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Chapter 85: Chapter 83

I'm posting some chapters ahead of time on my discord server:


Tank and Hawky were the two of three first-ever shadow soldiers that Ashborn got in this world. They were his oldest companions and also great assets in his army. Their strength was no joke, and even now, they were a great help to the army of shadows despite having stronger soldiers.

But something happened, and the connection between them and their lord was lost.

This was a devastating blow for them, as those who followed their lord from the beginning. They lost their strength and power so quickly that they weren't able to at least bid farewell.


Hawky painfully landed on the ground, and the moment he tried to stand up, his legs gave out. His mind was a mess, as he couldn't make sense of what was happening around him.


The purple weightless wings flapped for the first time in a long time. It didn't help the shadow, instead, it made him the center of attention. The violent flaps didn't go unnoticed by the ice-soldiers who were created by the Frost Monarch. Nearby, frost soldiers turned to the birdy creature,


Someone threw an ice spear at the wings. It hit right on the spot and froze the wings to the ground. Now Hawky was completely immobilized, with no strength to even call for help.

His eyes darted to the place where the Frost Monarch was fighting with Windsom. The blurry vision could pick up the two silhouettes. One of them was on the knees, though. Standing was obviously the Frost Monarch.

[Pathetic shadows, finally you bugs have fallen.]

"You couldn't kill those bugs yourself for hours, who are you to say that?" Windsom in his humanoid form, cracked a grin and ridiculed Frost Monarch.

The frost monarch said nothing, he couldn't retort those words. He'll most likely get more humiliated if he tries to find some excuse.

From the ground, he brought up the ice. It rose quickly and covered half of the shadow's body.

"What? You finally realized how pathetic YOU are?" Windsom continued to press the subject, angering the monarch.

"I'm nothing but a mere servant, always was, and you can't defeat me. You come here and entitle yourself the same way my lord does. Isn't this ridiculous? There's no comparison between you and my lord. You are nothing, but a pathetic bug."

The frost monarch gritted his teeth as he accelerated his magic. The ice already covered most of Windsom's body up to his neck.

"This is not the end. Mark my words, we have dealt serious damage to you. The only thing left is for the wind to sweep you out of existanc-"

Before Windsom could finish, his mouth was reached by ice, and he couldn't speak anymore. He was completely out.

[Speak all you want, results will be the same. Bastard…]

With a cold voice, the Frost Monarch looked down on the frozen shadow soldier. For all the frustration he got from this particular soldier, he decided that it would be appropriate to get rid of him first.

[A mere shadow dared to talk to me like that. Know your place.]

The ice-scythe appeared in his hand as he brought it down on the frozen dragon.


It connected to the dome of ice and split it into many broken parts. Broken pieces landed on the ground.

[It's time for you to disappear once and for all.]

As the ice monarch said this, the broken pieces began to disperse into tiny ice particles that flew all across the land. The shadow soldier, the marshal of Ashborn's shadow army, Windsom, had fallen and was erased from existence by the Monarch of Frost.

[You are the first of many more.]

Quite angered, the frost monarch blitzed to a different side of the battlefield. With Windsom, one of the Marshals, gone, It didn't matter anymore; they could simply overpower them with an advantage in numbers.

That is if they were capable of fighting.

Even those marshals at that moment were as weak as the weakest in the shadow army. They lost their strength with Ashborn gone.

[Quaresha, you are still not done with your part.] The Frost Monarch voiced his disagreement with the Plague Monarch's actions.

[I'm just educating the disobedient children of mine.]

Countless corrosive green spears rained down on the poor Beru. They pierced his tough skin, and it was apparent that he had lost his strength. The Ant King was, however, not intimidated by the mad expression of the Plague Monarch.

The only thing Beru had on his mind was his liege's condition.

'My liege!' He was still trying to get in contact with him. It was in vain. The ant was feeling like a child who had lost sight of his parents in the crowd. It was a terrifying feeling.

'What are you all doing?!'

He screamed at the shadow soldiers in his mind. For what reason were they unable to even try to stand up? What was going on with them?

[Look, it is still trying.]

[His attempts are futile; with Ashborn removed, the Shadow Army is incapable of continuing fighting. Right now they are a slice of dead meat, very weak, not able to even stand on their legs properly.]

'My lord?'

Did they succeed in killing him? Then why were they still alive?

Beru wasn't sure, but he could feel the slight flow of mana in him. It was very poor, but thanks to it they were still alive. The black heart was still burning, meaning there was a possibility of their lord still being alive.

[What is Baran doing? He was dealing with the most problematic shadows, but he still hasn't taken down the veil. What's the matter?] The Frost Monarch asked.

Quaresha shrugged, [Most likely, he is torturing them instead of Ashborn.]

[Oh, because Antares wouldn't allow it, would he? He'll prefer to do it himself.]

Quaresha licked her lips with a seductive smile, [Well... I'd happily eat the corpse of the Shadow dude.]

"Old hag! Don't you dare talk about my liege like that!"

Beru screamed at the top of his lungs. His sudden screeching didn't surprise the monarchs; they expected the outburst from "Shadow Soldier."

