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Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Human Action (Part 1/3)





1. The Concept of Action



is the concept of action Human action is defined simply as pur-

poseful behavior. It is therefore sharply distinguishable from

those observed movements which, from the point of view of

man, are not purposeful. These include all the observed

movements of inorganic matter and those types of human

behavior that are purely reflex, that are simply involuntary

responses to certain stimuli. Human action, on the other

hand, can be meaningfully interpreted by other men, for it is

governed by a certain purpose that the actor has in view. The


purpose of a man's act is his end ; the desire to achieve this

end is the man's motive for instituting the action.

[P UBLISHER S OTE : Page numbers cited in parentheses within the

' N

text refer to the present edition.]

1 For further reading on this topic, the best source is the epochal work

of Ludwig von Mises, Human Action (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University

Press, 1949), pp. 1–143, and passim .

2 Cf. ibid ., p. 11; F.A. Hayek, "The Facts of the Social Sciences," in

Individualism and Economic Order (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,

1948), pp. 57–76; Hayek, The Counter-Revolution of Science (Glencoe, Ill.:

The Free Press, 1952), pp. 25–35; and Edith T. Penrose, "Biological

Analogies in the Theory of the Firm," American Economic Review, Decem-

ber, 1952, pp. 804–19, especially 818–19.


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2 Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market

All human beings act by virtue of their existence and their


nature as human beings. We could not conceive of human

beings who do not act purposefully, who have no ends in view

that they desire and attempt to attain. Things that did not act ,

that did not behave purposefully, would no longer be classified

as human.

It is this fundamental truth—this axiom of human action—

that forms the key to our study. The entire realm of praxeology

and its best developed subdivision, economics, is based on an

analysis of the necessary logical implications of this concept. 4

The fact that men act by virtue of their being human is indis-

putable and incontrovertible. To assume the contrary would be

an absurdity. The contrary—the absence of motivated behav-

ior—would apply only to plants and inorganic matter. 5

2. First Implications of the Concept

The first truth to be discovered about human action is that it

can be undertaken only by individual "actors." Only individuals have

ends and can act to attain them. There are no such things as ends

of or actions by "groups," "collectives," or "States," which do not

take place as actions by various specific individuals. "Societies" or

3 Cf. Aristotle, Ethica Nicomachea , Bk. I, especially ch. vii.

4 This chapter consists solely of a development of the logical implica-

tions of the existence of human action. Future chapters—the further parts

of the structure—are developed with the help of a very small number of

subsidiary assumptions. Cf. Appendix below and Murray N. Rothbard,

"Praxeology: Reply to Mr. Schuller," American Economic Review, December,

1951, pp. 943–46; and "In Defense of 'Extreme Apriorism,'" Southern Eco-

nomic Journal, January, 1957, pp. 314–20.

5 There is no need to enter here into the difficult problem of animal

behavior, from the lower organisms to the higher primates, which might be

considered as on a borderline between purely reflexive and motivated

behavior. At any rate, men can understand (as distinguished from merely

observe) such behavior only in so far as they can impute to the animals

motives that they can understand.

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Fundamentals of Human Action 3

"groups" have no independent existence aside from the actions

of their individual members. Thus, to say that "governments"

act is merely a metaphor; actually, certain individuals are in a

certain relationship with other individuals and act in a way that

they and the other individuals recognize as "governmental." 6

The metaphor must not be taken to mean that the collective

institution itself has any reality apart from the acts of various

individuals. Similarly, an individual may contract to act as an

agent in representing another individual or on behalf of his

family. Still, only individuals can desire and act. The existence

of an institution such as government becomes meaningful only

through influencing the actions of those individuals who are

and those who are not considered as members. 7

In order to institute action, it is not sufficient that the indi-

vidual man have unachieved ends that he would like to fulfill. He

must also expect that certain modes of behavior will enable him to attain

his ends. A man may have a desire for sunshine, but if he realizes

that he can do nothing to achieve it, he does not act on this desire.

He must have certain ideas about how to achieve his ends. Action

thus consists of the behavior of individuals directed towards ends

in ways that they believe will accomplish their purpose. Action

requires an image of a desired end and "technological ideas" or

plans on how to arrive at this end.

Men find themselves in a certain environment , or situation . It

is this situation that the individual decides to change in some

way in order to achieve his ends. But man can work only with

the numerous elements that he finds in his environment, by

rearranging them in order to bring about the satisfaction of his

6 To say that only individuals act is not to deny that they are influenced

in their desires and actions by the acts of other individuals, who might be

fellow members of various societies or groups. We do not at all assume, as

some critics of economics have charged, that individuals are "atoms" iso-

lated from one another.

7 Cf. Hayek, Counter-Revolution of Science , p. 34. Also cf. Mises, Human

Action , p. 42.

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4 Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market

ends. With reference to any given act, the environment external

to the individual may be divided into two parts: those elements

which he believes he cannot control and must leave unchanged,

and those which he can alter (or rather, thinks he can alter) to

arrive at his ends. The former may be termed the general condi-

tions of the action; the latter, the means used. Thus, the individ-

ual actor is faced with an environment that he would like to

change in order to attain his ends. To act, he must have techno-

logical ideas about how to use some of the elements of the envi-

ronment as means , as pathways, to arrive at his ends. Every act

must therefore involve the employment of means by individual

actors to attempt to arrive at certain desired ends. In the exter-

nal environment, the general conditions cannot be the objects

of any human action; only the means can be employed in

action. 8

All human life must take place in time . Human reason can-

not even conceive of an existence or of action that does not take

place through time. At a time when a human being decides to

act in order to attain an end, his goal, or end, can be finally and

completely attained only at some point in the future. If the

desired ends could all be attained instantaneously in the present,

then man's ends would all be attained and there would be no

reason for him to act; and we have seen that action is necessary

to the nature of man. Therefore, an actor chooses means from

his environment, in accordance with his ideas, to arrive at an

expected end, completely attainable only at some point in the

future. For any given action, we can distinguish among three

periods of time involved: the period before the action, the time

absorbed by the action, and the period after the action has been

completed. All action aims at rendering conditions at some time

in the future more satisfactory for the actor than they would

have been without the intervention of the action.

8 Cf. Talcott Parsons, The Structure of Social Action (Glencoe, Ill.: The

Free Press, 1949), pp. 44ff.

