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Chapter 2: Random story

-Random dude is sent to The Walking Dead universe with only hours before the Zombie outbreak truly begins in earnest.

-As many characters as possible are based on their movie or live action television shows.

-Waking up and Surrounded by women and heroes from multiple fandoms, what will happen to poor Alex as he tries to survive this terrifying world?

'What the hell did I drink last night to feel like this in the morning and why am I sleeping in such an awkward position?' Alex thinks to himself trying to clear his mind of the haze surrounding his abused mind. Then he remembers he doesn't even really drink and bolts upright in the desk he is sitting in.

"….the hell?" He whispers to himself as he looks around, the other inhabitants of what looks like a classroom are slowly waking up or already awake and beginning to stand. He couldn't really help but stare as everyone around him was beautiful, like goddess level beautiful and there is also the fact many of them look familiar in one way or another.

"Why the hell am I in a classroom, I graduated years ago!?" Alex mumbled to himself only slightly bitterly.

I must not have been as quiet as I thought because as I looked around some people had looked in my direction.

I had also noticed some groups forming somewhat, people who obviously knew each other as they were probably from the same or similar universes.

The only thing I could really think of though was the last thing I could remember before waking up. It was a voice in my head, telling me to survive the Zombie Apocalypse. But that wasn't very helpful as there were hundreds of different fandoms involving zombies and worse, anime worlds if those counted.

After sighing in annoyance I had to do a self evaluation of what I had to work with. I simply felt younger and the people around me, while resembling characters from shows and movies all looked slightly too young so possible age regression.

After patting myself down I had a Wallet and a IPhone on my person, nothing else. My ID used my real identity atleast, Alexander Duvall though I never lived at the address used on my drivers license, as I have never lived in Los Angeles. I also seemed to be dressed fairly nicely for school clothes for some reason with what looked like a fairly expensive watch. I rarely wear jewelry or accessories though so whatever.

The next thing I checked was the IPhone, it seemed like mine from my world, an IPhone X but the date read as 2009 and not 2022 as it should, and with that I began to have a horrible premonition of where I was. The next thing I did was a google search of any Sheriffs shot in the line of duty in King County Georgia, the fact there was a King County by itself another clue, but the article I found was basically what was expected.

I cursed internally but maybe I was not as subtle as I thought I was as several people were looking at me including who I believed to be Natasha Romanoff, Diana Prince, Clarke Griffin and a few others.

"Anything you want to share with the class Mr…?" Natasha asked me with a raised eyebrow as I noticed nobody else had any electronic devices out and others were probably curious what even a phone was in the first place. "Alex… I.. am not really sure what to say really." I admitted and it was true, I needed time to think but I know I wasn't going to get it by any means.

"How about what you either know or think you know or ….learned?" A beauty from the side with a more regal bearing than most added, looking curious and confused by the device in my hand. Holy shit, I think she is Mary from Reign. I couldn't even really look her in the eyes, if it really is her she has to be confused as fuck and it almost feels like my fault even if it technically isn't.

I could also see Diana nodding, she obviously knew what a Phone was and also that nobody else had one. "Well when I went to sleep.. we'll obviously I wasn't here. This ID says Los Angeles but while the picture is me I have never even been to much less lived in the city so that alone is kinda weird I think?" A few nods from anyone who was actually paying attention to the conversation and I noticed a few people somewhat move closer to hear better.

"Before I woke up though, or maybe before I went to sleep? I'm not really sure but I think I heard a voice. It told me to 'prepare for the zombie apocalypse', I thought it was just a weird dream until I woke up and saw a bunch of people I never saw before but also recognize most of you at the same time." I didn't want to add that last part but I felt I didn't really have a choice and I was also kinda just vomiting out words now like a leaky faucet.

Natasha picked back up this time. "You recognize some of us?" Followed by "zombies?…" from Clarke I think.

"Yah.. most of you are heroes from different versions of Earth I think would be the quickest explanation but also add that most of you also feature in either movies or television shows. I'm guessing it's some kinda multiverse thing where everyone and thing is real somewhere, like your favorite television or movie, book or play, could be an alternate reality or something somewhere? I don't really know how to explain it any better than that sorry."

