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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: New Beginnings

I slept the whole train ride, dreaming about my new life. What I would do, who I would be. Would I change my whole personality? Change my name? I didn't want my baby growing up in this twisted world, seeing or even experiencing anything any of the hardships I had to go through. I would change the future, make it right for this baby, make their life as perfect as it can get. I won't be like my mother, I will be perfect.

The people look so different in this small town. Families waited for loved ones, children ran to their fathers coming back from business trips, wives kissed their husbands. I had no one to greet me, no one to be happy I'm here and nowhere to go. I had three bags for my belongings and 400 dollars to my name. The people stared at me as I walked to a bench and sat down. What was I supposed to do now? I sat watching the people. Families walked by whispering and looking at me. I have been here for not even an hour and people are already talking about me. I looked around for a bathroom. Around the back of the very small station office was a small closet sized bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. N wonder why people were looking at me, I looked like a piece of shit. Grabbing some paper towel from the dispenser I wiped the blood from my face and tried to clean myself up. My clothes were dirty and bloody also so I threw on a pair of gym pants and a tank. My clothes were baggy and old, I would need new clothes if I wanted to fit in. I walked out of the station and found myself in a park. It must have been in the center of the city because there was a whopping twenty people around. Women dressed in long skirts and men in work clothes. I stuck out like a sore thumb. Walking around the park I looked at all the small buildings. They had a couple corner shops, a doctor's office, a sheriff's department and city hall. In front of city hall there was a sign displaying 'welcome to Tyrrell County: Population 4,400. Perfect I wasn't even in a city it was a small town. I walked around the cookie cutter houses with American flags in the front, bright green lawns and flower beds in front of every single house. There wasn't a tourist office so I ended up going to city hall. What was I going to ask them?

Walking inside the building there was a few chairs for a waiting area and then one desk where a woman sat. Her pale white skin almost matched her white dress, her glasses with the nineteen sixties style hid most of her face. Looking up at me she asked "How can I help you dear?" I stuttered. "Um I'm new to town and I was wondering where the nearest hotel was". I gave her a sickly sweet smile. She seemed to catch on it wasn't a real smile. "We don't have hotels miss, just the Inn. Its four blocks north and two east, right on Hemmingway Street". I nodded and quickly slipped out of the office. What kind of place doesn't even have a hotel? I stood out front of city hall. Now which way is north? In the city we never looked at north or south it was just street addresses. I started doing what any person would do. I walked straight. Whenever I would get lost back home I would just walk straight till eventually I recognized something and knew where I was. After abut twenty minutes I walked up to this small apartment like building. It was two floors high and about five rooms wide.

I walked up to the reception desk. "Can I help you Hun"? A sweet old lady asked. "I was wondering if there are any rooms available." I asked fiddling with my fingers. "Of course we do honey how long do you plan on staying?" She asked pulling a key from the wall. It was the only key missing now. "Well that's the problem. I just moved here and I don't have a place set up for me yet and I don't have much money either." I said looking at my feet. The lady walked around the counter. "Well darling let's see what we can do, Dan's just in the parlor we'll have to talk to him. I followed her into a room with a couple couches facing a small television. The man was sat right in front of the TV watching a football game. The woman motioned me to stay in the doorway as she walked up to her husband. I watched her whisper in his ear and then he sat up turning to look at me. Looking back at his wife he shook his head and whispered back. He didn't want me there, they didn't even know my name and I wasn't wanted. He stood up and walked to me. "I'm sorry but we only allow adults and families in this building." He said with a scratchy voice. The couple looked as if they were in their sixties and bickered the same way. The woman put her hands on her hip. "Dan, we can't just let this poor child go out on the street". She said standing beside him. "Its sixty dollars a night child, can you afford that?" He said crossing his arms. "No, I only have four hundred but I'll look for a job right away I just need to make some resumes and then I'll pay you every penny that I owe you. Please, I have nowhere else." I used my biggest eyes to persuade them. He started to speak, but she cut him off. "What's your name dear?" She asked. "I'm Samantha" I replied. "Well this old grump is Dan, don't worry too much about him and my names Dorothy but everyone just calls me Honey. I'll show you too your room and we can make some arrangements." She smiled sweetly at me and held my hand guiding me down the hallway. The first room we passed had a flower hanging over the door. This must be their room. We passed a couple of rooms and came to a solid white door numbered four. "This will be your room" she said unlocking it. "Now there's a computer in the study which is on the top floor on the last room on the left, there's a small fridge in your room but you're welcome to helping yourself in the kitchen. Please no loud music after 10 pm or Dan gets all cranky" she said with a smile. I walked into the middle of the room. It was painted peach with floral decorations all over. A small blue bathroom and a tiny fridge that sat beside the TV were the only newer things in the room. I sat my stuff on the bed. It was creaky and most likely uncomfortable but a bed is a bed. "I can pay you three hundred dollars right now if you'd like." She shook her head. "You can stay here as long as you need as long as you abide by the rules and you buy your own food." I smiled and thanked her. "It's no problem dear, I'll let you get settled now" She smiled once more and slipped out the door.