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Fundamentals of Human Action 5

A man's time is always scarce. He is not immortal; his time

on earth is limited. Each day of his life has only 24 hours in

which he can attain his ends. Furthermore, all actions must take

place through time. Therefore time is a means that man must

use to arrive at his ends. It is a means that is omnipresent in all

human action.

Action takes place by choosing which ends shall be satisfied

by the employment of means. Time is scarce for man only

because whichever ends he chooses to satisfy, there are others

that must remain unsatisfied. When we must use a means so

that some ends remain unsatisfied, the necessity for a choice

among ends arises. For example, Jones is engaged in watching a

baseball game on television. He is faced with the choice of


spending the next hour in: ( ) continuing to watch the baseball

game, ( )playing bridge, or ( ) going for a drive. He would like



to do all three of these things, but his means (time) is insuffi-

cient. As a result, he must choose ; one end can be satisfied, but

the others must go unfulfilled. Suppose that he decides on

course A. This is a clear indication that he has ranked the satis-

faction of end Ahigher than the satisfaction of endsB or C .

From this example of action, many implications can be

deduced. In the first place, all means are scarce, i.e., limited with

respect to the ends that they could possibly serve. If the means

are in unlimited abundance, then they need not serve as the

object of attention of any human action. For example, air in

most situations is in unlimited abundance. It is therefore not a

means and is not employed as a means to the fulfillment of ends.

It need not be allocated, as time is, to the satisfaction of the

more important ends, since it is sufficiently abundant for all

human requirements. Air, then, though indispensable, is not a

means, but a general condition of human action and human wel-


Secondly, these scarce means must be allocated by the actor

to serve certain ends and leave other ends unsatisfied. This act

of choice may be called economizing the means to serve the most

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6 Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market

desired ends. Time, for example, must be economized by the

actor to serve the most desired ends. The actor may be inter-

preted as ranking his alternative ends in accordance with their

value to him. This scaling of ends may be described as assigning

ranks of value to the ends by the actor, or as a process of valua-

tion . Thus, suppose that Jones ranked his alternative ends for

the use of an hour of time as follows:

(First) 1. Continuing to watch the baseball


(Second) 2. Going for a drive

(Third) 3. Playing bridge

This was his scale of values or scale of preferences . The supply of

means (time) available was sufficient for the attainment of only

one of these ends, and the fact that he chose the baseball game

shows that he ranked that highest (or first). Suppose now that

he is allocating two hours of his time and can spend an hour on

each pursuit. If he spends one hour on the game and then a sec-

ond hour on the drive, this indicates that his ranking of prefer-

ences is as above. The lowest-ranking end—playing bridge—

goes unfulfilled. Thus, the larger the supply of means available,

the more ends can be satisfied and the lower the rank of the

ends that must remain unsatisfied.

Another lesson to be derived is that action does not necessar-

ily mean that the individual is "active" as opposed to "passive,"

in the colloquial sense. Action does not necessarily mean that an

individual must stop doing what he has been doing and do

something else. He also acts, as in the above case, who chooses

to continue in his previous course, even though the opportunity

to change was open to him. Continuing to watch the game is

just as much action as going for a drive.

Furthermore, action does not at all mean that the individual

must take a great deal of time in deliberating on a decision to

act. The individual may make a decision to act hastily, or after

great deliberation, according to his desired choice. He may

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Fundamentals of Human Action 7

decide on an action coolly or heatedly; none of these courses

affects the fact that action is being taken. 9

Another fundamental implication derived from the exis-

tence of human action is the uncertainty of the future. This must

be true because the contrary would completely negate the pos-

sibility of action. If man knew future events completely, he

would never act, since no act of his could change the situation.

Thus, the fact of action signifies that the future is uncertain to

the actors. This uncertainty about future events stems from two

basic sources: the unpredictability of human acts of choice, and

insufficient knowledge about natural phenomena. Man does not

know enough about natural phenomena to predict all their

future developments, and he cannot know the content of future

human choices. All human choices are continually changing as

a result of changing valuations and changing ideas about the

most appropriate means of arriving at ends. This does not

mean, of course, that people do not try their best to estimate

future developments. Indeed, any actor, when employing

means, estimates that he will thus arrive at his desired goal. But

he never has certain knowledge of the future. All his actions are

of necessity speculations based on his judgment of the course of

future events. The omnipresence of uncertainty introduces the

ever-present possibility of error in human action. The actor may

find, after he has completed his action, that the means have

been inappropriate to the attainment of his end.

To sum up what we have learned thus far about human

action: The distinguishing characteristic of human beings is

that all humans act . Action is purposeful behavior directed

toward the attainment of ends in some future period which will

involve the fulfillment of wants otherwise remaining unsatis-

fied. Action involves the expectation of a less imperfectly satis-

fied state as a result of the action. The individual actor chooses

9 Some writers have unfoundedly believed that praxeology and econom-

ics assume that all action is cool, calculating, and deliberate.

= Page 72 =

8 Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market

to employ elements in his environment as means to the

expected achievement of his ends, economizing them by direct-

ing them toward his most valued ends (leaving his least valued

ones unsatisfied), and in the ways that his reason tells him are

most appropriate to attain these ends. His method—his chosen

means—may or may not turn out to be inappropriate.

3. Further Implications: The Means

The means to satisfy man's wants are called goods . These

goods are all the objects of economizing action. 10 Such goods


may all be classified in either of two categories: ( ) they are

immediately and directly serviceable in the satisfaction of the


actor's wants, or ( ) they may be transformable into directly

serviceable goods only at some point in the future—i.e., are indi-

rectly serviceable means. The former are called consumption goods

or consumers' goods or goods of the first order. The latter are called

producers' goods or factors of production or goods of higher order.

Let us trace the relations among these goods by consider-

ing a typical human end: the eating of a ham sandwich. Having a

desire for a ham sandwich, a man decides that this is a want

that should be satisfied and proceeds to act upon his judgment

of the methods by which a ham sandwich can be assembled.

The consumers' good is the ham sandwich at the point of being

eaten. It is obvious that there is a scarcity of this consumers'

good as there is for all direct means; otherwise it would always

be available, like air, and would not be the object of action. But

if the consumers' good is scarce and not obviously available,

how can it be made available? The answer is that man must

rearrange various elements of his environment in order to pro-

duce the ham sandwich at the desired place—the consumers'

good. In other words, man must use various indirect means as

10 The common distinction between "economic goods" and "free

goods" (such as air) is erroneous. As explained above, air is not a means, but

a general condition of human welfare, and is not the object of action.