"Ok, ok, now can we get to the zombies!? Got it, multiverse, probably bleeds through to your reality or something and some psychic or something along those lines got dreams and considered it a good or amusing show or movie. I'm more interested in where we are currently." An annoyed Raven Reyes added quickly, not really seeming mad at me just the situation mixed with an impatient personality.

"Yeah well, like I said, the voice kinda just spewed that little tidbit so I have been looking for anything that might point to which reality this could be, though it could have simply been one I never heard of or didn't exist in my world." I was certainly happy it did though as it would be shitty to go in blind.

"But you found something right?" This looked to come from a young Emma Watson, probably Hermione though. "Probably, I think so at least." That definitely had a few a few people paying close attention, especially people like Natasha and any of the other highly trained individuals who were watching closely.

"Well I was going through some of the different.. Fandoms, different zombie genres and stuff, looking for something that would point me in the right direction and I got a hit after a few minutes. Something that doesn't exist in my world is King County, Georgia, which is where one of the main characters from a zombie TV show lived before the zombie outbreak. Well I did a search for it and it exists here as does the person.

There was also a spin-off show that took place in the same fandom but started earlier than the main show, I searched for that main characters school as it didn't exist in my world either and was also located in Los Angeles. That's two for two, in the first show, a sheriffs officer was shot before the zombies appeared in mass, during a pursuit or chase, Rick Grimes." With that I showed Natasha the article I pulled up about the shooting.

"Well I don't know the exact timeline the zombies begin to pop up in force but I do know it really begins to takes off in August, 2009." I showed her todays date as well and she just closed her eyes almost pained." It was already August 16th(I'm going with that being 'day 1' on the fandom timeline.)

"Any way to narrow it down a bit to the beginning?" That would be Clark and I could already see her calculating what to do now.

"The only thing I can think of is to shadow some of the main cast from the show. But to be honest if we are stuck in the zombie apocalypse, we can probably count on it starting tonight or at least soon.

"You know, at least in theory, what to expect from this world, in theory, the best way to kill these zombies that these main cast people managed to figure out over however long the show ran, yes?" I think that was Black Cat or Felecia Hardy, fuck she is hot and really really distracting. I also noticed she had a beautiful red head attached to her hip, probably MJ Watson.

After a few seconds of thinking it over, she wasn't wrong really. People made all kinds of stupid choices in the shows, almost like they were trying to die. "Ok, I can write out a basic survival guide of what to do and not to do, what seemed to work for the people in this story anyways. Want me to just write it down or give a quick run down of the DOs and Do nots?" After a second I got a simple answer this time from Diana prince. "Both please."

Ok fun. "Well it boils down to that they can hear, smell and somewhat see you I think. If you are going to go into a room or building don't be shy on making noise to draw the zombies to you and kill them outside, if you got the time. It's almost suicide to try to stealth your way through a building unless your a super awesomely trained person, which I am not, so it's what I would do. Draw them to you and fight on your terms basically.

Umh next I guess would also pertain to sound, you can throw something or even use like a kitchen timer or buzzer to draw a large group away from a building to where you want them.

Smell is kinda gross, but they did wear the zombie guts and grossness to travel through hordes of zombies without being attacked so if you smell and move like them they won't attack you. As for sight, since the smell thing works, I don't know what level their sight is at if they have it at all..? Sorry that's all I really got on the zombies other than the only way to kill one is to stab it or shoot it in the brain, decapitation works also but the head will continue to try to bite you until the brain is destroyed.

Also throughout the timeframe of the series which covers maybe 20 or so years, a cure was never to my knowledge discovered. Ahhh. Also it doesn't matter if you are bit, you die and you will turn into a zombie, I think the whole world is technically infected at this point, a bite from them simply gives you an incurable infection that kills you through a fever that antibiotics do nothing to stop." That was kinda a mouth full that I tried to get out as fast as possible.

Some of them looked disturbed that they were stuck in this fucked up world, others just looked resigned.