I sat down on the bed. Step one is complete I had found a place to stay and now I just need a job. Was there even just places hiring in this city? What kind of job did I want? I could be a waitress again or even a cashier maybe. Something that will hide the baby bump for as long as possible. I put away all my clothes in the dresser and the rest of my belongings on the small coffee able. Looking around the room I noticed the crucifix above the doorway. These are the kind of people who would be good parents, not me, not a seventeen year old girl. If I ask them to take in the baby would they? Or just leave it on the front step and rake the train back home. They would notice when I get to nine months. This baby isn't ready for the world, I'm not ready for this baby, I have less than nine months to grow up and be a mother. I had to grow up and grow up fast because whether I'm ready or not, this baby is coming out in just a few short months.

Walking down the hallway I looked at the pictures on the walls. There were families, pictures of pets, some flowers in pots and a couple paintings of scenery. The walls were painted a faded yellow with white borders. Everything was so neat and tidy. How would they feel with a messy baby in here, crying, throwing food and what about the millions of dirty, stinky diapers I'll have to change? They won't like being woken up every hour of the night by its crying. If I can get a good enough job I can get my own place, a small one just for me and baby. A great job, one that pays for everything we will ever need, but I need to find a job first. I walked to the front desk and read the little note saying that both Honey and Dan were at the store and to have a nice day. Well, I guess I will have to go around the city and look for work.

The town seemed much smaller, but the people still stared at me, watching me as if I was wearing a huge clown costume. I walked around looking at all the shops, but none had a help wanted sign. I was thinking of asking someone if they knew a place that was hiring, but they would probably just stare at me. It was starting to get dark out, it was much cooler than the day time. Now I just need to find my way back to the Inn. Maybe I can ask Honey where some places that might be hiring are or even if she has some work for me to do around the Inn. Walking slowly I watched the people bring their children in from outside to prepare them for bed. The Inn was much easier to find this time. I walked in after checking the parlor to see if anyone was in there and with no luck I went straight to my room. The shower looked so appealing and the thought of finally being able to take a hot shower was too much to bear. The water ran down my face and burned all the impurities off of my skin. There was a little bar of soap and tiny travel sized shampoo and conditioner. I scrubbed myself, I wanted to wash the old my away, start new and clean. I showered till the water run cool then quickly dried and climbed into bed. I pulled the quilt up to my chin. It smelled like mothballs and flowers, but it was much more comfortable than I thought it would be. My eyes were heavy and my body ached, I was ready for an actual sleep.