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Fundamentals of Human Action 9

co-operating factors of production to arrive at the direct means.

This necessary process involved in all action is called production ;

it is the use by man of available elements of his environment as

indirect means—as co-operating factors—to arrive eventually at

a consumers' good that he can use directly to arrive at his end.

Let us consider the pattern of some of the numerous co-

operating factors that are involved in a modern developed econ-

omy to produce one ham sandwich as a consumers' good for the

use of one consumer. Typically, in order to produce a ham sand-

wich for Jones in his armchair, it is necessary for his wife to

expend energy in unwrapping the bread, slicing the ham, plac-

ing the ham between bread slices, and carrying it to Jones. All

this work may be called the labor of the housewife. The co-oper-

ating factors that are directly necessary to arrive at the con-

sumers' good are, then: the housewife's labor, bread in the

kitchen, ham in the kitchen, and a knife to slice the ham. Also

needed is the land on which to have room to live and carry on

these activities. Furthermore, this process must, of course, take

time , which is another indispensable co-operating factor. The

above factors may be called first-order producers' goods , since, in

this case, these co-operate in the production of the consumers'

good. Many of the first-order producers' goods, however, are

also unavailable in nature and must be produced themselves, with

the help of other producers' goods. Thus, bread in the kitchen

must be produced with the co-operation of the following fac-

tors: bread-in-retail-shop and housewife's labor in carrying it (plus

the ever-present land-as-standing-room, and time). In this pro-

cedure, these factors are second-order producers' goods, since

they co-operate in producing first-order goods. Higher-order

factors are those co-operating in the production of factors of

lower order.

Thus, any process (or structure ) of production may be ana-

lyzed as occurring in different stages . In the earlier or "higher"

stages, producers' goods must be produced that will later co-

operate in producing other producers' goods that will finally

= Page 74 =

10 Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market

co-operate in producing the desired consumers' good. Hence, in

a developed economy, the structure of production of a given

consumers' good might be a very complex one and involve

numerous stages.

Important general conclusions can, however, be drawn that

apply to all processes of production. In the first place, each stage

of production takes time . Secondly, the factors of production

may all be divided into two classes: those that are themselves pro-

duced, and those that are found already available in nature—inman's

environment . The latter may be used as indirect means without

having been previously produced; the former must first be pro-

duced with the aid of factors in order to aid in the later (or

"lower") stages of production. The former are the produced fac-

tors of production ; the latter are the original factors of production .

The original factors may, in turn, be divided into two classes: the

expenditure of human energy , and the use of nonhuman elements pro-

vided by nature . The first is called Labor ; the latter is Nature or

Land. 11 Thus, the classes of factors of production are Labor,

Land, and the produced factors, which are termed Capital Goods.

Labor and Land, in one form or another, enter into each

stage of production. Labor helps to transform seeds into wheat,

wheat into flour, pigs into ham, flour into bread, etc. Not only

is Labor present at every stage of production, but so also is

Nature. Land must be available to provide room at every stage

of the process, and time, as has been stated above, is required

for each stage. Furthermore, if we wish to trace each stage of

production far enough back to original sources, we must arrive

at a point where only labor and nature existed and there were

no capital goods. This must be true by logical implication, since

all capital goods must have been produced at earlier stages with

the aid of labor. If we could trace each production process far

11 The term "land" is likely to be misleading in this connection because

it is not used in the popular sense of the word. It includes such natural

resources as water, oil, and minerals.

= Page 75 =

Fundamentals of Human Action 11

enough back in time, we must be able to arrive at the point—

the earliest stage—where man combined his forces with nature

unaided by produced factors of production. Fortunately, it is

not necessary for human actors to perform this task, since

action uses materials available in the present to arrive at desired

goals in the future , and there is no need to be concerned with

development in the past .

There is another unique type of factor of production that is

indispensable in every stage of every production process. This is

the "technological idea" of how to proceed from one stage to

another and finally to arrive at the desired consumers' good.

This is but an application of the analysis above, namely, that for

any action, there must be some plan or idea of the actor about

how to use things as means, as definite pathways, to desired

ends. Without such plans or ideas, there would be no action.

These plans may be called recipes ; they are ideas of recipes that

the actor uses to arrive at his goal. A recipe must be present at

each stage of each production process from which the actor pro-

ceeds to a later stage. The actor must have a recipe for trans-

forming iron into steel, wheat into flour, bread and ham into

sandwiches, etc.

The distinguishing feature of a recipe is that, once learned , it

generally does not have to be learned again. It can be noted and

remembered. Remembered, it no longer has to be produced; it

remains with the actor as an unlimited factor of production that

never wears out or needs to be economized by human action. It

becomes a general condition of human welfare in the same way

as air. 12

It should be clear that the end of the production process—

the consumers' good—is valued because it is a direct means of

satisfying man's ends. The consumers' good is consumed , and

this act of consumption constitutes the satisfying of human wants.

12 We shall not deal at this point with the complications involved in the

original learning of any recipe by the actor, which is the object of human


= Page 76 =

12 Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market

This consumers' good may be a material object like bread or an

immaterial one like friendship. Its important quality is not

whether it is material or not, but whether it is valued by man as

a means of satisfying his wants. This function of a consumers'

good is called its service in ministering to human wants. Thus,

the material bread is valued not for itself, but for its service in

satisfying wants; just as an immaterial thing, such as music or

medical care, is obviously valued for such service. All these serv-

ices are "consumed" to satisfy wants. "Economic" is by no

means equivalent to "material."

It is also clear that the factors of production—the various

higher-order producers' goods— are valued solely because of their

anticipated usefulness in helping to produce future consumers' goods or

to produce lower-order producers' goods that will help to bring about

consumers' goods. The valuation of factors of production is

derived from actors' evaluation of their products (lower stages),

all of which eventually derive their valuation from the end

result—the consumers' good. 13

Furthermore, the omnipresent fact of the scarcity of con-

sumers' goods must be reflected back in the sphere of the fac-

tors of production. The scarcity of consumers' goods must

imply a scarcity of their factors. If the factors were unlimited,

then the consumers' goods would also be unlimited, which can-

not be the case. This does not exclude the possibility that some

factors, such as recipes, may be unlimited and therefore general

conditions of welfare rather than scarce indirect means. But

other factors at each stage of production must be in scarce sup-

ply, and this must account for the scarcity of the end product.

Man's endless search for ways to satisfy his wants—i.e., to

increase his production of consumers' goods —takes two forms:

increasing his available supply of factors of production and

improving his recipes.

