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Chapter 9: LW - 9.


"I don't see why you can't stay. Just make sure you don't slack on training and take some time to play around with my Granddaughter. Got it?" Virion replied. His inquisitive eyes turning serious with a bit of playfulness.

I smiled wryly and opened my mouth to speak, but was cut off by an excited elf that seemed to want me to stay here more then I myself did...

"Yes! Thanks grandpa! Come on, let's go Oz!" Tess squealed, grabbing my arm and yanking me along with her. I glanced back at Alduin, Merial, and Virion and saw they all had amused expressions, though Alduin was frowning for some reason...

Anyway, I let Tessia drag me around where ever she wanted since I know that she's been bored. We haven't had the chance to actually hang out in a while outside of training since Virion was stern when it came to down time.

Once we finish messing around throughout the city, we headed back towards the palace and saw that Virion was waiting for us. Most likely to reprimand us for running around and wasting energy that he expected us not to waste...

What a weird old man, he acts like he doesn't know Tess' personality...

Anyway, after sitting through a long and tiring lecture about how we should listen to our elders and to take proper down time after trainings. He let us go. Alduin and Merial had needed Tessia for something so I had a lot of free time...

Taking that time, I used it to train my abilities. My darkness has come along greatly, and I think it's beginning to evolve or something because when I summon my darkness it now has a dark purple hue to it... weird.

For my ice, it's been going smoothly as well. My ability to generate and manipulate ice has gotten even more precise and masterful, though I could always get better with it.

Anyways... My days in the Elf kingdom went smoothly to say the least... Virion's training in both hand-to-hand combat, sword play and magic have all be useful so far. Some more than others...

And in a blink of an eye...

Another year passed.


A boy with snow white hair and skin, along with deep black pupils sat in a lotus position behind the elven palace. The air around the boy was still, calm, but freezing. It was like the boy was a walking freezer.

The boy's chest inflated and deflated within a rhythm, every three seconds the chest would puff out, and every two, it would deflate. Along with his breathing, the shadows under him moved as well, almost like it was trying to keep up with him.

"... Haaah." Osiris' mouth opened, letting out a breath of air along with smoke vapor. His eyes fluttered open, revealing his black eyes. During these past years, Osiris himself had changed physically, and mentally.

His most noticeable physical changes were the black mark that resided on his face. It grew alongside him, stretching to keep up with his head shape.

Osiris then stood up, revealing his defined muscular body for the whole world to see. His face was that of total concentration, almost like he was trying to shit.

Anyway, Osiris' right hand shot forward, pointing towards a giant boulder like rock that always sat in the backyard of the palace. Not even a second later, a dark sinister black energy with a purplish hue shot forward towards the rock.

The beam of darkness was so fast that it almost uprooted the trees that surrounded the boulder, the most shocking part was that when the darkness made contact with the boulder... The darkness didn't even stop or expand, it just... Shot straight through it, creating a giant hole in the middle as it kept going.

Destroying the trees behind it until it eventually came to a stop.

"... Guess I still need to work on my control, but this much progress in five years is commendable." He spoke, though annoyance and self-depreciation started to well up inside him, after all, he's been none stop practicing for five years and his control is still lacking when it comes to his darkness.

His ice, however, is looking better than his darkness. Just like always.

His control over it has reached a terrifying degree, he can easily drop the temperature in the area he resides with just his body alone. He doesn't need to conjure ice anymore for that, theoretically, he could freeze someone's blood within their bodies within seconds.

But that would take a lot of concentration and precision. Something he doesn't have just yet.

Letting out a soft breath of air, Osiris raised his head. His pitch-black eyes staring off into the distance. Though he looked as if he was just calmly staring at the clouds, most likely cloud watching, but inside his mind, was a different story.

'... I can't stay here forever. I need to do my own thing, maybe I should go to Xyrus? I haven't seen Arthur in a while, maybe I could meet up with him...? No... Maybe become an adventurer.' He mused; he was so lost in thought that he didn't notice the company he had sneaking up on him.