"I don't suppose you all retained your often times unfair and in some cases god like powers?" I asked and I knew my eyes probably shined with hope but none of the ones I looked to would look me in the eyes. That sucks, I was hoping Wonder Woman would gank the shit out of the zombies and I could just chill.

"Well that is unfortunate.." I almost mumbled. "I don't think I should have to say this out loud but those who are used to having awesome powers or strength should probably stay in the back of any kind of real conflict until they acclimate to their new reality. Also I guess I should add that traveling, especially on foot, at night, is a horrible idea…?"

I could see some people, those who were once blessed with awesomeness, wanted to protest what I said as I knew they were heroes and wouldn't want others fighting for them but it looked like they thought better of it thankfully.

"Any suggestions on what we should do, if y'all want to even stick together that is anyways?" I knew most would but it had to be thrown out there anyways.

"There is a certain safety in numbers, is there not? Though I am unfamiliar with most of which you speak, I can most certainly use a knife or a sword decently enough I think." Ahh bless your heart Adelaide, I mean Mary! Pretty much everyone agreed or kept their peace so that's good.

This time it was Natasha as she was probably the most skilled spy here, that spoke up. "If you can point out the main people to me, we should follow them, if you notice anything familiar, you will be able to narrow down the timeline. Others should work on procuring weapons and such, maybe hit a gun shop? It's still 430 in the morning so if we begin quickly we may be able to have things to work with if things to badly by tonight.

I saw who I assume was Lexa standing near to Clarke, she looks just like Alicia Clark so I'm assuming her and Lexa will look like twins.

"Well if we are in Los Angeles then the main person will look a lot like if not identical to Lexa, if I'm not mistaken" I told Natasha and pointed to the beautiful brunette beside Clarke. "In my world they were played by the same actress…" I added as an afterthought.

"I also looked up the address on my drivers license, it's a 8 bedroom house that while tight, should at least be able to hold us even if we are stuffed like sardines." I had also went through my wallet and found my debit card with that I checked my bank account and found that my old one worked in this world as well but thankfully it had a good chunk of change in it unlike what I'm used to. I also told Natasha this of course as she was probably the best to plan for what we need with what we have. It wasn't anything grand really only under two hundred grand.

But I was grateful for it because there were around 50 of us to care for and prepare for. I had already placed orders for a same day delivery service to deliver the essentials to the address on my ID, mostly the basics for hygiene and such. I handed the phone to some of the girls so that they could add female products, some things had to be explained to some of the girls from more primitive times but the point got across. That was an easy $2,500 down but well spent but that's also only what I put on the order. I shuddered to think what they would spend on almost 50 girls.

We had to stock everything from tooth brushes to toilet paper and everything in between like deodorant, brushes, shampoo. The works really. The girls added their own individual touches to the order, quickly taking over such an arduous task as myself, Natasha and who seems to be her right hand, Sharon Carter watched in fascination at the onslaught of chatters.

"You do realize your bank account just committed suicide right?" Natasha actually cracked a joke and I couldn't help but smile a bit myself. "If it takes their mind off of what is probably coming for a few minutes, then all the better. We are all already too stressed as is because of this situation anyways." She just nodded her agreement.

"Once they are done ordering stuff, should I draw out cash and send people who know what this current time period is like, in groups, to go shopping as well? Ordering too much online could draw attention, well more than what that already will anyways." I said while pointing at the group talking about what to add.

She just agreed with me, there would be five groups of shoppers, though only those with passing knowledge of the modern world would be going in those trips for obvious reasons. The people from older or different time periods would probably become overwhelmed by their surroundings quickly and have no clue what to do in most situations.

We had quite a few modern girls in the group such as Elena and Allison Argent and most of the people from their fandoms would take others out shopping for clothes and camping gear and anything else useful that can be bought with cash. I wanted to send Batgirl and Black Canary as they were both more tactical in mindset but that would be a horrible waste of their skill and time so it was vetoed immediately.