13 Cf. Carl Menger, Principles of Economics (Glencoe, Ill.: The Free Press,

1950), pp. 51–67.

= Page 77 =

Fundamentals of Human Action 13

Although it has seemed evident that there are several co-

operating factors at each stage of production, it is important to

realize that for each consumers' good there must always be more

than one scarce factor of production. This is implied in the very exis-

tence of human action. It is impossible to conceive of a situation

where only one factor of production produces a consumers'

good or even advances a consumers' good from its previous stage

of production. Thus, if the sandwich in the armchair did not

require the co-operating factors at the previous stage (labor of

preparation, carrying, bread, ham, time, etc.), then it would

always be in the status of a consumers' good—sandwich-in-the-

armchair. To simplify the example, let us suppose the sandwich

already is prepared and in the kitchen. Then, to produce a con-

sumers' good from this stage forward requires the following fac-

tors: (1) the sandwich; (2) carrying it to the armchair; (3) time;

(4) the land available. If we assume that it required only one fac-

tor—the sandwich—then we would have to assume that the

sandwich was magically and instantaneously moved from kitchen

to armchair without effort. But in this case, the consumers' good

would not have to be produced at all, and we would be in the

impossible assumption of Paradise. Similarly, at each stage of the

productive process, the good must have been produced by at

least more than one (higher-order) scarce co-operating factor;

otherwise this stage of production could not exist at all.

4. Further Implications: Time

Time is omnipresent in human action as a means that must

be economized. Every action is related to time as follows:

. . . A is the period before the beginning of the action; is the


point in time at which the action begins; AB is the period during

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14 Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market

which the action occurs; is the point at which the action ends;


and B . . . is the period after the end of the action.

AB is defined as the period of production —the period from the

beginning of the action to the time when the consumers' good

is available. This period may be divided into various stages, each

itself taking a period of time. The time expended during the

period of production consists of the time during which labor

energy is expended ( or working time ) and maturing time , i.e., time

required without the necessity of concurrent expenditure of

labor. An obvious example is the case of agriculture. There

might be six months between the time the soil is tilled and the

time the harvest is reaped. The total time during which labor

must be expended may be three weeks, while the remaining

time of over five months consists of the time during which the

crop must mature and ripen by the processes of nature. Another

example of a lengthy maturing time is the aging of wine to

improve its quality.

Clearly, each consumers' good has its own period of pro-

duction. The differences between the time involved in the

periods of production of the various goods may be, and are,


One important point that must be emphasized when

considering action and the period of production is that acting

man does not trace back past production processes to their orig-

inal sources. In the previous section, we traced back consumers'

goods and producers' goods to their original sources, demon-

strating that all capital goods were originally produced solely by

labor and nature. Acting man, however, is not interested in past

processes, but only in using presently available means to achieve

anticipated future ends. At any point in time, when he begins

the action (say ), he has available to him: labor, nature-given


elements, and previously produced capital goods . He begins the

action at expecting to reach his end at B. For him , the period


of production is AB , since he is not concerned with the amount

of time spent in past production of his capital goods or in the

= Page 79 =

Fundamentals of Human Action 15

methods by which they were produced. 14 Thus, the farmer

about to use his soil to grow crops for the coming season does

not worry about whether or to what extent his soil is an origi-

nal, nature-given factor or is the result of the improvements of

previous land-clearers and farmers. He is not concerned about

the previous time spent by these past improvers. He is con-

cerned only with the capital (and other) goods in the present

and the future. This is the necessary result of the fact that action

occurs in the present and is aimed at the future. Thus, acting

man considers and values the factors of production available in

the present in accordance with their anticipated services in the

future production of consumers' goods, and never in accor-

dance with what has happened to the factors in the past.

A fundamental and constant truth about human action is that

man prefers his end to be achieved in the shortest possible time. Given

the specific satisfaction, the sooner it arrives, the better. This

results from the fact that time is always scarce, and a means to

be economized. The sooner any end is attained, the better.

Thus, with any given end to be attained, the shorter the period

of action, i.e., production, the more preferable for the actor.

This is the universal fact of time preference. At any point of time,

and for any action, the actor most prefers to have his end

attained in the immediate present. Next best for him is the

immediate future, and the further in the future the attainment

of the end appears to be, the less preferable it is. The less waiting

time, the more preferable it is for him. 15

14 For each actor, then, the period of production is equivalent to his

waiting time —the time that he must expect to wait for his end after the

commencement of his action.

15 Time preference may be called the preference for present satisfaction

over future satisfaction or present good over future good , provided it is

remembered that it is the same satisfaction (or "good") that is being com-

pared over the periods of time. Thus, a common type of objection to the

assertion of universal time preference is that, in the wintertime, a man

will prefer the delivery of ice the next summer (future) to delivery of ice

= Page 80 =

16 Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market

Time enters into human action not only in relation to the

waiting time in production, but also in thelength of time in which

the consumers' good will satisfy the wants of the consumer. Some con-

sumers' goods will satisfy his wants, i.e., attain his ends, for a

short period of time, others for a longer period. They can be

consumed for shorter or longer periods. This may be included

in the diagram of any action, as shown in Figure 2. This length

of time, BC , is the duration of serviceableness of the consumers'

good. It is the length of the time the end served by the con-

sumers' good continues to be attained. This duration of ser-

viceableness differs for each consumers' good. It may be four

hours for the ham sandwich, after which period of time the

actor desires other food or another sandwich. The builder of a

house may expect to use it to serve his wants for 10 years. Obvi-

ously, the expected durative power of the consumers' good to

serve his end will enter into the actor's plans. 16

Clearly, all other things being equal, the actor will prefer a

consumers' good of greater durability to one of lesser, since the

former will render more total service. On the other hand, if the

in the present. This, however, confuses the concept "good" with the

material properties of a thing, whereas it actually refers to subjective sat-

isfactions. Since ice-in-the-summer provides different (and greater) satis-

factions than ice-in-the-winter, they are not the same, but different goods.

In this case, it is different satisfactions that are being compared, despite

the fact that the physical property of the thing may be the same.

16 It has become the custom to designate consumer goods with a longer

duration of serviceableness as durable goods , and those of shorter duration as

nondurable goods . Obviously, however, there are innumerable degrees of

durability, and such a separation can only be unscientific and arbitrary.

= Page 81 =

Fundamentals of Human Action 17

actor values the total service rendered by two consumers' goods

equally, he will, because of time preference, choose the less

durable good since he will acquire its total services sooner than

the other. He will have to wait less for the total services of the

less durable good.

