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okay, i think its this room. ( they go inside ) well well well, you came in time. Elisabeth, i see your human now. yes, i am but now its easier to take others souls. what, but we made a deal that you wont do that! HAHA, silly kids did you really think i would make a deal on that and anyways i make my own rules so i can do what i want. you cant do that! or what will you do if i don't top, throw your shoes at me. HAHA. no, but we can make you a soul again. is that so, because then you will die! hahahhahah. well give us time to think, in till then you cant take anyone's soul. fine i wont, but i will see you suffer. haha!! come on guys, lets go to Martha's new house. okay. ( they run to Martha's new house ) mom we are done playing. kids look who came from work! DAD!! MARTHA IS THAT YOU!! yes, i am soo happy to see you dad! me too dear! and who are your friends? this is Miya and that's her brother Jimmy and that's there sister Ally. hi kids. hi Martha's dad. oh look at the time its getting late we better get going. okay bye guys. bye Martha, see you tomorrow. ( they go home ) mom, we are back! hi kids, where were you? oh we went to drop Martha off at her house, and we thought since we are here why not play a little so we came back a little late. that's okay, i know how much you love playing with your friend. what time is mom? let me see.... its 9:25 pm. oh we better get to bed. good idea. ( they go up stairs ) good night. ( turns light off ) zzzzzz. zzzz. ( they get teleported to the forest ) zzzzzz. ( birds chirp ) good....AHHH WHY ARE WE IN THE FOREST?! Ally, Jimmy wake up!! Miya its really early....AHHHH where are we?!!!! we are in the forest, but i don't get how we got here? ( someone runs by ) AHH, WHO WAS THAT!!!?? Miya, don't shout. how can i not shout when i am scared. you have to try. wait look there, its a note. it says. did you really think i would not do anything and not take anyone's soul. well i hope you enjoy your life in the forest, all you have to do is find all these gems and you will be back home in no time but if i think you have to stay in the forest a little longer then you will. hahahha. from Elisabeth. no that's not fair, how will we live here!! Miya look! what is it Jimmy. just look there and see for your self. is that a camp van? yes! yay, a place to stay! let go ( they go in the camp van ) wow, and even better no one is living in the van! ( someone runs by the van fast ) uhhh, who was that...? i-i don't know. wait, now that i think about it what if Elisabeth dose something to mom! I NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT THAT! i am scared!!! WE ARE GOING TO DIE!!! Jimmy, can you stop the drama. oh okay, BUT WE ARE GOING TO DIE AND THAT WILL BE YOUR FALT!! Jimmy who said we will die. ELISABETH WANTS US TO DIE!! one, stop shouting someone might kill us for real if you keep shouting and two, do you trust Elisabeth to say we will die. i don't trust Elisabeth and your right we might stay alive after all. well lets go find those gems. okay lets go i guess. ( they go to search for the gems ) guys look! what is it? its some kind of language, but what dose it say? i wish i had a phone. that's it, Jimmy do you have your IPad? what do you think. just give your IPad. fine, here take it. thanks. let see ( Miya search's up all the language's ) hey guys look i figured out what this means! okay so what does it say? it says, to get to what is like a gem, you have to walk through water. huh, what dose walk through water mean? hmm, i might have an idea what it means, follow me! okay ( they follow Miya ) uh, Miya why are we here? don't you get it, we have to see whats behind the waterfall. ohhhhhhh, now i get it, that's some smart thinking Miya. thanks but lets go. ( they go behind the waterfall ) wow that's weird there is a thin glowing path? lets look around for the gem. okay ( ally takes one step forward and someone runs to ally ) AHHHHH!!! ( the person disappears ) who was that?! i don't know, but look there is something written on the wall. it says, to cross the path and get the gem that glows, you have to follow all that is a path. well all that is a path is the glowing light path. so maybe it means only step on the glowing path or you might die. well i am scared but ill do it so we can get out of this nasty forest. okay lets go together. ( they follow the glowing path ) look i see a glowing rock! that's no glowing rock that's a glowing gem! yay our first gem. look a clue on the wall! it says, you made it but to get your 2nd gem you need to go to the highest place you find. what is the highest place in the forest? i don't know, but i think it might be the trees. aw man do we have to climb a tree. i guess we do. well lets get out of here and climb a hill so we can see what is the highest tree. okay lets go. ( they follow the glowing path and get out of the cave ) lets go up this hill. ( they climb up the hill ) it seems that is the highest tree in the forest. it doesn't look far lets go. okay ( they run to the tree ) stop! whats the problem Miya? nothing but i hear some noises i feel like we are getting followed. no one is following us. ( Miya looks behind her ) AHHHHH! look that person with a bird mask is following