I dreamed of my baby. He was more like me than Jordan. His hair was a dirty blonde with very slight curls. I could see him smile and his dimples showed. His eyes were a brilliant blue that sparkled with every expression, every giggle. I dreamt of me holding him. His arms reached out towards me, little hands begging to be kissed, and ten tiny toes waiting to be sung about. He was perfect, he was my baby. I was holding him in my arms, tickling is belly, his giggle filled my ears, his eyes looking into mine. The door to the nursery opened and I turned to see who it was. Jordan walked through the doorway arms outstretched towards my baby. He came closer and wrapped his hands around my baby. In the dream I was smiling, I passed him to Jordan and smiled as the two giggled at each other. Jordan looked up at me, behind his smile I could see the evil, his eyes turned angry and his smile was sly. This isn't right, something is wrong. I wanted to scream at myself, to grab my baby and run, but I just stood there, frozen to the ground unable to move. I looked at Jordan cradling my son in his arms. The baby looked over to me. This was wrong. His once sparkly eyes because dull, his pink lips grew dry and blue, his chest heaved for air, his skin was pale and limp. His tiny arms reached out for me, but I couldn't move. He strained to grab me, his arm fell to his side and his chest collapsed. His eyes became dark and were hidden behind his eyelids. Jordan smiles and handed my poor baby to me. His skin was as cold as ice when I held him. I laid him in his crib and pulled the blanket up to his chin.

Jordan took me in his arms and led me out the door turning the light off and shutting the door behind him. I wanted to scream for me to come back, to help my baby, to save him. He can't die he's mine! As I stood in the corner watching like a ghost, I watched my baby die in front of my eyes I wanted to cry, wanted to scream at myself, at Jordan. This was his fault, he killed my baby, he stole his life away, and he stole my life. A huge pressure pushed into my chest. It was a crippling pain, I fell to my knees. I looked into the crib through the bars. Tears fell from my eyes, he wasn't there.

I woke to my body tangled in the bed sheets. I put my hand on my chest and felt my heart beating like a thousand drums, sweat dripped from my forehead and burned my eyes. I ran my hands down to my stomach, my tiny little bump was still there. He was safe, my tiny fragile baby, mine and only mine. "I won't let anyone hurt you" I whispered to my stomach. I wasn't going to let anyone touch him, for now he will be my secret till I know he's safe. I lay back down on the bed and held my stomach till I fell into a restless sleep.

This time I awoke to the sun. It shone brightly through the thin white blinds. I pulled on a loose tank top and jeans. There was no food in the room and I was starving. I slipped a fifty from Jordan's money and put it into my pocket I have to be careful of my money now, more than before. If I don't get a job soon I'm screwed. In less than three minutes I was in the local grocery store. I was lucky it's Sunday, everyone but a couple shelf stockers and a cashier must have been at church. I grabbed a shopping basket and headed off to the fruit section. What are you allowed to eat when you're pregnant? I knew nothing about being pregnant or how to eat for two. The store must have been stocked by local arms because all of the fruits and vegetables were in season. Organic is better for you when you're pregnant right? I wandered around grabbing item that looked healthy enough for pregnancy. At the end of the store were the household items and in a small corner was the baby section. Do I dare look? Prepare for what's going to happen? Looking around to make sure no one was staring I started looking at the baby clothes, diapers, bottles and bibs. For such a small thing it needed lots of things. How many diapers do babies go through in a day? I thumbed through the price tags and added the costs in my head. After I hit two hundred I didn't want to think of the other costs like a crib, car seats and a stroller. I was in deep shit now. How does anyone ever make enough money to spend hundreds a month for a single baby? Oh yea it's called a decent boyfriend. I was about to walk out of the baby stuff when I saw a shelf full of pre-natal vitamins. Is it too early to start taking them? Or do I even need them? My baby needs to be healthy. I slipped a package into my basket and quickly hurried to the cash register. As I put my stuff on the table I could see the girl looking at the vitamins. "My names Anne" she said. "Sam" I nodded packing my stuff. "So when did you get to town?" She asks smiling. "Um I came here by train yesterday, I'm just staying at the Inn till I can get my own place" I replied. "Oh well you know I think the bar down the street is hiring for waitresses if you haven't found a job yet" she said as I passed her the fifty. "You know what thanks I'll definitely try that place" I said smiling. "Yeah no problem I'll see yeah later, take care" She said. I grabbed the groceries and walked back to the Inn. I thought about the bar on the way home. I wonder if they would let someone seventeen works there even just in the restaurant part, if I didn't serve alcohol I'm sure it'll be fine. Honey was at the Inn this time when I arrived. "Feel free to put those in the big fridge in the kitchen sweetie. The kitchen is yours too remember". I smiled and nodded turning towards the kitchen.

