his pockets as he walked. He wore a black shirt with a flame drawing in the middle of it and white shorts. "So loud...".

Beside him was a female of the same age. Her hair was a light turquoise and she wore a royal blue dress. She would have looked like a sweet and innocent young girl if it weren't for her eyes; they were hollowed out and looked like they were always focused on something.

Putting his arms around both the boy and the girl was another boy. His hair was dressed in a crazed style and were colored grey. He had an air to him that felt nonchalant and unserious but at the same time it felt very tense and dangerous. He wore a plain white shirt and ripped jeans. "Why're you guys so tense?".

Shoving the boy off his shoulder, the boy with jet black hair proceeded to dust himself off. "Shove off Zayne, God your so annoying".

Zayne (the boy with grey hair) put his hands out in a defensive way. "Waah~ Your so scary Demetri, I only wanted to hug my 2 bestest friends! Isn't that right Lauren?" He said, looking towards the girl who completely ignored his question. "How cold...".

Incredibly annoyed, Demetri let out a grunt and continued walking in the direction of the teachers. When he arrived he had thought that he would be the first but there was already another kid there. The kid that he saw had really long wild hair that reached his heels and wore the official Kiertzche Academy uniform.

The uniform looked like as so, The main color of the uniform's blazer was white and had leather pauldrons that were navy blue. It had a golden laced collar and had golden buttons lining the midpart of the blazer. The pants were white in color as well and had stripes of gold going straight through the middle of each individual pants leg. The shirt had the Kiertzche Academy emblem on it (The emblem is a Griffin with the letter K in the middle of it) and was black in color with only the collar being navy blue.

Gazing at the boy, Demetri walked up into the boys face and stared directly into his eyes. He towered over Matthew by a few inches and looked like he was about to punch him but never did. Demetri was confused as to why the boy didn't look scared. He was baffled as to how he didn't even flinch when Demetri let out a little of his mana to scare him and only stared at him.

"Can you?" Matthew finally let out, feeling a little awkward from how close Demetri was to him.

Demetri's eyes widened and he let out a hearty laugh. "Well that's a first".

A bit confused Matthew just stood there and let out a wry laugh. "So...can I get your name?".

"Oh right, sorry sorry, my bad. My name is Demetri, what about you?".

"I'm Matthew, hope we can get along for the rest of our school career".

From behind Demetri, Zayne looked in awe at the sight before him. Demetri was being social! He had never seen this before and had always thought that Demetri was a tight ass. Intrigued about the boy and how he got Demetri to actually talk, Zayne walked towards the 2 that were currently locked in a conversation about studies. "Wow, I have to say that I'm quite impressed that you managed to get this lug here to actually talk!".

Matthew looked confusedly at Zayne who had just butted in on their conversation.

Demetri rolled his eyes and wrung his arm around Zayne and pulled him closer. "Sorry, this here's Zayne Ares. Get to know him a bit better and you'll wish you hadn't".

Snickering a little bit, Zayne slipped through Demetri's grip and gave him a little punch. "Likewise about this guy".

"So, what's your element?" Zayne asked, changing the subject.

Matthew scratched the back of his head and smiled shyly. He had been dreading this question and didn't want the 2 new people he had just taken a liking to to just hate him. "Try to guess".

Putting his index finger to his mouth as if to think, Zayne struck his palm and lit up like a light bulb. "Are you an Earth Mage?".

To say that Matthew's jaw dropped would be an understatement. He couldn't believe that this strange individual had just correctly guessed his affinity. A wave of heat flushed forth from his cheeks as he tried desperately to push back the incoming emotions.

Zayne, noticing Matthew's reaction, deduced that he was correct. Once again, he slung his arm around Demetri and pulled him away. "Let's not waste our time here Demetri".

Tears slightly began to well up in Matthew's face. 'Argh God damn it, when did I get so pathetic'. He quickly began to wipe them away and hardened his face.

With his arm slung around Demetri, Zayne was going to meet up with Lauren until he noticed vibrating on his left. He turned to see that Demetri was shaking. "Hey you goo-".


Completely taken aback by Demetri's sudden outburst, Zayne quickly did what he demanded and took a couple steps back. "Chill out dude, damn. Why you so mad bro? Don't tell me it's because of that Earth Mage kid".

Scoffing, Demetri looked hard into Zayne's eyes. "Did you not feel it?".

"Feel what?" Zayne said, genuinely perplexed "I didn't feel anything".

"That's exactly right" Demetri pointed out.

Suddenly coming to the realization, Zayne stole a look at Matthew over his shoulder and quickly returned to face Demetri. "Your right! Most kids quiver and stiffen when they talk to us, but that kid did none of that! Weird!".

"Yeah, he seems interesting. I'm gonna go hang with him, you go apologize".


Matthew was surprised when Zayne came back to him and apologized. He had half expected Zayne to pull a fast one on him and give him a surprise sucker punch but he never did. Demetri was there too, scolding Zayne for judging a book by it's cover which Zayne took lightheartedly, smiling goofily at his rant.

After a small while of them just talking, Demetri noticed that Matthew was awfully jittery, like he was waiting for something. "You alright? Feels like your waiting on something".

"Yeah I'm just looking for my sister, she's really young so I'm worried if she got lost or something" Matthew answered.

"Wanna go look for her?" Zayne said abruptly.

"Nah, she's a smart girl so It's best if we just stayed put" Matthew denied. "Speak of the devil, there she is now".