Beru brought out his hand, "This is what you will get!" He had claws, not fingers, but he did exactly what you'd expect him to. The longest of his claws, the middle one to be exact, was shown at full display.


The spear made out of green mass fell on Beru's chest.

[I told you once, to shut up.]

"No, you shut up!"

What the ant king was experiencing now was still nowhere close to what Agrona and Aldir were going through.


They were under the constant stream of electricity hitting their shadow bodies. Their pain tolerance was completely neutralized. Their lord felt the pain from this magic. They'll feel a lot more than that. In addition to having their connection with Ashborn severed, their minds were going through a lot of things.

[Slowly your mana is getting diminished. The shadow bastard's mana may have gifted you great resistance, but it won't be enough to withhold the effects of my magic. You are being erased from existence.]


The long sword slid into their chests as Agrona and Aldir mentally prepared themselves for another charge.


The sword glowed brightly, and electricity surged through it. With every second that passed, the duo could feel their existence diminishing.

[Your commitment to your lord is praisable, but I must tell you, some of your comrades have already been erased. The dragon shadow, to be exact.]

'That's Windsom!'

[Judging from your expressions, it must've been some notable shadow... too bad, it's gone now.]

Wisdom wasn't just a marshal, he was a great friend to Aldir, and learning this information for him wasn't pleasant.

[That's great. Suffer till your last breath.]


The electricity sparks on the sword intensified, and the shadows literally began to burn because of it. Baran was laughing while looking at the scenery. It brought satisfaction to him to see how Ashborn's soldiers suffered.

Agrona wasn't even sure about what they were fighting anymore. With the connection between their lord broken, there was no apparent reason to stay. Should they just give up?

'Agrona…' He heard a voice next to him call out. The former Vritra head turned his attention toward his comrade.

'What is it?' He asked with a weak voice.

Aldir shook his head and muttered, 'I don't think... I can keep on.' There was a sadness in his tone, and Agrona could feel all the disappointment it contained.

'What should we do?'

'I'll activate the World Eater with my remaining mana. It should be enough to activate a large chain reaction between mana particles…'

'Then what? It won't kill him... but we won't regenerate anymore.'

'I will use all the mana I have right now. It'll be a much bigger blow.'

Agrona hesitated for a bit, but eventually gave in and blinked at his comrade. Aldir understood and began the activation. Going as far as to put the mana which kept him alive for this long.

[Do you still have the energy to activate a technique?] Baran noticed their actions. He couldn't sense a lot of mana. Hell, it shouldn't be enough to even scratch him.

He raised an eyebrow and directly questioned, [What are you doing?]

"You are too dumb to understand it. So I won't tell you." Through the pain, Aldir muttered.

World Eater was strong before, but it was nothing compared to what it is now. The violent mana particles clashed into each other and repelled chaotically. In a calm atmosphere with mana, the World Eater would have been able to destroy an entire country. But this time the mana was shaking. Every single mana particle, shaking and about to explode.

He would destroy everything. He loved the continent, and everything that he could remember in his long life. The oceans will vaporize. Continents will melt and leave nothing behind. But it doesn't matter anymore. Nothing matters anymore. He felt it. His King. He was dying. The land below him was already dead. the best he could do? Take the foes with him.

Aldir used every bit of energy he had left. His eyes shone brightly as never before. It reached its peak when it blinded everything surrounding it. This should be the final seconds before he will face Eternal Nothingness. He wasn't afraid, but disappointed. He was disappointed in himself, he was serving his king for such a short time. He wanted to serve him for eternity, but that was a blessing he shouldn't have received.

The mana in the atmosphere began to shake. Small sparks formed around him, beginning to lighten up by every second. Even Baran widened his eyes upon seeing this sight.

But it was then that he felt something, something or someone, was approaching. A mana that he was very familiar with, but also quite different. He slightly opened his third eye, but couldn't see the source of the mana, only a crack in space that shouldn't be there. Well, it doesn't matter. It's over, and he accepted it.


Although it wasn't because of the World Eater. The barrier that they were trapped in cracked open and dispersed. A plume of black smoke enveloped the surroundings. The purple lightning struck the ground.

'No…Ashborn couldn't have defeated Antares!' Baran screamed in his mind when the barrier broke.


The space shattered, opening the way for a portal. What's going on?? Aldir halted his attack. Agrona's eyes sparkled with hope.


There was nobody coming out of the portal, and Baran couldn't sense magic either.

[So that was just a decoy?] He voiced it loudly for himself.

Hearing this urged Aldir to continue his activation, and finally end his life with it, but...


Something... no Someone gently tapped on his shoulder, and immediately the power in him rose. He looked back, expecting to see his lord, but... it wasn't him.

[We haven't met each other in person, but I've heard a lot about you. I believe this is our first genuine meeting.

Baran's white eyes expanded like a pan.

[Ashborn's memories showed me a lot.]

While the mana around him was still shaking, it suddenly stopped. It didn't disappear like the last time he was interrupted in his spell, it just stopped shaking.

"You are…" Baran trembled in fear.

The person behind him, he now understood why the mana was familiar. It was the same mana, the same source of power, that his king used. It was the power of the Shadow Monarch.

"Baran.", the person, turning his gaze towards the Monarch of the white flames. "I'm your enemy now."

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