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Chapter 11: Chapter 11: The Orchestrator

Author's note: I'm back! Anyways, here's a chapter for you all!

Join the server as well, it's my friend's server, he does fanfiction as well. We just need people so please. I'm there as well, an admin so you can ask me anything about the story!


As the smoke slowly dissipated, Ash, and Gray could see what was behind all of it. They saw Spearow on top of an unconscious Butterfree with a glint in his eyes.

A slight smirk formed on Gray's face, even if Spearow's opponent was slightly powerful, and was fully evolved, he still managed to win and completely annihilate the Butterfree.

Meanwhile, Ash felt different feelings unlike Gray. He reacted fast and ran into the battlefield, checking out his unconscious Pokémon.

"Hey, great job Butterfree, leave the rest to us okay?"

After giving his Pokémon some comfort, he then returned Butterfree back from its home. Ash looked at Gray and threw another Pokéball.

"I choose you, Pidgeotto!"

Unlike the majestic and graceful Butterfree, a more mysterious, and honorable Pokemon came out. With a cry that was heard from miles away, a gust of wind blew towards Spearow, making him stumble in the air for a bit.

"Hmm, you wouldn't defeat this Pokémon, Spearow. At least weaken and deter him as much as possible!"

Spearow's determined and prideful eyes deterred from such words, but soon a fire lit inside as it fuelled his strength even more.

Sure he wasn't as strong as Elekid, or Magikarp, but he will surely fight until his eyes drop shut.

"Pidgeotto, [Wing Attack]!"

The large bird chirped, as it charged towards Spearow with mass and momentum, a terrifying combination. Spearow on the other spares into the air, using his lightness as an advantage against his new opponent.

"Spearow, keep up the speed. While you're in the air, use [Focus Energy] also, when you see the opportunity strike with [Pursuit]!"

The battle in the skies began!

Pidgeotto's wings shuddered, and gained a glow of white, while Spearow glowed blue for a moment then it reseeded.

The bigger amphibian flew faster, as it's wings shone more and more, after a few moments later he finally connected an attack.

The attack sent Spearow flying downwards, however a second after Spearow was hit, he came right back up, surprising Pidgeotto who was hunting him down.

A dark aura covered Spearow, as his eyes glowed red. Then his body became blurry and slammed into Pidgeotto.


The two were sent in the opposite direction, Spearow crashed down, while Pidgeotto took flight, trying to shake off the surprise attack from Spearow.

When the smoke was blown away, they saw the unconscious Spearow. Gray returned the poor bird back and said,

"Not bad, but I expect more from you."

Ash, who heard what Gray declared, was shocked. How could he be so devoid of emotion? Ash had seen the Spearow's hard work and determination, the Pokémon could use some encouragement.

"Hey! Why are you so mean! He worked so hard, defeated my Butterfree and damaged my Pidgeotto, but you only said you didn't do good enough?!"

Gray narrowed his eyes at Ash, he didn't want anyone who didn't know him and his Pokémon spouting things he didn't need to say.

"Don't get in my life Ketchum, all you need to do is shut up and don't cross the border."

Ash was about to say things again, but halted on doing it. His body shook as Gray's voice grew colder and colder.

"Tch, Elekid, stand by for battle!"

Shaking off what Ash said, Gray returned Spewtow back and threw another Pokéball, releasing an eccentric, lively, and childish Pokémon.

[Who's that Pokemon?]

Elekid roared with excitement, as a surge of lightning covered most of the side he's on. On the other side of the battlefield, Ash and Pidgeotto were confused and nervous.

[It's Elekid!]

Both of them didn't know what that Pokémon was, but by the looks of it, it's an Electric-type Pokémon and it doesn't come from the Kanto region.

"Pidgeotto, keep your distance and keep attacking fast!"

The amphibian chirped, soaring through the skies, making distance between him and his opponent. Elekid just smirked, and punched his fist together.

"Hmm… keep your distance relatively close, just don't attack until it attacks. You can't fight it on its territory."

Elekid nodded, waiting for Pidgeotto's patience to run out. Although he was standing still, Elekid got bored and started to charge up his electricity by swinging his arms wildly.