If I could have, my first endeavor would be to rent a few cars and a box truck but you have to be 21 or older to do so, so the ladies who knew how to ended up jacking a few vans and SUVs to be able to transport people everywhere, aiming at older and inexpensive models to cut down on issues. It was a bummer because you also couldn't buy handguns until you were 21, though you could buy most other things, rifles and shotguns, knives and such at the least. We were more using this as a chance to scope out different gun stores and even a few other places that sold guns such as Walmart and sporting goods stores.

Thankfully it's 2009 and the gun ban craze isn't in effect too much in California as it was in my original world so it made finding and buying such things easier. Also had to get a bunch of prepaid phones for the different groups so we could talk easier while the things still worked. Had to use a cabby to get those prepaid phones at Walmart as nothing else was open and we didn't want to go after the vehicles until stores actually opened.

Other than the phones I was also able to grab an AR15 as well as a good hunting rifle plus accessories/ammunition for both. Also got a few hunting knives for those familiar enough to use them. That would make sure the group wasn't defenseless at the least, or maybe saying weaponless would be better as most of these girls were far from defenseless even without weapons. It was only me, Natasha, Dinah, Barbara and Sharon on that trip as more minds and hands could pick out more details quicker.

By the time 730am rolled around we had our vehicles chosen and everyone was taken to the property on my Drivers license in a rush as we didn't want to keep the cars for too long as getting caught with them would be gross. Though every group had a badass with them and could probably take a cop or two out easily enough, basically a free gun I suppose but would draw attention to us quickly.

The home reminded me of the one Victor Strand had before they ran off to the Abigail so it's probable that he lives near by as this house is also right on the beach. The home was overly large, nowhere near enough bedrooms for everyone but plenty enough for everyone to camp inside at least.

It was pretty much Natasha coaching me in what to buy and what was priority and such, she made lists for the different groups after we managed to get them each a few thousand dollars to spend for each group as too much cash would also draw attention.

Funnily enough Black Cat and Black Canary were both slotted into being my minders as well as Natasha as they were some of the most proficient hand to hand fighters and could also use weapons if needed, and since we were going to be checking a certain run down church they wanted to go in kinda strong or with good fighters at least. Each of us had a ka-bar with a 12" blade, we didn't bring any of the rifles or shotguns though.

I told them what may happen in the church, that the girl may overdose and either choke on her own vomit or just die of some other issue as I wasn't sure. We could simply wait for Nick to run out but they decided to try to save the girl if today was that day though I wasn't overly hopeful but that was the pessimism in me coming out.

As we arrived at the run down church it was still only 930 in the morning. We had no clue when things would happen, though we're sure it was sometime before noon'ish. "Alright Alex." Natasha began to address me quietly. "You and Dinah are going to be attached at the hip, stay with her no matter what, ok?" I just nodded vigorously, I was already nervous about being in this fucked up world but actively going into a possible zombie nest in a creepy building went above the pale.

With that done Natasha and Felicia pulled ahead while me and Dinah held back slightly, though we all pulled out knives and flashlights after putting on some thick gloves that covered a lot of the forearm just incase before entering the creepy building.

I had to fight the urge to mutter profanities or to actually talk at all as I was more than aware that silence was paramount to our safety in this setting and in no way wanted to either get ganked by a zombie or to annoy one of these women.

This place was honestly what I expected a crack den to be like, it smelled like shit, was creepy as hell and I felt like I would either be attacked or killed at any moment. Thankfully there were not many people here today but I already felt like I needed to bathe in bleach to get this level of gross off of me.

It didn't really take long to find the cracked out people strewn around, one by one or in small groups. Eventually upstairs as I thought I remembered them being, we came upon a room with two people laying inside on a grungy mattress. Damn shame to, the girl is too hot to be a crackhead and left in a place like this, oh well can't save everyone especially from themselves.

"That's them" I whisper to Natasha as I walk forward enough to see the two people on the mattress better. "That means tonight is most likely the beginning, tonight or tomorrow night as I think it took a day to really start up. Though I think she is one of the first people shown to turn into one of them so if we either save her or stop her from killing others it could at least hold up the local infection by a few hours but you can't stop random people from dying in random ways elsewhere." I tell them sadly. This may stall the dead rising for a few hours but it wouldn't do much in the end.