The concepts of period of production and duration of

serviceableness are present in all human action. There is also a

third time-period that enters into action. Each person has a

general time-horizon, stretching from the present into the

future, for which he plans various types of action. Whereas

period of production and duration of serviceableness refer to

specific consumers' goods and differ with each consumers'

good, the period of provision (the time-horizon) is the length of

future time for which each actor plans to satisfy his wants. The

period of provision, therefore, includes planned action for a

considerable variety of consumers' goods, each with its own

period of production and duration. This period of provision dif-

fers from actor to actor in accordance with his choice. Some

people live from day to day, taking no heed of later periods of

time; others plan not only for the duration of their own lives,

but for their children as well.

5. Further Implications


All action involves the employment of scarce means to attain

the most valued ends. Man has the choice of using the scarce

means for various alternative ends, and the ends that he chooses

are the ones he values most highly. The less urgent wants are

those that remain unsatisfied. Actors can be interpreted as rank-

ing their ends along a scale of values, or scale of preferences.

These scales differ for each person, both in their content and in

their orders of preference. Furthermore, they differ for the

same individual at different times. Thus, at some other point in

time, the actor mentioned in section 2 above might choose to

go for a drive, or to go for a drive and then to play bridge,

= Page 82 =

18 Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market

rather than to continue watching the game. In that case, the

ranking on his preference scale shifts to this order:

(First) 1. Going for a drive

(Second) 2. Playing bridge

(Third) 3. Continuing to watch baseball game

Moreover, a new end might have been introduced in the mean-

time, so that the actor might enjoy going to a concert, and this

may change his value scale to the following:

(First) 1. Going for a drive

(Second) 2. Going to a concert

(Third) 3. Playing bridge

(Fourth) 4. Continuing to watch baseball game

The choice of which ends to include in the actor's value scale

and the assignment of rank to the various ends constitute the

process of value judgment. Each time the actor ranks and

chooses between various ends, he is making a judgment of their

value to him.

It is highly useful to assign a name to this value scale held by

all human actors. We are not at all concerned with the specific

content of men's ends, but only with the fact that various ends are

ranked in the order of their importance. These scales of prefer-

ence may be called happiness or welfare or utility or satisfaction or

contentment. Which name we choose for value scales is not

important. At any rate, it permits us to say, whenever an actor

has attained a certain end, that he has increased his state of satis-

faction, or his contentment, happiness, etc. Conversely, when

someone considers himself worse off, and fewer of his ends are

being attained, his satisfaction, happiness, welfare, etc., have

decreased .

It is important to realize that there is never any possibility

of measuring increases or decreases in happiness or satisfaction.

Not only is it impossible to measure or compare changes in the

= Page 83 =

Fundamentals of Human Action 19

satisfaction of different people; it is not possible to measure

changes in the happiness of any given person. In order for any

measurement to be possible, there must be an eternally fixed

and objectively given unit with which other units may be com-

pared. There is no such objective unit in the field of human val-

uation. The individual must determine subjectively for himself

whether he is better or worse off as a result of any change. His

preference can only be expressed in terms of simple choice, or

rank . Thus, he can say, "I am better off" or "I am happier"

because he went to a concert instead of playing bridge (or "I will

be better off" for going to the concert), but it would be com-

pletely meaningless for him to try to assign units to his prefer-

ence and say, "I am two and a half times happier because of this

choice than I would have been playing bridge." Two and a half

times what ? There is no possible unit of happiness that can be

used for purposes of comparison and, hence, of addition or mul-

tiplication. Thus, values cannot be measured; values or utilities

cannot be added, subtracted, or multiplied. They can only be

ranked as better or worse. A man may know that he is or will be

happier or less happy, but not by "how much," not by a meas-

urable quantity. 17

All action is an attempt to exchange a less satisfactory state of

affairs for a more satisfactory one. The actor finds himself (or ex-

pects to find himself) in a nonperfect state, and, by attempting

to attain his most urgently desired ends, expects to be in a bet-

ter state. He cannot measure the gain in satisfaction, but he

does know which of his wants are more urgent than others, and

17 Accordingly, the numbers by which ends are ranked on value scales

are ordinal , not cardinal , numbers. Ordinal numbers are only ranked; they

cannot be subject to the processes of measurement. Thus, in the above

example, all we can say is that going to a concert is valued more than play-

ing bridge, and either of these is valued more than watching the game.

We cannot say that going to a concert is valued "twice as much" as watch-

ing the game; the numbers two and four cannot be subject to processes of

addition, multiplication, etc.

= Page 84 =

20 Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market

he does know when his condition has improved. Therefore, all


action involves exchange —an exchange of one state of affairs, ,

for , which the actor anticipates will be a more satisfactory one


(and therefore higher on his value scale). If his expectation turns

out to be correct, the value of on his preference scale will be


higher than the value of , and he has made a net gain in his


state of satisfaction or utility. If he has been in error, and the

value of the state that he has given up— —is higher than the



value of , he has suffered a net loss . This psychic gain (or profit )

and loss cannot be measured in terms of units, but the actor

always knows whether he has experienced psychic profit or psy-

chic loss as a result of an action-exchange. 18

Human actors value means strictly in accordance with their

valuation of the ends that they believe the means can serve. Obvi-

ously, consumers' goods are graded in value in accordance with

the ends that men expect them to satisfy. Thus, the value placed

on the enjoyment contributed by a ham sandwich or a house will

determine the value a man will place on the ham sandwich or the

house themselves. Similarly, producers' goods are valued in

accordance with their expected contribution in producing con-

sumers' goods. Higher-order producers' goods are valued in

accordance with their anticipated service in forming lower-order

producers' goods. Hence, those consumers' goods serving to

attain more highly valued ends will be valued more highly than

those serving less highly valued ends, and those producers' goods

serving to produce more highly valued consumers' goods will

themselves be valued more highly than other producers' goods.

Thus, the process of imputing values to goods takes place in the

opposite direction to that of the process of production. Value

proceeds from the ends to the consumers' good to the various

18 An example of suffering a loss as a result of an erroneous action

would be going to the concert and finding that it was not at all enjoyable.

The actor then realizes that he would have been much happier continu-

ing to watch the game or playing bridge.

