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82.6% Solo Leveling: The Monarch Of Storms / Chapter 19: Unnamed

Chapter 19: Unnamed

(First POV)

"Would I what?" I asked in confusion. After feeling my body being disintegrated I thought I died. Suddenly I woke up and was ass naked laying on my bed with the system speaking to me.

[Would you like to begin the system evolution?]

"How long would it take and what would happen?"

[The system evolution would put you to sleep for a week as your body gets remade so you can inherit the power of the Storm Monarch.]

"I'd like to ask a question first. Who is this storm Monarch?"

[The Storm Monarch: In the eve of battle the creator saw that Ashborn, the Shadow Monarch was getting pushed back as the rulers and monarchs banned together to kill him and the creator. Seeing this he decided to give the Shadow Monarch a companion. Someone to fight with, but also a toy that was used to make the war more interesting.

The first strike of lightning was made from he who would bring upon nothing, but destruction. Great winds and world changing waters brought upon the change of battle. The Storm Monarch is the primordial god of storms and destruction.]

"…What the fuck are rulers and who's this Shadow Monarch. Also isn't the creator the same person that made this system. He doesn't seem like the type to enjoy war for no reason."

[That information is confiscated until system evolution has been activated.]

"As of now I'd like to deny the system evolution. I can't be sleep that long and miss out on things and break some promises. Claim all rewards."

[Random Ability Runestone has been claimed]

[20 SP have been claimed]

[One Spirit Summon has been claimed]

A gold runestone appeared on his bed along with a crystal that was a rainbow of colors. I picked up the runestone and broke it as I saw a notification appear in front of me.

[Passive Ability: 'God's eyes' have been learned]

[God's Eyes: Allows the user to observe the world.]

"Why would you give this to anyone. Why would I even need this?" I asked, but then again the ability to look at everything in fhe world is both useful as a hunter and to my country.

I picked up the crystal ball and started inserting mana as the ball started to burst in a golden light.

[The companion that follows Raijin leaving nothing but a trail of destruction in its wake. A mighty spirit that's rarely seen my the human eye. This beast is depicted as a wolf, tankue, bird, fox, etc. The spirt has answered your call as it's new master and companion.

Raiju, the spirit companion of Raijin, the god of thunder and lightning]

The system gave an introduction of this spirit and I was absolutely ecstatic. I'm getting the spirit of a little companion of a god, who wouldn't be. As the light from the crystal died down, my jaw fell to the ground.

Instead of a wild beast of destruction I got a small kitten of cuteness.


It was completely composed of lightning, but as it sat on my bed it didn't seam to harm anything. I reached my hand out to pat it and it felt nice. Like I was petting a normal kitten.

"I should put on some clothes." I said as It was getting weird with me petting a cat that was better my legs while I was naked. I put on some casual clothes and picked Raiju up as I walked into the living room.

'Tomorrow we have a group "training" session, but honestly I don't think anyone in there can take me or Jin-cheul in a one on one fight.' I thought as I turned on the television.

On the news was the chairman and he was telling everyone how South Korea would be witnessing something that had to be sent from heaven on the day of the Jeju island raid.

He told them about the lineup, but that was all as he told them it would be broadcasted live on all channels. Seeing this I sighed. He knows how to get the crowd going and to hook peoples interest.

'Now what to do in my free time?' I thought as I took out my phone. I called Jin-cheul and after his phone rang for a while it went to voicemail. Sung Jin-woo and Jin-ah are hanging out with their mom, and I don't have anything else to do.' I got up with a sigh as I went to the bathroom and when I walked past the mirror, I froze.

Taking a step back I looked at myself and my eyes widened. My usual blue eyes are now golden. My hair was also starting to grow everywhere, but it still looked nice.

After using the bathroom I went back to the living room and was about to sit down as my phone went off. As I checked who it was my head reeled back a bit in surprise.

'Shouldn't she be with her mom?' I thought. I answered the phone and put it to my ear.

{What's up?}

{Hey, so my brother told my mom about you and she wants to meet you.} Jin-ah said with a nervous laugh.

{Like now?}

{Maybe in about an hour. If you can be here in an hour.} She said hurriedly. She knew he had lots of stuff to do with work and dungeons, so she didn't want to intrude on that time. Especially since he's an S-rank hunter.

{I can be there. Is it okay if I bring my pet?}

{Umm, it depends. My mom's allergic to dogs.}

{It's a cat}

{That's fine.}

{Cool. Okay I'll get ready and be there in a bit.}

{Okay, see you later.}


I hung up the phone and went to my closet. When you're meeting someone's parents you need to look good right? But coming there like I'm going to prom would be weird, no?

Something casual should be good, but then it might seem like I don't care too much about this situation. I'll just go with something that can be worn out in public, but some comfortable.

I put on a red T-shirt and some black jeans with a black hoodie over it. I then picked out some black and red hightop since my feet feel naked when something other than socks not over them.

Afterwards, I grabbed my wallet and phone before going to the living room to get Raiju.

"I wonder how people will react to you." I muttered as I held him in my arms. It curled into a ball and closed its eyes as I left the complex.

I unlocked my car door and put Raiju in the passenger seat as I started the car. I rolled the windows down and played 'Mo3-Alter Ego'. With that I pulled off as I was headed to my first destination.

You usually bring gifts to these types of things, so I decided to get something 'expensive'. Well not for me, but it would definitely cost a lot to normal people.

