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Chapter 31: A Week Ago

AN: Yo, yo, yo, it's your boy Venerable Fox back with another upload. I just had thanksgiving and I stuffed myself like a pig ;-;. Anyways this chapter is just a filler before the fight. Enjoy. Waah!

Please comment :D. Send some random gifs cause they funny ;-;.


(Naoto POV)

*A Week Ago*



"Well, well, well..."

"I have so much to say about this...But I think they turned out pretty well, huh?"

They stood in front of the four canvases, admiring the beauty of the painting and how well-drawn it was.

"Such a lovely aura," said Sakura. In exaggerated gesture, she put both hands to her cheeks as she swooned over the four portraits of Nagatoro, all showing her either smiling or laughing.

Yoshi did a double finger-gun at the paintings. "Lovely!"

At Yoshi's large emphasis of the word 'love' as she said the word in English, he felt his cheeks flush at the blatant undertone of what she meant.

"What's the concept?" asked Gamou, bending slightly forward towards the paintings as she began examining them even more closely.

Eyes closed, Nagatoro sported a smug look on her face as she stood next to him, nudging his sides to go on and explain.

"A-A day in Nagatoro's life, I guess." he said, looking like he would rather be anywhere but here as he felt their predatory gazes land on him.

Still continuing to nudge him, Nagatoro stopped as he realized that he wouldn't continuing talking as his face was too red.

"So here how it all began..." said Nagatoro, recalling the memory.



"I'm still having trouble on how I should draw you..." Senpai murmured, slightly biting into his bottom lip as he furrowed his eyebrows.

Sitting on the chair nearby while eating a red bean bun, Nagatoro began rubbing her chin. "The reason why the president gets all the vote was because she showcased her badonkers, right?"

"Ba-Badonkers..?! Yeah, that's true..."

"That's why she's popular. She knows what's her selling point, and that's beauty. Her being naked emphasizes those knockers to the moon. The only to beat fire is to fight with fire!" shouted Nagatoro rising her half-eaten red bun into the air.

"How?" Senpai asked.

"That's simple. Just draw something you find beautiful about me and highlight it to a point that even a blind man has no point but to see my beauty."

"Something that I find beautiful about Nagatoro..." murmured Senpai for moment before snapping his fingers. "I got it!"

Rising from his stool, he began picking up her stuff as he dragged her outside the room.

"Wh-what are you doing all of the sudden?" Nagatoro yelped as she was literally carried outside of the art club.

Senpai gave her a quick peck on the cheek that caused her to lightly blush at the sudden warmth against her face.

"I have direction to draw my portraits now. But I want to it to be a surprise. So can you please not look at it until at least tomorrow?" Senpai pleaded.

"Fi-Fine, but not because you said so, ok? I had to get going to one of my clubs anyways." she quickly stuttered out.

"Thanks again! Call you later tonight?"

"Yeah! Don't forget to call me. You said you would call at seven but I answered your call at nine!"


(Next Day)

"Wow, you did all of this, Senpai?" said Nagatoro out loud as she looked at the several portraits of her in a happy mood.

"When I said to capitalize on my selling points, I meant I was ok if you drew me in a risqué manner, Senpai..." said Nagatoro, her voice trailing off as she noticed how plain the paintings were compared to the President's nude self-portrait.

Senpai scratched the back of his head as he looked down with a slightly tired grin. "But the 'you' I see everyday is the most beautiful thing to me."

Overwhelmed by the sudden sincere comment by Senpai, Nagatoro felt a critical attack hit her.

"P-Perv! Who said that you can watch me all the time! Idiot! Idiot!" said Nagatoro, wailing her arms on his right arm.

"D-Did you not like it? I spent a lot of time after school-"

"That's not what I said! Idiot Senpai! Pervy Senpai!"

"I see now! Nagatoro is a goddess who can't do any wrong-!"



"H-Hold on a minute, I don't remember saying that last part."he interrupted.

Swatting her hand towards him, she tsked him. "Every story needs some embellishments. That's how you keep the listeners hanging on with a hook."

Gamou smirked at the story. "Man, this is such a... boyfriend's perspective."

"Disgustingly sweet!" chorused both Sakura and Yoshi.

Twiddling with his fingers, he looked to the side as he explained his point. "I just thought I could make some good art if I could draw Nagatoro's daily life."

Face red as well, she began patting his head. "Of course these portraits of me would move you, my lovely lovey boyfriend put his sweat, tears, and blood into making this. Although it has creepy virgin vibes."

"But there's still the problem of the President's picture." said Gamou, pointing her thumb at the dividers separating the clubroom.