us! okay i take back what i said, but right now we have to RUNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( they run as fast as they can ) okay okay we are here climb the tree quick!!! ( they climb the tree as high as they can ) okay we are up here and look what i found on the tree. oh a clue, it says, you climbed the tree but the gem is like something you might eat. there is fruit on this tree maybe it means the gem is in the tree. okay lets look for the gem. ( they look for the gem ) why is this fruit glowing? Jimmy that's no fruit, that's a gem! yay, we found one more gem! guys look a clue! it says, you found your 2nd gem, now you have 1 more gem to go you will find this gem where he roams. huh, i don't get it who is this "he"? i think i know, its...the unknown person that has been following us. WE HAVE TO GET A GEM FROM HIM!!! we will die if we take one step close to him. unless we connect the gems we already have together, we might be powerful enough to get the gem he has. good idea! lets get down from this tree first. ( the person runs closer and closer ) hes coming get ready to fight guys. okay. and..... NOW ( they stop the person from moving and take the gem ) yay we got the gem! okay, we should be able to go home now right? yes but....( they get teleported back home ) oh, i think we said thing to soon, but i am glad we are home! me too, wait is mom okay!! ( they go down stairs ) MOM, ARE YOU HERE!! kids, don't shout in the house. oh few your okay. off cores i am okay kids, but why are you so worried about me? oh no reason haha. o..okay well i will be watching TV if you need me. okay mom. ( they go up stairs again ) few, i am glad moms okay. me too, if something happened to her i would cry my eyes out. same here. by the way here you go Jimmy, you IPad. well it took you long enough Miya. sorry Jimmy. but now we have to find out how to destroy Elisabeth, she just went to far. ya, but how do we destroy her so she doesn't come back? hmm i have an idea. ( trixi appears ) hi kids what wish do you have? well Martha wants this neck less to be normal because Elisabeth cursed it. well i guess i can make it normal again. ( turns neck less normal again ) there you go kids. thank you. no problem, now i better get going bye kids. bye trixi. ( trixi disappears ) see what i did there. i did, but i don't get it why did you make the neck less normal? without this neck less Elisabeth is weak. ohhh. and if she is still powerful we can destroy the neck less, witch i will do right now. ( Miya steps on neck less and it breaks ) now there is no chance Elisabeth can be powerful. your right i wanna see here suffer soo bad. well we can see here suffer tomorrow. okay ( turns light off ) zzzz. zzzz. zzzzz. ( alarm rings ) is it morning already. yes and you said we can see Elisabeth suffer so lets go. okay, okay. ( they go to Martha's old house ) okay lets go, i think she might be in the secret room. okay lets go see her face. ( they go inside ) wait guys, the secret room is gone! but it was here the last time we saw it, it cant just disappear like that. well maybe Elisabeth is somewhere in the house. ( they search for Elisabeth ) okay, you win you all found me. oh yes we did, how do you feel after knowing we made it back from the forest. well, i should just spill the truth and say i am weak but you will never win because i make the rules and its rude to destroy others that are older that you. you are right it is rude but its not rude if the person you are killing is rude. and i am not rude i am nice because i serve the world. you never in your life said that. fine i am rude so what and now are you going to kill me. oh you will see. ( trixi appears ) oh hi again kids, what do you wish for this time? well Martha will tell you. um can you kill Elisabeth. oh um o..okay i guess. ( casts spell ) there shes gone. thank you trixi. no problem kids but you all have no more wishes. okay. ( trixi disappears ) now we destroyed all the bad guys we can stop running and think and stuff. yes i feel free now. lets go home and have real fun. i would like that. ( they go home ) kids i am glad, you came now i have amazing news! what is it? you finally get to meet your...DAD!! WOW REALLY!! yes, he if coming tomorrow morning and he doesn't know i adopted you so it will be a surprise! yay. wait i want to go to the mail office to ask something about my real mom and dad, you know because i was at a adoption center so i have no family and stuff. oh i understand Miya. thanks mom. ( Miya goes to mail office ) hi sir, by any chance do you have a letter saved in the locker room for Miya J.P? oh i do are you the girl in the adoption center? yes my family died, but i got adopt. oh that's nice, come with me i think your family had something they wanted to give you. ( the man opens the locker that says J.P family ) there you go. thank you. wow i cant believe my mom and dad looked like this, oh whats this? its a neck less! wow! is that all you wanted little one? yes thank you again. no problem. ( Miya runs home ) Ally, Jimmy, mom look what my real family left me in the locker office!! wow Miya that look so pretty. with this on i feel like my family is with me. awww that's soo nice to hear.

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