The 2 boys turned their heads to face where Matthew was looking at and from the crowd came a small girl, no older than 5. "Matthy~ I'm tired, can we go home?".

Matthew ruffled the hair of Hazel and gave her a warm grin. "Not just yet, we still have school stuff to do!".

Pouting, Hazel crossed her arms and formed a scowl on her face. "I wanna see Momma".

Scratching the back of his head, Matthew tried his best to form a comforting smile on his face. "Yes yes, just wait until the end of the day".

Hazel was just a few seconds away from throwing a hissy fit until an unexpected onlooker stepped in. Lauren had decided to interact with the young child. She felt a weird attraction to her, not in a romantic way of course but rather because she intrigued her. The aura that the 3 boys exerted were small and not very intimidating yes, but it was sure to be enough to cause a small child like her to stiffen a bit.

Hazel stared into the deep blue eyes of Lauren, she was lost in the eyes of the beautiful girl in front of her and had completely forgotten what she was even angry about. "...Pretty".

Lauren continued to stare at Hazel and eventually decided to pick her up. This of course spurred a reaction from Matthew. "Hey hey, what do you think your doing with my sister?" he said, exerting a little bit of pressure out.

"I've taken a liking to her, how much" Lauren said with a chilling numbness in her voice.

If one got to know Matthew, the first thing they'd tell you about him was about how much he loves his family. Needless to say that at this point Matthew had already gone bat shit crazy and was about to impale the girl, until was abruptly stopped by Zayne who had used some sort of aura like ability.

A near invisible zone formed around Zayne and he had completely stopped the attack from Matthew and separated Hazel from Lauren. "Jeez, Lauren you can't just buy everything, that's not how it works".

Confused, Lauren tilted her head to the side and inquired as to why.

"Because there is something that is more important than money to people, and that is love. If they love something then they won't be willing to sell it, and if you force them then there will be repercussions" Zayne answered.

Lauren had looked unfazed by the happenings around her and only nodded shallowly to Zayne's lecture. She instead stared back into Hazel's eyes, almost like she was searching for something.


At this point the infighting had attracted quite a crowd and people were shocked to see that the daughter of the Tritus family was getting shouted at by a lowly nobody.

"Hey! Who do you think you are to be screaming at the Typhoon Princess!" One of them shouted.

"Yeah! Back off dude, who do you think you are!".

The insults came barreling from all sides until a single stomp silenced the masses. "EXPLAIN YOURSELVES".

Everybody looked to the source of the sudden noise and weren't too surprised by what they saw. It was Mr. Sun, the original teacher that they first interacted with. "Tell me what this is about!".

Demetri was the first to walk up to the teacher. "Sir, there was a minor scuffle between the students. Nobody got hurt, do not worry".

"That's not what I asked" Sun scowled. "I asked what it was about!".

This time, Zayne perked up. "Our Typhoon Princess here is very lacking in social etiquette and tried buying the sister of Matthew here, and rightfully so he got angry and attacked her".

Scoffing, Sun lectured the students that violence was never the answer and that the 2 would have to be reprimanded.

Matthew glared daggers into Lauren who in turn stared as coldly as the north pole at him. Lauren had not registered at all that the boy was angry and was only reacting to the blood lust coming off of him, pushing it back with her own.

Of course, the sheer amount of blood lust leaking off the 2 was being felt by the surrounding students and some even fainted due to it so Sun had to intervene. "Right, you two, come with me!".

Dragging the both of them by the hip, Sun pulled the both of them to the side and gave them a stern talking to. "What do you think the 2 of you are doing? You wanna get expelled before you can even attend school properly?".

Shaking profusely, Matthew had snapped out of the anger filled daze and re-entered the state of calm that he would usually be in. "No definitely not sir! I was just defending my sister from this crazy bi- this crazy girl".

Sun looked towards Lauren and awaited an answer from her.

"She interested me, so I asked to buy her" She answered.

Sun rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Lauren...listen, you can't people, it's wrong".

Lauren appeared genuinely puzzled and for the first time in forever, her face contorted a little and she frowned just a tiny bit. "I do not understand".

Sun smiled and patted her on the back. "Don't worry, your parent's are crummy for not teaching you these basic things but here in Kiertzche academy, we will teach you in their stead".

Going back to her usual face, Lauren nodded a single, graceful nod and resumed her trance like state.

"And you Matthew, resorting to violence whenever something pisses you off is a very bad habit to have" Sun scorned him.

Matthew lowered his eyesight and furrowed his brow. "Yes Sir".

"This time I'll let it slide because you were just defending your sister, but if this keeps up then you will be expelled from Kiertzche Academy. You got that?" Sun declared.

Kicking his heel with his other heel like a soldier, Matthew saluted Sun like a soldier would. "Yes Sir!".


Turning around one last time, Sun eyed the 2 and noticed that they were still tense with each other. "I know! Why don't you two introduce yourselves to each other".

Matthew was unwilling to disclose his personal information to the girl but was forced to by his teacher. With high reluctance, Matthew greeted Lauren and gave her a brief description of what he was like and Lauren, likewise, did so as well.

After shaking hands, Sun had officially resolved the small dispute and let the 2 go off to do their own things.

Lauren looked over her shoulder a last time and stared at into the back of Matthew walking away. She didn't know why, but whenever she looked at the boy she would always feel shivers.

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