The girls got into a huddle, whispering as they glanced at either him or the dividers. After several minutes of harsh whispering, they disbanded.

"All right," said Gamou, slamming her fist into her palm. "It doesn't sound like she's there. Let's go gather intel."

"Recon!" shouted Sakura and Yoshi, pumping their fist into the air. Nagatoro just folded her arms, trying to not look too interested in glancing at the competition.

He and Nagatoro to wait on their side and have the other three girls go ahead.

"Pardon us!"

"Is she not here?"

"Nope, nope."

Hearing them on the other side, Nagatoro glanced at him. "Are you don't want to take a look?"

"Not really, I don't want to be demoralized before the competition even begins." he said in a gloomy tone.

Trying to cheer him up, she rubbed his shoulders. "Don't worry, Senpai. She may be the queen of lewd, but you have something she doesn't have."

Looking up, he tilted his head slightly. "I do?"

"Yeah, me!" said Nagatoro, pointing a finger at him now. He could almost see a halo of light around her now. "I modeled hard, after all."

"I hope you're right." he said with a halfhearted grin.

"Toro-chan, Toro-chan, come over and check this out." said Sakura from the other side.

"Okay," she said, smiling at him before going over as well.

He heard giggling and small talk from the girls on the other side as they searched for the painting, which they soon found from what he could hear. He heard the distinctive sound of cloth being moved as they quickly became silent. Hearing a thud soon follow after, he turned his head towards the sound.

"Hayacchi!" shrieked Gamou.

"R-Retreat!" Yoshi yelled.

Rushing back, he found the group of girls on the ground as they surrounded Nagatoro who they dragged back. Her face lifeless and her eyes not too different from a dead fishes'.

Gamou and Yoshi tried to shake Nagatoro back into the world of the living as Sakura wept in the side.

"Hayacchi's down!" shouted Gamou, letting Nagatoro head rest on her lap.

Yoshi looked flustered, not sure what to do with her hands as she waved some air towards Nagatoro. "Killed in action!"

Shocked, he yelled out to his girlfriend. "Nagatoro!"


"Breast violence."

Laying lifelessly on the couch was Nagatoro, who looked up in the ceiling with a dead look in her eye.

In a corner of the room, Yoshi and Sakura held each other as they shivered, their heads bowed in fear.

Standing next to them stood Gamou, who kept shaking her head back and forth. "The last one was insane, but this one's doubly insane."

At Gamou's words, the girls in the corner began to shiver even harder.

"Seriously?" he asked incredulously, astounded by their reactions to the paintings.

With her face shadowed by her hair, Gamou spoke. "The queen of leads has become the demon queen of leads!" She said, soon cackling at her own words. Sakura and Yoshi joined in as well as they laughed too. "Cackle, cackle!"

"It's not funny!" shouted Nagatoro from the couch, a vein bulging from her forehead.

"Sorry," apologized Gamou with her arms crossed under her breast. "We need to come up with a solution."

"Yes," spoke up Gamou after a moment, "let's do this."

Presenting her breast to both him and Nagatoro, Gamou let her boobs bounce in front of the two.

"Hayacchi strips down for the team, too." suggested Gamou.

Giving the orange-haired girl a deadpanned expression, he raised both hands in resistances.

"Not again, I don't need that." Nagatoro, still sitting on the couch, blankly stared at Gamou's larger breast.

"He's right," said Sakura. In a 'holier-than-thou' tone and with her hands clasped together in prayer, Sakura spoke. "Fighting might with might and leads with leads can only bring about more misery."

"Then what do we do?" asked Gamou.

"If she's going to use her naughty bits," explained Sakura, "we have to take advantage of her weak bits, too."

The girls soon began huddling together in a meeting as they whispered to each other.

"Er, you don't have to do anything too crazy." he started. The girls looked up at him.

"This is... between Nagatoro and me." he said, rubbing his nose. Nagatoro, who was about to agree on a plan to sabo-, er, compete with President came to his side and patted his shoulders. "Yeah, you're right. This is our problem."

"Come on," said Gamou. "Don't be like that just 'cause he's your boyfriend." Putting an arm over both him and Nagatoro, Gamou placed her head between both of them. "We'll produce something awesome for you."

The Gamou, Yoshi, and Sakura soon began to cackle again.

'I know that they're doing us a favor, but why do they look so sinister while doing it?' he thought.


(Day of festival)

"Hachioji-san, can you also carry this?"


"Kouhai, can you move that there as well?"


A group of students were working on the entranceway to the school festival. Among them was Senpai and the President.

"It's done" said the President. The wooden gateway was wrapped with canvas that the art club members and a few volunteers painted on. The finished product was ocean-themed mural with orcas painted across the surface.