They just nodded in understanding, Natasha would deal with it though. I knew that because that's who she was. We all understood there would be little we could do to stop the spread long term.

Ever since we perched up near their room I had been texting the other groups that were shopping, I had realized that some of our people who were from a far different time period would never get to understand the glory of a 3musketeers or any other candy or drink so one group also stocked up on the lesser not no less important to me necessities as well. When Felicia noticed while looking over my shoulder she just gave me a thumbs up. Chocolate is a girls best friend after diamonds after all. Natasha and Dinah may have also thrown out a few names of personal favorites that I passed on.

I know Emma Frost definitely wanted wine but none of us could actually legally get our hands on it but she was not to be deterred, she some how managed to convince random guys to go in and buy her whatever she wanted. I almost forgot how dangerous she can be even without her mental powers. So at least we have that I suppose though I doubt she could get enough to last 50 people long, not in a single day anyways.

Most of these things we are doing are somewhat frivolous but nobody really wants to rough it too much when we have anywhere from a few hours to a day or two to buy what we can.

I know Sharon and a few others were out trying to find an Arsenal from lesser reputable sources and either buy or steal from their stock but I wasn't getting involved in that as I didn't know anything useful in that regard.

Eventually it was time, we heard noises of someone that sounded like they were moving around wildly. That's when all three of them moved, checking the situation as I just watched them and the doorway so nobody came up behind us, Felicia was still by my side though.

I could see the panicked look in the girls eyes when I turned to look at what was happening, she was choking on her own vomit I'm pretty sure though I'm no doctor. I watched as Natasha ran up behind Gloria and began trying to clear her airways and eventually it actually worked, im just glad her heart simply didn't stop or something as she probably would have died without us even knowing.

The girl was sobbing now, trying to talk, I'm pretty sure she was trying to say thank you through her panicking words before being laid back down.

"So now what do we do?" I asked them curious, I wasn't sure if she would still die or not honestly.

Natasha just sighed in annoyance. The girl was unconscious again. "We should stay until she wakes up I suppose. Text Sharon and the others to see how they are doing on their respective assignments, I want to ditch those vehicles by or before noon today.


Sharon Carter

It had been an annoyingly long morning with surprises and shocks all over the place but eventually we got into the groove of things with a very basic plan in mind depending on the situation we find ourselves in as well as the timeline we are working with. Myself, Barbara, Skye(I like the name better), and Lexa were all on mission to search for the less than legal items we would need to survive what may be coming soon.

Mainly that would be weapons and ammunition and anything else useful. It was annoying to search out and find gang stashes and safe houses but they weren't any smarter in this universe than they were in my original so it simply took a little leg work and knowing what to look for.

It only took a few hours to find the first stash or safe house, whatever it is anyways, we hope it has something useful in it. It's kinda cliche, being an old warehouse but cliche works.

"Let's go ladies." And they began moving to the warehouse as quickly and quietly as possible, each one only armed with several knives each and dressed in black with face masks and gloves on.

It wasn't really a big deal and was probably anticlimactic in essence as Lexa simply threw her knife right into one thugs throat while Sharon managed to cut the throat of the next one to turn the corner. There was only three guards and he was knocked unconscious by batgirl a few minutes later once she found him in a break room.

Sharon and Skye had quickly grabbed the guns from the thugs they had killed as well as any spare magazines they had on them and moved around to search the warehouse in detail.

It took them about thirty minutes to find everything as there was no real manifest or anything.

There were plenty of drugs, mostly Cocaine, some weed, a bag of cash and a bag with some guns, useful but not the weapons stash desired. Thankfully there was also ammunition for the guns as well. They also yanked the weed as it could be used in actual medicinal ways.

They would continue their crusade against crime until noon where they would ditch their vehicles in a random parking lot after dropping off spoils.

Westley86 Westley86

Ehhh this was just kinda a random brain child that wouldn’t go away. The girls included are kinda random but I think I chose all humans or human base, Caprica6 would probably be the farthest from human and even she is basically so.

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