Once I got out of the car with Raiju people were looking at me in confusion. I still looked like myself, but with golden eyes. People must have been put off my the change, but at least I wasn't getting swarmed.

I walked into the 1068studio which was South Koreas most expensive jewelry brand. Walking I could tell with a glance all of their jewelry was real. As I stepped in there was a gurl behind the counter as she welcomed me with a smile.

"Welcome to 1068studio. Is there anything specific you're looking for?" She asked as she came from around the counter.

"Not really. I'll look around and see if I find anything." I said kindly as I took a look at the necklaces they had on display.

'These are some nice necklaces, but is it too much for the occasion?' I had a thought to call Jin-ah to see if they were even fine with this, but then I decided that if it was a surprise it would be better.

After some moments of looking around I found three items I was okay with.




"I wonder what the occasion is for all of this?" She asked as she got started getting the prices for them.

"Meeting the family for the first time." I answered.

"Lucky girl." She said as she boxed them up.

"The total will be $4,256,300 won." She said with a smile. I took out my card and swiped it then put the code in. Afterwards, the boxes got bagged and I got back in the car.

With that I went to Jin-ah's apartment and knocked on the door. I heard some rushed footsteps as I breathed out. The door opened and I saw Jin-ah in some blue jeans, with a baby blue and white striped shirt.

Her hair was tied into the her normal ponytail as she looked at me with confused eyes. Her eyes than landed on Raiju as she scooped him up. He didn't seem disturbed at all by it after peeking out at me.

"Are you wearing contacts?" She asked as she stepped to the side.

"No, they changed while I was in a dungeon." I whispered to her.

"Well hello. My son told me a lot about you. Call me Hyung-Hye." Said the woman who must have been their mother. She was a middle aged woman with black hair, gray eyes, and a slender physique like Jin-ah.

"Yep. My name is Sung Ming-yoo." I introduced myself as we say down.

"Looks like you won't be changing your last name any time soon." She said with light laugh. Jin-ah sighed as she looked away from us. Jin-woo just shook his head with a smile as he was sitting across from me in a chair.

"So how old are you?"

"I'm 16."

"Dod you finish school?"

"No, I dropped out to be a hunter."

"I see that's done wonders seeing as you're S-rank." She said.

"Yeah, it was a good choice on my part."

"Do you have a job?"

"I work with the hunters association."

"You don't work for them?"

"No, it's more of a mutual benefit type of thing. They get a National rank hunter on their side and I get just as much say about this country as the president." I said with a chuckle.

"So, you could just decide to start wars and nobody would stop you!?" Jin-ah asked.

"That's the confidential part." I said as I put a finger over my lips.

"Well let me ask you something. If there was a time were you would have to pick the associations work over my daughter which would you choose?"


"Well, I'd choose Jin-ah. Not only am I here with the association, but the chief who's also National rank can take care of the associations work." I answered.

"How nice. I remember when their dad talked about destroying the country for me if he had to." She said with a distant smile.

"Sorry for your loss."

"Humph, there's no way that mans dead." She said in a proud and confident manner.

"Was he S-rank?"

"The strongest."

"I see." I said in a shocked manner at how lively she became when she talked about him. He must have been a good man.

She looked over at Jin-ah who was rubbing Raiju as tilted her head.

"His name's Raiju. I found him in a dungeon and decided to raise him." I said as I saw him leave Jin-ah's arms and walk over to their mother.

"I bought a few things on my way here." I said as I too out the jewelry cases. I gave them their respective pieces and they were all surprised as they opened the cases. Jin-woo probably didn't think I would get him anything, but to be honest it was one of those at the moment options.

"You didn't have to buy this. I don't think I have anything to wear with it." Hyung-hye said as she looked at the gem that was in the necklace.

"I would have just been fine with some chocolate." Jin-ah said in a low voice.

"I guess that makes two favors." Jin-woo commented as he crossed his arms and folded one leg over the other.

"Nah, I got them as gifts and it honestly wasn't too much."

"How much was it all?" Jin-ah asked. I took the receipt out of the bag and read it.

"A total of $4,256,300 won." I said as I put the receipt back in the bag.

There was a silence in the room as it seemed like everyone froze.

"Why would you spend that type of money on jewelry?" Jin-ah said with a sigh.

"I bought it because I thought you would like it." I said with a sigh as I looked off to the side.

"I didn't say I don't like it." She said as she got up from the couch and hugged me.

"I assume you had plans to go out today?"Hyung-hye asked with a smile.

"Since I'm free for today, we can go if you want?" I asked. She nodded her head eagerly with a smile.

"Then I won't keep you waiting." She said as she got up and went into the kitchen. Jin-ah also left to her room as Raiju jumped into my lap.

"What do you think about Jeju Island?" Jin-woo asked.

"Meh, it'll be easy. It's just ants."

"I don't think it's good to underestimate the enemy." He replied with a smile.

"I actually think we're overestimating them. Not only am I going, but Jin-cheul and the other S-ranks from South Korea and Japan's too guild is coming as well. To be honest Jin-cheul can do this alone."

"So he's that strong?"

"Yeah. After I re-awakened him, he became S+ in rank. With his combat capabilities he would easily be National rank and on top of His Berserk mode, he could keep up with is in a battle. I don't know how long he can stay in that mode though." I informed him.

"Hmm" He started thinking deeply about something as his eyes started to gain a purple glow.

Jin-ah, came out of her room after a few minutes and Jin-woo went into the kitchen. When she came out we told her mom that we would be leaving and Jin-woo saw us out.

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