"You can't win by doing nothing Ketchum! Do you want to be a coward? Come and fight!"

Gray taunted the boy, which somehow worked. Ash then called out to Pidgeotto, telling it to attack with full power.

Pidgeotto rushed towards Elekid, his wings covered with white energy. Elekid smirk grew, a second before Pidgeotto could land a hit, his body shook with danger and resistance.

His body and instinct took over and pulled him back from Elekid. Ash was shocked, he had never seen Pidgeotto that scared before, the fear even made him retreat.


Ash stood there in shock, and Gray took this to his advantage.

"Now use all your charged energy and release a powerful [Shock Wave]!"

Elekid smiled, his electricity turned blue and ridgid. It moved so fast and without direction, striking everything in its path:



A large explosion was heard, and then the surge of blue lightning traveled towards Pidgeotto, he tried to move away, but it was too fast and covered too much space.


Another explosion happened, but this time it occurred after Pidgeotto was hit. When the smoke cleared, an unconscious, and severely burnt Pidgeotto laid on the ground.

A gasp escaped from Misty's mouth, her eyes traveled towards Ash, who was just standing with his eyes widened.

"Ash! Hurry! Return and heal Pidgeotto before he dies!"

Ash, who was woken up, hurriedly pulled back Pidgeotto to his home and sprayed some leftover potions he had from Viridian City.

"Hey! You could have killed Ash's Pidgeotto! Why did you go all out!"

Misty shouted, trying to inquire why Gray didn't tell Elekid to stop.

"Well, he asked for this kind of battle. I'm not like those young kids waiting in the Route's. I'm a trainer, I train and utilize my Pokémon's ability and potential. I'm not a daycare, I don't sit and watch them, I'm the guide and the master."

"You could say I'm the orchestrator, the puppeteer, one might say. I am the brain, they are the body, I am the musician, they are the instruments, I am the master, they are the followers. They listen, I order."

Gray's cold tone and speech gave goosebumps to everyone there. It was spoken devoid of emotion, and with empty soulless eyes. This made Misty angry, these types of trainers are the worst, she thought.

In her eyes, trainers take care of Pokémon, making them their responsibility.

But in Gray's stand point, Pokémon are just a tool of weapons, made and upgraded for the sake of the user. This was not something she could accept as she had not seen the darker side of the world yet.

"Anyways, you still want to go?… Well I guess this is my win. Also, don't pay me. If those are your skills in battle, you will end up needing the money more than me."

Gray and Elekid left the battlefield, leaving a crying Ash, furious Misty, and a shocked crowd.


Meanwhile, in the shadows of the battlefield, a tall and thin young man stood. He has bright purple hair cut short at the sides with a large curl on top, a short purple beard, purple eyebrows and purple eyes.

He wears a black jumpsuit with a yellow-gold line, elbow length silver-gray gloves and knee high silver-gray boots, all with a red stripe at the edge, and a silver belt around his waist.

"Heh, looks like he's changed a bit… but, still strong as ever. Even with new Pokémon, what a monster."

The man laughed, pulling out a handheld transceiver, the man continued.

"Hey boss, the kid's back. And by the looks of it, he is gathering new Pokémon. An Elekid, and a Spearow. Although he has three more, I couldn't see them."

"Hmm, good, relay more news to me. Also, transfer some money to the kid, a father's love if you may…"

A mysterious voice said through the static, it held an authoritative, charismatic tone. The man smiled, laughing again before he stopped.

"I see, well, I guess it's transferred now. Anyways, I'll keep in touch with ya, see ya later."

The man laughed again, summoning a Crobat before leaving with the wind.


The End of Chapter 11: The Orchestrator


Author's notes: Yo, I'm back. I found out I just over exerted myself with my training. Nothing major like COVID.

Anyways I assure you all that the story will be spicier in the Pewter/Cerulean City arc. A bunch of important characters will be revealed, and new Pokémon for Gray to capture.

See ya guys in the next chapter!

[Nexus_0 note: peanut did my boy Youngster Joey dirty smh]

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