After unpacking the groceries I went up to the study. The door was solid and heavy. The walls were covered with books and two desks both with very old computers and a single printer in the corner of the room. I sat down and started typing my resume on the dust covered keys. I had made up millions of these resumes before, but now I was stumped. What special skills do I have? What achievements have I made? Let's see I have no skills except caring for my drug addict mother and picking the wrong type of guys and for achievements I've made well I was able to get knocked up real fast. Nope can't do that, instead I wrote about how I always got the best marks in school and that's why I graduated early. When they ask for my high school diploma I can easily say it was lost when I moved, I wrote about my people skills, my waitressing ability and how I loved children. I made it like a cookie cutter resume. I needed to get this job, I had to get this job. What would happen if I couldn't get a job in this place? I would have to move, but with almost no money would I even find another hotel that would give me such a cheap price. My future and my baby's future depended on me getting this job.

I walked out the door resume in hand towards the bar. The walk was longer this time, but it was easy to find. The solid wood door were quite heavy t push open with Nick's Bar written above them. The bar was almost empty with only a couple men standing beer in hand at the pool table. A woman wearing a tight black tank and low rise jeans was wiping the bar counter. She looked tough with her black hair and arms covered with tattoos. "Hi my name is Samantha. I heard you were looking for a waitress" I said lying own my resume in front of her. She looked me up and down. "How old are you?" She asked. "I'm seventeen turning eighteen in a few weeks" I replied. Her lip ring moved as she spoke. "You want a job here girly you tell people your twenty one". I looked at her. How the hell am I supposed to pass as twenty one? "Do I look like I could be twenty one?" I asked her the attitude in my voice started to show. "Hell no, now stop wasting my time." She said grabbing the cloth. She walked away and started wiping tables. "Listen to me" I said raising my voice. "I just want to drop off my resume". She turned to me. "Look, I don't need some punk asshole coming in here and taking my shifts, my customers or my tips. You got that girly?" She yelled back at me. That's it! She had no right to yell at me. "I don't know what your problem is with me, but from what I see you have no customers to steal, so get over yourself" I yelled to her. I was turning away when she grabbed my arm and yanked me back to her. "Candace!" Someone yelled behind us. Quickly her arms dropped and she let me go. A man walked between us and faced Candace. "What's going on here?" He asked. Candace crossed her arms. "This chicks trying to start shit with me" She replied. The man looked at me. "I'm Sam" I said quietly. "Back to work" The man said to Candace. She rolled her eyes and walked into the back kitchen. "My names Nick. How can I help a pretty lady like yourself?" He asked smiling. He looked nothing like a business owner. His short cropped blond hair was oily like his acne prone skin, his blue eyes were dull and he was maybe only an inch or two taller than me. He looked like a creep and gave me an eerie vibe. "I was hoping I could drop off a resume" I said holding it out to him. He looked at the resume, took a step back and looked at me from heads to toe. "Your hired" he said you start tomorrow at four. Don't be late and wear something sexy." He said walking away. I still had the resume in my hands when I walked out the door. Getting a job was easier than I thought.

It was still early in the afternoon, so I had tons of time to spare. I walked around the park a little bit watching the families walk by. There was a small children's play park in the center or the park. Soon I'll be one of those parents, watching their children carefully, having to deal with cuts, boo boos, juice boxes and dirty diapers. Smiling children screamed playfully as they slid down the slide or when they popped the bubbles their parents blew. I sat down at a bench, looking at the small park.