Tessia had been watching Osiris practice for about five minutes now, she saw when he blasted a giant whole in a boulder effortlessly, as well as destroy the trees behind it. She was confused when he started staring off into the sky, but she could tell something was bothering him.

She's not his best friend for nothing.

Walking up towards Osiris from behind, she used a technique that Virion had taught the two of them when it came to sneaking around. She covered the soles of her feet with a thin layer of wind mana to muffle the noise and to kind of have her float above the grass and leaves, preventing any sound from being made.

Once she was close enough, she pounced on his back, wrapping him up in a tight hug. Osiris' eyes widened before he looked down and saw the small, slender white arms that were embracing him. Lifting his head back towards the sky, he spoke.

"... Hey Tess, haven't seen you at all today. Is it time for us to go hang out or something?" He questioned with a light chuckle, but to his confusion, he didn't get an answer.


"Mmf Mgh mhhhf..." She tried to speak but all that came out was incoherent words due to her face being buried into Osiris' back.

Osiris let out a small chuckle again feeling the weird vibrations from her voice.

"Tess, move your head. I can't understand you." He said, his voice a quiet whisper. Tessia removed her head from his back, she looked down and placed her head on his back this time leaving her mouth freed.

"... You're leaving aren't you... Or at least thinking about it?" She asked. Small tears threatening to leave her eyes. Osiris' eyes widened for a split second before they relaxed and a small soft smile appeared on his face.

"... You aren't my best friend for nothing, huh?" He said jokingly.

"Yeah, I'm leaving. Or going to at least. I can't stay here my whole life, even if I wanted too. If someone finds out a human has been living here for multiple years, then something bad might happen, I don't know." He spoke. Resting his gaze from the sky to Tess's arms.

A feeling of happiness washed over him but it soon disappeared. While he won't deny his feelings for Tessia, he just can't pursue it right now. If he did, he would end up not wanting to leave the kingdom, he won't be able to explore this new world, and he wouldn't be able to discover more about himself and his origins...

'... It's for the best right...?' He thought. The yard was once again settled with silence, the chirping of birds and the rustle of the tree leaves falling within the wind... It was a peaceful calming silence, but the longer it continued, the longer he grew anxious.

He was worried, he didn't want Tess to forget about him and he didn't want her to start hating him for leaving. It may be a new world for him, but he's experienced his own fair share of heart breaks back on his old world.

"Tess...? I-" His words got caught in his throat as the sound of quiet sniffling and cries reached his ears. His whole facade crumbled as he swiftly turned around and embraced his elven friend. They were about the same height, though Osiris was taller than her by a couple inches.

The sudden movement from Osiris caused Tessia to stiffen up and unconsciously unwrap her arms from around him, but when she felt the normal cold touch of his on her face and around her body, she couldn't hold it in anymore and returned the hug with tears in her eyes.

She cried, and cried and Osiris never let go until she finally stopped. When Osiris had originally gone outside, it was noon, but now it was later in the day and the sun was setting. Which means the two of them had been in each other's embrace for a couple hours, outside too.

That's some serious dedication.


Within the elven palace, a duo of middle-aged elves along with an old one stood by the window that showed the back yard.

When they had heard the cries of Tessia, they had immediately rushed to go outside and see what had happened, but Alduin and Merial were stopped by Virion. When questioned, he didn't say anything. All he did was point towards the window.

Following his directions, the trio of elves watched as Tessia and Osiris hugged each other while Tessia cried.

Alduin felt undaunted anger start rising within him while Merial was filled with confusion and a bit of hostility. Alduin had turned to the door, meaning to go outside and question the white-haired boy, but he was stopped by Virion once again.

Virion had explained the reason behind it, and it's safe to say that the King and Queen of the elven kingdom were saddened as well.



Sorry for not posting for a while, I had gotten grounded, so yeah.

Anyway, this chapter has no action, kind of just a time skip and interaction between Tessia and Osiris so you guys know where their relationship stands.

It felt cringey to write, so I'm hoping it's good.

Stuff will start happening next chapter and the chapter before that, so bear with me.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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