After raising the entrance up, both him and the President made their way back to their clubroom.

As they walked back in silence, the President spoke up. "How is your piece coming along?"

"I think it's turning out well," he said as he watched students prepare for festival.

A moment passed before President responded back. "I see." Stopping, she turned around and glared fiercely at him. "I'm not going to hold back, even against my underclassmen. Hit me with a soulful work of passion."

"R-Right." he responded back.

'She always knows when to say impressive stuff, but isn't that too dramatic for a painting competition?' he thought. Looking at her from behind, he noticed something particular sticking out of her book bag.

"President, what is that hanging out of your bag?" he asked.

"This?" she clarified, pulling out what was no doubt Nagatoro as a cat keychain. "This was getting trendy in class. Someone had an extra so they gave it to me."

'What are those girls doing?' he asked himself as he covered his face in the second hand embarrassment he felt for Nagatoro.

"Come to think of it, this looks like that cat-ear girl."

"Excuse me." he heard coming from down the hall. Walking towards them were a group of boys with a camera, blue armbands and a microphone.

One of the boys with the blue armband came up to President with a microphone ready. "May we interview you again this year, Sunomiya-san?"


"The theme is oppression and liberty. I used the human figure as my motif. It is an eternal theme that I will endlessly pursue as an artist. It's one that can never be avoided. I'd like for many people to see it."

"Thank you very much!" said the interviewer.

He was amazed Sunomiya-senpai for not only being able to articulate herself so well and powerfully during the interview, but also the way she held in herself in confidence.

"Ok, now let's interview the second art club. Now any words of encouragement for the culture festival, please."

Noticing the microphone now in front of his face, he made several inaudible noises before composing himself.

"Um, er, my theme is, well..." steeling his nerves, he just decided to shout it out loud. "I'm hoping to express the charm of the girl who I l-l-love!"

"I see, I see," repeated the reporter. "so this is how artist types express their love, right? Thank you very much! This concludes our interview with the art club."

'I totally blew that,' he thought, 'I didn't know what to say, so I blurted the first thing that came to mind! Ahh, why did I say that on camera!'

"Hold it!" a voice shouted. Everyone nearby turned to the sound.

"Torocat Two!"

"Torocat Three!"

"Torocat One."

Standing in the middle of the hall was Nagatoro with two other people in parodied cat costumes, sandwiching the girl in a cat costume as they posed in more life-like cat costumes. He was pretty sure that the other two were Sakura and Yoshi based on their voices. Standing to side was Gamou as she smirked at the lifeless expression on Nagatoro's face.

The reporter that had just interviewed him grew excited. "What's this? It's the Torocats that everyone has been talking about!"

Torocat Two(Yoshi) and Torocat Three(Sakura) continued to do JoJo poses as Nagatoro arms hung lifelessly in front of her body like a wet spaghetti noodle.

"Come on!" cheered Gamou. "Dance! Dance!" It was clear who the orange-haired girl was referring to.

Still looking dead, Nagatoro gave Gamou a side-glance before dancing with the other two.

"Nyan! Nyan!"

"Nyan! Nyan!"

"Nyan! Nyan!"

Now pointing their fingers at the camera, Nagatoro store right into the camera before speaking in soulless voice. "I'mma toy with you."

Gamou sniggered on the side.

"It's the 'Toying With You Dance' that's taken the school by storm!" said the reporter excitedly into the microphone. "Rumor has it that many wish to be toyed with by the Torocats. Why have they emerged here?"

Soon, the shouting the of the reporter along with the spontaneous dance by the girls had lured many people over. Now the hallways were jam-packed with students trying to get a closer look.

"They're here?"

"So cute!"

"The outfit's so well-made."

"Nyan, nyan, nya! Nyan, nyan, nya!" The three continued to dance, attracting more and more people.

Gamou broke through the crowd as she initiated a huddle with the dancers. "All right, let's move on to the next phase."

"Go, go." chanted Yoshi and Sakura.

"Fine, fine," relented Nagatoro.

"Meow'sup," greeted Nagatoro to a nearby boy, making sure to keep a happy derpy face on instead of her scowl.

"She's over here." said the surprised boy.

Another boy standing nearby replied back uncertainly, "M-Meow'sup?"

Nagatoro pointed to the art clubroom. "We're holding an art exhibition here today."

"Oh, really?"

"Just come check it out." said Nagatoro, dragging both boys with her to the clubroom.

While looking uncomfortable, Nagatoro 'toyed' with the two boys as the press club continued to film her as she did so in front of the paintings.

"If you'd like to be toyed with, come to the second art room." said the reporter.