A small diner on the opposite side of the park caught my attention. My stomach agrees with the thought of food. I found myself quickly walking across the park and soon walked into the diner. Red bar stools lined the counter, white tables with red chairs covered the checkered patterned floor. The familiar pale yellow paint covered the walls. Rock and roll posters and milk shake signs covered the walls. It looked as if I had walked back into the nineteen fifties. It was filled with middle aged couples and the elderly. I sat down on a stool and immediately a young blonde girl about my age was taking my order. She had a very southern accent that clearly didn't belong from this town. Her blond curls circled her pale freckled face as she talked. "Why hello there!" She said excitedly. "What can I get for you miss?" She asked pulling her pad of paper and a pen from her apron. I looked up at the huge menu placed above the register. "Um ill just get a cheese burger with friends and a coke please." She scribbled my order on her pad of paper. "I'm Lyla by the way" She said giving my order to the cook. "Sam" I replied. "So why Tyrrell County? What brings you here?" She asked pouring me my drink. "Just a change of scenery I guess" I replied taking a long sip. "Well if you ever want to hang out and meet some new people we can make some plans." She said smiling. I looked at her and smiled back. "Yeah, I guess we could hang out some time". After I ate I explored the town a bit more. This time I went farther, I went down to the south end and saw the shops. There were toy stores, small town boutiques, hair salons, restaurants and a few small parks for the children. I t wad a quiet and small town made of families and the elderly. I'm sure my son will love it here, with the other small children to play with and grow up with. This will be good for us.

It was noon when I woke up. I quickly showered and pulled on a tight pair of jeans with a loose tank tp. My baby bump wasn't showing yet, but it would only be a few more weeks before it would start to become more noticeable. I walked to the kitchen to see Honey cooking lunch and Dan sitting at the table reading the morning paper. I went to the fridge and pulled out an apple biting into it as I sat across from Dan. "Well good morning darling" Honey said looking over her shoulder at me. "Morning" I replied back to her taking another bite. "Say good morning Dan" He looked up from his paper. "Morning" He grumbled. Honey dished out three plates and set them in front of us. I looked up at her when she laid the plate in front of me. "You can't eat just an apple all day dear, you need something to put in your stomach for the day" I nodded and smiled back at her. I couldn't remember the last time someone had cooked for me. We ate silently not wanting to stop eating the tasty food. Honey must have been a great cook at some point in her life. The chicken was moist and the vegetables were perfectly steamed. I looked at the both of them. They seemed like such an opposite pair. Honey was sweet and kind and Dan was just grumpy all the time. How could a couple who seem so different be together for so many years? I could see the beautiful gold wedding bands on their fingers. I wonder if they had any children. There wasn't any pictures of them with kids around the Inn. They seemed so in love with each other. The endless lustful love that people read in romance stories.

I walked through the doors of the bar and went right up to a girl behind the bar. She looked up and smiled at me. "Hey I'm Sheryl. You're the new girl right?" She asked walking around the bar. I nodded to her smiling. "Well let's give you a tour" She said leading me to the back kitchen. "Um there is one problem" I said quietly. She turned around and tilted her head. "I'm not 18 yet" I said to her. She rolled her eyes at me and smiled. "Don't worry I was sixteen when I started working here. You're hired for a waitress anyways so you'll mostly handle food and the occasional drink. Plus Nick usually pays us in cash anyways so you don't have to worry about any banking or stuff like that". That was great because I don't even have a bank here. Tomorrow I will have to set one up for myself. Sheryl led me around the kitchen and restaurant area explaining the things I would have to do and finally we ended the tour at the bar. "So since it's a Monday night there won't be too many customers tonight so it's perfect to get you trained." I nodded looking at the clock above the bar. Three hours have already passed. Sheryl followed my gaze and checked out the clock also. "Well Nick told me to train you for four hours so let's do a bit of cleaning so Candace doesn't rip our faces off" She smiled when she saw me roll my eyes. "So I'm guessing you've met her before" She said. "Yup" I said laughing a bit. "She was quite angry when I dropped off the resume, thank goodness Nick was there" I said fiddling with my hands. Sheryl nodded. "Yeah Candace was always like that. She thinks she's the queen of this place just because her and Nick have a thing" She said wiping some tables. I followed behind her. "Candace and Nick are a couple?" I asked her. Sheryl shook her head. "No they just like to fool around with each other. Kind of like friends with benefits except she gets paid so much more than us, but its okay Nick is a creep". So that's why she listened to him when he came out yesterday. "Yeah I got that vibe too from him. Umm but how much will I get paid anyways?" Asked her. She bit her lip. "I think the starting wage here is like eight dollars an hour, but if your good you can get anywhere from one to five dollars a person in tips" She said smiling. Eight dollars was near enough nothing! How was I supposed to raise a baby on that little of money?