= Page 85 =

Fundamentals of Human Action 21

first-order producers' goods, to the second-order producers'


goods, etc. The original source of value is the ranking of ends

by human actors, who then impute value to consumers' goods,

and so on to the orders of producers' goods, in accordance with

their expected ability to contribute toward serving the various

ends. 20


It is evident that things are valued as means in accordance

with their ability to attain ends valued as more or less urgent.

Each physical unit of a means (direct or indirect) that enters into

human action is valued separately. Thus, the actor is interested

in evaluating only those units of means that enter, or that he

considers will enter, into his concrete action. Actors choose

between, and evaluate, not "coal" or "butter" in general, but

specific units of coal or butter. In choosing between acquiring

cows or horses, the actor does not choose between the class of

cows and the class of horses, but between specific units of

them—e.g., two cows versus three horses. Each unit that enters

into concrete action is graded and evaluated separately. Only

when several units together enter into human action are all of

them evaluated together.

The processes that enter into valuation of specific units of dif-

ferent goods may be illustrated in this example: 21 An individual

possessing two cows and three horses might have to choose

between giving up one cow or one horse. He may decide in this

case to keep the horse, indicating that in this state of his stock,

19 A large part of this book is occupied with the problem of how this

process of value imputation can be accomplished in a modern, complex


20 This is the solution of a problem that plagued writers in the economic

field for many years: the source of the value of goods.

21 Cf. Ludwig von Mises, The Theory of Money and Credit (New Haven:

Yale University Press, 1953), p. 46.

= Page 86 =

22 Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market

a horse is more valuable to him than a cow. On the other hand,

he might be presented with the choice of keeping either his

entire stock of cows or his stock of horses. Thus, his stable and

cowshed might catch fire, and he is presented with the choice of

saving the inhabitants of one or of the other building. In this

case, two cows might be more valuable to him than three

horses, so that he will prefer to save the cows. When deciding

between units of his stock, the actor may therefore prefer good



X to good , while he may choose good if he must act upon

his whole stock of each good .

This process of valuation according to the specific units

involved provides the solution for the famous "value paradox"

which puzzled writers for centuries. The question was: How

can men value bread less than platinum, when "bread" is obvi-

ously more useful than "platinum"? The answer is that acting

man does not evaluate the goods open to him by abstract

classes, but in terms of the specific units available. He does not

wonder whether "bread-in-general" is more or less valuable to

him than "platinum-in-general," but whether, given the present

available stock of bread and platinum, a "loaf of bread" is more

or less valuable to him than "an ounce of platinum." That, in

most cases, men prefer the latter is no longer surprising. 22

As has been explained above, value, or utility, cannot be

measured, and therefore cannot be added, subtracted, or mul-

tiplied. This holds for specific units of the same good in the

same way as it holds for all other comparisons of value. Thus,

if butter is an object serving human ends, we know that two

pounds of butter will be valued more highly than one pound.

This will be true until a point is reached when the butter is

available in unlimited quantities to satisfy human wants and

22 Also cf. T.N. Carver, The Distribution of Wealth (New York: Macmil-

lan & Co., 1904), pp. 4–12. See below for a further discussion of the influ-

ences on man's valuation of specific units resulting from the size of the

available stock.

= Page 87 =

Fundamentals of Human Action 23

will then be transferred from the status of a means to that of a

general condition of human welfare. However, we cannot say

that two pounds of butter are "twice as useful or valuable" as

one pound.

What has been involved in this key concept of "specific

units of a good"? In these examples, the units of the good have

been interchangeable from the point of view of the actor . Thus, any

concrete pound of butter was evaluated in this case perfectly

equally with any other pound of butter. Cow A and cow B were

valued equally by the individual, and it made no difference to

him which cow he was faced with the choice of saving. Similarly,

horse A was valued equally with horse B and with horse C, and

the actor was not concerned which particular horse he had to

choose. When a commodity is in such a way available in specific

homogeneous units equally capable of rendering the same service to the

actor , this available stock is called a supply . A supply of a good is

available in specific units each perfectly substitutable for every

other. The individual above had an available supply of two cows

and three horses, and a supply of pounds of butter.

What if one pound of butter was considered by the actor as

of better quality than another pound of butter? In that case, the

two "butters" are really different goods from the point of view of

the actor and will be evaluated differently. The two pounds of

butter are now two different goods and are no longer two units

of a supply of one good. Similarly, the actor must have valued

each horse or each cow identically. If he preferred one horse to

each of the others, or one cow to the other, then they are no

longer units of the supply of the same good. No longer are his

horses interchangeable for one another. If he grades horse A

above the others and regards horses B and C indifferently, then

he has supplies of two different goods (omitting the cows): say,

"Grade A horses—one unit"; and "Grade B horses—two units."

If a specific unit is differently evaluated from all other units,

then the supply of that good is only one unit.

= Page 88 =

24 Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market

Here again, it is very important to recognize that what is

significant for human action is not the physical property of a

good, but the evaluation of the good by the actor. Thus, physi-

cally there may be no discernible difference between one pound

of butter and another, or one cow and another. But if the actor

chooses to evaluate them differently, they are no longer part of

the supply of the same good.

The interchangeability of units in the supply of a good does

not mean that the concrete units are actually valued equally.

They may and will be valued differently whenever their position

in the supply is different. Thus, suppose that the isolated individ-

ual successively finds one horse, then a second, then a third.

Each horse may be identical and interchangeable with the oth-

ers. The first horse will fulfill the most urgent wants that a horse

can serve; this follows from the universal fact that action uses

scarce means to satisfy the most urgent of the not yet satisfied

wants. When the second horse is found, he will be put to work

satisfying the most urgent of the wants remaining. These wants,

however, must be ranked lower than the wants that the previous

horse has satisfied. Similarly, the third horse acquired might be

capable of performing the same service as the others, but he will

be put to work fulfilling the highest of the remaining wants—

which, however, will yet be lower in value than the others.

The important consideration is the relation between the unit

to be acquired or given up and the quantity of supply (stock) already

available to the actor. Thus, if no units of a good (whatever the

good may be) are available, the first unit will satisfy the most

urgent wants that such a good is capable of satisfying. If to this

supply of one unit is added a second unit, the latter will fulfill

the most urgent wants remaining, but these will be less urgent

than the ones the first fulfilled. Therefore, the value of the sec-

ond unit to the actor will be less than the value of the first unit.

Similarly, the value of the third unit of the supply (added to a

stock of two units) will be less than the value of the second unit.