Seeing Nagatoro work so hard for him moved his heart. He now had to think of something to make it up to her later in the future.

Deciding to leave her be, he continued to advertise to the passing students to come look at the art exhibition.

But despite Nagatoro and the girl's hard work, the President's still getting more traffic. And the reason was all too apparent as boys left the room blushing as they glanced at the President calmly sitting at her desk with her eyes closed.

Glancing at Nagatoro promoting the art club, he thought more about his chances. 'But I think I'm faring better than I hoped, thanks to Nagatoro and the others.'

"Um..." said a voice. Turning around, he noticed two girls standing at the entrance way to the art club behind him. "Are you with this art club?"

"Huh? Yes." he responded.

"Did you draw all these yourself" asked the girl on the right.

"Yeah, did you like them? I point in a lot of effort in every single one, so I hope you enjoyed looking at them."

"Wow!" said the girl on the right in amazement.

Speaking up, the girl on the left put both hands up in excitement. "You're so good at drawing!"

"Thanks for the appreciation! That means a lot." he replied back merrily as well.

Nearby, Nagatoro listened in on the conversation in jealously as she half-mindedly patted a random person's head as she was 'toying' with them.

"Teach me how to draw sometime." said one of the girls.

Hearing those words, Nagatoro quickly rushed over to 'neutralize' the 'threats.' But she was quickly stopped by Gamou holding on to the her shoulders. Nagatoro was about to shout at her friend in outrage before Gamou decided to speak loudly to both her and Senpai.

"Paisen, Hayacchi, go have lunch." she said. "Torocats Two and Three will handle things while Torocat One is gone."

"Yup." cheered the Torocats Two and Three.

"Really, thanks for covering for me." thanked Nagatoro.

"Thanks again you guys," he said, bowing to Torocats.

"Yup, yup." said Sakura as well, standing next to Gamou eating a chocolate covered banana topped with sprinkles. "You'll do better work if you take some breaks every now and then."

Stunned at seeing Sakura outside of the suit, both Gamou and Yoshi turned towards the Torocat standing between the two before lifting up the mask. Underneath was revealed to be Sakura's previous stalker from the gaming club.

Both Yoshi and Gamou looked at Stalker-san with horrified realization as Sakura ate her chocolate banana as she smiled. "I had him take my spot because it's so hot."

"Um, thank yo-." said Stalker-san, only to be interrupted as both Gamou and Yoshi simultaneously delivered a kick to both his stomach and his back. Now on the ground, Stalker-san was soon being trampled on by both Yoshi and Gamou.

"Damn it! You should have told me!" shouted Gamou out in anger as she continued stomping her foot. "I held this guy's shoulder!"

Both he and Nagatoro watched the scene unfold before them in mild concern for the poor boy being trampled.

"Want to go grab lunch?"


"Honestly, Senpai, how could you not know those girls were coming on to you?"

"B-But they were just complimenting me on my drawings."


Sitting on the benches outside, he ate his yakisoba next to Nagatoro. Despite being berated by Nagatoro, she was in a pleasant mood as she waved her chopsticks around, pointing out to him how to avoid such situations altogether.

"By the way, thanks for going out of the way to help try and beat the President. " he said sincerely.

Nagatoro blushed at his warm smile before she turned away. "O-Of course! If Senpai loses, so do I! That would mean, objectively, the President's lewd drawing would win against me in looks. Th-That's why I did it, you see. S-Stop giving me that weird smile, Senpai! Creep!"

He smiled happily as Nagatoro continued to try and stop him.


"All right," said Nagatoro cracking her knuckles as they both walked back towards the art clubroom, "let's wrap up the rest of the day, Senpai!"

"Yeah!" he answered back earnestly as well.

"I like the spirit! We just need to keep that drive up."

"Don't touch my piece!" he heard down the hall.

Looking over, he saw a crowd formed around the art clubroom. As they both walked closer to check on what was going on, he saw members of the disciplinary committee inside, covering the President's painting with a veil.

"Please come to the student guidance office." said short-haired girl to Sunomiya-senpai. She was the disciplinary committee president.

He and Nagatoro watched the scene with deadpanned faces.

"Er...." Weren't they hyping themselves all up for nothing?


"I received permission for the exhibit. This is tyranny!" said Sunomiya-senpai inside the student guidance office. Standing outside waiting was him and Nagatoro. They both decided to tag along with the President to see how the situation would play out.

"We said we would decide depending on the response on the day of the event," explained the disciplinary committee president(DCP) inside the room. The DCP walked towards the confiscated nude of Sunomiya and gestured towards it. "This may be art, but we are at school. Moral order!"