It was eight thirty by the time I got back to the Inn. I could hear the TV from the lounge playing another football game. I walked straight to my room and lay on the bed. My hands were raw from cleaning for so long and my feet hurt from all the walking. I just laid there on the bed relaxing and soaking in the energy in the room. I thought about my new life. I now had a new place to live, new people, new job, new everything. My world was changing so fast. I sat up tears started to fall from my eyes. I didn't know why I was crying. It just felt right. The sadness and all the pain I've ever felt left my body tear by tear, every breath I took in brought in peace. It felt god to let go of my past, I needed a new start. Cassy popped into my mind. She helped me escape from myself and I could never repay her for what she has done for me and for giving me this new life. I pictured her smiling at me, her preppy attitude that always annoyed me. I hope that she's happy right now, I hope that Jordan never got to her or my mother. I wonder how my mother is doing, if she saw the note or if she even got home. What did she do when she saw that I had left? I wondered what she would be doing right now with no money, no way to get her next fix. Would she get a job or get clean? Now that I'm gone would she be the mother I've always wanted. My hands moved to my stomach. I would never do that to my child. I would never choose drugs or alcohol before my child. I vowed to myself that I would be the best mom I could be.

It wasn't till Thursday night when I had to go back into work for my first real shift. I couldn't remember where most of the stuff was or even what I should wear except to wear something sexy. I pulled on a tight pair of jeans with a small pink tank top that brought everyone's eyes to my breasts. If this is what I had to do to get tips then this is what has to happen. I sprayed on some perfume and put my hair in a tight pony tail. I put on a gold butterfly necklace that was once my mothers. She once tried to sell it for some extra cash, but it was too pretty to be wasted for drug money. I took one last look in the mirror. My makeup was heavy and my boobs stretched the tank top. My jeans carefully covered my gut to hide any bit of extra fat that could start to form. I took another breath and started to walk to work. I could see the people hanging around the bar doors from a block away. It was early in the evening, but I could smell the booze from the men's breath outside of the bar. Their eyes followed me as I pushed through the doors and walked inside. Nick was standing by the bar beer in hand chatting with a couple men sat at the bar. Both Sheryl and Candace were working tonight. Thank goodness I thought to myself. I would hate to be working with just Candace tonight. Nick noticed me walk in and started towards me. "Okay are you ready for work?" He asked me. I nodded to him. "Well how about you go to the back kitchen and grab your waitress apron from the shelf and there's pens and paper on the table next to it" he said to me pointing overt the kitchen doors. I nodded once more and made my way to the back. The kitchen had two cooks who were busy cooking and preparing food. I walked over to the shelf and pulled on an apron and grabbed a pen and pad of paper. I walked up beside Sheryl. "So what's the first thing that you want me to do?" I asked her. She looked around at the restaurant area. "Well I'm managing the tables tonight and Candace is working the bar so you can take the west corner and the pool tables and I'll handle the rest" She said smiling back at me. I nodded at her. "Any customers that come in through the door and sit in your corner just go up to them and ask what they want and keep an eye on the pool tables too if any of the guys want something". I nodded at her and started cleaning some tables. It wasn't too long before three men walked through the door and sat down at a table in my area. Since I was a waitress before this was easy. The night was going good till it started getting busy with drunks. Tables were full and the bar was over loaded with customers. It was starting to get late and I was barely keeping up with orders. Sheryl had let me take over half of the restaurant part so she could help with the bar. Nick was also helping bartend and pass out orders to the hungry drunks. I could see Candace eyeing me up as I got tips from my customers.