It may not matter to the individual which horse is chosen first

and which second, or which pounds of butter he consumes, but

= Page 89 =

Fundamentals of Human Action 25

those units which he does use first will be the ones that he val-

ues more highly. Thus, for all human actions, as the quantity of the

supply (stock) of a good increases, the utility (value) of each additional

unit decreases.

Let us now consider a supply from the point of view of a

possible decrease , rather than an increase. Assume that a man has

a supply of six (interchangeable) horses. They are engaged in

fulfilling his wants. Suppose that he is now faced with the neces-

sity of giving up one horse. It now follows that this smaller stock

of means is not capable of rendering as much service to him as

the larger supply. This stems from the very existence of the

good as a means. 23 Therefore, the utility of X units of a good is

always greater than the utility of X – 1 units. Because of the

impossibility of measurement, it is impossible to determine by

how much greater one value is than the other. Now, the question

arises: Which utility, which end, does the actor give up because

he is deprived of one unit? Obviously, he gives up the least

urgent of the wants which the larger stock would have satisfied. Thus,

if the individual was using one horse for pleasure riding, and he

considers this the least important of his wants that were fulfilled

by the six horses, the loss of a horse will cause him to give up

pleasure riding.

The principles involved in the utility of a supply may be il-

lustrated in the following value-scale diagram (Figure 3). We

are considering any given means, which is divisible into homo-

geneous units of a supply, each interchangeable and capable of

giving service equal to that of the other units. The supply must

be scarce in relation to the ends that it is capable of fulfilling;

otherwise it would not be a good, but a condition of human

welfare. We assume for simplicity that there are 10 ends which

23 This would not be true only if the "good" were not a means, but a

general condition of human welfare, in which case one less unit of supply

would make no difference for human action. But in that case it would not

be a good , subject to the economizing of human action.

= Page 90 =

26 Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market

the means could fulfill, and that each unit of means is capable

of serving one of the ends. If the supply of the good is 6 units,

then the first six ends, ranked in order of importance by the

valuing individual, are the ones that are being satisfied. Ends

ranked 7–10 remain unsatisfied. If we assume that the stock

arrived in successive units, then the first unit went to satisfy end

1, the second unit was used to serve end 2, etc. The sixth unit

was used to serve end 6. The dots indicate how the units were

used for the different ends, and the arrow indicates the direc-

tion the process took, i.e., that the most important ends were

served first; the next, second, etc. The diagram illustrates the

aforementioned laws that the utility (value) of more units is

greater than the utility of fewer units and that the utility of each

successive unit is less as the quantity of the supply increases.

Now, suppose the actor is faced with the necessity of giving

up one unit of his stock. His total will be 5 instead of 6 units.

Obviously, he gives up satisfying the end ranked sixth, and con-

tinues to satisfy the more important ends 1–5. As a result of the

interchangeability of units, it does not matter to him which of

= Page 91 =

Fundamentals of Human Action 27

the six units he must lose; the point is that he will give up serv-

ing this sixth end. Since action considers only the present and

the future not the past, it does not matter to him which units he

acquired first in the past. He deals only with his presently avail-

able stock. In other words, suppose that the sixth horse that he

had previously acquired (named "Seabiscuit") he had placed in

the service of pleasure riding. Suppose that he now must lose

another horse ("Man o' War") which had arrived earlier, and

which was engaged in the more important duty (to him) of lead-

ing a wagon. He will still give up end 6 by simply transferring

Seabiscuit from this function to the wagon-leading end. This

consequence follows from the defined interchangeability of

units and from disregard of past events which are of no conse-

quence for the present and the future.

Thus, the actor gives up the lowest-ranking want that the

original stock (in this case, six units) was capable of satisfying.

This one unit that he must consider giving up is called the mar-

ginal unit . It is the unit "at the margin." This least important

end fulfilled by the stock is known as the satisfaction provided by

the marginal unit, or the utility of the marginal unit —in short: the

marginal satisfaction, or marginal utility . If the marginal unit is

one unit, then the marginal utility of the supply is the end that

must be given up as the result of a loss of the unit. In Figure 3,

the marginal utility is ranked sixth among the ends. If the sup-

ply consisted of four units, and the actor were faced with the

necessity of giving up one unit, then the value of the marginal

unit, or the marginal utility , would have a rank of four. If the

stock consisted of one unit, and this had to be given up, the

value of the marginal unit would be one—the value of the high-

est-ranked end.

We are now in a position to complete an important law in-

dicated above, but with different phraseology: The greater the

supply of a good, the lower the marginal utility; the smaller the sup-

ply, the higher the marginal utility. This fundamental law of eco-

nomics has been derived from the fundamental axiom of human

= Page 92 =

28 Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market

action; it is the law of marginal utility, sometimes known as the

law of diminishing marginal utility . Here again, it must be

emphasized that "utility" is not a cardinal quantity subject to the

processes of measurement, such as addition, multiplication, etc.

It is a ranked number expressible only in terms of higher or lower

order in the preferences of men.

This law of marginal utility holds for all goods, regardless of

the size of the unit considered. The size of the unit will be the

one that enters into concrete human action, but whatever it is,

the same principle applies. Thus, if in certain situations, the

actor must consider only pairs of horses as the units to add or sub-

tract from his stock, instead of the individual horses, he will

construct a new and shorter scale of ends with fewer units of

supply to consider. He will then go through a similar process of

assigning means to serve ends and will give up the least valued

end should he lose a unit of supply. The ends will simply be

ranked in terms of the alternative uses of pairs of horses, instead

of single horses.

What if a good cannot be divided into homogeneous units

for purposes of action? There are cases where the good must be

treated as a whole in human action. Does the law of marginal

utility apply in such a case? The law does apply, since we then

treat the supply as consisting of one unit . In this case, the mar-

ginal unit is equal in size to the total supply possessed or desired

by the actor. The value of the marginal unit is equal to the first

rank of the ends which the total good could serve. Thus, if an indi-

vidual must dispose of his whole stock of six horses, or acquire

a stock of six horses together, the six horses are treated as one

unit. The marginal utility of his supply would then be equal to

the first-ranking end that the unit of six horses could supply.