The DCP saluted at the committee's slogan as the other members present saluted with their president as well. "Moral order!"

Angered, Sunomiya crossed her arms even more tightly. "I consider myself an artist. I'm ready to fight for the right to free expression."

Outside the room, Gamou, Yoshi, and Sakura showed up as well.

"Looks like we win." noted Gamou.

"That was anti-climatic." said Sakura.

"Victory without battle!" cheered Yoshi.

Back inside, the DCP walked up to Sunomiya. "In any case, we forbid you to display your piece during the culture festival."

Hearing that, he couldn't take it any longer. Without thinking, he slid open the door and walked up to the DCP.

"Hold on a second!" he shouted.

"We told you to stay out-" started the DCP, but she was interrupted when he raised his question.

"What's wrong with the president's piece?" he asked. "It was fine last year."

Scoffing at his comment, DCP looked at him. "We received a report that she was using it to play with the male students' lust. We can't allow that to happen."

"That's not true!" he shouted. Turning to Yoshi, he gestured for her to come up. "Can I borrow your camera for a bit?"

Yoshi nodded hesitantly. "Y-Yes!"

Taking the camera from here, he directed the screen to the DCP. "This is my proof that the President's art has a deeper meaning than letting some people get off. That it's a way for the President to demonstrate the deeper messages and ideals she holds true to herself. The beauty of things that can never be expressed in words or text. That is what art is. And I know no one better than Sumoniya-senpai who understands it better!"

Yoshi also spoke up in the President's defense as well. "Th-There were some people who were looking at it with sketchy eyes, but there were lots who took it seriously, too. It's...uh...amazing!"

Surprised at how bold Yoshi had come, the rest of the girls shrieked in excitement as they surrounded and hugged the blushing girl weakly tried to break out. But anyone could see that she enjoyed every single moment of it.

The DCP was silent before nodding her head slightly towards them. "Give us a moment alone and we'll give you an answer."


"I was allowed to continue the exhibit under the conditions that I take a survey and comments of the viewers as well." said the President, smiling. "Thanks for the support."

The girls cheered as he smiled. Nagatoro standing next to him smirked devilishly alongside the others as they looked at the President. "But that means that you're disqualified, right? That means we win the competition."

Nodding to those words, the President took out the club termination form and ripped it in half. "I'll take back shutting down the club. I'll talk to the student council."

"Victory!" shouted all the girls with their hands raised.

The president looked away as they cheered. "That's fine by me." Walking away, the President was suddenly stopped by Nagatoro and her friends.

"It's not over yet," said Gamou with a smirk.

"There has to be a penalty for you." added Sakura.

"W-Wait, we don't need to go that far!" he said.

"Stay out of this, Senpai!" interjected Nagatoro.

Seeing this, the President coughed into her fist. "Indeed, that would only be fair."

"Thanks for being so understanding President." said Nagatoro with a sinister smile.

"Hehehehe." laughed the girls.


For the rest of the day, the girls used the President dressed in a bunny suit to sell Torostraps. The President later admitted to him that although it was embarrassing at first, the 'oppression' she felt doing so gave raise to her more 'creative' thinkings. Keep in mind that she said this all while blushing slightly.

Sigh, why did he know so many weird people.

"Did you hear what she said about your drawings, Senpai? She was like 'it's clumsy and passionate,' just like how'd I imagine you taking my first time!"

"D-Don't say something like that in public!"

"Hehe. Don't be such a prude, Senpai. It's too late for anyone to be around."

The day had flew by so fast it was already night by the time they got to Nagatoro's house. Nagatoro was on his back and snuggled into the green scarf she gave him.

"Alright, we're here." he said, gently dropping the girl off his back. Nagatoro seemed reluctantly to hop off before slowly putting on foot after the other on the ground. Giving him two kisses on the right cheek, she waved at him.

"Don't forget to call me later tonight, ok, Senpai?" said Nagatoro as she peeked through a crack in her front door.

"I won't forget th-" suddenly he lurched forward. Unknowingly, his book bag zipper was slightly unopened, allowing a single pencil to drop out on to the door mat as he lowered Nagatoro off his back.

He fell forward, pushing the door open and Nagatoro onto the floor as well. When his senses came back to him, he found himself on all fours with Nagatoro's smaller body pressed between him and the ground.

"What is going on here?!" He heard foot steps coming down the stairs before seeing an older man with a tanned complexion and slightly grayed hair.

"Dad?!" said Nagatoro in a higher pitched voice.

Looking down at Nagatoro and up at her father several times, he came to one conclusion.

He was screwed.

VenerableFox VenerableFox

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