It was near the end of the night. A few stragglers were stumbling and falling out their chairs drunk. They were the only table left so when Candace asked to handle them I let her. I was at the bar counting my tips when Candace came up from behind me. Looking over my shoulder I saw her quickly counting my tips. I moved in front of her blocking her view and quickly bunched up the cash and slipped it into my pocket. "That's a lot of tips for a new girl" Candace said to me pouring another round of beer for the men. I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess they liked me" I said turning to her. She rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips. "You know new girl, you will never be better than me so you might as well quit and just go back to whatever trash you came from" She said. She started to grab the beer mugs when I grabbed her and pulled her back. "Look" I said "I know you don't like me but you don't have to be such a fucking bitch" I tried to keep my voice level so no one would hear. It was just me and Candace now, Sheryl had left when the rush died, the kitchen was closed and Nick was locked up in his office doing paperwork.

Candace turned around to face me. "Get out of my bar" She said harshly. She put the mugs on a tray and started to carry them out. I wanted to hit her so badly, I was fuming with anger. Candace was about to turn around the counter when her stiletto heel caught on a crack in the floor. The beers flew from the tray and spilled all over the floor and herself. She slammed onto the floor cutting herself with the glass shards. My jaw dropped as she fell. "Mother fuck" Candace screamed as she sat up. "Sam you bitch! What the fuck is wrong with you?" She screamed at me. I looked over at the men giving me dirty looks. Candace started to stand up, beer dripped from her clothes. She started towards me raising her hands to hit me. I tried backing away but I hit the end of the counter. Her hand hit the side of my face like a brick. My face felt like it was on fire. Her hand wrapped around my hair and she started to rip my hair down to the ground. I fell to my knees and looked up to see Candace getting ready to kick me. My hands covered my stomach trying to protect my baby. I closed my eyes and braced myself to be kicked. "Get off me" Candace yelled. I looked up to see Nicks arms wrapped around Candace's waist pulling her away. She kicked and tried to pull away from him to get back at me. "Candace stop!" Nick yelled at her. I stood up and braced myself against the back of the bar. "I'm going to get you back you fucking bitch!" She screamed at me as Nick pulled her into the back. I could hear them arguing from the kitchen. The drunk men had gotten up and left the bar. I started to clean up the spilled beer and glass. After about fifteen minutes Nick walked out of the kitchen and towards me. "I'm sorry" I stuttered t him. "Its okay don't worry about her she'll be fine. She's just upset about her clothes getting wet" He said to me. I looked down at my feet. "I think it's best if you go home now. Your next shift is Saturday night okay". I nodded and set the cloth in the sink, I just wanted out of that place.

The temperature had dropped when I walked out the door. The town looked so different now from the day time. It was only after five minutes of walking when I felt like something bad was going to happen. I looked behind me but only saw darkness. The feeling that someone was watching me tingled through my body. Shivers shot through my spine and my heart started to race. I was looking behind me when I turned the corner onto my street. Candace was leaning up against the wall only ten feet in front of me. Her clothes still damp and her fists were still balled. She turned her head to look at me. The rage from before was sketched all over her face. I stopped in my tracks. "So your Nicks slut now eh?" She called out to me. I wanted to turn around and walked the other way, but if I didn't stand my ground now she will walk all over me from now on. "No I'm not" I replied. She started walking towards me. "Really? Because I thought u were since he's sticking up for you now". I shook my head again. Her hands pushed me up to the cool stone wall. I could smell the booze from her breath and clothes. She looked at my necklace. "You know, this beer might stain my clothes and I do expect you to pay for them" she said fiddling with the necklace. "Get off of me" I whispered to her. I started to push her off of me. Her hands wrapped around my arms and pinned me tighter. "This is my bar and Nick is mine. You need to leave" She rasped to me. "Fuck off" I said to her pushing her harder away. She stepped back, almost falling again. I started to walk away taking long strides. "I'm not done with you" She yelled back. I turned to her. "But I'm done with you" I yelled. I walked faster than I have ever walked before. I looked back at Candace still watching me from a few blocks away. I saw her arms go to her sides and her feet stomp as she turned and walked away. I had made my first enemy in this small town. I just hope that I can handle being at work and having to deal with her, but hopefully I can use Nick to my advantage. If she wants a fight I'll give her one.

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