If, as above, we consider the case of additions instead of de-

creases to stock, we recall that the law derived for this situation

was that as the quantity of supply increases, the utility of each

additional unit decreases. Yet this additional unit is precisely the

marginal unit . Thus, if instead of decreasing the supply from six

= Page 93 =

Fundamentals of Human Action 29

to five horses, we increase it from five to six, the value of the ad-

ditional horse is equal to the value of the sixth-ranking end—

say, pleasure riding. This is the same marginal unit, with the

same utility, as in the case of decreasing the stock from six to

five. Thus, the law derived previously was simply another form

of the law of marginal utility. The greater the supply of a good,

the lower the marginal utility; the smaller the supply, the higher

the marginal utility. This is true whether or not the marginal

unit is the unit of decrease of stock or the unit of addition to

stock, when these are considered by the actor. If a man's supply

of a good equals X units, and he is considering the addition of

one unit, this is the marginal unit. If his supply is X + 1 units,

and he is considering the loss of one unit, this too is his mar-

ginal unit, and its value is identical with the former (provided

that his ends and their ranking are the same in both cases).

We have dealt with the laws of utility as they apply to each

good treated in human action. Now we must indicate the

relationship among various goods. It is obvious that more than

one good exists in human action. This has already been defi-

nitely proven, since it was demonstrated that more than one fac-

tor of production, hence more than one good, must exist. Fig-

ure 4 below demonstrates the relationship between the various

goods in human action. Here the value scales of two goods are



considered— and . For each good, the law of marginal util-

ity holds, and the relation between supply and value is revealed

in the diagram for each good. For simplicity, let us assume that


X is horses and cows, and that the value scales representing

those held by the individual are as follows (horizontal lines are

drawn through each end to demonstrate the relationship in the


ranking of the ends of the two goods): End -1 is ranked high-


est (say, cow one); then ends -1, -2, and -3 (horses one,



two, and three); -2; -3; -4; -4; -5; -5; -6; -7; -6; -












Now, the man's value scales will reveal his choices involv-

ing alternatives of action in regard to these two goods. Suppose

= Page 94 =

30 Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market



that his stock is: 3 (cows) and 4 (horses). He is faced with the

alternative of giving up either one cow or one horse. He will

choose the alternative that will deprive him of the least valued

end possible. Since the marginal utility of each good is equal to

the value of the least important end of which he would be

deprived, he compares the marginal utility of X with the marginal



utility of Y . In this case, the marginal unit of has a rank of -


4, and the marginal unit of has a rank of -3. But the end -



3 is ranked higher on his value scale than -4. Hence, the mar-



ginal utility of is in this case higher than (or greater than) the


marginal utility of . Since he will give up the lowest possible

utility, he will give up one unit of X.Thus, presented with a choice

of units of goods to give up, he will give up the good with units of low-

est marginal utility on his value scale. Suppose another example:

that his stock is three horses and two cows. He has the alterna-

tive of giving up 1 or 1 . In this case, the marginal utility of Y



is ranked at -2, and that of X is ranked at -3. But -3 occu-




pies a higher position on his value scale than -2, and therefore


= Page 95 =

Fundamentals of Human Action 31

the marginal utility of is at this point lower than the marginal




utility of . He gives up a unit of .

The converse occurs if the man must choose between the

alternative of increasing his stock by either one unit of or one


unit of . Thus, suppose that his stock is four units of X and



four units of . He must choose between adding one horse or

one cow. He then compares the marginal utility of increase, i.e.,

the value of the most important of the not yet satisfied wants.




The marginal utility of is then ranked at -5; of at -5. But


X -5 ranks higher than -5 on his value scale, and he will there-


fore choose the former. Thus, faced with the choice of adding units

of goods, he will choose the unit of highest marginal utility on his value


Another example: Previously, we saw that the man in a posi-



tion of (4 , 3 ) would, if faced with the choice of giving up one

unit of either X or , give up the unit of , with a lower mar-




ginal utility. In other words, he would prefer a position of (3 ,





3 ) to (4 , 2 ). Now suppose he is in a position of (3 , 3 ) and


faced with the choice of adding one unit of X or one unit of .


Since the marginal utility of the increased is greater than that


of , he will choose to add the unit of and to arrive at a posi-




tion of (4 , 3 ) rather than (3 , 4 ). The reader can work out




the hypothetical choices for all the possible combinations of the

actor's stock.

It is evident that in the act of choosing between giving up or

adding units of either X or , the actor must have, in effect,


placed both goods on a single, unitary value scale. Unless he

could place and on one value scale for comparison, he could



not have determined that the marginal utility of the fourth unit

of X was higher than that of the fourth unit of . The very fact


of action in choosing between more than one good implies that

the units of these goods must have been ranked for comparison

on one value scale of the actor. The actor may not and cannot

measure differences in utility, but he must be engaged in rank-

ing all the goods considered on one value scale. Thus, we

= Page 96 =

32 Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market

should actually consider the ends served by the two means as

ranked on one value scale as follows:

Ends (Ranked)

1 — 1


2 — -1



3 — -2

4 — -3


5 — -2


6 — -3


7 — -4



8 — -4


9 — -5


10 — -5

11 — -6


12 — -7


13 — -6



14 — -7

These principles permit of being extended from two to any

number of goods. Regardless of the number of goods, any man

will always have a certain combination of units of them in his

stock. He may be faced with the choice of giving up one unit of

any good that he might choose. By ranking the various goods

and the ends served by the relevant units, the actor will give up

the unit of that good of which the marginal utility to him is the

lowest. Similarly, with any given combination of goods in his

stock, and faced with the choice of adding one unit of any of the

goods available, the actor will choose that good whose marginal

utility of increase will be highest. In other words, all the goods

are ranked on one value scale in accordance with the ends they


If the actor has no units of some goods in his possession, this


does not affect the principle. Thus, if he has no units of or Y

in his possession, and he must choose between adding a unit of

= Page 97 =

Fundamentals of Human Action 33


X or one unit of , he will choose the marginal unit of greatest

utility, in this case, . The principle is easily extended to the


case of goods.


It must be reiterated here that value scales do not exist in a

void apart from the concrete choices of action. Thus, if the



actor has a stock of (3 , 4 , 2 , etc.), his choices for adding and


subtracting from stock take place in this region, and there is no

need for him to formulate hypothetical value scales to deter-


mine what his choices would have been if his stock were (6 ,



8 , 5 , etc.). No one can predict with certainty the course of his

choices except that they will follow the law of marginal utility,

which was deduced from the axiom of action.

The solution of the value paradox mentioned above is now

fully clear. If a man prefers one ounce of platinum to five loaves

of bread, he is choosing between units of the two goods based

on the supply available. On the basis of the available supply of

platinum and of bread, the marginal utility of a unit of platinum

is greater than the marginal utility of a unit of bread. 24

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